Agenda Item 6 North Area Committee 7 April 2011 Central, South and West Area Committee 12 April 2011 Strategic Development Control Committee 28 April 2011 Application Number: 11/00513/FUL Decision Due by: 10 May 2011 Proposal: Erection of 3 storey building to accommodate relocated Jericho Health Centre on ground floor with accommodation for University Department of Public Health Care and for Oxford University Press at upper levels. Provision of car and cycle parking accessed from Walton Street. Site Address: Former Radcliffe Infirmary Site, south of 118 Walton Street, Appendix 1. Ward: North Ward Agent: Turnberry Consulting Applicant: University Of Oxford Recommendations: (i): North and Central South and West Area Committees are recommended to support the proposals. (ii): Strategic Development Control Committee is recommended to grant planning permission subject to conditions. Reasons for Approval. 1. The Council considers that the proposal accords with the policies of the development plan as summarised below. It has taken into consideration all other material matters, including matters raised in response to consultation and publicity. Any material harm that the development would otherwise give rise to can be offset by the conditions imposed. 2. The planning application seeks to provide replacement health facilities for the Jericho Health Centre located nearby at Cranham Street to the west side of Walton Street, plus accommodation for the University’s Department of Public Health Care, as supported by Local Plan policy and allocation DS.66 of the Plan. It also provides additional accommodation for the Oxford University Press located nearby to the south. The development would relate positively to surrounding conservation areas and to the Grade 1 listed Radcliffe Observatory and would provide sustainable accommodation accessible by a variety of modes of transport. The development would not generate additional traffic and would link to new pedestrian and cycle routes to Woodstock Road secured by other development proposals on the former Radcliffe Infirmary site. Improvements to the public highway and public realm of Walton Street are secured by condition. 3. Many of the comments received in response to public consultation undertaken both by the University or as part of planning application process relate to design issues or architectural detailing and preferences, but with only the Georgian Group and St. John’s College raising a full objection. The proposals have evolved as a consequence of a Masterplan prepared for the former Radcliffe infirmary site and follow principles established there to create developments of a scale and architectural style appropriate to the site. The relationship to the Radcliffe Observatory is considered acceptable and the views of the Georgian Society and St. John’s College not accepted for the reasons indicated in the body of the report. Detailed matters relating to the use of materials, finer architectural detailing, landscaping and public realm works etc can be addressed by condition. No objections are raised to the proposals from those statutory or other bodies who responded to consultation, including Oxfordshire County Council (as a Planning and Highway Authority), Thames Valley Police, Environment Agency, Thames Water and Natural England. Conditions. 1. Development begun within time limits. 2. Approved plans. 3. Samples of materials. 4. Architectural and constructional details. 5. Withdraw “permitted development” rights. 6. No occupation until student numbers not in provided accommodation falls below 3000. 7. Landscape plan. 8. Landscaping: carry out after completion. 9. Landscape: maintenance. 10. Landscape management plan. 11. Car parking before occupation. 12. Control of vehicular access. 13. Off site highways / public realm works. 14. Cycle parking before occupation. 15. Scheme of lighting and CCTV. 16. Travel Plan. 17. Construction Travel Plan. 18. Construction Environmental Management Plan. 19. Ground contamination and remediation. 20. Ground contamination: verification. 21. Cooking fumes. 22. Mechanical plant: noise attenuation and mitigation. 23. Sustainable surface water drainage scheme. 24. Petrol / oil interceptors. 25. Compliance with Natural Resource Impact Analysis. 26. Public arts strategy. 