179 Business Advisory Cornrniffee JULY 12, 1996 Elrcfion of Deputy Sprrker 180 Disqualification) Act, 1959, and to 12.29 hrr. recommend any amendments in the said Schedule, whether by way of addition, ELECTION OF DEPUTY-SPEAKER omission or otherwise : MR. SPEAKER : Now, we have a very important That the Joint Committee shall, from tlme to Item of the agenda. We take up the Motions of the time, repOR to both Houses of Parliament in Election of Deputy-Speaker of the Lok Sabha. respect of all or any of the aforesaid matters; SHRI SHRAD PAWAR (Baramati) : Slr, I beg to That the members of the Joint Committee move : shall hold office for the duration of the present "That Shri Suraj Bhan, a member of thls Lok Sabha: House, be chosen as the Deputy Speaker of That in order to constitute a sitting of the this House," Joint Committee, the quorum shall be one- SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV (Silchar) : Sir, 1 third of the total number of members of the second the Motion. Committee; [Trans la tion) That in other respects, the rules of procedure of this House relating to Parliamentary SHRI ATAL BlHARl VAJPAYEE (Lucknow) : Mr Committees will apply with such varlatlons Speaker. Sir, I beg to move : and modifications as the Speaker may make: 'That Shri Suraj Bhan, a member of this and House. be chosen as the Deputy Speaker of That this House recommends to the Rajya the House". Sabha that thc Ralya Sabha do join in the SHRIMATI SUSHMA SWARAJ (South Delhi) . Mr. said Jolnt Committee and to communicate to Speaker, Sir, I second the Motion on behalf of this House the names of the members to be Shrimat~Vijayaraje Scmdia . (Interrupt~ons) appointed by the Rajya Sabha to the Jolnt Committee ' [English] The motlon was adopted SHRl NIRMAL KANTl CHATTERJEE . Sir, what about Shrlmatl V~jayarajeSclnd~a' MR SPEAKER She has sent the letter to me Mr Chatterlee IS very very particular 12.28 hrr. BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE [Transiaf~on] Mot~onRe Flrst Report THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS (SHRI RAM VlLAS PASWAN) Mr Speaker, Slr I beg to move [Engl~sh] "That Shr~Suraj Bhan, a member of thrs THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS House, be chosen as the Deputy Speaker of AND DEPARTMENT OF TOUPISM (SHRI SRIKANT th~sHouse" JENAI I beg to move [Engl~sh] 'That th~sHouse do agree wrth the F~rst Report of the Busrnessd Adv~soryComm~ttee THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF presented to the House on the 11th July PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES, PENSIONS 1596 ' AND IN THE MINISTRY OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (SHRI S R BALASUBRAMONIYAN) Slr. I Mi( SPEAKER The questlon IS second the Molron 'That thls House do agree with the F~rst Reporl of the Bus~nessAdv~sory Comm~ttee [Translat~on] presented to the House on the 17th July, DR MURLl MANOHAR JOSH1 (Allrhrbad) Slr. 19%' I beg to move The motion was adopied 'That Shrl Sural Bhrn, 8 member ol lhir Houre, be chosen 8, the Deputy Speaker of this Houre.' 181 Electlon of Deputy Speaker ASADHA 21, 1918 (Sake) Felicitations to Depuly Speaker 182 [English] The question is , SHRl JAG MOHAN (New Delhi) : Sir, I second "That Shri Suraj Bhan, a Member of this the Motlon. House, be chosen as the Deputy-Speaker of this House" SARDAR SURJIT SlNGH BARNALA (Sangrur) : Gir, I beg to move : The Motron was adopted "That Shri Suraj Bhan, a Member of this MR SPEAKER . I declare that Shrl Suraj Bhan House, be chosen as the Deputy-Speaker of has been chosen as the Deputy Speaker of this this House.' House. SHRl MADHUKAR SARPOTDAR (Mumbai North. 12.33 hrr. West) : Sir, I second the Motion. (Shrl Suraj Bhan was conducted to h~sseat by SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES (Nalanda) . Sir, I the Prime Mtn~ster.Shrr H.0 Deve Gowda, the Leader beg to move : of the House Shrt Ram Vilas Paswan, the Leader of the Oppos~tlon.Shr~ Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Shri "That Shrl Suraj Bhan, a Mcmber of th~s Santosh Mohan Dev House, be chosen as the Deputy-Speaker of this House." SHRI NlTlSH KUMAR (Barh) : Sir, I second the 12.34 hrr. Motlon. FELICITATIONS TO DEPUTY SPEAKER [Translation] THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS (SHRI RAM VlLAS SHRI JAI PRAKASH (Hlssar) Mr Speaker, Sir, PASWAN] Mr Speaker. Slr as the leader of the I beg to move House, I on behalf of the House. thank and "That Shr~Suraj Bhan a member of th~s congratulate Shr~Suraj Bhan, who IS a Senior House, be chosen as the Deputy Speaker of Member of the Lok Sabha and IS l~kemy brother, for th~sHouse.' havlng been the post of Deputy Speaker Thls IS the democracy that desplte all d~tferences,we have SHRI 0 P JINDAL (Kurukshetra) Mr Speaker, always been respectful to the conventions and Sir I second the Motion demands of democracy and have expressed our faith In Parl~amentarydemocracy The day Shri Suraj Bhan was nominated for the post of Deputy Speaker and SHRI SANTOSH KUMAR GANGWAR (Bareilly) as soon as my colleague, the M~nlster of Str I beg to move Parl~amentaryAffa~rs. Shri Jena suggested h~sname + to the Pr~meMlnlster, lmmod~atelythe Pr~meMinister "That Shr~Suraj Bhan. a Member of th~s had expressed his satlsfactlon over it and said that House, be chosen as the Deputy Speaker of th~sIS very good and should be done. thls House" We have had a long standing assoclatlon In [Translatron) 1977 when I f~rstjomed the Parhamen!, Shr~Surrj Bhan was an experienced member even at that time DR SATYANARAYAN JATlA (Ujla~n) Slr, I We gct an opportunlty to work together We were second the Mot~onon behalf of Shrl Jagat Vlr Smgh members of Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Drona Castes and Scheduled Trlbes Aga~nwe worked together In the Parl~amentaryForum and wherever SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR (Ballla) Slr l beg atrocrties wer comm~ttedon the poor, we went to move - there together and worked for them Even when he 'That Shrl Sural Bhan, a Memher of 1h1s was not an elected M P, the way he handled tho House, be chosen as the Deputy Speaker ol work In the states was commendable It IS not th~rHouse' because he belongs to the Scheduled Caste but I have seen that Shrt Sural Bhan jl IS well-endowed JE npllsh, w~thwhat we call talent He 1s a very talented person He is M A B L He goes deep In the subject whatever SHRl PRAMOD MAHAJAN (Mumbai Notlh-East) ~t may be Shri Suraj Bhan 1s a very capable person Slr, I recond the Motlon tn th~sregard He IS a lawyer by protesslon and ts MR. SPEAKER . Since Ihrre rrr r number of well known as a soc~alactlvtst I belleve that tho Motlona moved, I will put the fcrrt Mollon moved by emlnence of thsi post will rlso further when he takes Shrl Shrrrd Prwrr to the vote of the House charge end on behalf of the Qovrrnment and the .
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