' The Clinton Independent. VOL XXXIII—NO 46- 8T. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY. AUGUST 81.1899. WHOLE NO.-171K BREVITIES. in class of ’99 He is strong in English ARRESTED WORTHY OF EXAMPLE. What are you doing for onr Conatjr and oratory ; is 27 years old and has THE FAIR Fair to open Tuesday, September 26tb For Violating Village Ordinance Prohibit ­ and continue four days f School opens Tuesday, September 6 . had considerable practice in public The 44th Annual Exhibition of the Clinton How a Young Man Is Fast Reaching the ing Retailing on the Street* of Order your cucumbers from Yariger speaking, which ably prepared him for Couutjr Agricultural and Horticul ­ Top of the Ladder Through Ills Own St. John*. BUSINESS LOCALS. at 20 cents a hundred. a teacher of English. tural Society Will be Held In St. Efforts and Proper Conduct. John*, September 86, 67, 28 Albert Simpson, residing in the Today Is “St. Johns Day ” at the We are in receipt of a communica Fred Boron, whose parents reside In Apples Wauted. and 89. 1S99. south western part of Ovid, township, We are in the market for any quan ­ Durand street fair and carnival. tion from Rev. J. T. Ewing, rector of No pains or trouble Is being spared Olive township, this county, and who tity of Paring and Cider Apples. All Loren Castle carries his left arm in was arrested last Saturday St. John’s church, dated at Linesvllle, by the officers of this soejety to make by officer Hulbert on com­ had occupied a responsible position in sound apples two and one-fourth inches a sling. He is nursing a boll on his In size, and larger, will do for paring. Pa., August 28. in which he says that the coming exhibition prominent plaint of Marshall Keeney, charging John Hicks ’ grain elevator and supply hand. the evening services will be resumed house for two years, about three weeks Tiie small cider apples should be kept among the best that has been offered the violation of an ordinance prohibit­ separate from the others. Windfalls At about 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoon next Sunday evening, and that the since the organization of the society, ago was given an opportunity to enter and apples that are shaken off will do last the mercury stood at 92 in the ing the selling at retail from a wagon Holy Communion will be celebrated at 44 years ago. on the streets of St. Johns without a into competition with 400 others for a for dryers. Will not barrel any more shade. the morning service. He adds that he The lists of premiums offered are desirable position in the brancli house early apples for a short time. Marcus B. Face, Maple Rapids, has license. He was taken before Justice .Wolcott , D anlev & Co. is having a good time. now being distributed, and those who Lyon, where he pleaded not guilty, of Whitman & Barnes, tlie great man­ had an increase of pension from $10 to Marshal Keeney has planted two have not yet received one may be sup­ ufacturers and Jobbers in this and PuniIs desiring to study Piano, Or­ $14 per month. and his trial was set down for Friday, iron posts at the drinking fountain at plied by calling at the store of the September 1. A warrant has been foreign countries, at Akron, O. Every gan, Harmony or Voice Culture, are Mrs. C. S. Allison, gave a luncheon requested to commence their work the the head of the avenue, to which he president, F. A. Travis. The premi­ Issued for the arrest of Joseph Thelen, applicant must undergo a rigid mental Tuesday afternoon for Miss Olive has attached by chains two new cups, ums offered are liberal and apply to examination and in tlie various branch ­ 1st week of September if possible. Munger, of St. Johns. salesman for Mr. Yariger, for the Marion E. D o doe , which are drawn up by the means of nearly every article produced upon same offense. es of study. Mathematics was the Studio of Music over Spaulding & The common council of Ithaca are springs, out of the way when not in the farm, in the home and the shop. study given the most attention and Co’s. Store, Clinton Ave. due here today on an official visit to People come to town with loads of use. This Is better and safer than the It Is the aim of the officers to make melons, berries, potatoes, or wlmt not, greatest test. Forty problems. In va­ study up sewerage matters. old way of having the cups dangling in these annual fairs a pleasant meeting rious forms, were given, all of which New