![BRITISH JOURNAL of PSYCHIATRY (THE JOURNAL of MENTAL SCIENCE) [Published by Authority of the Royal Medico-Psychological Association]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY (THE JOURNAL OF MENTAL SCIENCE) [Published by Authority of the Royal Medico-Psychological Association] SUPPLEMENT, NOVEMBER 1965 THE ROYAL MEDICO-PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING The One Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Annual Royal Hospital at the invitation of the Western M e e t i n g was held in Glasgow on 13-16 July, 1965. Regional Hospital Board. Dr. Ian Skottowe presided over the earlier proceed­ ings and Professor T . Ferguson Rodger after his induction on 14 July. W EDN ESD AY, 14 JU LY, 1965 Morning Session T U ESD A Y , 13 July, 1965 Dr. Ian Skottowe in the Chair Committees met at the New Arts Building of the The minutes of the One Hundred and Twenty- University of Glasgow, and Council in the Senate Fourth Annual Meeting held at Basingstoke in 1964, Room of the University. having been published in the Supplement to the Seminars were held in the New Arts Building British Journal o f Psychiatry, were confirmed and as follows: signed by the President. “Intensive Treatm ent of Long-Stay Patients.” Dr. George S. Stirling. O bitu ary “The Place of Psychoanalysis in a M ental The President announced with regret the death of Hospital.” Dr. Thomas Freeman. the following members: “Bereavement and Depression.” Dr. Alistair D illon, Frederick, formerly Medical Superin­ M unro. tendent, Northumberland House, London. An “Vitamins in Alcoholism and Confusional States.” Ordinary Member since 1915. Dr. P. W. Kershaw. “The Psychiatric Aspects of the Diseases of Van Dam, Lucie, formerly Psychiatrist at the Porphyrin Metabolism.” Dr. A. Goldberg. Provincial Hospital, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. “The M olecular Basis of Memory.” Professor An Ordinary M ember since 1939. J. N. Davidson, F.R.S. “ A Psychosomatic Study of Duodenal U lcer: O fficers and Council, 1965-6 an Experiment in Computing.” Dr. A. I . M . The President said that the Special Committee Glen. appointed to prepare and present the College Petition to the Privy Council had sought Counsel’s The President-Elect, Professor T. Ferguson Rodger, advice. When this advice was forthcoming it would entertained members of Council at Dinner at be possible to see whether the President to follow the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Professor Rodger could be elected under the proposed of Glasgow. Mrs. Rodger took the wives of new bye-laws, which would be presented to the members of Council on a bus tour, with lunch at membership in due course, or whether the present Loch Lomond. Members of the Association and bye-laws should still apply. It was proposed to put their wives attended a Reception at Gartnavel a motion for the adjournment of the Annual Meeting, and the Ad Hoc Committee would hold itself in be re-appointed, with the additions and deletions readiness to be recalled if necessary. Thus, the printed in the Agenda, and the additional resignation President could be elected under the new bye-laws of Dr. W. McCartan from the Library Committee. or under the existing ones according to how the Prof. M . Hamilton, Dr. Linford Rees and Prof. situation developed during the coming months. W. H. Trethowan were re-elected to the Journal The President moved that the Officers of the Committee. Association for 1965-6 be: Treasurer: Wilfrid Warren. General Secretary: A. B. Monro. Annual Reports of Council, Officers and Registrar: William Sargant. Standing Committees Librarian: Alexander Walk. Editor-in-Chief: Eliot Slater. Annual Report of Council The motion was carried unanimously. During 1964 the increase in our membership very nearly equalled the previous year’s record The President moved that the Nominated Members (244 as against 255). On 1 January ][965 the total of Council for 1965-6 be: membership stood at 2,727. A further 160 members P. H. Connell, R. K. Freudenberg, J. G. Howells, have joined between that date and 1 April 1965. J. T . Hutchinson, E. B. M cDowall, W. H. The figures for the past five years are: Trethowan. 1961 1962 1963 1964 i 965 The motion was carried unanimously. Ordinary The President reported that in accordance with Members 1,839 1,948 2,135 2,382 2,615 the bye-laws the following had also been elected as Honorary Officers of the Association: Members 28 27 27 27 29 Corresponding Immediate Past President: Dr. Ian Skottowe. Members 39 43 45 47 50 Vice-Presidents and Divisional Chairmen: Associate S. W. Hardwick (South-Eastern) Members 16 20 21 27 33 A. J. Galbraith (South-Western) E. Stengel (Northern and Midland) 1,922 2,038 2,228 2,483 2,727 M. M. Whittet (Scottish) J. N. P. Moore (Irish) and that the following had been clected Divisional There is reason to believe, however, that there are Secretaries: still a number of psychiatrists