17-2 Special Reports The Current Situation and the Result of Promoting the Integration of Energy and Resources in Taiwan Shang Wen Chan ─Project Director, Sinotech Engineering Consultants, LTD. Introduction energy usage efficiency in Taiwan and gradu- ally improve the structure of energy and indus- The Executive Yuan has set the target for trial system. In this way, Taiwan will steadily Carbon Reduction in the ‘Project of National develop a low carbon economy which forms Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction’ the foundation for building a low carbon soci- which was proposed in May 2010. Taiwan will ety. cut its carbon emission to the standard of 2005 by the year 2020 and then aim to achieve the One of the constructive measures based standard of 2000 by the year 2025. The mis- on the aforementioned project is to encour- sion of the Industrial Development Bureau is age the integration of energy and resources. to manage a positive national economic devel- This measure aims to integrate the energy opment, whilst ensuring environmental pro- and resources in existing industrial parks tection and social justice is not compromised. and actively assist companies to prop- Therefore, the Bureau is committed to assist- erly handle the energy or resources in the ing manufacturing industries in energy con- region. At the same time, companies are edu- servation and carbon reduction to improve the cated on methods to improve how they uti- 2 Special Reports lize energy and resources and how to estab- construction and increases the competitive- lish linkages for an effective recycling system. ness for the industries. The ultimate target is Accordingly, the transparent information of to achieve an eco-sustainable development in energy and resources, the eco-friendly indus- the industrial parks. tries and eco-industrial parks which recycle all resources can be established. The target of Since 2009, the Industrial Development Zero-Wastes and Low-Carbon Parks are pos- Bureau from the Ministry of Economic Affairs sible to achieve. Meanwhile, the measure also has encouraged the integration of energy in encourages recycling and reuse of renewable 22 industrial parks and the industrial commu- resources so that the industries form good eco nities under the bureau’s guidelines. In order cycles and material cycles. The eco bonds to coordinate the use of energy and resources between green industries and the existing in industrial parks and accomplish energy con- industries can be developed at a quicker pace. servation and carbon reduction, the Indus- It also has a complementary effect for high- trial Development Bureau has planned to recy- tech industries, which not only vitalizes the rel- cle excessive energy and resources from each evant industries but also encourages regional factory as renewable energy or resources for 3 The management of energy and resources in industries 17-2 their nearby counterparts through matching parks when using the same benefits index, as and linkage. The purposes are to encourage shown in Figure 1. In addition, the design con- the recycle and reuse of resources and energy cept and results of the traditional industrial to raise their usage efficiency. At the same parks are nothing compared to the eco-indus- time, economic profit will be increased via the trial parks, which can achieve 100% recy- complement between demand and supply in cle rate in production, amount of wastes and energy and resources. In addition, environ- social image (Figure 2). mental economic benefits like reduction of industrial greenhouse gas are also expected. The integration of energy and resources The substantial positive gains from this coor- is an effort to create the ultimate economic dination of reusing energy and resources pur- benefit with minimum wastage of energy sued by the Industrial Development Bureau and resources by using a well-planned link- will be extended to other industrial sectors. age system to manage demand and supply of energy, materials, resources and water in the region. In the meantime, the impact and the The concept of the integ- burden on the environment can be reduced ration of energy and re- (Fig 3). For example, assume A, B and C in sources Fig 3 to be factories in the vicinity. Before inte- In the early years, waste that is produced gration, the waste heat, exhaust gas, industrial from the manufacturing process of industrial waste and wastewater produced during man- companies is simply disposed of with little ufacturing process are discharged individu- consideration for the environment. This tradi- ally by each factory. This leads to a massive tional practice scores low on both of the envi- consumption of energy and resources which ronmental benefits index and economic bene- imposes a heavy burden on the environment. fits