Document generated on 09/27/2021 1:40 a.m. Géographie physique et Quaternaire Paleoecology of an Interglacial Peat Deposit, Nuyakuk, Southwestern Alaska, U.S.A. Paléoécologie d’un dépôt de tourbe interglaciaire à Nuyakuk, au sud de l’Alaska Paläoökologie einer interglazialen Torfablagerung, Nuyakuk, südwestliches Alaska, U.S.A. Scott A. Elias and Susan K. Short Volume 46, Number 1, 1992 Article abstract This paper reports the presence of interglacial beetle and pollen assemblages URI: https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/032890ar within a Pleistocene peat deposit exposed along the Nuyakuk River of DOI: https://doi.org/10.7202/032890ar southwestern Alaska. The fossil beetle assemblages contain a number of species not previously identified from eastern Beringian fossil assemblages. See table of contents The Nuyakuk interglacial deposits are exposed within a 6-m-high terrace along the river, about 4 km beyond the moraine of the penultimate glaciation. Interglacial peat lies within the lowermost meter of the bluff and is overlain by Publisher(s) fluvial gravel and loess. Insect fossils were extracted from five peat samples, yielding sixty-seven identified beetle taxa. The insect faunal diversity of the Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal Nuyakuk assemblages is comparable to that found in regional Holocene peat samples. In contrast to assemblages of similar age from interior eastern ISSN Beringia, the Nuyakuk fauna contains significant numbers of aquatic, hygrophilous and riparian taxa. Four pollen samples from the Nuyakuk site 0705-7199 (print) were analyzed, providing spectra dominated by a few taxa, notably Alnus, 1492-143X (digital) Betula, Picea, Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Filicales, and Sphagnum, suggesting a rich alder-birch shrub tundra not much different from the modern regional Explore this journal vegetation. The pollen and insect fossil records also suggest climatic conditions similar to modern. Cite this article Elias, S. A. & Short, S. K. (1992). Paleoecology of an Interglacial Peat Deposit, Nuyakuk, Southwestern Alaska, U.S.A. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 46(1), 85–96. https://doi.org/10.7202/032890ar Tous droits réservés © Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1992 This document is protected by copyright law. Use of the services of Érudit (including reproduction) is subject to its terms and conditions, which can be viewed online. https://apropos.erudit.org/en/users/policy-on-use/ This article is disseminated and preserved by Érudit. Érudit is a non-profit inter-university consortium of the Université de Montréal, Université Laval, and the Université du Québec à Montréal. Its mission is to promote and disseminate research. https://www.erudit.org/en/ Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 1992, vol. 46, n° 1, p. 85-96, 9 fig., 3 tabl. PALEOECOLOGY OF AN INTERGLACIAL PEAT DEPOSIT, NUYAKUK, SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA, U.S.A. Scott A. ELIAS and Susan K. SHORT, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, and Department of Anthropology and Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, U.S.A. ABSTRACT This paper reports the pres­ RÉSUMÉ Paléoécologie d'un dépôt de ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Palâoôkologie ence of interglacial beetle and pollen assem­ tourbe interglaciaire à Nuyakuk, au sud de einer interglazialen Torfablagerung, Nuyakuk, blages within a Pleistocene peat deposit l'Alaska. On rapporte la présence d'assembla­ sûdwestliches Alaska, U.S.A. Dieser Artikel exposed along the Nuyakuk River of south­ ges de coléoptères et de grains de pollen berichtet ùber interglaziale Kàfer- und Pollen- western Alaska. The fossil beetle assem­ interglaciaires à l'intérieur d'un dépôt de Vorkommen in einer Torfablagerung aus dem blages contain a number of species not pre­ tourbe du Pleistocene, situé le long de la Pleistozàn entlang dem Nuyakuk-FluB im sùd- viously identified from eastern Beringian fossil Nuyakuk River. Ces assemblages de coléop­ westlichen Alaska. Dièse Einheiten von Kâfer- assemblages. The Nuyakuk interglacial tères fossiles renferment un certain nombre Fossilen enthalten eine Anzahl von Arten, die deposits are exposed within a 6-m-high ter­ d'espèces qui n'avaient pas été encore iden­ zuvor nicht in Fossil-Einheiten von Ost-Bering race along the river, about 4 km beyond the tifiées dans les assemblages fossiles de la identifiziert worden sind. Die interglazialen moraine of the penultimate glaciation. Béringie orientale. Les dépôts interglaciaires Ablagerungen von Nuyakuk sind innerhalb Interglacial peat lies within the lowermost de Nuyakuk, à l'intérieur d'une terrasse de 6 m einer 6 m hohen Terrasse den FIuB entlang meter of the bluff and is overlain by fluvial de hauteur le long de la rivière, située à envi­ ausgesetzt, etwa 4 km ùber die Moràne