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[.r.]::rilczlfi 'l,,rr..rrrl.rj.L,ru,,n I \.l.rslllr'Stri:ct. ljth lil,rnr :\lr, J.,L(l r:r!111 t .l:rce?u" Il. i{!i{ il ,\j. r:l"lr"rsrirr jr. l la) -f l l i ill; 1J5l 6l lfi (^lricr51.1. Il" (,tltr(rl .\tt"'. \". r'll{l"lt.i{r :iil*rrrrrlri,t,rr'rrrrrir:r:r,i*r'i,r:'rrr ai[] rl5.l.it: , ii'i'n!- , , __:. ,,Lqr{r{; ;Ytur-J';raf:, gt_ lrN'l'l:.1t n*nit t ,4 ,rrnc .Atlll rL U .' a ta\{, liri;rirl rl f r.ril ,. ] 693 Augrrst 14,2012 ENTER: Any No.: 6210496 Nu**t Attorney for: Guava. LLC ENTERED: City: Chicago. IL 60602 Telephone: 702 Communicarions Circle Conputer Resources, lnc. Gorge Netrvorls lnc. Accipiter Cornmunications, Inc. Clear Wireless Llc Crandc Communications Acenet lnc. Cma Comrnunications Crayson-Collins Electric Cooperative Adanrs Nenvorks. lnc. Cogent Cornmunications, lnc. Crea( Lakes Comnet, lnc. Advanced Cable Conrmunications Comcast Cable Holdings, Llc Cily Of Wilson, Nc Advanced Colocation Services Comporium Wireless, Llc Guadalupe Valley Telephone Advanccd Tel, lnc. Compudyne, lnc. Cooperative, lnc. Acneas Cornrnunications, Llc Comsouth Corp. Hargray Communications Croup, lnc Acrioconnect Consolidated Communications, lnc. Hanisonville Telephone Acro Group lnc Conrvay Corporation Hc Cable Opco, Llc Air Advantage Conxion Corporation Heath lnternet A ircanopl, N/K/A Skybeanr Texas Covad Communications Company Hector Communications Corp. Airstream Communications, Llc Covad Conrmunications Croup, Inc. Herningford Cooperarive Telephone Co. A lcrrco Colnrnunications, lnc, Cox Communications, lnc. Hickory Tech Corporation A lltcl Conrnrunications, Llc Cox Communications lnc. Highland Communicarions Aol, lnc. Crarv-Kan Telephone Cooperative, lnc Home Telephone Company, lnc. Arruslrong Cricket Communications, lnc. Home Torvn Telephone, Llc Arvig Enterprise lnc. Csc Holdings, Llc Hopkinsvillc Electric System Ashland F iber Netrvork Curalel, Llc Host.Net Atlantic Broadband. Llc Dataframe Logistics, lnc. Hosting Services, Inc. Atlantic Broadband Financc, Llc Dcs Pacific Star Honvire Communications, Ltc A1,cra Technologies, I nc. Direcpath, Llc Htc Communications, Llc Baja Broadband Management, lnc. Dtc Communications, lnc. Hurrican Electric, Llc Bel Air lnrernet Llc Earthllnh lnc. Hutchinson Telephone Company Bcl-Rea, lnc. Elaurvit Nelrvorks, Llc Ibec, lnc. Ucrrd Cablc Cornntunications, Llc Elcctric Porver Board Of Chattanooga Icore Networks lnc. Biddeford lnternet Corp. Ellijay Telephone Company Ideaone Telecom Group, Llc tlig Sandy Broadband, lnc. Embarq Communication, Inc. Ifi bcr Communicalions Corporation Ulack Oak Conrputers Emery Telecommunications & Video, lkano Communications. lnc. Bluegrass Netrvorks Llc lnc. lllinois Institute Of Technology Bluc Ridgc Websoft, Llc Enventis Telecom, lnc. Imon Communications, Llc Ilrandcnburg Telephone Company Easystreet Online Services, lnc. lndiana Fiber Netrvork, Llc Brazoria Telephone Company Ets Telephone Company lnfobahn Outfi lters lncorporated Bright House Nenvorks, Llc Evertek lnc. lnformation Sciences I nstitute Broadstripe, Llc Exrvire, Inc. Inline Connections, lnc. Buckeye Cablevision Inc Fairpoint Communications lnsight Communications Company, L.p. Ilrrtloch Telephone Cooperative Fast Scrv Nctrvorks, Llc Intcgra Telecom, Inc. Burlington Telecorn Fidelity Nenvorks Inlermax Nelworks Burstnet Technologies, lnc. Fidelity Communications Co. Internap Neltvork Services Corporation Cable Anrerica Missouri Llc Floresville Electric Light & Power lnternct Consulting Services, Llc Cable One lnc. Systerns lpnetzone Comrnun ications, lnc. Cab lcvision Systems Corporarion Fortress Integrated Technologies The lserv Company Llc Cable Tv Of East Alabama Freervire Broadband, Ltc Isomedia, lncorporated Carneron Cornmunicalions, Llc Frontier Communical ions Itc Deltaconr, lnc Cascade Link Llc Fronticr Communications Corporate Jab Broadband Cavalier Telephone, L.L.C. Services lnc. Jab Wireless, lnc. Ccntral Telephone Company Of Frontier Communications Of lllinois, Jackson Energy Authority Virginia lnc. James Cable, Llc Centurylink, lnc. Frontier Comnrunications Of America, Kmt Telecom