index. On the contrary, eco-industrial parks However, after integration, the waste heat score much higher than traditional industrial from factory A can be channeled to factory C 4 Special Reports Environmental Benefits Index H Waste Recycling Center Eco-industrial Park L H Economic Benefits Index Ordinary Industrial Park Science Park L Figure 1. The comparison of Environmental Benefit index of eco- industrial parks and other industrial parks. Raw Materials Management of Raw Products Materials and Products Zero Discharge Recycling Discharge Waste Waste Disposal Disposal Wastes Wastes Prsduction Social lmage Production Social Image None Traditional Industrial Park Eco-Industrial Park Figure 2. The comparison of eco-industrial parks and the traditional industrial parks in manufacturing production, amount of waste and social image. 5 The management of energy and resources in industries 17-2 ● Increase energy usage efficiency ● Increase extra income (heat, electricity) ● Save the cost of desposal of waste ● Promote corporate image ● Share carbon reduction benefits Products Regional Products Value boundary Value increase Reusable materials Waste heat Industrial waste Massive Input in Industrial Less Input in Energy Factory A waste Factory A Recycle plant Energy and resources and resources (electricity, fuel, water, raw (electricity, fuel, water, raw Waste heat Less Waste Exhaust materials) materials) gas Waste water Factory B Factory B Exhaust gas Waste water Reuse waste Reuse waste Outside the Factory C within the Factory C factory Recycle plant factory Waste water Before After Integration Integration Problem: ● Input energy resources massively Energy resources linkage ● Reduce discharge of Carbon Dioxide ● Cost of production is high benefits both environmentally and relevant pollution ● Waste heat/waste materials discharge and economically ● Save Air Pollution Fee individually ● Increase available factory space ● Inflict burden upon regional environment ● Reduce the cost of operation and maintenance of furnaces ● Reduce the cost of disposal of waste Fig 3 Illustration of the integration of energy and resources through pipelines and used as a source of heat way, improvement in energy usage efficiency to support its production process. The exhaust and reduction of carbon dioxide emission can gas from factory C can be pipped to factory B be accomplished. Simultaneously, exhaust gas, and used as raw material. The wastewater from industrial waste and wastewater are reused factory A can be used as a secondary water through the recycling process. As such, all fac- supply in factory C. In terms of industrial waste tories in the area can benefit environmentally disposal, these three factories can utilize quali- and economically through establishing linkages fied recycling organizations within or near their with each other for the reuse of energy and area to handle and recycle their wastes. In this resources. 6 Special Reports Among the 193 cases, 101 cases have been The result of overall perfo- closed and the estimated amount of linkage rmance and benefits has yielded 3.77 million tons of recycled energy The Industrial Development Bureau has and resources per year (the amount of linkage encouraged eco-industrial development since in energy is 3.49 million tons per year, while the 2009. By the end of 2015, 22 industrial parks amount of linkage in resources is about 280 have completed the process of integrating thousand tons per year). The accumulated eco- energy and resources. A total of 343 energy nomic profit has reached 3.27 billion NT dollars. and resources items have been planned and The results of each industrial park are shown in 193 cases have been successfully matched. Table 1. Table 1 The Overview of Results By Regions Over Years Substantial Linkage Achieved Linkage Planned Amount Year Key Areas Items Carbon Linkage Items Achieved Items (10000 Reduction tons/ year) steam, hydrogen, incineration slag, nitrogen, waste thermal insulating materials, baghouse dust or sludge from pollution control during electric stove steel process, alkaline liquid, 11 210 46.5 Linhai 17 oxidizing slag from arc furnace 2009 and steel-smelting furnace, reducing slag from arc furnace and steel-smelting furnace, waste solvent, non-hazardous organic waste liquid carbon dioxide, incineration Linyuan 9 slag, waste thermal insulating 4 1.0 0 materials, hydrogen Steam, sludge containing copper, waste bare copper Dayuan 10 wire, non-hazardous waste 6 40.4 9.3 solvent, waste solvent, 2010 inorganic sludge Steam, sludge containing Guanyin 13 copper, waste cutting fluid, inorganic sludge, waste oil 5 40.4 9.3 mixture 7 The management of energy and resources in industries 17-2 Substantial Linkage Achieved Linkage Planned Amount Year Key
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