Government of Andhra Pradesh Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty 2nd Floor, NTR Administrative Block, PNBS, Vijayawada – 520013, Andhra Pradesh __________________________________________________________________________ Proceedings of the Chief Executive Officer Present: Dr. P Krishna Mohan Ph.D. Proc. No.872-59/SERP/SSU/Claims/2018 Date:05/06/2018 Sub:- SERP - Implementation of Chandranna Bima -Settlement of Claims by LIC of India- Funds transfer to concerned Nominee accounts and Refund of Rs 5,000 to ZS amounting to Rs 301470000.00– Orders Issued. Ref:- 1.Data Updated in the chandranna Bima website by LIC of India 2. Claim Amount credited into CEO, SERP, AABY SB Account, Labbipet branch. **** LIC of India has processed the death claims under Chandranna Bima and updated the settled claim details in www.chandrannabima.ap.gov.in web portal. LIC has transferred the claim amount to the CEO, SERP, AABY SB Account maintaining in SBI, labbipet Branch and the claim amount reconciled with the claims data uploaded by the LIC. Amount Credited in the Voucher Number of Date of Credit into Voucher Date Bank Transaction Description CEO,AP SERP AABY A/C Number Claims the SERP Account 37028084613 1 24/04/2018 ICICR52018042400793906 2 24/04/2018 400000 1034 18/09/2017 0000524*0524061991700055* 1 19/09/2017 30000 14 27/04/2018 ICICR52018042700482279-3 1 27/04/2018 30000 19 30/04/2018 0000103*000044970398-1* 2 04/05/2018 60000 21 04/05/2018 0000103*000044975135**C 3 05/05/2018 600000 22 05/05/2018 ICICR52018050700578744 2 07/05/2018 400000 23 05/05/2018 ICICR52018050700578744-1 1 07/05/2018 200000 25 07/05/2018 ICICR52018050700578744-3 1 07/05/2018 200000 26 07/05/2018 ICICR52018050700578744-4 2 07/05/2018 60000 27 07/05/2018 ICICR52018050700578744-5 1 07/05/2018 200000 28 07/05/2018 ICICR52018050700578744-6 1 07/05/2018 30000 31 08/05/2018 ICICR52018050800701917-2 1 08/05/2018 75000 32 09/05/2018 0000103*000045323330*C 1 10/05/2018 30000 321 22/12/2017 0000103*000037788017*CO 1 27/12/2017 200000 33 09/05/2018 0000103*000045323330-1* 2 10/05/2018 60000 34 09/05/2018 0000103*000045323330-2* 3 10/05/2018 600000 35 09/05/2018 0000103*000045323330-3* 5 10/05/2018 150000 365 16/01/2018 ICICR52018011700372938-1 1 17/01/2018 200000 37 10/05/2018 0000103*000045323330-5* 3 10/05/2018 600000 375 25/01/2018 ICICR52018012900656198-3 1 29/01/2018 30000 38 10/05/2018 0000103*000045323330-6* 1 10/05/2018 200000 40 11/05/2018 0000103*000045475652*C 13 14/05/2018 390000 409 19/02/2018 ICICR52018022000732547-2 2 20/02/2018 400000 42 11/05/2018 0000103*000045475652-2* 29 14/05/2018 5800000 422 24/02/2018 0000103*000041173014*C 1 27/02/2018 200000 425 26/02/2018 0000103*000041259501-7* 1 28/02/2018 30000 43 11/05/2018 0000103*000045475652-3* 3 14/05/2018 600000 439 06/03/2018 0000103*000041539163*C 2 06/03/2018 400000 44 11/05/2018 0000103*000045475652-4* 2 14/05/2018 60000 45 14/05/2018 0000103*000045475652-5* 8 14/05/2018 1600000 46 15/05/2018 ICICR52018051500656675 3 15/05/2018 600000 47 15/05/2018 ICICR52018051500656675-1 6 15/05/2018 1200000 1 Amount Credited in the Voucher Number of Date of Credit into Voucher Date Bank Transaction Description CEO,AP SERP AABY A/C Number Claims