GDR Bulletin Volume 3 Issue 1 February Article 4 1977 Visiting Lecturers various authors Follow this and additional works at: https://newprairiepress.org/gdr This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License. Recommended Citation authors, various (1977) "Visiting Lecturers," GDR Bulletin: Vol. 3: Iss. 1. https://doi.org/10.4148/ gdrb.v3i1.371 This Announcement is brought to you for free and open access by New Prairie Press. It has been accepted for inclusion in GDR Bulletin by an authorized administrator of New Prairie Press. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 6 authors: Visiting Lecturers RESEARCH AT BERTOLT-BRECHT- performances nightly at prices ranging from ARCHIV AND HANNS-EISLER- DM 2,— to DM 10,—. Tickets may be reserved ARCHIV by mail or purchased a few days in advance from the box office. During my visits I found the performers and directors very friend• As a grantee of the University of Kansas ly and willing to talk about their perform• Direct Program, I lived in Mainz, Germany, ances, and the administration is willing to from October 1975 to August 1976 and con• allow researchers to attend rehearsals, ducted research toward a catalogue of conduct interviews etc. Advance permission musical numbers with texts by Bertolt- for such research is, however, necessary and Brecht and Hanns-Eisler-Archives. The may be obtained by writing to: Informations• cooperation and friendliness of the admin• büro istrators there were of great help to me, Berliner Ensemble and I should like to share my experiences 104 Berlin with readers of the "Bulletin". Am Bertolt-Brecht-Platz The Bertolt-Brecht-Archiv is located Sample programs and schedules of the month's in the author's post-exile apartment and events may also be obtained from this contains original manuscripts, notes and address. publications by Brecht as well as most of In limited space it is impossible to the secondary works about him. Some mat• convey the full impression of the warmth erials, especially those with regard to and cooperation which I received while in Brecht's early poetry, are held in the 3erlin. I hope the information given above newly established Elisabeth-Hauptmann- helps other scholars interested in research Collection and are, therefore, less available. in Berlin, and I invite such scholars to For a comprehensive list of the B-B-A's hold• contact me for further information. ings consult:Bestandsverzeichnis des litera• rischen Nachlasses. 5 Vols., ed. by Hertha Ronald K. Shull Ramthun (Berlin: Aufbau Verlag, 19^9). (The University of Because the collection is so extensive, work• Kansas) space is limited, so that the researcher 1116 Tennessee should apply for permission to use the Lawrence, Kansas 66044 archive approximately three to four months ******** in advance. All serious Brecht-scholars are invited to apply, and an application form may be obtained from: Günter Glaser VISITING LECTURERS Bertolt-Brecht-Archiv 104 Berlin Chausseestrasse 125 Although Hanns Eisler's manuscripts HORST IHDE are held in several different collections, the Hanns-Eisler-Archiv contains originals Dr. Horst Ihde, Professor of Americanistic or copies of almost all of the composer's at the Humboldt University in Berlin (GDR), works. The director of the archive was is currently visiting the United States particularly friendly and helpful and has as an exchange sch< lar under the auspices continued to supply me with much useful of the IREX Exchange Program. information, but here, too, work-space is Dr. Ihde is available for meetings ana limited. Thus, one should apply early to: lectures until the end of March, 1977* Manfred Grabs He is interested in exchanging informa• Hanns Eisler Archiv tion regarding educational methods in the Akademie der Künste U.S. and the G.D.R.. Known as a scholar der DDR particularly knowledgeable in the field 104 Berlin of education in the G.D.R., he is willing Robert-Koch-Platz 7 to lecture on this topic, in either German The Berliner Ensemble also proved to be or English. Anyone interested in arran• a useful source of information as well as ging sneakinr engagements for Dr. Ihde artistic delight. Housed in the old Theater should contact the International Research am Schiffbauerdanm, the Ensemble