der gravel and loess. Insect fossils were extracted ron 4 km au-delà la moraine de l'avant- vorletzten Vereisung hinaus. Interglazialer from five peat samples, yielding sixty-seven dernière glaciation. La tourbe interglaciaire se Tort liegt im untersten Meter des Steilhangs identified beetle taxa. The insect faunal diver­ trouve dans le dernier mètre de l'escarpement und ist von FluBkies und LoB ùberlagert. Aus sity of the Nuyakuk assemblages is compara­ et est recouverte d'un gravier fluviatile et d'un fùnf Torfproben wurden Insektenfossile ble to that found in regional Holocene peat loess. Les insectes fossiles ont été extraits de entnommen, welche 67 identifizierte Kàfer- samples. In contrast to assemblages of similar Taxa lieferten. Die Vielfalt der Insekten-Fauna age from interior eastern Beringia, the cinq échantillons de tourbe qui ont livré 67 Nuyakuk fauna contains significant numbers taxons identifiés de coléoptères. La diversité der Nuyakuk-Einheiten ist mit der, die man in of aquatic, hygrophilous and riparian taxa. faunique des insectes des assemblages de regionalen Torfproben aus dem Holozàn vor- Four pollen samples from the Nuyakuk site Nuyakuk est comparable à celle que l'on findet, vergleichbar. Im Gegensatz zu were analyzed, providing spectra dominated trouve dans les assemblages de tourbe de Einheiten àhnlichen Alters vom Innern Ost- by a few taxa, notably A/nus, Betula, Picea, l'Holocène. Contrairement aux autres assem­ Berings enthâlt die Fauna von Nuyakuk eine Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Filicales, and blages de la Béringie orientale de la même bedeutende Zahl von Wasser-, Feuchtigkeits- Sphagnum, suggesting a rich alder-birch époque, la faune de Nuyakuk comprend un liebenden und Ufer-Taxa. Vier Pollen-Proben shrub tundra not much different from the mod­ grand nombre de taxons aquatiques, hygro- vom Nuyakuk-Platz wurden analysiert und lie­ ern regional vegetation. The pollen and insect philes et ripariens. Les quatre échantillons pol- ferten durch wenige Taxa dominierte fossil records also suggest climatic conditions liniques du site de Nuyakuk analysés ont livré Spektren, vor allem Alnus, Betula, Picea, similar to modern. des spectres dominés par quelques taxons, Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Filicales und dont Alnus, Betula, Picea, Gramineae, Sphagnum, welche auf eine reiche Erlen- Cyperaceae, Filicales et Sphagnum, reflétant Birken-Buschtundra schlieBen lassen, die sich ainsi une toundra à bouleau nain et à aulne, nicht sehr von der modemen regionalen semblable à la végétation actuelle de la Vegetation unterschied. Die Pollen- und région. Les données polliniques et sur les Insektenfossil-Belege lassen auch klimatische insectes fossiles indiquent également des Bedingungen vermuten, die den heutigen conditions climatiques semblables à celles àhnlich waren. d'aujourd'hui. Manuscrit reçu le 5 septembre 1989; manuscrit révisé accepté le 15 août 1991 86 S. A. ELIAS and S. K. SHORT INTRODUCTION VEGETATION Pleistocene peats that contain pollen and/or macrofossil The Nushagak lowland lies at the southwestern limit of assemblages indicative of interglacial conditions are scattered boreal forest in Alaska and is covered by a mosaic of forest throughout lowland basins of central Alaska and the northern and shrub tundra (Fig. 2) (Viereck and Little, 1972). Closed- Yukon Territory (Fig. 1). Until recently, Quaternary sedimentary to-open forest, including white spruce (Picea glauca), paper basins in southwestern Alaska have received little stratigraphie birch (Betula papyrifera), and balsam poplar (Populus balsa- and paleoenvironmental study. Consequently, the existence mifera), is generally confined to well-drained sites on and character of interglacial deposits in this region of eastern Pleistocene outwash terraces or along major rivers. More Beringia has remained unknown. poorly drained areas are mantled by mesic to wet shrub tundra, which includes tall shrubs of alder (Alnus spp.), willow (espe­ This paper reports the presence of interglacial beetle and cially Salix alaxensis and S. glauca), and birch (Betula glan- pollen assemblages within Pleistocene peat exposed along the dulosa). Low shrubs are also prevalent, including willow (Salix Nuyakuk River of southwestern Alaska (Fig. 1). The fossil bee­ spp.), dwarf birch (Betula nana), and numerous species tle assemblages are of particular ecological and biogeograph- of heaths (Ericaceae). Grass (Gramineae) and sedge ical significance because they contain a large number of spe­ (Cyperaceae) meadows, which include a diverse assemblage cies not previously identified from eastern Beringia {he., Alaska of herbaceous taxa and ferns (Filicales), also make up a large and the Yukon Territory west of the Mackenzie River). The proportion of the vegetation cover. Small Sphagnum bogs and interglacial
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