EDITION 10 11 May 2007 NEW ZEALAND NOTICES TO MARINERS Notices NZ 103 – 117 © Crown Copyright 2007. All rights Reserved. Permission is not required to make analogue copies of these Notices but such copies are not to be sold. CONTENTS I Explanatory Notes. II New Zealand Notices to Mariners. III Corrections to New Zealand Light List. IV Corrections to Sailing Directions and New Zealand Publications. V Navigational Warnings. (NAVAREA XIV) VI Corrections to Admiralty List of Radio Signals. New Zealand Notices to Mariners are the authority for correcting New Zealand charts within the New Zealand area of charting responsibility as shown in Notice No. 1. Mariners are requested to immediately inform Land Information New Zealand, Private Box 5501 Wellington 6145, New Zealand Phone : 0800 665 463 or (04) 460-0110 Fax: (04) 460-0161 or e-mail: [email protected], of the discovery of new or suspected dangers to navigation, or shortcomings in charts and publications. Changes or defects in aids to navigation should be reported to the Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand (RCCNZ) via the nearest New Zealand Coastal Maritime Radio Station Phone : (04) 914-8380 Fax : (04) 914-8388 e-mail: [email protected]. Copies of these Notices can be obtained from Land Information New Zealand, Maritime New Zealand, Principal Chart Agents at the major ports of New Zealand and the Internet: http://www.linz.govt.nz LINZ Hydrographic Services I EXPLANATORY NOTES Charts. The notices in Section II give instructions for the correction of charts. Geographical positions refer to the largest scale chart unless otherwise stated. They are normally given in degrees, minutes and decimals of a minute, but may occasionally quote seconds for convenience when plotting from the graduation of some older- style charts. Bearings are true reckoned clockwise from 000° to 359°; those relating to lights are given as seen by an observer from seaward. Symbols referred are those shown in publication NZ 201. Alterations to depth contours, deletion of depths to make way for new detail, etc. are not mentioned unless they have some navigational significance. Blocks or notes accompanying notices in Section Il are placed after Section VI. Temporary and Preliminary Notices. These are indicated by (T) or (P) after the notice number. A list of (T) and (P) Notices in force is published in the fortnightly Editions of Notices to Mariners. Charts are not corrected for them before issue; they should be corrected in pencil on receipt. Light Lists. The detailed correction to the Light List is given in Section III and may not be published in the same edition as the chart correcting notice. The entire entry for each light is printed, and an asterisk (*) is shown under the column which contains an amendment. In the case of a new light, an asterisk (*) appears under all the columns. New and extensively altered entries are intended to be pasted in. It is recommended that a manuscript entry be made for all shorter corrections. It is emphasized that the List of Lights is the authority for lights and that many alterations, especially those of a temporary but operational nature, may only be promulgated as corrections to the List of Lights. Radio Signals. When radio signals are affected by a notice the Admiralty List of Radio Signals reference number is quoted. The detailed correction to the List of Radio Signals is given in Section Vl and may be published in a later edition than the chart correcting notice. Sailing Directions Corrections to Sailing Directions are given in Section IV. It is recommended that such corrections be kept together in a file with the latest list of those in force on top. The file can then be consulted when using the parent book to see if any notices affecting the area under consideration are extant. Corrections should not be pasted into the parent book or Supplement as corrections may be issued between closing date and issue of a new Supplement. These will be embodied in the text of the following Supplement. A summary of corrections in force will be issued in Section IV of the Fortnightly Edition at monthly intervals. New Zealand Publications. Corrections to New Zealand Publications are given in Section IV. Correction of Charts and Publications by the User. New Zealand Notices to Mariners contain important information and should be used to keep the specified charts and books up to date. THE USE OF CHARTS AND ASSOCIATED PUBLICATIONS Reliance on Charts and Associated Publications. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on New Zealand charts and other publications, it should be appreciated that it may not always be complete and up to date. The mariner must be the final judge of the reliance to be placed on the information given, bearing in mind their particular circumstances, local pilotage guidance and the judicious use of available navigational aids. Charts. Charts should be used with prudence: there are areas where the source data are old, incomplete or of poor quality. The mariner should use the largest scale appropriate for his particular purpose; apart from being the most detailed, the larger scales are usually corrected first. When extensive new information (such as a new hydrographic survey) is received, some months may elapse before it can be fully incorporated in published charts. On small scale charts of ocean areas where hydrographic information is, in many cases, still sparse, charted shoals may be in error as regards position, least depth and extent. Undiscovered dangers may exist, particularly away from well-established routes. Further guidance. The Mariner’s Handbook (NP 100) gives a fuller explanation of the limitations of charts. All users should study it in their own interest. 2 II NUMERICAL INDEX OF CHARTS AFFECTED (NZ NTM Edition No.10 dated 11 May 2007) NZ Chart No. NZ Notices INT Chart No. Notices NZ 21 NZ 111(T), 112(T), 113(P) INT 641 NZ 111(T), 112(T), 113(P) NZ 23 NZ 104, 111(T), 112(T), 113(P) INT 640 NZ 104, 111(T), 112(T), 113(P) NZ 25 NZ 104, 111(T), 112(T), 113(P) INT 648 NZ 104, 111(T), 112(T), 113(P) NZ 45 NZ 105, 111(T), 112(T), 113(P) NZ 48 NZ 111(T), 112(T), 113(P), 114(T), 115(T) NZ 53 NZ 107(T), 108(T) NZ 54 NZ 108(T) NZ 56 NZ 109(T) NZ 61 NZ 114(T), 115(T) NZ 443 NZ 105 NZ 512 NZ 116(T) NZ 531 NZ 108(T) NZ 532 NZ 107(T) NZ 561 NZ 109(T) NZ 614 NZ 114(T), 115(T) NZ 632 NZ 106 NZ 4633 NZ 110(T) NZ 4634 NZ 110(T) NZ 5124 NZ 116(T) NZ 5125 NZ 116(T) NZ 5215 NZ 117(T) NZ 5318 NZ 108(T) NZ 5321 NZ 107(T) NZ 5322 NZ 107(T) NZ 5324 NZ 107(T) NZ 5325 NZ 107(T) NZ 5612 NZ 109(T) NZ 6324 NZ 106 3 II NEW ZEALAND TEMPORARY AND PRELIMINARY NOTICES IN FORCE (NZ NTM Edition No.10 dated 11 May 2007) NZ T/P Charts Affected Locality and Subject Notice NZ INT 133/01 T 6612 Otago Hr.: Shoaling 180/03 T 6154 Picton Hr.: Shoal Depths. 129/04 T 52, 53, 522, 5227 Hauraki Gulf: Dredging Operations 194/04 P 46, 48, 61, 463, 614, 6151, 6152, Marlborough Sounds – Use of Automated 6153, 6154 Navigation Systems. 39/05 P 52, 53, 522, 531, 5225 Gt. Barrier Is.: Isolated Danger Buoy. 54/05 T 5322 Auckland Hr. : Works in Progress 110/05 T 8248 Tonga : Light Unlit 159/05 T 5322 Auckland Hr. Bridge: Precautionary Area. 161/05 P 4633, 4634 Wellington Hr.: Navigation Safety Bylaw 173/05 T 53, 54, 531, 534, 5318 Whitianga Hr. : Sandbar 219/05 T 614 Motueka River : Current Meter 237/05 T 5214, 5215 Whangarei Hr.: Light : Works in Progress 240/05 T 6821 Bluff Hr. : Depths 25/06 P 5214, 5215 Whangarei Hr.: Lights 36/06 T 5215 Whangarei Hr.: Shoaling 46/06 P 43, 443 Taranaki Bight: Works in Progress 104/06 T 4314, 4315 Manukau Hr.: Light Destroyed, Light Buoy 123/06 T 5214, 5215 Whangarei Hr.: Works in Progress 141/06 T 42, 4212 Hokianga Hr. Entrance: Waverider Buoy 149/06 P 827, 8275 Tonga: Fishing & Anchoring Prohibited Areas 167/06 T 5322 Waitemata Hr., Devonport: Works in Progress 176/06 T 23, 26, 56, 14060, 14600 60, 600, 640 N. Island, E. Coast: Scientific Instruments 177/06 T Indian Ocean: Operation ‘Enduring Freedom’ 186/06 T 661 Approaches to Otago Hr.: Works in Progress 205/06 T 532, 5324 Tamaki Strait: Motuihe Is.: E. Cardinal Lt Beacon 213/06 P 6153, 6154 Picton Hr.: Lights 219/06 T 14051, 14052, 14060, 14061, 14604, 51, 52, 60, North, South Pacific Ocean: Buoys 14605, 14606, 14607, 14629 61, 604, 605, 606, 607, 629 225/06 T 4432 Port Taranaki: Dredging Operations 230/06 P 52, 521, 5214, 5215 Whangarei Hr.: Deepwater Port Extension 234/06 T 56, 561 Hawke Bay: Research Light-Buoy 244/06 T 23, 25, 63, 64 640, 648 Lyttelton Hr.: Waverider Buoy 22/07 P 43, 443 N. Taranaki Bight, Waitara Northwards: Drilling and pipelaying operations 30/07 T 54, 542 Bay of Plenty: Research Instruments. 37/07 T 53, 532, 533, 5327 Firth of Thames: Moorings, Reasearch Instruments 40/07 T 23, 26, 46, 58, 62 640 Cape Palliser SE: Scientific Instruments 42/07 T 4314 Manukau Hr. Entrance: South West Channel 56/07 T 73 S.
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