fall Dress Goods in black and Miss Clara Carson, of Owosso, gave and after stocking up the groceries colors at Noble Burnett ’s. and out of the horse basin. place for a good visit with friends with all they will bear, they then go Mr. Boron solved within as many min­ a Nastursion lunch, Saturday, for Miss Married, at the home of the bride ’s from the various sections of the coun ­ utes, and many of them without the The Time xnd Opportunity. Olive Munger, of St. Johns. about peddling to the people, and in parent’s, this village, at high noon, ty, to exhibit their products and to most cases at a cut price from what aid of pen or pencil. Tills Is some­ If you are to buy a Bicycle sooner or It cost the taxpayers of Lansing Tuesday, August 29, 1899, by Rev. W. exchange views in relation to the thing that had never been done before later you can save money by buying It $49,823.23 to run their schools last year. the grocer must get in order to have a of us now, as we are offering our entire F. Allen, .Glenn R. Hathaway and mode of planting and cultivation. No profit with which to pay his rent, bv any applicant. stock of wheels at cost. This is no An average of $15.81 per pupil. Miss Mildred J. Marsh, all of St. Johns. one is trying to make money out of it, Of course Fred was accepted over all idle talk, but real business, as you will Beginning with Sept. 2nd, Nora taxes and Incidental expenses, which There were many relatives and friends but simply to have a good time and to are too numerous to mention. other applicants and given a place in learn by calling on us. Wandel-Mann will receive pupils in present, who brought many handsome show what can be produced in Clinton the salesroom, and it is already Inti­ F. H. Brsn & Co., piano, voice culture add harmony. What provoked the arrest of Simp­ Opp. tlie post-office, St. Johns. presents for these popular young peo­ county. son, was that he occupied the most mated that he will be placed at the The trimmed hats that Mrs. L. ple, who at once began their wedded •Persons looking about for farms head of one of the branch houses, at a C'antleld is selling for 50 cts. and $1.00 prominent corners on the avenue and New Capes and Jackets life In a practical way. usually visit these fairs to see the high salary, within a very short time. at N oble Burnett ’s. are the best values ever shown in St. as the melons were eaten the rinds Rome time ago Michigan applicants quality of their products, and this were thrown upon the walks and in Fred Boron’s early life is one which Johns. alone renders our fairs great adver­ might be Imitated by any young man Second Hsud Wheels Music-lovers of St. Johns will have for clerical positions in the census the gutters, to the annoyance of deal­ In good good shape at prices which will bureau were ordered to report at tisers. ers. with pride and profit. He hits been make It interesting to callers and buy ­ the pleasure of listening to the cele­ It is hoped the stock men of the thoiough in all that lie has undertak ­ ers. Listen : Wheels for $2.95 to $15. brated Louise Brehany Concert Co., Chicago in October to take an examin­ The state legislature granted the ation. This meant an expensive trip county will co-operate with the mer­ villages of the state the right to regu ­ en ; always faithful and honest with Don’t miss the place and opportunity. October 18th. chants, manufacturers, farmers, gar­ his employer ; is free from all bad liab* F. H. Bush & Co., Durand Express : “A. E. Dutclier, to 200 persons, and the result is that late by ordinance, tlie peddling from Opp. tlie post-office, St. Johns. Director Merriam has agreed that the deners and housewives in making the house to house and from wagons upon its and enjoys the respect and confi­ of St. Johns, of the firm of Dutcher coming fair one worthy of patronage. dence of all. How easy it is to build For prompt and careful service in. & Conn here, is assisting in the shoe Michigan examination shall be held the streets. in Lansing. It will begin Sept. 27 Arrangements are being perfected It is not tlie intention of the authori ­ a good structure in life if you only draying and at reasonable charges em- store this week. ” for a fine field of horses to compete in build tlie foundation well. We pre­ ploy W. A. Beach, the new drayman. Those wishing to rent rooms to pu­ and continue three or four days.
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