Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus Weekly Newspaper Newspapers 11-20-1975 The rsinU us Weekly, November 20, 1975 Ruth Von Kummer Ursinus College James Grosh Ursinus College Judith James Ursinus College Stephen M. Lange Ursinus College Nancy Weatherwax Ursinus College See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Von Kummer, Ruth; Grosh, James; James, Judith; Lange, Stephen M.; Weatherwax, Nancy; Stetler, Alan; Poots, Cindy; DeWitt, David; Byerly, Jennifer; Geist, George; Schwartz, Andrew; Kramer, Mary Beth; Gault, Kevin; and Dent, Stephanie, "The rU sinus Weekly, November 20, 1975" (1975). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper. 47. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/47 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus Weekly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Ruth Von Kummer, James Grosh, Judith James, Stephen M. Lange, Nancy Weatherwax, Alan Stetler, Cindy Poots, David DeWitt, Jennifer Byerly, George Geist, Andrew Schwartz, Mary Beth Kramer, Kevin Gault, and Stephanie Dent This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/47 Non·Profit O'g. U. S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 40 mhr lIrsinus mrrkly Collegeville. Pa. Volume LXXV THURSDAY, NOVIDMBEJil, 20, 1975 No.7 Sub--stantial Lunch Dorm Visitation The Party's Over Reform Urged Saturday night, November 15, a uthorities. They said that no for­ 1975, was like any other Saturday mwl decision had been made as to Presented By Union' By JUDIE JAMES night at Ursinus College with one the action w.hich would be taken. Two new developments in the on- exception: Deans Whatley and Bo­ Dean Whatley commented re­ going controversy concernin'g "0- zorth unexpectedly appeared at a peatedly that student safety was pen-dorms" on the Ursinus campus party in Suite 200, New Men's para.mount in 'his mind. He cited have taken place '<luring the past Dorm 'at eleven {)'clock. Confusion this as one of the most important week. A t the regu,lar meeting of reigned the following Monday as reasons for curtailing suC'h activi­ the Ursinus Student Government the investigation into the prior ties. They related the details of Association on November 11, 1975, weekend's activ.ities proceeded. their entrance into the suite, lihe a resolution was passed which SATUR!DAY, NOVEMBIDR 15- taking of names and their subse­ called for the college to implement A large party .in Suite 200 which quent subjection to verbal and phy­ a dormitory visitation policy which commenced at eight {)'clock was al­ sica.l abuse by students in the vi­ would "insure the greatest amount cinity. They were questioned as to of individua.l choice." Earlier on legedly noisy and disturbing. Ac- cording to Dean Whatley, a phone what motivated their visit to the the same day the results of a sur- call cOJDJplaini,ng of the commotion ca.mpus. At this time Dean W'hat­ vey .by the "concerned students for was made which summoned Dean 'ley mentioned an anonymous phone social reform," an ol'ganization tip which informed him of the e­ which has made itself known on the Whatley and Dean Bozorth to the College at appr{)X'imately 11 p.m. vents whie:h had ·been going on in campus in the past month throu.gh At this time they entered the suite Reimert Hall that evening. He numell'Ous posters calIing for a re- locking the door :behind them and then telephoned Dean Bozorth and evaJ.uation of the dormitory visita- separated the students into two both men immediately proceeded to tion policy, well'e released. groups. As names were being tak- the College. A survey of the resident popula- en a chaotic exodus ensued. Many Both Deans expressed dissatis­ tion of the ocampus was taken using of those present eseaJped through faction and disgust with the stu­ a ranked sample consisting of every windows onto the balcony and low­ dents' actions. They discussed the fourbh na.me on an alp:ha'betical list. ered themselves to the ground be­ disregard of College ru,les. They SOIJ'lle ,interesting results which low. Kegs of beer were found in also enumerated the S'tate ,laws con­ were publiS'hed included the finding the suite along with numerous hill­ cernin·g the serving of liquor to that 33.68% of the sample favored fi.Jled .glasses. However, none of minors