1 Weather Distribution * 7 $m. towntan, U. Butty Today ^^•f HOW tPUVCTOWf WnH i4vV BED BANK able gfiemwi doaOmu •«&*< 23,425 Wfh h the upper Mt. Low to- nljht, J*. Saturdny, tunny and cool See weather, page 2. DIAL 741-0010 lines dtllr. Kondw CmwiB FtHiT. *>cond Cluf POIUJ• p1| — g;4 B| t a juutll MUllng OlBcei. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE- ONE Reds Ambush Unarmed U.S. Soldiers in Korea SEOUL, Korea, (AP) - The U.N. command accused Com- munist North Korea today of a double-cross ambush of eight un- armed U.S. and South Korean soldiers in the demilitarized zone. One American was wounded and a South Korean captain was presumed dead. The U.N. command said the Communists trapped the tiny unit and fired about 1,000 rounds in about four hours Wednesday afternoon. Seven men escaped after darkness fell. Check Marking North Korea was advised in HEROES — Eatontown Police Chief William Zadoromy, center, has words of praise advance that the two Americans for Patrolman William Hutting, left, and Sidney Davis, custodian of the Margaret L. and six South Koreans were go- Vetter School, who yesterday crashed through locked door of a burning home at 58 ing into the zone to check bor- der markings, a U.N. spokes- Richardson Ave., and rescued three small children. "Quick action by the men averted man said, and each man wore a a n«ar tragedy in the home of Mrs. Rhae Chunn," said Chief Zadoromy. yellow arm band identifying him as being on "authorized JUNIOR HIGH — This is an architect's conception of proposed junior high school to be built by Middletown Board business." of Education in Leonardo. Project would involve an addition to a portion of Leonard annex, not damaged in 4 fire The South Korean, seriously last March. Tha addition if one of the projects in the board's $4.2 million building program to be voted on Dsc. 3. Patrolman, School Custodian wounded, was left behind when, the rest of the group plunged Cost of Leonardo project has been set at $785,000. into an icy river and hid be- Save 3 Children in House Fire neath its bank until dark. The wounded American, an EATONTOWN—Three children were saved mother, thinking they were all right, it was enlisted man, was shot in the from pertain death in a house fire here yester- said, left the house to go shopping. Monmouth Park Top Money Maker thigh but got away. His identi- day when a police officer and a school custo- The fire started in a closet in Mrs. Chunn's ty was withheld until his fam- bedroom, Chief Zadorozny said, and gutted the TRENTON (AP) - New Jer- the betting handle and breakage dian broke into a locked home and rescued ily was notified. million, up slightly from last y 50 racing days compared With them. room, filling the house with smoke. sey race tracks registered a bet- from four tracks. Breakage is year. 56 for Monmouth, Colonel Hospitalized ting handle of $296 million this the change after bets are paid Mr. Davis reported seeing smoke coming Monmouth Park rang up a rec- Garden State, which operates Patrolman William Hutting and Sidney year, withMonmoitthParkemerg- off to even 10-cent amounts. from the house, which is across the street from The other American, Lt. Col. ord handle of 597,517,052 even i split season, started slow in Davis, custodian of the Margaret L. Vetter the school. Patrolman Hutting rushed to the Alphus R. Clark, 43, of Leaven- ing as the top money maker The $26.6 million represents an though attendance dropped slight- (School, broke through a locked door, according for the first time in the state'* he spring but finished fast in scene to join Mr. Davis while the fire alarm worth, Kan., also was hospital- increase of about $1 million more ly from last year. Monmouth thus he fall, returning $8.9 million to to Police Chief William Zadorozny, and found was being sounded. horse racing history. than the state got last year, ized, suffering from shock and displaced Garden State as the ie state, $203,000 more than last one child near the door. The officer passed the An Associated Press survey partially due to a .5 per cent Firemen quickly doused the blaze, the chief exposure. He was the leader of top money maker among the ear. The handle at Garden State child out to Mr. Davis, the chief said, and they the group. showed yesterday the state will increase in the state tax on bets. tracks. said, but have not yet determined the cause of his year was $96,841,438. then went into the burning house and carried the fire. The shooting occurred about reap $26.6 million as its share of Attendance this year was 2.27 Garden State, however, had on- the remaining two