The list of registered establishments eligible to export meat and meat product from Spain to Vietnam Update on 13/07/2020 No Name Approval No Address Species Products registered for export to Vietnam Productos Ibericos Calderon Y Ramos, 1 10.00018/SA Calle Filiberto Villalobos 154 Guijuelo Salamanca Swine frozen iberian meat, pork meat products S.L. Polisgono Industrial Meseta De Salinas, Calle B, 2 Protectora De Carnes, S.L. 10.00135/NA Bovine Chilled/frozen beef No10, 31191 Salinas De Pamplona (Navarra) Carretera Ctra. San Juan Del Puerto S/N Jabugo, 3 Sanchez Romero Carvajal Jabugo S.A. 10.00159/H Swine Frozen pork meat 21290 (Huelva) Frigorificos Andaluces De Conservas De pork meat, red edible pork offal (heart, liver, 4 10.00285/MA Plaza Prolongo 2Cartama Estacion Malaga Swine Carne Faccsa kidney) meat sucking pigs, carcasses of pork, red entrails (heart, liver, kidney) fresh pork meat rinds, trimmings, shoulders, bellies, bones, bone in 5 Le Porc Gourmet, S.A. 10.00655/B C/ Indústria 20Santa Eugenia De Berga Barcelona Swine legs, boneless shoulder, boneless collar, bone in collar, back fat, cutting fat, feet, offals (heart, liver, kidney), shank meat, collars and bellies ear pork, mask pork, snout pork, snout pork with 6 Carns Brugues Sl 10.00796/GE Mas Portella Argelaguer (Girona) Swine bone half pork carcasses, red edible pork offal (heart, Mataderos Industriales Soler 7 10.00837/MA Plaza Prolongo 1Cartama Estacion Malaga Swine liver, kidney), cured and cooked pork meat S.A.(Missa) products Cami Can Valls, S/N Pi Can Panyella, Gelida 8 Carns Romeu, S.L. 10.00879/B Swine chorizo for cooking Barcelona 9 Matadero Frigorifico De Begijar S.A. 10.00920/J Rio Ebro 26 Estacion Begijar Begijar Jaén Swine pork meat, pork red offal (heart, liver, kidney) Industrias Madrileñas De La Carne S.A. 10 10.01122/M Rey Pastor 22 (Pol.Ind.)Leganes Madrid Swine quartering of pork (Imacsa) Paratge Can Canals Nou S/N Sant Joan De 11 Matadero Frigorifico Del Cardoner S.A 10.01182/B Swine Pork meat, Pork red offal: heart, liver, kidney Vilatorradabarcelona Ct Manresa – Basella, Km 5,7 Sant Joan De 12 Matadero Comarcal Del Bages SL 10.01184/B Swine pork meat, pork red offal (heart, liver, kidney) Vilatorrada Barcelona Page 1 of 9 No Name Approval No Address Species Products registered for export to Vietnam pork back fat rindless frozen, rosaries/tipbones, pork collar, boneless, pork cutting fat rindless, pork cutting fat rind-on, pork cc eye-loin, boneless, pig ears, pork feet (pig trotters), pork feet back (pig trotters), pork shoulder 4d, shank meat, pork shoulder 3d, shank meat, pork shoulder 5d, shank meat, pork shoulder rindless, 13 Matadero Frigorifico Avinyo, S.A. 10.01204/B Ctra. Prats De Lluçanes, Km 53,5Avinyó Barcelona Swine pork trimming, pork softbones, pork sternum bones, pork trimming, pig snouts, pork belly rindless, pork shoulder-blade cartilage, pork riblet without breastbone, pork spareribs breastbone, pork loin back ribs, pork jowl, rinledss, pork skirt meat, pig mask, pork leg 4d, pork hindshank, pork heart C/Mare De Deu Del Mont, 31 Urb. Las Forcas 14 Frigorificos