PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - EVENING HERALD, Wed., June 27, 1979 Carpe-Bloking f Vogt-Baron ■»' •* Tfir~r'f-TrtTtrTn—-rrrm--fniiw V iiliiaiiii.iMi........ .. Kathy Jeanne Bloking and Raymond Carpe, both of Ruth Baron and Robert Vogt, both of Vernon, were k Manchester, were married June 23 at the Second married June 23 at Second Congregational Church in Few Taking Advantage I Korea Threatens Palmer Aids Red Hot 1 New Home Greenhouse Congregational Church in Manchester. Manchester. vH The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Of Low-Cost Dental Care I Nuclear Development Baltimore Orioles 1 Source of Vegetables Bioking Sr. of 250 W. Center St., Manchester. The Hassel of Bristol. ’The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and P a g e 3 1 P a g e 4 P a g e 7 bridegroom is the son of Henry Carpe of Eilington and Mrs. M. Donald Vogt of 29 Clyde Road. Manchester. 1 P a g e 1 0 Mrs. Theima Carpe of Manchester. The Rev. James MacLauchiin officiated. The Rev. James D. MacLauchiin of the Second The bride was given in marriage by her father. Congregational Church peformed the doubie-ring Mrs. Janet Skouran of Blacksburg, Va. Lynn Baron of ceremony. Bristol was bridesmaid. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore white Raymond Vogt of Manchester served as best man. iianrI|eBtrr iace and siik gown designed in Princess-style with Queen Ushers were John Skovran of Blacksburg, Va., and John Cloudy Tonight, Anne neckline, lace accents on sleeves and bodice, and , Baron of Bristol. skirt terminating into a modified train. She wore a A reception was held at the Manchester Country Club, Sunny Friday chapel-length veil with matching lace and carried a after which the couple left on a cruise to Nassau. They Dntallt on pagn 2 colonial bouquet of white carnations, daisy pompons and will reside in Vernon. baby’s breath. Mrs. Vogt is employed as a teacher in South Windsor. JoAnn Burns of Manchester was maid of honor. Mr. Vogt is self-employed. (Nassiff photo) Bridesmaids were Barbara Bloking of Manchester, the bride’s sister; and Joann Carpe of Manchester, the M rra lii bridegroom’s sister. House Fire turning Vol. XCVIII, No,,226 — Manchester, Conn., Thursday, June 28, 1979 Barry Carpe of Manchester served as best man. Ushers MANCHESTER - A house at I • A Family NEWSpaper Since 1B81 > 20$ Single Copy « IS t Home Delivered were Craig Bloking of Vernon, the bride’s brother; and 1816 Hartford Road received David Carpe of Manchester. damage from a fire Wednesday | A reception was held at the Buckboard Restaurant in I about midnight. Glastonbury. ’The couple will reside in Manchester. Lisa Ann Reichert and Blaine Robert Lessard, both of Bolton, were married June 23 at Bolton Congregational Patrol Officer Charles Morneau I Mrs. Carpe is employed as a receptionist at Travelers I was on patrol on Gardner Street Insurance Co. Mr. Carpe is employed at Channel Home Church in Bolton. Error Delays District Meeting when he said he noticed heavy I Center. (Nadeau photo) The bride is the daughter of William Reichert of Bolton and Mrs. John Dietrichsen of East Killingly. The smoke, and pulled over to the side | “I would hope that the 300 people Mrs. Raymond Carpe bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Omer Lessard of I of the road. By JUNE TOMPKINS who came tonight will come next Bolton. Police said an unidentified man I Herald Reporter Mrs. Robert Vogt I pointed the smoking house out to I week. It’s still an important meeting. The Rev. J. Stanton Conover of Bolton Congregational MANCHESTER — The annual I urged a lot of these people to com- Church officiated at the double-ring cememony. Morneau, who immediately! Whitehouse-Josephson I reported the fire to headquarters. meeting of the Eighth Utilities e,” The bride wore an ivory colored embroidered eyelet District, was about to begin Morneau said he saw Vinton j Robert Bletchman, campaign gown. She wore a circle of baby’s breath in her hair and Wednesday night in the Bentley Webb, a resident of the burning j manager for Noone, stepped to the carried a bouquet of roses and baby’s breath. School Auditorium. District house, coming around the house I microphone after LaBelle’s an­ Miriam Deborah Josephson of Vernon and Jonathan Donna Curylo of Bolton was maid of honor. residents were still crowding into the nouncement, but his words were lost Brad Lessard of Bolton was his brother’s best man. I with a garden hose to put out the | Hall Whitehouse of Cape Porpoise, Maine, were married hall. to the audience who were beginning The couple will reside in Bolton. (Fracchia photo) fire. on June 24. Morneau said he helped Linda j Several persons standing outside in to leave. Bletchmann said that the the hallway were saying that if many The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Neil D. Brogek leave an upstairs room, | Noone committee “has been working more people came, they might have Josept\son of Vernon. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and also helped to bring down two I their duffs off,” and he urged the to move the meeting to a larger people to come back ’Thursday. and Mrs. Arnold A. Whitehouse of Cape Porpoise, Maine. I young German shepherd pups| place. while the mother followed. John LaBelle Sr. called the situa­ Rabbi Neil Kominsky of Temple Beth Hillel in South They could not hear the district’s Police said the fire, which j tion a “human error.” Windsor performed the ceremony in the garden of the attorney, John LaBelle Sr. who was originated on the front porch roof, j “Everybody makes them,” he home of the bride’s parents. telling the group the meeting would rose up the front of the house. said. Town Fire Capt. JosephJ have to be postponed because the Helen Warrington, secretary of the Gail Josephson was her sister's honor attendant. Other required five-day interim between bridal attendants were Ann Peabody, Nicole Johnson and McCooe told police the firel board, said she should have made it HAVING A couldn’t have started from elec-1 public notice and the meeting had not clear to The Herald when the notice Anne-Marie Heiser. been met. trical wiring, but possibly from a [ was given them that it should have The public notice of, the meeting Stetson Heiser served as best man. ’The groomsmen thrown cigarette from the second j appeared on a certain day and said appeared Saturday in The Herald, were Russell Josephson and Matthew Josephson, floor onto the porch roof which} that perhaps she was partly to which made the meeting date only brothers of the bride; David Eldredge, Dennis Phillips was wooden shingles. blame. and David Kjeldsen. YURD four days later. The notice included a covering Police said the fire had been! J- The meeting has been rescheduled smouldering a long time and final-1 letter and a number of reports of dis­ for Thursday, July 5, at 7:30 p.m. at After a wedding trip to Virginia, the couple will reside ly flamed up, destroying the roof trict officials. The cover letter in Kennebunkport, Maine. I and face of the building. Police | the Bentley School auditorium. enumerated the reports and referred Reactions were varied after the an­ Mrs. Whitehouse is employed as a medical technician said the fire was put out quickly. to them as "published in the nouncement was made. at the Joseph W. Bergen Memorial Clinic in Kennebunk, Manchester Evening Herald on June Director Lawrence Noone, who is Maine. Mr. Whitehouse is captain of a commercial SALE?! 23, 1979.” June 23 was Saturday. Then you'll want to tell as many Out of Running also a candidate for president of the The error came to light while John fishing vessel out of Kennebunkport, Maine. (Naylor people at possible about it! And the Mrs. Jonathan H. Whitehouse photo) district, was heard to say, “This is LaBelle Jr,, attorney, who also ^ t way to do that is with a Classified MANCHESTER - Harry! what you call a snake Job.” represents the Eighth District, was Ad in this newspaper. I Reinhorn announced today that he j Incumbent President Gordon returning to Manchester late will not seek a Republican! Lassow, who is running for re- Wednesday afternoon after spending nomination for the Town Board of j Charm of a Clown election, called the incident unfor­ a day in court. S h e H e r a l d I Directors this year. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING tunate. “I was going over in my mind Mrs. Blaine R. Lessard Reinhom, who served as chair- D ® o" J? Convalescent Home with his pet toy monkey, KofC Installation Set Phtllip T^e Clown, of South Windsor, holds that seems to come alive as it perches on the “Who are you going to blame and tonight’s agenda and suddenly The Knights of Columbus, as Grand Knight. He is a communi­ knight; Robert A. Lukas, recorder; I man bf the Water Study Com-1 what difference does it make,” he recalled I hadn’t seen the notice in Campbell Council in Manchester, cant of St. Jam es Parish and Gerald Finley, chancellor; Robert L. mittee and as a member of the the attention of a resident at the Meadows clown’s arm. (Herald photo by Pinto) said. “If people are sincerely in­ The Herald.” will conduct installation of officers employed as export manager for Baughan, warden; Donald Judson, Zoning Board of Appeals, had in- j terested, they’ll come back next He said as soon as he got home he on Sunday, July 1 at the KofC Hall at Heubiein International.
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