gives and Exchange Board, 1010 East 59th St., New York, New York 10022. ******************** Published by New Prairie Press, 1977 1 FRITZ iENNENBERG - ROSWITHA TREXLER - 7 - GDR Bulletin, Vol. 3 [1977], Iss. 1, Art. 4 Dr. Fritz Hennenberg and his wife, Roswitha Trexler, are currently making plans for RECENT PUBLICATIONS their tour of the United States, March- June, 1978. Both Dr. Hennenberg and his wife have travelled throughout Europe, Giles, Geoffrey, "The Structure of Higher sharing their knowledge of new music in Education in the German Democratic Republic", the GDR with large audiences. Yale Higher Education Working Paper Series, A former Musikwissenschaft student in YHEP - 12, October 1976. Dresden and Leipzig, Dr. Hennenberg has published a number of books in the GDR, Kaufmann, Eva & Hans. Erwartung und Angebot. including "Brecht-Dessau. Musikalische Studien zum gegenwärtigen Verhältnis von Arbeiten "(1963) and a biography of Literatur und Gesellschaft in der DDR. Paul Dessau(l965). He is currently Berlin : Akadamie, 1975. working on forthcoming publications, This volume contains seven very useful essays, including "Brecht und die Musik", and most notably the first: "Literatur in einer "7 Porträts junger Komponisten aus der dynamischen Gesellschaft", in addition to DDR." While in the U.S., Dr. Hennen• others on the anthology Blitz aus heiterem berg is prepared to discuss such topics Himmel, on Brigitte Reimann, Gerti Tetzner as: and Christa Wolf. Lektionen Brecht und die Musik Lektionen Musik-Avantgarde in Klunker, Heinz. Zeitstücke und Zeitgenossen. der DDR Gegenwartstheater in der DDR. München : DTV, Workshops über das Singen von 1975. Brecht-Liedern Although originally published in 1972, this study contains many useful insights into the Roswitha Trexler is a rektown and versatile role of contemporary theater in the GDR. singer who has successfully performed the music of Dessau, Eisler and Weill) as well Rumold, Rainer, " 'Tarnung vor Spiegeln' - as the traditional works from such com• Zur kulturpolitischen und sprachlichen posers as Bach,Schubert, and Schönberg. Problematik des 'schwarzen' Lehrgecichts She has accompanied her husband in pre• Günter Kunerts", Monatshefte (Winter 1976), senting concerts, lectures and workshops 25-35. concerned with avant-garde music in the The essay explores tne rudimentary affinity GDR. of Kunert's anthology to a modernist "experi• Those interested in issuing invitations mental concept of language and poetry; at to Dr. Hennenberg and his wife Roswitha the same time, however, Kunert opposes the 1978, Trexler for the period of May-June extreme linguistic experimentations of the should contact Dr. Fritz Hennenberg, West (e.g. Heissenbüttel's didacticism of DDR-7035 Leipzig, Zum Harfenacker ?, absolute irritation). If most idiosyncrati- Telefon 491247. cally, the poet verges on those OUR cultural policies which emphasize a synthesis of the German classical heritage with socialist HERMANN KANT ideas. Hermann Kant, well known East German Sprachkultur — warum, wozu?: Aufgaben der author, will be in the United States Sprachkultur in der DDR. Von einem Autoren• from April 2-28, 1977. From the 17th kollektiv. Leipzig : VEB Bibliogr. Institut, through the 20th of April, he will 1976. participate in the Foreign Language Was ist und wozu dient Sprachkultur als 'vseek at West Virginia University. Aufgabe der Gesellschaft und der einzelnen? Kant has not yet finalized his plans Sprachkultur ist keine Kampagne gegen "Ver• for the remaining time before and after wilderung", sondern ein ständiges, jedem this conference and would be interested mögliches Bemühen um einen normgerechten, in visiting other universities. Those stilistisch angemessenen, schöpferischen interested in making arrangements for und wirkungsvollen Sprachgebrauch. Mr. Kant to visit their canrius should contact Sonja Elm, Kulturattache, '.jolf, Christa. Divided Heaven. Translated Embassy of the German Democratic by Joan Becker with an Introduction by .lack Republic, 1717 Mass. Ave. NW, Wash. Zit)es* Mew York: Acer's Foreign Books, D.C. 20036. (202-232-3134). https://newprairiepress.org/gdr/vol3/iss1/4 1976. DOI: 10.4148/gdrb.v3i1.371******** 2.
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