children to safety. Business really boomed at Free- "Quick attention by the two men averted ) miles northeast of Seoul, on old Raceway, the state's only Rescued were the children of Mrs. Rhea a possible tragedy," said Chief Zadorozny. the north bank of a branch of larness, track. Attendance there Chunn of 58 Richardson Ave., scene of the near "The children could have easily become as- the Han River. The Old Folks an 15 per cent ahead of last tragedy. They were Linda, 6, Lorenzo, 5, and phyxiated in a few minutes in the thick smoke," Clark's mission was to check To Pressure State ear and the betting handle was Robert, 2. he added. border markings that divide the ip 10.3 per cent. Patrolman Hutting is being treated at home Scored High It was reported- that Mrs. Chunn had left zone Into North and South Ko- The state racing commission is for smoke inhalation. Mr. Davis and the chil- rean halves. The zone, about the children in the care of her mother while For Traffic Lights expected to announce an official she went to her job. The children's grand- dren escaped uninjured. 3,000 yards wide, was estab lished across the Korean Penin- InCountyVote accounting soon, ..«•. MDDLETOWN — The Township called for a traffic light at Twin sula by the 1953 armistice to FREEHOLD — Tha surprise The figures computed by tha Committee last night voted to Brooks Ave, and that the state keep the Communist and U.N. Republican landslide notwith- tracks compare only with tha ask the stata Highway Depart- has changed its mind. armies apart. standing, it was the old folks at regular racing Beason last year ment to install traffic lights in The committee has been seek A U.N. spokesman gave this home, who were most popular in and do not apply to 30 extra Charter Group's Initial Monmouth County Election Day, front of the Old Village fire housi Ing a light at the fire house fo: account of the incident: and at Twin. Brooks Ave., both days to provide money for Nov. 5. several years fearing that then rehabilitation of the storm-dam- The inspection team had been on St. 35. might be an accident irivolvinj in the zone about two hours So Indicated the county Boar aged New Jersey shore. A special of Elections, sitting as the coun- The governing body expressed fire equipment enteringi the high law authorized the extra days when the Communists, hidden concern when it learned that the way. tyBoard of Canvassers, in a re- only for last year. Meeting a Private One in thick underbrush and grass, modernization of the Five Cor- Two Injured- opened fire from about 150 yards port of its official tally yester- ners intersection did. not include Two persons were injured Iasi . This is how the state's tracks A section in the act states day. - MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - "I away. a traffic light for Twin Brooks month when a car collided wit fared this year:- • - couldn't care less." that a commission must circulate Voiers gave the proposal to 1 Seek Cover Ave. a fire engine trying to enter th •Monmouth Park — attendance That was the declaration last the "widest posible public infor- grant an $30 credit on tax bills Clark and his men ran for the The street connects with the highway to answer an alarm, for 56 days of racing was 1,020,- night of charter commissioner mation" on its activities and of senior citizens, instead of the river, seeking cover. The South ighway a. short distance below Joseph Azzolina, president ol 858 against 1,059,053 for the aame ' Clarence B. Stultz on the question findings. present $800 real estate assess Korean captain couldn't make the Five Corners intersection. It Food Circus Supermarket, number of days last year. But of public information concerning ment reduction, the most favor- Asked by a reporter if this it. also serves as the major exit for charged that the state agency the betting handle this year, $97,- charter study. could be done by holding closed, able count among all six public Communist automatic weap- the Two Guys from Harrison was pressured to modify the 17,052, beat last year's betting The new commission barred the private sessions, Mr, Hill replied, questions and all 12 candidates store. plans. press and public from its first ons kept up the fire. A small for county office. mark of $94,800,055 which was the "Yes." Officials explained that the or- His market is near the inter- boat started across the river to $50 Tax Credit Monmouth record. The state session—and met behind locked He said no decision has been ginal plans for the intersection (See STATE, Page 2) doors.
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