Carnicos Las Forcas, S.L. 10.01261/GE Swine pork pieces, pork entrails (heart, liver, kidney) Vilafantgirona frozen pork products, pork red offals (heart, liver, 15 Mafriges, S.A. 10.01274/B Serrallonga, S/Nsan Vicente De Torelló Barcelona Swine kidney) bone in legs, boneless legs, boneless shoulder, Ctra. Vic-Olot Km.11Santa Maria De Corço boneless collar, bone in collar, back fat, cutting 16 Patel, S.A.U 10.01293/B Swine Barcelona fat, trimmings, bones, feet, shank, meat, bellies, pork CT C 66, km 35 – Veinat de la Republica, 23. 17 CASADEMONT 1956 MEAT SL 10.01318/GE Swine cured pork ham PALOL DE REVARDIT. (GIRONA) serrano and iberian hamsserrano and iberian 18 Nico Jamones S.L 10.01359/CR Ctra. De Piedrabuena 47 Luciana Ciudad Real Swine sousages 19 Novafrigsa, S.A 10.01400/LU Lamablanca-Coese, S/N Bovine Chilled/Frozen beef meat Carretera Leon-Astorga S/N. San Justo De La pork products (sausages, panceta, pork loin, 20 Palcarsa, S.L. 10.01467/LE Swine Vega (Leon) cured ham) 21 Ramon Ventula S.A 10.01655/GE Ct Sant Joan De Les Abadesses 2 Olot Girona Swine pork meat products 22 Elpozo Alimentacion, S.A. 10.01672/MU Av. Antonio Fuertes 1Alhama De Murciamurcia Swine pork meat and offals (heart, liver, kidney) Industrias Frigorificas Del Louro frozen pork meatfrozen pork offals (heart, liver, 23 10.01678/PO C/ Gomez Franqueira S/No Porriñopontevedra Swine S.A.“Frigolouro” kidney) 24 Rafael Baro, S.A. 10.01781/GE Av Catalunya 20 Cervia De Ter Girona Swine pork meat products 25 Luis Oliveras Sa 10.01782/GE Cr Josep Saderra 5. Olot (Girona) Swine cured sausage 26 Jamones Alto Aragón, S.A. 10.017855/HU Ctra A-138 Km 14,6Grado (El)Huesca Swine ham cured and shoulder cured Ct Bv-4608, Manlleu-La Gleva, Km. 2.1. Manlleu 27 La Piara Sau 10.01807/B Swine pork and poultry pates (Barcelona) 28 Hijos De Jose Casaponsa Sa 10.01810/GE Ct National, 260Km. 86 Vall De Bianya Girona Swine pork meat products Page 2 of 9 No Name Approval No Address Species Products registered for export to Vietnam 29 Sucesores De J. Pont, S. A 10.01900/B Ct De Ribes 185-187 Balenya Barcelona Swine pork meat products Ct Vic-Olot, Km 51 St Esteve D’En Bas. La Vall 30 Hermanos Font Verdaguer 10.01931/GE Swine cured pork products D’En Bas (Girona) Poligon Industrial Pla De Baix Avinguda Europa 29- 31 Embutidos Caseros Collell Slu 10.01944/GE Swine sausage, dry-cured loin, ham 30Olot(Girona) Ct Riudellots-Sant Marti De Llemana. Sant 32 CASADEMONT 1956 MEAT SL 10.01962/GE Swine cooked, dry and cured meat products Gregorigirona CTRA. Nacional 400, KM. 95,400. Tarancon, Industrias Cárnicas Loriente Piqueras, Pork meat products; Pork red offal: heart, liver 33 10.02141/CU Cuencón Swine S.A. (INCARLOPSA) kidney, pork edible fat CUENCA 34 Industrias Carnicas Navarras S.A 10.02234/NA Cr. De La Foz, S/N, Lumbier Navarra Swine cured sausages and heat treated meat preserves pork meat quartering, pork offals (heart, liver, 35 Fribin, S.A.T. 1269 Rl 10.02453/HU Partida Chubera, S/N Binefar (Huesca) Swine kidney) Partida Chubera, S/N 22500 Binafar (Huesca), 35 Fribin S.A.T No 1269 R.L. 10.02453/HU Bovine Frozen beef meat Spain