Ccnturl,link, lnc. lnc. Knology, Inc. Centurytel Csinet lnternet Access Corp Lafayette Consolidated Government Centurytel llroadband Services, Llc Cencral Conrmunicalion, Inc. Level 3 Contmunications, Llc Charter Cornrnunications, Llc Getnet, lnc. Local lnternet Services Company, Chcster Telephone Company Ceus Localtel Com munical ions Cincinnati Bell, lnc, Clobal Net Access, Llc Long Lines, Llc Cincrgy Metronet, lnc Gmp Cable Television Marco lsland Cable, lnc. EXHIBITA I Page 1 Ivlashell Tclecom, lnc. Razzo Link, lnc. Trvin l-akes Telephone Cooperative Massillon Cable Courmunications. lnc. Rcn Telecom Services, lnc. Corp. Mdu Enterprises. lnc. Redshift, Inc. Ubtanet Mediaconr Llc Reliablehosting.Com Unrvired Broadband, lnc. Mcdiaconr Comlnun ications Rcserve Tclcphone Company lnc. Us Cable Of Paramus-Hillsdale Corporation Reson Television Cable Company, lnc. Us Cable Of Coastal-Texas, Lp Mclrocast Communications Of Restech Services, Llc Us lnternet Corp. Connecticut Roadstar lnternet lnc, V2 Venturcs Llc Mclrocast Cablevision Of Nerv Rtc Communications Corporation Vvm, lnc. llarnpsire , Llc Saddle Mountain Wireless, lnc. Veracity Netrvorks, Llc Midcontincnt Media, lnc. Sbc lnternet Services, lnc. Verizon Online. Llc Middleburgh Telephone Company Sdn Comnrunications, lnc. Vision Cornmunications, Llc M id-Hudson Cablcvision, lnc. Secured Scrvers, Llc Vo lcano Tclephonc Company M illenniurn l'elcorn. Llc Sei Data, lnc. Volumedrivc, lnc. Morris Broadband. Llc Selcctronics Corporation Hunicane Electric Natlran Shennan Entcrpriscs Shenandoah Tclecorn nrunicat ions Verizon Wirelcss Services, Llc Nelsonville Tv Cable Company Versarveb, Llc Ncrv Edge Netrvorks, lnc. Shrervsbury Electric & Cablc Visionary Communicarions, lnc. Ngvnan Utilities Operations Vitclity Communications, Llc Ncxband Communications, lnc. Skybest Communications, lnc. Vpntranet, Llc Nobis'[echnology Croup, Llc Skl,river Communicalions, lnc. Wandering Wifi, Llc North Statc Telephonc Co. Srnithville Digital, Llc W.A.T.C. I l. 1'v Company Northern Valley Comrnunications, Llc Softcom Internet Communications, lnc. Wavedivision Floldings, Llc Nonhland Cable Television, lnc. Soft layer Tcchnologies. lnc. Waypon Nonvood Light Broadband/City Ot Sonic.Net, lnc. Webpass, lnc, Norrvood Southern Kansas Telephone Company Wehco Media, lnc Npg Cable, lnc. Southeast Telephone West Alabama Tv Cable Company, lnc Ntelos Cable, lnc Se Acquisitions, Llc Weslnct Oc3 Nctrvorks & Web Solutions, Llc Southrvest Cyberport, lnc. Wideopenrvest Finance. Llc Occanic lnternet Sovernet, lnc. Wiline Netrvorks lnc. Opcnband Multimcdia, LIc Spartan Net Co, Wildblue Communications, lnc. Orbitcom, lnc. Speakeasy Broadband Services, Llc Wilkes Communications, lnc, Orbitel Conrmunications, L.L.C. Spectrum Netorks, lnc. Willantette Valley lnternet Otelco'[clecornnrunications, Llc Spirit Teleconr Windjammcr Commun ications, Llc [)actec Conrnrunications, lnc. Sprint Pcs Windstream Communications, lnc. [)annership Broadband Srt Communications, lnc. Wispernet l)avlov lvledia, lnc. Star Wireless, lnc. Xanadoo, Llc Paxio, lnc. Stephouse Netrvorks Xmission, Lc l'eak tnternet, Llc Strata Nelryorks Xo Communications Services, lnc. Peer I Nelrvork (Usa), lnc, Suddenlink Conrmunications Yadkin Valley Telecom, lnc. Pcnteledala, lnc. Summit Broadband. lnc. Ygnition Ncnvorks, lnc. Pcrry-Spencc'r Conrnrun icat ions, lnc Surervest Broadband Zeecon Wirclcss Piorrcer Te lephonc Cooperat ive Surfnet Communications, lnc. Hurricane Elcctric Pixius Comrnunications. LIc Syringa Nenvorks, Llc Yhc Corporation t'}nds. Llc Talk Arnerica, lnc. Acceleration Labs Polar Conrnrunicatiorrs Mutual A id T6 Wireless, lnc. Corporation Telccornmunications Managemcnt, Llc Pocketinet Communications, I nc. Trv Telecom Holdings, lnc. Port Nenvorks, Llc Tirne Wamcr Cable, Llc Pre nrier Communicalions, lnc. Time Wamer, lnc. Qrvest Corporation Transbeam, lnc. Qx Nctrvorking & Dcsign, lnc. Tri-County Cornmunications Rainborv Comrnunications Cooperative, lnc. Rapid Systems, lnc. Troy Cablevision Rapid Wave, Llc Tullahoma Utilities Board Raser, Inc. Tvmax Holdings, Inc. EXHIBITA I Page 2.
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