\ ■' \ . V / ......... .. Ilfl A venge Dally Circalati<^ '’Ihe Weather’r ■ For the Mmth of March, 1944;^ Foreeai 1 U< A Weatbdr fhnmn Fair teatghi aad Friday; dot V 8,706^ quite ee eonL tonight; wanner Member of the Audit \' Friday. > r Blifeuu o f Olrcolutlone Manchester— A City of VUlage^Chttrm VOL. LXIII., NO. 159 (CleaMBea IvertMug oa Page It) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 6,1944 (FOURTEilN PAGES) PRICE hlREE C E N ^ Gasoline Goes Up in Smoke Down-More Than ■■, R ^ d 40 Enemy Planes As Ploesti Is Hit /I Rail Yards Oioked With Tank Cars Main Tar­ Judge Raps get; Many‘ Fires and Twin Beds French Coast Gflvalry and Light Tanka Explosions Caused; Trails Told y Drive on Port from German Communica­ As ^Unholy ^ Again Target T^sk Fa^ed Three Directions; Push tions Are Attackedi Toward Last Remain* S€ty$ Introdhciihn Has ing Escape /Routfe for Allied Headquarters, Na­ ForBombers / n D ay ples, April 6.—(/P)— Ameri­ Resulted in More Di­ Defenders! ; ‘VioleiH.. can heavy bombers and their vorces Than Any Other fighter escorts shot down No Aircraft I-<osl Allied Western Invasion \FightiiiR’ Raging ! on more than 40 enemy plaries Single Factor in Homes Operation; Only 1\ Timetable Worked Out \ City’ s Approaches. during yesterday’s big raid ger Flak ami N.o^ on Ploesti, Rumania, Ger­ Chicago, April fi.—(/f)—Twin To Minutest Detail ;\ .^foscow, April 6.— (iiP)— many’s m a^ source of oil, beds, says Judge Frank Donohue ^ ial Opposition Tbflay. Only Few Know Date. Russian storm troops pushed Allied headquarters announc­ of women’s court, are an “unholy into the outlying suburbs of London, April 6— — U. S ed today. The main targets on system” , and they should be With- the United States Army Odessa today iand the roar of thlB raid were raif yards choked Liberators today bombed the “ In­ thrown out of American homea Here are some of the 14 tank cars .loaded gasottop-'and oil which explode! and burned following Sfmewhere in Britain, April 6—VP) battle echoed ithroqghout the with tank cars. “ The Invention, Innovation or desallment of a Big Foui railroad train near ; field, tChio, in which 2b of the train's 75 cars left the vasion coast” of France, striking —“P ” day has been set, city. Gen. Rodion Y. Malinov* . Adjacent Reflne'ries Hit the Pas-de-Calais area for the sec­ introduction o f twin beds Into the rails, (AP Wirephoto). ’The Allied western invasion sky’s cavalry and light tanks Bombs were showered over marital boudoir has caused more ond consecutive day under, escort timetable has been Worked out to tracks, rolling stock and adjacent drove on the great Black sea dissension, distrust and disunity of Thunderbolt fighter planes. the minutest detail. buildings, causing many fires and Only a few hlg^h-ranking officers port from three directions, explosions, an announcement said. resulting in divorce than any oth­ Air headquarters said no air­ front line dispatches said, advanc* er single factor." Judge Donohue Fuel Minister craft were lost on the operatiorii know the datei however, and only Adjacent oil refineries also were feWy Tops Hopefuls a few will Know it before hand.' ing from positions which last hit. ‘ said yesterday after assessing a which encountered only meager night were only nine miles from 8200 fine against a childless cou­ flak and no aerial opposition. A But topflight commanders In Smaller formations of Flying Raps Strikes talks with their officers and men the heart of the metropolis. ple on charges of disorderly con­ few. hours earlier R.A.F, bombers, Heads for Spur Railway Fortresses' and Liberators attack­ flying for the first time in a week, are being amaZingly frank in some ed railways at ~Nis and Leskovac duct. As W illkie W ithdraws respects—even to' the extent of The right flank of Malinovsky’s "This unholy sy.stem has result­ returned from blasting German Third Ukrkinlan ■ Army pushed in Yugoslavia as the Allies pur­ In Wartniie aircraft repair plants at Toulouse, telling the troops the job cut out sued a relentless' campaign ed in millions of childless homes for them. through the quagmires west ot and of multiplying • divorce ac­ France, less than 50 miles from the city heading for the Odessa- against German communica'ums Nomlnalion W i 11, o u 11 W R l k i e D r O D S Spain. Among American troops who in the Balkans in coordination tions.” will participate in the initial as­ Ovidop^ spur rmiway—the last Governinent RfpVes ludi* Dtrings Floats Lntic- 4 “ The targets .were clearly seen remaining escape Toute to Ruma­ with the Russian land advance. He said that the decline of the in the moonlight and first reports sault on Adolf Hitler’s fortress a While the heavy bombers were nation starts with the disintegra­ growing tenseness can be noticed. nia for the defendeYa of Odessa, cate Britaiip^ FaHhion- ingly Close Before indicate that the bombing was ef­ the dispatches added. thus occupied on distant targets, tion of the family and urged “gov­ Out of Race; In their barracks the soldiers fective," the announcement said. talk among themselves but there Even if the trapped Germans mediums and fighter-bombers ernment subsidies for the' full use ing *Big 3tick’ to End New York Governor^ The raid represented « round- continued then intensive' cam- of a good old fashioned marital is tremendous Security conscious­ and Rumanians succeed in reach­ trip flight of at least 1,000 miles, ness among them when they are ing Ovldopol, they musL sUU paign against German communi- bed,” and suggested legislation Widespi?Bad Stoppugcii. Big Surprise but despite the length of the jour- Wasliiiigton, April 6.— (iT*) mkke the haZardous trip by ferry caUons in Italy. It was .announc­ against twin beds. ney all but one of the bTg bomberT^**^**^ ed that all rail linet, from north­ London, April 6— (/P) Fuel — Presidential nomination rMumed, the Air Ministry said. to Akkennan and thence by a ' without strings floated en-1 wrindUig single-track railway to ern Italy to thi' front area again Minister Gwilym Lloyd George Coiiceiles No Chance to Mines also were laid In enemy Rumaniik have been cut and that the Ger­ told the House of Commo.ns today ticingly close before GpV.j waters during the night. Eaker Reveals Win 1944 Republican The Germans’ Frankfurt radio Assam Front Malinovkky’s cavalry and tanka mans have been unable to move in . emphatfcahy-worded state-,- hofliHS “ Dewey of f^ew! ^through trains hnee March 28. an 'I E, warned'today that “enemy bomb­ had cut off the main escape routs to Rumania by capturing Raxdel- Air Marshal Sir John C. Slessor, ment that “strike action in time York today as Wendefi L. | Nomination After De­ ers are flying toward . southeast naya, 38 miles itortbweat of Odes- . deputy oommander-in-chief of the Allied Troops of war cannot’ be justified” and V^illkie quit the Republican Germany," possibly foretelling a , Still Feeling feat in Wisconsin. qa, and then preksing southwest- Mediterranean Allied Air Forces, simultaneous government movps, penetration of the Reich by Italy- race after losing a long-shot ward to take Strasabiirg, which discussing the importance of the Indicated Britain was fashioning based bombers of the American gamble for Wisconsin dele­ Omaha, April 6—bP).— Wendell commands a side road from Odessa air campaign in the -Balkans, said Bomb yictims “ a big stick" to end widespread 16th Air Force. Japs’ Drive stoppages in the mining and ship­ gates. Dewey, who reached for L. Willkie, the Republican party’s to Tiraspol on the lower Dneiater the PloesU oil fields were vital the prise at Philadelphia in 1940 \ Two-Way Strike building industries. • , / ^ , 1940 standard bearer and an in­ river. to the Germans “on anything like As the D. S. Army lent a hanu<i\"'y toNflnd Willkie had grabbed Thexassault capped a day in If previous German pracUcs a lohg term basis.” which the American forces sent Allies Inflict Casualties Number Killed jDuring to speed mining operations in the it, stoodXfar out a.s the leading defatigable campaigner for the has been followed commanders of "Tha Germans could not possi­ pos8lMlity\f0ir the nomination in honor again this year, has with­ fighters against the Berlin and the Axis forces in tbs Odessa arta Nortoumberland coal fields. Lloyd Munich artos and hea'vy bombers In . Ambushes Laid bly carry bn without them," he Air Assault op Cassino the wake o f ' , Willkie's dramatic drawn from the race, conceding probably have - already deserted said, / George declared that the coal to Rumania’s Ploesti oil field re­ bow out of avdontest oh which he he has no cltance to win the par­ their men and equipment, u d Most Ot 'i)funa:_3 Repaired March 15; Accidentally crisis is the worst since 1026 an<t gion in a two-way strike from Along Roads North declared the "government cannot had spent m <»Lof .his efforts for ty’s 1P44 presidential nomination. have been taken out by ship -and It was esUhiatad that the oil the last four .v^rs. In an abrupt and dramatic an­ bases in Britaih and‘ the Mediter­ And South of Base. Fall Far from Target. stand aside ahd allow collective ranean. u plane. field, installations were 40 per bargaining ■ or the machinery of Failed to Udn Delegate nouncement at -a rally in Omaha Aimed at Heart of City ^ cent destroyed in last summer's Willkie failed to. win . a delegate City'auditorium last night Willkie, Flying Fortresses and Libera: Allied Headquarters, Naples, conciliation and arbitration in this tors from bases in Italy, fighting New Delphi, April 6.—(/F)— Four Red Army pushes are b s - ^ ‘ big raid on them by U.
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