and the illegal cons>umption 24 ·hour open visitation for every the occupants of the su~te were in of alco'hruie ,bevera.ges by persons By JIM GROSH Dr. Decatur remaTked, "I have day of the week. A larger g>l'oup direct possession of oalcoho.Jic bev- who are not of a.ge. Because of the "We won because of our super­ cOlJ'llpared arid proven. Our hoagie consisting of 57.36% of the s'a.m- erages. Dean Bozorth and Dean practical inability and disyasteful­ ior talent and intellect," explained was the best." All who participat­ pIe favored 24 hour open visitation Whatley remained in the suite for ness of Gestapo-like techniques, the Dr. Henry, leader of the winning ed in the creation of the sub re­ for the weekend, hich was ~e~ned about 30 to 40 minutes. During administration has refrained from ceived a T-shirt boasting "I ate :v faculty tea.m that helped constru.!t as 5 p.m. on. Fnday to mldmght. thOIS ti me D ean 'B ozorth reported patroling the coampus each week­ a 640-'foot long hoagie for lunch on the world's largest hoagie." Sunday evenmg. On an eval.uatlOn .that a bottle was thrown frOlJ'll the end. Tuesda'Y, November 11. The super sandwich, subordinate of the data released later m the d bel . to th'te I Uniform enforcement of the to none, ,consisted of 110 dozen same week the concerned students q~a. o~ m e SUI .narrow y rules is physically impossible. The CoUege Union, with Candi f . 1 f ted th t" mlssmg hIm, but showermg frag- Italian rolls, 70 lbs. of salami sau­ However, the magnitude of this Russell as coordinator, sponsored ?r socIa re orm no a no ments of glass upon him and an un- sage, 70 Ibs. of bolo'gna, 50 Ibs. of smgle 'hour or set of e:merges identified female. Other objects distul'bance was said to warrant an the event which employed 14 teams ~ours cheese, and condiments. The event frOlJ'll the SUl'Vey as bemg umversal- immediate At the with 12 persons each competing in I f d f . 'tat' Th were thrown 'Bnd obscene chants ~rivestigation. was given media coverage through­ y pre erre o.r VlSI ..lOn: us frOlJ'll enraged students began and conclusion of the meeting between bui.lding various sections of the out the area. a blanket dormItory vISItatIOn pol- t' d t'l th d d sandwic'h. The nine-member facul­ . con mue un I e eans rna e the Weekly staff members and the In 1973 the Union organized a ICY, s>uc'h as eXIsts now, could not "'h . 't S" d t t' ed t deans, both Deans Whatley and Bo­ ty team, with Miss Butler, Dr. De­ 600-foot banana split. In 1974 it . d d" Th t- v elr eXI . oU en s con mu 0 be feasIbly exten e . ey sta '11 b t th rt _.l f the zorth made the remark that ·if they catur, Mr. Davidson, Dr. Henry, Dr. sponsored a 600-piece gigantic jig­ ed, " . we b e l'leve th a t a pol' ICY mlN aM' ou D e cou yaHl k 0 x . h . t ew en s orm as spea ers e - could not solve the problem with­ Levesque, Dr. Perreten, Dr. Reed, saw puzzle. This was the year of should be Implemented w erem s u- h ted th t to b kl d 'd" te h . I or em no uc . e un er out disorderly conduct on the part Dr. Sma.lI, and Dr. Wickersham, the .hoagie. One wonders what new dents resl mg m separa .p YSlca 'bl 't' t' b th d . f h d ·t· Id t pOSSI e pum Ive ac IOn , yea - of the students the police would be through "superior talent and intel­ record Ursinus will break next umts 0 t e orml orles cou vo e .. tnt' lect" finished their. section first. year. called in to handle it for them. to establish their particular dormi- mlms Ion. They also announced to the Weekly tory visitation ,hours." SUNDAY, NOVEMBER l'S-Ru- editors that threats of a demon­ The resolution passed by the mors flew fast across a partiaJ.ly stration would not 'be tolerated USGA, the official voice of the stu- deserted campus concerning the without similar action being taken: Explosive Student Letter dent body, coalled for a similar poli- startling occurrence which had The first step of the actual inves­ cy. The resolution stated in part: tranS'Pired the night before. Oam- ti·gation was scheduled for 6:30 Sent to Board ''Be it resolved that we believe pus sentiment be5!a.me increasingly when Dean W:hoatley would meet Evidence that existing dormitory visitation resentful as conceivable consequen­ with the residents of Suite 200.
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