Thomson Reuters/ISI Web of Science List: January 2014 NAME OF JOURNAL ISSN E-ISSN COUNTRY 4Or-A Quarterly Journal Of Operations Research 1619-4500 1614-2411 GERMANY A + U-Architecture And Urbanism 0389-9160 JAPAN Aaa-Arbeiten Aus Anglistik Und Amerikanistik 0171-5410 GERMANY Aapg Bulletin 0149-1423 1558-9153 UNITED STATES Aaps Journal 1550-7416 1550-7416 UNITED STATES Aaps Pharmscitech 1530-9932 1530-9932 UNITED STATES Aatcc Review 1532-8813 UNITED STATES Abacus-A Journal Of Accounting Finance And Business Studies 0001-3072 1467-6281 AUSTRALIA Abdominal Imaging 0942-8925 1432-0509 UNITED STATES Abhandlungen Aus Dem Mathematischen Seminar Der Universitat Hamburg 0025-5858 1865-8784 GERMANY Abstract And Applied Analysis 1085-3375 1687-0409 UNITED STATES Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society 0065-7727 UNITED STATES Academia-Revista Latinoamericana De Administracion 1012-8255 COLOMBIA Academic Emergency Medicine 1069-6563 1553-2712 UNITED STATES Academic Medicine 1040-2446 1938-808X UNITED STATES Academic Pediatrics 1876-2859 1876-2867 UNITED STATES Academic Psychiatry 1042-9670 1545-7230 UNITED STATES Academic Radiology 1076-6332 1878-4046 UNITED STATES Academy Of Management Annals 1941-6520 1941-6067 UNITED STATES Academy Of Management Journal 0001-4273 1948-0989 UNITED STATES Academy Of Management Learning & Education 1537-260X UNITED STATES Academy Of Management Perspectives 1558-9080 UNITED STATES Academy Of Management Review 0363-7425 1930-3807 UNITED STATES Acadiensis 0044-5851 CANADA Accident Analysis And Prevention 0001-4575 1879-2057 ENGLAND Accountability In Research-Policies And Quality Assurance 0898-9621 1545-5815 UNITED STATES Accounting And Business Research 0001-4788 2159-4260 ENGLAND Accounting And Finance 0810-5391 1467-629X AUSTRALIA Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal 0951-3574 ENGLAND Accounting Horizons 0888-7993 1558-7975 UNITED STATES Accounting Organizations And Society 0361-3682 1873-6289 ENGLAND Accounting Review 0001-4826 1558-7967 UNITED STATES Accounts Of Chemical Research 0001-4842 1520-4898 UNITED STATES Accreditation And Quality Assurance 0949-1775 1432-0517 GERMANY Aci Materials Journal 0889-325X 1944-737X UNITED STATES Aci Structural Journal 0889-3241 1944-7361 UNITED STATES Acm Computing Surveys 0360-0300 1557-7341 UNITED STATES Acm Journal On Emerging Technologies In Computing Systems 1550-4832 1550-4840 UNITED STATES Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review 0146-4833 1943-5819 UNITED STATES Acm Sigplan Notices 0362-1340 1558-1160 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Algorithms 1549-6325 1549-6333 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Applied Perception 1544-3558 1544-3965 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Architecture And Code Optimization 1544-3566 1544-3973 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Autonomous And Adaptive Systems 1556-4665 1556-4703 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Computational Logic 1529-3785 1557-945X UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Computer Systems 0734-2071 1557-7333 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Computer-Human Interaction 1073-0516 1557-7325 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Database Systems 0362-5915 1557-4644 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Design Automation Of Electronic Systems 1084-4309 1557-7309 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Embedded Computing Systems 1539-9087 1558-3465 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Graphics 0730-0301 1557-7368 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Information And System Security 1094-9224 1557-7406 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Information Systems 1046-8188 1558-2868 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Intelligent Systems And Technology 2157-6904 2157-6912 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Internet Technology 1533-5399 1557-6051 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Knowledge Discovery From Data 1556-4681 1556-472X UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Mathematical Software 0098-3500 1557-7295 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Modeling And Computer Simulation 1049-3301 1558-1195 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Multimedia Computing Communications And Applications 1551-6857 1551-6865 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Programming Languages And Systems 0164-0925 1558-4593 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Reconfigurable Technology And Systems 1936-7406 1936-7414 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Sensor Networks 1550-4859 1550-4867 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Software Engineering And Methodology 1049-331X 1557-7392 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On Storage 1553-3077 1553-3093 UNITED STATES Acm Transactions On The Web 1559-1131 1559-114X UNITED STATES Acoustical Physics 1063-7710 1562-6865 RUSSIA Acoustics Australia 0814-6039 AUSTRALIA Across Languages And Cultures 1585-1923 1588-2519 