MOKflAT, DBCBM BI* l i , tMO Avaragt Dally Cireolation IT B E t l flltutr^rBtrr Eonitttg B m to Tht Waather Far the Mauth af NereeAer,- ItSS Paraaaat af C. 8. Waathar Bunas 'ihe Women's League .will hold All members of the Lutnia and The Chamlnade Musical club, Junior young people of the St. Ceceilla choirs affiliated with! Order Gift Baskets 6,564 Swedish Congregational church its apnual meeting tomorrow the Polish National Catholic Po^ nearing and mueh eelder tu- under the direction of Mrs. Ed­ Mambar af the Audit ►ut Town ward Daley and Mrs, Daidd M. will meet thU evening at 7:30 with afternoon at twq o’clock at the liah (jhurch are requested to at­ now from Plnehurst. HALE'S SELF SERVE nlfhtt W'edneaday fair, < Bwmett. organist, presented the Eleanor Chirloon S t Summer Second Congregational chufch. A tend a concert rehearsal tomorrow The Original In Naw England! Bufuaa af CiNnIaMaaa street. See regular adv. on cantata. “ Bethlehem” by Paul Chriatmaa party will follow and night a t 7 o'clock in the church ManeheUer A CUy •/ Village Charm i M d K n . BigrnuDd Gosd*. o i niiM at the Stafford Springs haU. EtvlUc, were entertained Sat-' the memherz are reminded. to Page 2. jneuioaui UIIUI.-U —0-— Group 2 of Center Church wom­ AND HEALTH MARKET , cvenlnr at a dinner party rtreet en will have a btisineea meeting to­ bring inexpensive gifts. Mrs. (Oaaaiaad Advarttalug au Paga 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17,1940 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEf ren Wood of Woodbrldge Marjorie ’niton will serve as Pinehurst Grocery VOL. LX., NO. 6« I by Mr. and Mra. W. A lfr^ olayed the organ prelude and morrow evening at 7:30 In the iburg of Hartford, in honor of teacher-training room. chairman ot the hosteases. Read Herald Advs. «fth weddliig aiinlveraary, , poatlude. TU ESD A Y SPECIALS Double Green Stamps Given With Cash Salea lAithian^a Body Leaves British Embassy ^^^jMlJDtej^Tneadajl^ Britain Must Halt t British Seize Three O 7 Shopping Days to Christmas The BREAD loaf War Buying Unless Shop Early and Avoid the Last Minute Rush! HaW$ More Italian Forts; Tan Cm Sheffield Double Green Stamps Christmas Store Finance Aid Given Santa In Toyland Tuesday Afternoon, 2 to 5. MILK 4 Given Thursday Morgenthau Reveals In­ Bombers Raid Reich ConfecUomry formation from Phil­ Five Rescued SUGAR lips; Treasury Head Within Hour Aircraft Factory, Desert Force* Driving Country Club Lion Brand Genuine Ringlem Reiterates Statement Plant anti Other Tells British On Important Libyad^^; yT Store Open AH Day te Believes I^oans O f Explosion Chiffon Hosiery Hi Ho Crackers get* in Mannheim Area [ilVOSion WHl Port of Bardia with Coat Sweaters liv e ly 3 or 4-thread sheer chiffons. Silk from tip to toa. lepend on Congress. Attaekerl; Submarine ^ , ‘Steadily Increasing For Women Fancy Quality (!olored Ilorder Flatten’ng new shades. Coal_Mine Blast Traps Pressure'; Gain Firat Lovely coat awsaters for women. All wool. So For Fruit Cakes Washington, Dec. 17.— (/F) Base at Bordeaux and Lome by Air comfortable, warm and smart looking to slip on over Mixed Fruit Lb. — Secretary Morgenthau was Undetermined Number Six Mcrrhantmen Off ---- - Foothold on Italian •'.oet and Pillow Case Sets your dresses or under your coat. Copen, navy, 79c pr. brown, natural, wine. Sizes 36 to 46 Armour’s reported to have told a House Of Men; Extent of In­ French Coast Marks Colonial Soil by Cap* A real practical Rift! Solid colored borders In appropriations Committee to­ Lord Beaverbrook Says blue, mntse. preen, orchid and peach. cans day Sir P’roderick Phillips, juries Not Learned Yet. In SericH of Raids. (lermany Making Prep­ tore of Fort (Japuzzo. ------ , \ $2.98 to $3.98 Ladies' Genuine TREET undersecretary of the British Ixmdon, Dec. 17.— UP)— arations for Action Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 17.— (/P), $ 1 ,9 8 set Short Shank Treasury, had informed him Bulletin! Leather Handbags that England could make no Beckley, W. Va., Dec. 11— British bombers attacked an Before Spring Comes, i— Three more Italian fort* more commitments for pur­ 1/P)—H m body of one of at aircraft factory, a dye plant ------ ' have fallen to the British Cotton Dresses Top handle and envelope styles In Genuine Goat, Calf and Smoked Shoulders u. 15c least seven men bellev'ed trap­ .New r'iitterns: Floral Chenille It's smart to choose a gift that you’d like for your Water Buffalo. Colors: Black, brown, wine, navy. chase of war materials in the and other targets in the Liondon, Dec. 17.