the SERP Account 37028084613 48 15/05/2018 ICICR52018051500656675-2 142 15/05/2018 28400000 480 27/03/2018 ICICR52018032700804460-1 1 27/03/2018 200000 482 28/03/2018 0000103*000042945022*C 1 28/03/2018 200000 484 28/03/2018 ICICR52018032900401081 1 29/03/2018 200000 487 29/03/2018 ICICR52018032900401081-3 2 29/03/2018 400000 49 16/05/2018 ICICR52018051600779466 194 16/05/2018 38800000 50 16/05/2018 ICICR52018051600779466-1 92 16/05/2018 2760000 51 17/05/2018 ICICR52018052100543932 120 21/05/2018 3600000 52 17/05/2018 ICICR52018052100543932-1 10 21/05/2018 750000 53 17/05/2018 ICICR52018052100543932-2 404 21/05/2018 80800000 54 18/05/2018 ICICR52018052100543932-3 190 21/05/2018 38000000 55 19/05/2018 ICICR52018052100543932-4 210 21/05/2018 42000000 56 19/05/2018 ICICR52018052100543932-5 153 21/05/2018 30600000 57 21/05/2018 ICICR52018052100543932-6 52 21/05/2018 10400000 58 21/05/2018 ICICR52018052100543932-7 255 21/05/2018 7650000 7 25/04/2018 ICICR52018042600336991-1 3 26/04/2018 600000 9 26/04/2018 ICICR52018042600336991-3 2 26/04/2018 400000 AXISCN001 17/01/2018 AXISCN0016653781 1 18/01/2018 75000 6653781 Zilla Samakhya Insurance Call Centres have uploaded the nominee SB Accounts and confirmed the Rs. 5000/- payment for 1939 claims in the said vouchers. The details of the Claims settled by LIC, Nominee Account Particulars and the amount to be transferred to Zilla Samkhyas is shown in Annexure 1 & 2 respectively for transferring the claim amount of Rs. 292965000.00/- to the 1939 Nominees Accounts directly and Rs 8505000.00/- to Zilla Samakhyas as reimbursement for Rs 5000 paid through EFMS. In view of the above sanction is here by accorded for transfer of an amount of Rs. 301470000.00/- (Rupees Thirty Crore Fourteen Lakh Seventy Thousand Only) to 1939 Nominees & Zilla Samakhyas as per the Annexure 1 & 2 enclosed through EFMS from the funds available in A/c No: 37028084613 SBI ,Patamatalanka branch . Sd/- P Krishna Mohan Chief Executive Officer To The DDO, SERP Copy to TCS EFMS team with a request to prepare the file in EFMS format and send the same to SBI ,Patamatalanka. Copy to The Manager, SBI ,Patamatalanka with a request to transfer the amounts to the Accounts as per the file submitted by TCS. Copy to Zilla Samakhyas. 2 Slno MemberID Policy Holder Name Nominee Account Number Bank Name IFSC Code Amount District 1 202186618523 SETTI CHANDRAKALA B Anjineyulu 1200101010804 Canara Bank CNRB0001200 195000.00 Anantapur Andhra Pragati 2 202799107205 Putta Rangappa Gujjamma 91041973065 Grameen bank APGB0001011 25000.00 Anantapur 3 204778440154 Enumala Peddanna Enumala Rathnamma 11585986855 State Bank of India SBIN0005657 195000.00 Anantapur Andhra Pragati 4 213823959650 Shek Haseena Shek Jeelan 91080290662 Grameen bank APGB0001089 195000.00 Anantapur 5 219153579788 B SIVA B GANGA LAXMI 020210100031256 Andhra Bank ANDB0000202 195000.00 Anantapur 6 231546843687 Thotakula Sathish Kumar Thotakula Arunamma 34728936790 State Bank of India SBIN0000806 195000.00 Anantapur 7 232357350586 D Ramanamma Dandagala Seeramulu 31682200004302 Syndicate Bank SYNB0003168 195000.00 Anantapur Neeraganti Andhra Pragati 8 247761827492 Neeraganti Anjineyulu Lalithamma 91089600939 Grameen bank