HUNGARY Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 1944-8244 UNITED STATES Acs Catalysis 2155-5435 2155-5435 UNITED STATES Acs Chemical Biology 1554-8929 1554-8937 UNITED STATES Acs Chemical Neuroscience 1948-7193 1948-7193 UNITED STATES Acs Combinatorial Science 2156-8952 2156-8944 UNITED STATES Acs Macro Letters 2161-1653 1520-5835 UNITED STATES Acs Medicinal Chemistry Letters 1948-5875 UNITED STATES Acs Nano 1936-0851 1936-086X UNITED STATES Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2168-0485 2168-0485 UNITED STATES Acs Synthetic Biology 2161-5063 2161-5063 UNITED STATES Acsms Health & Fitness Journal 1091-5397 1536-593X UNITED STATES Acta Acustica United With Acustica 1610-1928 1861-9959 GERMANY Acta Adriatica 0001-5113 1846-0453 CROATIA Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section A-Animal Science 0906-4702 1651-1972 ENGLAND Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil And Plant Science 0906-4710 1651-1913 NORWAY Acta Alimentaria 0139-3006 1588-2535 HUNGARY Acta Amazonica 0044-5967 1809-4392 BRAZIL Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 0001-5172 1399-6576 DENMARK Acta Analytica-International Periodical For Philosophy In The Analytical Tradition 0353-5150 1874-6349 UNITED STATES Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 0167-8019 1572-9036 NETHERLANDS Acta Archaeologica 0065-101X 1600-0390 DENMARK Acta Arithmetica 0065-1036 1730-6264 POLAND Acta Astronautica 0094-5765 1879-2030 UNITED STATES Acta Astronomica 0001-5237 POLAND Acta Biochimica Et Biophysica Sinica 1672-9145 1745-7270 PEOPLES R CHINA Acta Biochimica Polonica 0001-527X 1734-154X POLAND Acta Bioethica 1726-569X 1726-569X CHILE Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica 0001-5296 1898-0295 POLAND Acta Biologica Hungarica 0236-5383 1588-256X HUNGARY Acta Biomaterialia 1742-7061 1878-7568 ENGLAND Acta Bioquimica Clinica Latinoamericana 0325-2957 1851-6114 ARGENTINA Acta Biotheoretica 0001-5342 1572-8358 NETHERLANDS Acta Borealia 0800-3831 1503-111X ENGLAND Acta Botanica Brasilica 0102-3306 1677-941X BRAZIL Acta Botanica Croatica 0365-0588 1847-8476 CROATIA Acta Botanica Gallica 1253-8078 2166-3408 FRANCE Acta Botanica Mexicana 0187-7151 MEXICO Acta Cardiologica 0001-5385 1784-973X BELGIUM Acta Cardiologica Sinica 1011-6842 TAIWAN Acta Carsologica 0583-6050 1580-2612 SLOVENIA Acta Chimica Sinica 0567-7351 PEOPLES R CHINA Acta Chimica Slovenica 1318-0207 1580-3155 SLOVENIA Acta Chiropterologica 1508-1109 1733-5329 POLAND Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae Et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca 0001-5415 CZECH REPUBLIC Acta Chirurgica Belgica 0001-5458 BELGIUM Acta Chromatographica 1233-2356 2083-5736 POLAND Acta Cirurgica Brasileira 0102-8650 1678-2674 BRAZIL Acta Classica 0065-1141 2227-538X SOUTH AFRICA Acta Clinica Belgica 0001-5512 BELGIUM Acta Clinica Croatica 0353-9466 1333-9451 CROATIA Acta Crystallographica Section A 0108-7673 1600-5724 DENMARK Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science 0108-7681 1600-5740 DENMARK Acta Crystallographica Section C-Crystal Structure Communications 0108-2701 1600-5759 DENMARK Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography 0907-4449 1399-0047 DENMARK Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology And Crystallization Communications 1744-3091 1744-3091 DENMARK Acta Cytologica 0001-5547 1938-2650 UNITED STATES Acta Dermato-Venereologica 0001-5555 1651-2057 NORWAY Acta Dermatovenerologica Croatica 1330-027X 1847-6538 CROATIA Acta Diabetologica 0940-5429 1432-5233 ITALY Acta Endocrinologica-Bucharest 1841-0987 1843-066X ROMANIA Acta Endoscopica 0240-642X 1958-5454 FRANCE Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 0374-1036 1804-6487 CZECH REPUBLIC Acta Ethologica 0873-9749 1437-9546 GERMANY Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica 0001-5644 1477-4607 BELGIUM Acta Geodaetica Et Geophysica 2213-5812 2213-5820 HUNGARY Acta Geodynamica Et Geomaterialia 1214-9705 CZECH REPUBLIC Acta Geographica Slovenica-Geografski Zbornik 1581-6613 1854-5106 SLOVENIA Acta Geologica Polonica 0001-5709 0001-5709 POLAND Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition 1000-9515 1755-6724 PEOPLES R CHINA Acta Geophysica 1895-6572 1895-7455 POLAND Acta Geotechnica 1861-1125 1861-1133 GERMANY Acta Geotechnica Slovenica 1854-0171 SLOVENIA Acta Haematologica 0001-5792 1421-9662 SWITZERLAND Acta Herpetologica 1827-9635 1827-9643 ITALY Acta Histochemica 0065-1281 1618-0372 GERMANY Acta Histochemica Et Cytochemica 0044-5991 1347-5800 JAPAN Acta Historica Tallinnensia 1406-2925 1736-7476 ESTONIA Acta Histriae 1318-0185 SLOVENIA Acta Ichthyologica Et Piscatoria 0137-1592 1734-1515 POLAND Acta Informatica 0001-5903 1432-0525 GERMANY Acta Koreana 1520-7412 SOUTH KOREA Acta Linguistica Hungarica 1216-8076 1588-2624 HUNGARY Acta Literaria 0717-6848 0717-6848 CHILE Acta Materialia 1359-6454 1873-2453 UNITED STATES Acta Mathematica 0001-5962 1871-2509 SWEDEN Acta Mathematica Hungarica 0236-5294 1588-2632 HUNGARY Acta Mathematica Scientia 0252-9602 1572-9087 PEOPLES R CHINA Acta Mathematica Sinica-English Series 1439-8516
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