in senior posts who are A. J. Oldham (South-Eastern) outside the Association, and members are asked to R. W. Simpson (South-Western) do all they can to encourage their colleagues to join. B. W ard (Noithern and Midland) This applies also to non-medical professional staff A. K. M. Macrae (Scottish) who are eligible for Associate Membership; the Mary Sullivan (Irish) former restriction on the number of Associate The President reported that the Representative Members has now been removed. Members of Council for 1965-6 would be: At the time of drafting the last report, negotiations were still in progress for the re-housing of the Associa­ Divisions: B. Pitt (South-Eastern), C. P. Hellon tion in the new building of the Royal College of (South-Western), D. C. Bland (Northern and Physicians. These, however, were abandoned, as a Midland), G. C. Timbury (Scottish), J. J. more satisfactory opportunity presented itself at Fennelly (Irish). Chandos House, which had recently been acquired Sections: Portia Holman, G. S. Clouston (Child by the Royal Society of Medicine. A lease has been Psychiatry); G. McCoull, W. A. Heaton Ward taken of the whole of the second floor which besides (Mental Deficiency); H. V. Dicks, G. S. adequate office accommodation includes a spacious Prince (Psychotherapy and Social Psychiatry); Library which can also be used for Council meetings. P. Sainsbury, A. J. Coppen (Research and The move to Chandos House began in February Clinical). and was completed by the end of April. It should be realized that the lease is for five years in the first Election of Committees instance, and although it may be extended the The President moved that the Standing Committees R.S.M. will eventually require the whole house for 2 its own use. An Endowment and Building Committee to the attention of the Minister of Health, who has been set up with a view to planning future promised to bear the Association’s views in mind. permanent headquarters. Shortly before the May Meeting, 1964, the Associ­ This matter is, of course, closely connected with ation sustained a grievous loss in the death of its the aspiration of the Association to become the Royal President-Elect, Dr. Walter Maclay. In consequence College of Psychiatrists. The result of the ballot it was necessary for the Ad Hoc Committee and the held in May 1964 showed a large majority among Council to make an immediate nomination of a those voting, and an absolute majority of the members new President-Elect, and Dr. Ian Skottowe was resident in Britain, for immediate action, and chosen. He was inducted at the Annual Meeting accordingly Council recommended to the Annual in July; there was no change in the venue of the Meeting in July that the Privy Council should be Meeting, which was held at Park Prewett Hospital, petitioned for the Association’s name to be changed Basingstoke, on the kind invitation of the Hospital to that of “ Royal College of Psychiatrists” , and this Management Committee and Dr. I. Atkin. Dr. was approved by the Meeting. Skottowe’s Address was entitled “Somatometry— A Two Committees were set up, one to prepare Second Look” . The Annual Dinner was held at the and present the Petition, the other to prepare a hospital, and the guests included the Rt. Hon. scheme for a higher qualification in psychiatry to be Anthony Barber, Minister of Health, and Mrs. granted by the proposed College, and to revise the Barber. Bye-Laws so as to provide a structure suitable for a At the November Meeting, the Maudsley Lecture College. was delivered by Professor Erwin Stengel on the Informal meetings have since been held, on behalf subject of “ Pain and the Psychiatrist” . of the Petition Committee, with officers of the In last year’s Annual Report it was mentioned Privy Council and the Ministry of Health. These that the American Psychiatric Association had discussions, and the advice of a solicitor experienced proposed a Joint Meeting with our Association, in Privy Council affairs, resulted in a reversal of the to be held in Great Britain during 1965. Edinburgh original policy to press first for a change of name, was chosen as the most suitable place, and much and then to amend the bye-laws and revise the of the organization was done by Dr. Macrae and the constitution. This involved much hard work by members of the Scottish Division, to whom the the relevant committee so that the Association could Association is much indebted. H.R.H. the Duke of present its Collegiate structure at the same time as Edinburgh accepted the position of Patron of the the petition for a change of title. This further entailed Meeting, and Sir David Henderson was nominated postponement of the petition for a Supplemental as Honorary President of the Joint Meeting; unfortu­ Chapter until the Collegiate structure had been nately Sir David fell ill and died before the date of the worked out and approved.
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