APGB0001043 200000.00 Anantapur 9 251162964937 Sake Narasimhulu H Narasimhulu 122210100174986 Andhra Bank ANDB0001222 200000.00 Anantapur Mekal Thimmannagari State Bank of 10 269388123050 Ramappa Thimmakka 64169933245 Mysore SBIN0040005 30000.00 Anantapur 11 278363519188 Vadde Ganganna V Lakshmidevi 001310100125698 Andhra Bank ANDB0000013 25000.00 Anantapur 12 280145551709 Manjula Vannuramma Manjula Kishtappa 31893267263 State Bank of India SBIN0008829 195000.00 Anantapur Andhra Pragati 13 291033394866 Beduduri Narappa Narayanamma 91080098174 Grameen bank APGB0001013 25000.00 Anantapur Venganapalli Hasan 14 297066931816 Rajiyabi Vali 34948673965 State Bank of India SBIN0004412 30000.00 Anantapur Andhra Pragati 15 298375788000 Gogula Yellamma Idagottu Alivelamma 91005321182 Grameen bank APGB0001015 30000.00 Anantapur 16 305805369450 Badige Vijay Kumar Badige Kamalamma 31335989887 State Bank of India SBIN0000960 25000.00 Anantapur 17 315829592053 Kuruba Mahesh Babu Kuruba Nagaveni 520101251558285 Corporation Bank CORP0000036 195000.00 Anantapur Shaik Thasleem 18 317260615941 Shaik Pakeer Bee Meharaj 057010100129977 Andhra Bank ANDB0000570 25000.00 Anantapur 19 319464518147 T V Radhakrishna T.V.Kanthamma 37363865684 State Bank of India SBIN0011124 25000.00 Anantapur Pilaapalli 20 329171828245 Pillalapallinaagaraju Anusuyamma 31442200120340 Syndicate Bank SYNB0003144 195000.00 Anantapur 21 334274667034 Jogi Kullayappa Jogi Lakashmi 36321205157 State Bank of India SBIN0000946 195000.00 Anantapur Bodimalu 22 338557582731 Bodimalla Obireddi Narayanamma 520101201012258 Corporation Bank CORP0000095 195000.00 Anantapur 1 Slno MemberID Policy Holder Name Nominee Account Number Bank Name IFSC Code Amount District State Bank of 23 343699678734 govindhrajulu Uppara Renukamma 37198062762 Hyderabad SBIN0021932 195000.00 Anantapur 24 356302157592 Maradugu Naga Rangamma Maradagu Naga Gopal 1851108016251 Canara Bank CNRB0001851 200000.00 Anantapur 25 357835947980 Mohiddin S Shaik Mahaboob Bee 6626860418 Indian Bank IDIB000G122 195000.00 Anantapur 26 362866730722 V Subbarayudu Y Sujathamma 31442200055247 Syndicate Bank SYNB0003144 25000.00 Anantapur 27 413565115268 Jinkala Aadi Narayanappa Jinkala Bhagyamma 31312250044869 Syndicate Bank SYNB0003131 25000.00 Anantapur Pedaiah Gari Andhra Pragati 28 415210490701 Pedaiah Gari Muthyalappa Lakshmakka 19167114033 Grameen bank APGB0001024 195000.00 Anantapur 29 425109750042 G Ramanamma Kalyan 36251165787 State Bank of India SBIN0011125 200000.00 Anantapur Gonuguntla Suseela 30 434799806970 G Mangamma Naidu 32814051023 State Bank of India SBIN0005655 25000.00 Anantapur 31 443312918116 Ramesh Adilakshmi 6487371455 Indian Bank IDIB000H055 200000.00 Anantapur Siddepalli 32 458047100527 Lakshminarasimma S H Narasimhareddy 126001011004238 Vijaya Bank VIJB0001260 25000.00 Anantapur 33 462716290939 K Lakshmi K Hanumantha Chari 520101210231013 Corporation Bank CORP0000156 200000.00 Anantapur 34 465805130692 Sugali Hanumantha Naik Sugali Jayalakshmi Bai 3145220031392 Syndicate Bank SYNB0003145 195000.00 Anantapur 35 473994391078 D Prakash D Narayanamma 015600101023043 Corporation Bank CORP0000156
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