— Lfjrd; wilo, with reinforce- Ijirge Can llormrl ped by an explosion In the very own! United States unless financial No. 4 mine of The Kaleigh Mannheim area of Germany,' Bea%'erbro<jk, minister of aircraft ■ ment.s, are driving on the im» Bath Mat and Lid Cover Sets A large and varied group of styles and materials aid was extended. Ooal and Coke Company waa the Nazi submarine at production, declared over the radio liOl'tant LiliVan port Of Bar- to choose from, Nelly ftons, Huhrltes, Marie Dress- $1.95 - $2.95 - $4.95 brought to the surface short­ tonight that Germany ’’la making dia w ith "steadil.v increasing' Three beaiitifiil floral patterns in all colors: Peach, lers and Gracious Lady dresses. Sizes 12 to 44—^ Chili Con Come 15c Committee membere who dl»- Bordeaux, France, and six blue, preen, du.ity rose, orchid, rose, black and white. closcd to newamen this testimony ly before t p.m. today by an merchantmen off the Frencii preparations for invasion of Eng- prcS.SUre," a general head­ 34'-i to 52':. / Special!. oxygen-belmeted rescue crew. given behind closed doors added coast in a broad serie.s of land before springtime—by land quarters communique repOft- that the Treasury secretary had The dead miner, W. M. Kirk, a and-sea. but principally by sir. ” ^ ^ , -p, fort*— $1.98 to $2.98 Philadelphia Scrapple repeated hts.statement that he ber raids last night, the Air Min­ Hitler is making an "immense „ , _ , - ? 1 .1 9 set Gift Gloves and Mittens llevcd that the United States could (Continued on Page Thirteen) istry announced today. A , .Musaid, Side Omar and Shef- Other Chenille Bath Mat Sets. .Sl.OO to $2.!IS i>ot extend loans or credits unless ......... $1.00 pr. Escorted by a troop of the Third Cavalry from Fort Myers, Va., the body of the late Lord Lothian, communique .said that Mann­ (Continued on Page Thirteen) I ferzan—are west of the Children’s . Van Rtialte Ciloves.............. 2.i.b. i.o »f 35c 4V>ngrcaa modifled or repealed the Fownes Glovc.s.................... .........$1.00 pr. British ambassador, rests in s Union Jack-draped caaket on a gun caisson a.s it leaves the red brick heim, ‘‘the chief industrial F!gyptian-L i b y a n frontier. Johnson act forbidding loans to | British embassy in Wa.shin^ton for funeral serA-ices at the W.ashlngton cathedral. Every nation with Wool Glove.s . ................. .........$1.00 pr. debtor nations. , 8 to 11 Die center of the upper Rhine,” ! The British gained their first EXTRA SPECl.M.; AI.I, KlflDS OF QUAI.ITV diplomatic envoys In Wa.shln^lon, except Gerniany and lt:!ly, wn.i represented at the funeral. President ! foothold on Italian colonial Bath Robes W(K»I .Mittens..................... ...........$1.00 pr, He left his hearers with the Im- ; Roosevelt, who was in Warm «pring.s, Ga„ en route home from his C.irlbbean A-isIt, was repre.sented by was subjected to a sustained Violent Plane prcaslon that whether to make Gift Umbrellas ,V1I wool flannel. Wine, royal. Sizes 8 to M. M'ool Lined Leathei (iloves . ........... $1.9.j pr. Stephen Early, White, .se;retary. seven-hour as.sault. Four I soil by taking Fort Capuzza CIGARS ~ CIGARETTES such revision was entirely up to In Pre-Dawn .\cw fabrics—new handles—new colorinps IS ■\nK«»ra Mittens .................. .$1.95 pr. British planes failed to re­ jand now are sweeping, west ribs Gloria and Celanese taffeta. Congress. Attaek Made $ 2 .9 8 Bunny Mittcnf................... ........... $1.9.5 pr. The discussion of Britain came : turn. rover the Libyan desert in an Kinkid Dress (ilo ves......... ........... $1.98 pr. And 1-Pound Cans of Tobacco up after the Treasury secretary Bla^Today Kill An analine dye factor.v at Lud- attempt to encircle Bardia $ 1 .9 8 Beacon Robes Iktys’ Leather (iloves......... ........... $1,50 pr. outlined to the Treasury-Post Of­ wignhaven. a suburb of Mannheim, On Diirazzo with motorized unit*. Brown, blue, wine. Sizes 8 to 14 For Christmas Giving At Very fice Appropriations Subcommittee , Pelaiii and Abetz Talk "one o f the largest in Germany, Australian troops were said to Other L nthrellas $2.98 to $1.98 Boy.s’ Leather Mittens....... ........... $1.00 pr. the needs of hi.s own department was set well alight, the fires be­ Member* of Four Cin- , have captured Italian truck* and .$1.69. to $1.98 Low Prices! during the fiscal year beginning 10 ill Raids ing still visible half an hour after a gun in a moonlit battle last next July 1. cinnati I'amilie* Jolteil the attacking aircraft had left." 'rHiii Greek Drixe* Now , night. A communique reported ra- Cift Toiletrit’s. On Future of France the ministry said. Hi.s and Her— .Mr. and Mrs. Ix>innn—Orange and Citron .\nalyzea Britain’s Need i newed offensive patrolling "on a An Inexpensive (iift! From Bed*; 12 HurtJ I Target .Area Xiass of Flarorw Sail! to Be Converging Embroidered Itevelry S«-ls ...........................
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