Microfossils of the Early Archean Apex Chert: New Evidence of the Antiquity of Life Author(s): J. William Schopf Reviewed work(s): Source: Science, New Series, Vol. 260, No. 5108 (Apr. 30, 1993), pp. 640-646 Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2881249 . Accessed: 07/04/2012 21:09 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. 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William Schopf establishthe authenticityof Archeanmicro- fossils,five principalcriteria must be satisfied Eleven taxa (including eight heretofore undescribed species) of cellularly preserved fila- (3). The putativemicrofossils must (i) occur mentous microbes, among the oldest fossils known, have been discovered in a bedded in rocks of known provenanceand (ii) es- chert unit of the Early Archean Apex Basalt of northwestern Western Australia. This tablishedArchean age; (iii) be demonstrably prokaryotic assemblage establishes that trichomic cyanobacterium-like microorganisms indigenousto and (iv) syngeneticwith the were extant and morphologically diverse at least as early as -3465 million years ago and primarydeposition of the enclosing rock; suggests that oxygen-producing photoautotrophy may have already evolved by this early and (v) be of assuredbiological origin. All stage in biotic history. but a few of the microfossil-likeobjects reported from Archean sediments have failedto meet one or moreof these require- ments (3, 4). Among recent such examples When life originatedand the rate of evo- severelyaltered by metamorphism(1). The wasthe discoveryof authenticmicrofossils in lution and diversificationof the earlybiota most promisingterrain for such studies is rocks evidently belonging to the Early continue to be fascinatingquestions. Simi- that of the PilbaraBlock of northwestern Archean WarrawoonaGroup of Australia larly, it is unclearwhen a physiologically WesternAustralia, a region underlainby a (6), a reportunconfirmed because it has not modem ecosystembased on oxygen-produc- 30-km-thicksequence of relativelywell-pre- proved possible to relocate the geologic ing photosynthesisbecame established. The servedsedimentary and volcanic rocksthat sourceof the fossiliferoussamples (3). Sim- sole source of direct evidence relevant to are -3000 to -3500 millionyears old (Fig. ilarly, becauseof their simple morphology, such questionsis the paleobiologicrecord 1). From this region, I describea diverse solitaryunicell-like spheroids reported from contained in rocks deposited during the assemblageof filamentousmicrobial fossils severalArchean units (7, 8) arebest consid- ArcheanEon of Earthhistory [>2500 mil- detectedin the EarlyArchean (-3465 mil- ered to be possibly rather than assuredly lion years ago (Ma)]. The search for lion yearsold) Apex chert, cellularprokary- biogenic (3, 4). Other than the filamentous Archean fossils, however, is fraughtwith otes morethan 1300million years older than Apex fossilsdiscussed below, the relatively difficulty:Few Archean sedimentaryrocks any comparablesuite of fossils previously well-establishedArchean microfossil record have survivedto the present,and paleobio- reportedfrom the geologicrecord. Microfos- consistsof two typesof cyanobacterium-like logic evidencein most such units has been sils were first discoveredin this deposit in filamentsfrom the -2750-million-year-old 1986 (2); in a preliminaryaccount, three TumbianaFormation of WesternAustralia The author is in the Center for the Study of Evolution taxawere identified (3). The eight addition- (4); sheath-enclosedcolonial unicells oc- and the Origin of Life, Institute of Geophysics and al species describedhere demonstratethat curring in -3465-million-year-old sedi- Planetary Physics, the Department of Earth and Space Sciences, and the Molecular Biology Institute, Univer- the EarlyArchean biota was more diverse mentary rocks of the Towers Formation, sity of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024. than previouslyknown (3, 4), providenew also of Western Australia(2); and narrow 640 SCIENCE * VOL. 260 * 30 APRIL 1993 nonseptate bacterium-likefilaments from mapped in detail (13). Studies of petro- mineralizedin subangularto roundedsili- -3450-million-year-oldunits of the Swazi- graphicthin sections demonstratethat the ceous sedimentaryclasts less than 1 mm to land Supergroupof South Africa (3, 8, 9). three-dimensionalfossils are cellularlyper- a few millimetersin diameter(Fig. 3, A and Although stromatolites (finely layered mound-shapedsedimentary structures pro- Fig. 1. Stratigraphiccolumn (13, duced by microbial communities) have Pilbara 15), distributionof reportedstro- been reportedfrom more than 20 Archean Supergroup I (Gad 313C(per mil) matolites and microfossils (3), ap- geologic units (10), including the Tumbi- 30 WHIMCREEK 3.0 -30 -20 -10 0 GGROUP proximateages (15, 40), and car- ana, Towers, and Swazilanddeposits ( 1), 0 =Organic carbon 1 bon isotopic data (14) for geolog- their putative biological origin has been 25- * =Carbonatecarbon J ic units of the Pilbara Supergroup questioned(12). GORGE of northwesternWestern Austra- Geologicsetting. The microfossilassem- CREEK g H/C=0.09(N=1) lia. GROUP blage that I describeis foundin a sedimen- 20- tarychert unit of the Apex Basalt,a 1.5- to E 00 2.0-km-thick formationconsisting of tho- e) 15- WYMANFM 1 -3.3 leiitic pillow lava, high-magnesiumbasalt, c and komatiite interbedded with minor Yd CL EURO BASALT . PANORAMAFM -3.4C chert members that immediatelyoverlies - CYT APEX BASALT GD0 0 the TowersFormation in the lowerthird of 10 C- OWER M _ (3(D 0 <DUFFERUFFE _ O* the LowerArchean PilbaraSupergroup of 3.4 TOWERSH/C=0.25 o FORMATION northwesternWestern Australia (Fig. 1) ~~(0. 5- 3~~~~~~: 30 to 0.16, N=3) (13). Kerogensisolated from Towers For- <1: MOUNTADA 0 BASALT mation sediments have H/C ratios from < McPHEEFM _ 3.5 3'NORTHSTAR-3 -2 -1 0 0.30 to 0.16 (Fig. 1) (14), consistentwith 0 3 BASALT _ _ -1_0-30 -20 minerologicdata indicating that these units have been metamorphosedto prehnite- pumpellyiteand lowergreenschist facies (1, I- Fig.
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