27. Wildlife habitats. Main Local Plan Policies: CP1 - Development Proposals CP5 - Mixed-Use Developments CP6 - Efficient Use of Land & Density CP8 - Design Development to Relate to its Context CP9 - Creating Successful New Places CP10 - Siting Development to Meet Functional Needs CP11 - Landscape Design CP13 - Accessibility CP14 - Public Art CP17 - Recycled Materials CP18 - Natural Resource Impact Analysis CP20 - Lighting CP22 - Contaminated Land TR1 - Transport Assessment TR2 - Travel Plans TR3 - Car Parking Standards TR4 - Pedestrian & Cycle Facilities TR5 - Pedestrian & Cycle Routes TR11 - City Centre Car Parking TR12 - Private Non-Residential Parking TR14 - Servicing Arrangements NE12 - Groundwater Flow NE13 - Water Quality NE14 - Water and Sewerage Infrastructure NE23 - Habitat Creation in New Developments HE2 - Archaeology HE7 - Conservation Areas HE9 - High Building Areas HH2 - PCT Facilities / Purpose Built Health Care facilities DS66 - Radcliffe Infirmary, Woodstock Rd - Ox University Use Core Strategy Policies. CS9 - Energy and natural resources CS10 - Waste and recycling CS11 - Flooding CS12 - Biodiversity CS13 - Supporting access to new development CS14 - Supporting city-wide movement CS15 - Primary healthcare CS17 - Infrastructure and developer contributions CS18 - Urban design, town character, historic environment CS19 - Community safety CS25 - Student accommodation CS29 - The universities Other Material Considerations. 1. PPS1: Delivering Sustainable Communities. 2. PPG3: Transport. 3. PPS5: Planning and the Historic Environment. 4. PPS22: Renewable Energy. 5. PPS23: Planning and Pollution Control. 6. PPS25: Development and Flood Risk. Public Consultation Prior to the submission of the planning application the University undertook its own public consultation exercise in the form of an exhibition at the former St. Luke’s Chapel in Woodstock Road on 13th and 14th January 2011. 18 feedback forms with written comments were received and are summarised in Appendix 2 to this report. The main issues raised related to details of the design and architectural form of the building with some respondents describing the building as exciting and innovative, others as uninteresting and bland. Others still felt its style related poorly to the Victorian architecture of Walton Street and Jericho, and on points of detail that amendments could be made to the entrance arrangements and that the retained high stone wall would obscure views of the building. On other issues concerns were raised about the small number of car parking spaces and about accessibility on foot and by cycle. Comments were also made about the desirability of public art being included. A separate presentation and exhibition for key stakeholders also took place on 11th January 2011. In total approximately 150 people attended the exhibitions. On submission of the planning application full public consultation was undertaken including the following statutory and other consultees: Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust, English Heritage Commission, Walton Manor Residents' Association, North Oxford Association, Jericho And St Barnabas Community Association, Jericho Living Heritage Trust, Environment Agency Thames Region, Thames Water Utilities Limited, Natural England, Thames Valley Police, Oxford Waterside Residents' Association, Highways And Traffic, Victorian Society, Oxfordshire Fire Service, Georgian Group, Oxford Civic Society, South East Regional Design Panel, Oxford Preservation Trust, Representations Received: County Highway Authority: No objection of principle; car parking levels acceptable; cycle parking in excess of policy requirements; further cycle spaces to be allocated to patients; detailed comments made on draft Travel Plan; Travel Plan, Construction Management Plan and Drainage Strategy required by condition; adjustments to proposed highways works required. (See text). Thames Valley Police Crime Prevention Design Advisor: Recommendations are recorded in Design and Access Statement; no objections. Oxfordshire County Council, Strategic Planning: Consultation not required. Natural England: No objection; unlikely to have any impact on protected sites; application provides opportunities to enhance biodiversity. Thames Water: No objection. Environment Agency: No objections; suggest conditions relating to ground contamination and remediation. Environmental Development: Details of external lighting required; concur with Environment Agency’s recommendations on ground remediation. Georgian Group: Not within a conservation area but a number of historic buildings in the area; design totally inappropriate; would not enhance setting of Radcliffe Observatory; proposed design, scale and materials would cause visual conflict with it and with the historic and architectural character of the area in general. Oxford Civic Society: Building likely to be controversial; needs to relate to both Walton Street and grander buildings; appropriate therefore that building is unique and original; ” crinkles” break up walls and create interesting shadows; distinctive window arrangement attractive to some, but disturbing to others; cheering internal character; careful attention to materials needed; light colour brick is pleasant; cycle parking needs attention
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