РОССИЙСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ НАУК НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ГЕОФИЗИЧЕСКИЙ КОМИТЕТ RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL COMMITTEE НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ОТЧЕТ Международной ассоциации сейсмологии и физики недр Земли Международного геодезического и геофизического Союза 2003 – 2006 NATIONAL REPORT to the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 2003 – 2006 Москва 2007 Moscow 2 К ХХIV Генеральной ассамблее Международного геодезического и геофизического союза Presented to the XXIV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 3 RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES National Geophysical Committee NATIONAL REPORT to the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 2003 − 2006 Presented to the XXIV General Assembly of the IUGG 2007 Moscow 4 RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES National Geophysical Committee NATIONAL REPORT To the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior of the International Union of Geodesy and Geo- physics 2003 – 2006 Presented to the XXIV General Assembly of IUGG 2007 Moscow 5 In the national report, major results are given of research conducted by Russian scientists in 2003-2006 on the topics of the International Association of Seismology and the Physics of the Earth’s Interior of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. The structure of seismic ob- servation stations network of the Russian Federation is given and its prospects are outlined in the report. The results of research in strong and perceptible earthquakes in Russia in 2003-2006 are pre- sented as well as the results obtained in seismic danger assessment, the physics of seismic process, and earthquake prediction. Major achievements in the physics of the Earth, geothermy, geodynam- ics, and physical properties of geomaterial are featured. Information on constructing geoinformation systems in geophysics, and on pit seismicity monitoring is given. The results of research in com- parative planetology and artificial intelligence application in geophysics are covered for the first time as well as seismic risk assessment and monitoring. All the required references are given. Editorial Board A.D.Zavyalov (Chief Editor), M.V.Nevskiy (Deputy Chief Editor), A.O.Gliko, A.A.Malovichko, G.A.Sobolev, V.I.Ulomov. © National Geophysical Committee RAS, 2007 6 Contents INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................................ 7 1. THE SYSTEM OF SEISMIC OBSERVATIONS IN RUSSIA................................................................................ 7 1.1. SEISMIC OBSERVATION NETWORK IN RUSSIA IN 2003-2006................................................................................. 7 1.2. DEVELOPMENT OF SEISMIC OBSERVATION METHODS ........................................................................................ 12 1.3. EQUIPMENT FOR SEISMIC OBSERVATIONS........................................................................................................... 14 1.3.1. Apparatus developments of the Geophysical Survey RAS ............................................................................ 14 1.3.2. Equipment developed by the Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS .............................................................. 16 2. THE STRONGEST EARTHQUAKES IN THE TERRITORY OF RUSSIA IN 2003-2006 .............................. 19 3. SEISMOTECTONICS OF THE ZONES OF THE STRONGEST EARTHQUAKES IN RUSSIA IN 2003-2006................................................................................................................................................................... 27 4. SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH’S INTERIOR ........................... 36 4.1. METHOD OF RECEIVER FUNCTIONS IN STRUCTURE STUDIES .............................................................................. 36 4.2. SEISMIC TOMOGRAPHY RESEARCH IN KAMCHATKA .......................................................................................... 38 4.3. SEISMIC RESEARCH IN STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TRANSITION FROM OUTER TO INNER CORE OF THE EARTH .................................................................................................................................. 43 5. SEISMOGEODYNAMICS AND SEISMIC HAZARD PREDICTION ............................................................... 45 6. SEISMIC RISK ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ......................... 49 7. RESEARCHES IN SEISMIC PROCESS PHYSICS AND EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION ............................ 59 7.1. EARTHQUAKE PHYSICS AND PRECURSORS .......................................................................................................... 59 7.2. STUDIES IN THE INFLUENCE OF SMALL PERTURBATIONS OF STRESS AND STRAIN OF THE EARTH’S CRUST ON THE EVOLUTION OF DEFORMATION PROCESSES ....................................................................................... 70 8. STUDY OF INDUCED SEISMICITY AND ITS MONITORING........................................................................ 74 8.1. STUDY OF INDUCED SEISMICITY.......................................................................................................................... 74 8.2. МОNITORING OF MINING SEISMICITY ................................................................................................................ 81 8.3. TECHNOGENIC INDUCED PROCESSES IN THE EARTH’S CRUST .......................................................................... 91 9. RESEARCHES IN THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCKS AND MINERALS UNDER HIGH PRESSURES AND TEMPERATURES....................................................................................................................... 96 10. RESEARCHES IN THE PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND GEOTHERMY ................................................. 104 11. RESEARCH IN COMPARATIVE PLANETOLOGY....................................................................................... 107 11.1. PLANETARY AND SATELLITE GEOPHYSICS ...................................................................................................... 107 11.2. THE FORMATION AND EARLY EVOLUTION OF THE EARTH AND PLANETS ...................................................... 110 12. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCHES .......................................................... 113 13. WEB GEOINFORMATION MEDIA TO ANALYZE SPACE AND TIME-SPACE DATA ......................... 116 7 Introduction A. D. Zavyalov, [email protected]. National Geophysical Committee RAS. Schmidt Institute of the Physics of the Earth RAS. B. Gruzinskaya, 10, Moscow, 123995, GSP, Russia. This report submitted to the International Association of Seismology and the Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI) of the Intyernational Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) contains results obtained by Russian geophysicists in 2003-2006. In the report prepared for the XXIV Gen- eral Assembly of IUGG (Italy, Perugia, July 2-13, 2007), the results are briefly outlined of basic research in seismology, geodynamics, geothermy, in the studies of physical properties of rocks un- der high pressures and temperatures as well as in some other directions. The periof from 2003 to 2006 was still difficult for Russian geophysics. Owing to economic reasons scientific career is Russia is still believed to be lacking in prestige. Thus recruiting younger scientists for fundamental research in geophysics actually failed. Economic difficulties were redou- bled by difficulties arising from reorganizing the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian science and the educational system of Russia initiated by the leaders of the country. The number of Russian scientists in governing bodies of IUGG, IASPEI, ESC and their commissions is decreasing. In spite of the difficulties, Russian scientists participated in practically all conferences of the International Association of Seismology and the Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI), in the General Asssem- blies, international projects and international centers. Even in such difficult conditions high scientific potential, great experience in research and the traditions of Russian geophysics allowed obtaining a number of fundamentally important new results in the period under review. Many of them are presented in the following sections of this re- port. Each of the sections has a list of the most interesting scientific papers published in 2003–2006 including publications prepared in cooperation of Russian scientists and their colleagues from other countries. For a number of reasons not all results obtained by Russian scientists on the problems of seismology and physics of the Earth’s interior in 2003-2006 are included in the report. At the same time it is hoped that authors may present these results at symposia of IUGG XXIV General Assem- bly. 1. The system of seismic observations in Russia 1.1. Seismic observation network in Russia in 2003-2006 O. E. Starovoit, [email protected], A. A. Malovichko, [email protected]. Geophysical Survey RAS, ul. Lenina, 189, Obninsk, Kaluga Region, 249020, Russia. The seismic observation network in Russia carries out continuous seismic monitoring of the territory of the country. It has a hierarchic three-level structure. It comprises a teleseismic network and 10 regional seismic networks, which in their turn comprise local nbetworks. More than 250 seismic stations and
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