Polígon Industrial Casasses Carrer Cantonigros 14- 36 Export El Bruguer Slu 10.024648/B Swine frozen pork 18Vic(Barcelona) 37 Suministros Medina S.L. 10.02541/M C/ Severo Ochoa 25 Y 27 Leganes, Madrid Bovine Frozen beef meat Carretera Cogullada. Mercazaragoza 65 C/M Chilled/Frozen pork meat; Chilled/Frozen hearts, 38 International Casing Products, S.L.U. 10.025510/Z Swine Parcela16. Zaragoza kidneys; fat. Mercamadrid, Carretera, Villaverde-Vallecas km 39 El Encinar De Humienta S.A 10.026266/M Bovine Chilled beef meat 3.800. Parcela J. 28053 Madrid 40 Julian Martin, S.A. 10.02676/SA Ctra Campillo, 68 Guijuelo Salamanca Swine pork meat products, pork meat iberian pork raw meat, ham, shoulder ham, iberian chorizo sausage, iberian salchichon 41 Ibericos Torreon Salamanca, S.L 10.02794/SA Paseo Delicias 67 Villares De La Reina Salamanca Swine sausage, iberian loin sausage, iberian morcon sausage beef carcasses, pig carcasses, beef quartes, pig 42 Frigorificos Conchado, S.A.Fricosa 10.02983/C Avda. Almeiras, 49Cullederoa Coruña Swine quartes, ground meat products, pig offals (heart, liver, kidney) 43 Carnicas Joselito, S. A. 10.03085/SA Calle Santa Rita 8 Guijuelo Salamanca Swine pork fresh meat, pork meat products. 44 Matadero De Guijuelo, S. A 10.03233/SA Calle Filiberto Villalobos Guijuelo Salamanca Swine pork fresh meat,red offals (heart, liver), fat. Frozen products from pork cutting; Pork red offal: 45 Embutidos Rodriguez S.L. 10.03341/LE Ctra. De Leon Km 2,700Soto De La Vegaleon Swine heart, liver, kidney Suministros Medina S.L- Matadero De Ctra. Betanzos-Santiago Km. 3,3. Bentazos, A 46 10.03528/C Bovine Frozen beef meat Montellos Coruna, Galicai pork meat:fresh or frozen, meat, offal (heart, 47 Leridana De Piensos S.A. 10.03903/L Jordi De Molle S/Nvallfogona De Balaguer Lleida Swine liver, kidney) Page 3 of 9 No Name Approval No Address Species Products registered for export to Vietnam all kind of frozen products from sows and porks 48 Carnicas Sola, S.A. 10.03924/B Cami Reial El Polvori, 10-12Gurb Barcelona Swine debonnig, pork offals (heart, liver, kidney), pork belly, pork shoulder, pork rind and pork back fat 49 Frigorificos de Costa Brava SA 10.03929/GE C/ Roses S/N, Vilamalla (Gerona) Swine Chilled/frozen pork meat frozen pork neck bones, frozen pork tail bones, frozen pork front feet, frozen pork hind feet, 50 Mª Tura Feixas, S.A. 10.03931/GE Ctra. Santa Coloma, 11Las Presasgirona Swine frozen pork masks, whole frozen pork ears, frozen red pork offal (liver, kidney, heart) meat of pork (trimmings, shoulders, legs, loins, Crta. De Riudellots A Cassa, S.Nriudelllots De La bellies, bones, softbones, heads, ribs, fats, rinds, 51 Frigorificos Costa Brava, S.A. 10.03935/GE Swine Selvagirona collars, jowls, tails, front feet, hind feet), pork offals (heart, liver, kidney) Pork meat, pork fat, pork bones, pork softbones, 52 Union Foods SL 10.03936/GE Av Antoni Gaudi 6. Olot (Girona) Swine pork hind feet, pork front feet, pork rinds, pork red offal (heart, liver, kidney) 53 Carnicas Armengol, S.L. 10.03943/L Avda.
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