Weather U|b «. Tonight, J**fljr low 1B (be tk. Tow THEM&Y rtw, cloudy, imw or rain, high 33,850 ' b the 4fc. Sunday, cloudy, mild, 7 Red Bank Area - y dunce ol showers. See weather, page 2. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS DIAL 741-001$ VOL. 87 NO 147 II1U8<1 «»"7. MMttv tUAoik rndur. •scand cun Poiim '*"* "'• "w> "' Paid U. $*& Buk ui »t Addition*! MUlitij OHlMt. FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE New Shrewsbury Man Slightly Injured 28 Are Safe in Plane Crash LANCASTER, Pa. - Clyde N. SaboM, 42, of 837 Tinton In New Shrewsbury this morning, his wife, the former Miss "He did a wonderful Job of getting us down safely," Mr. "Everyone sat there quietly and waited," he said. Ave., New Shrewsbury, N. J., was slightly injured last night Betty Stoeber of Harrisburg, said she had not heard anything Murphy, Said of Capt. Morris. Allegheny Airlines and Civil Aeronautics Board officials in the safe crash landing of an Allegheny Airlines plane at about the crash until The Register called. She said she was "God bless that pilot," said Morris Stroh, of New York were at the scene to investigate the incident and inspect the Lancaster Airport. It had taken off from that field moments thankful to learn that her husband, sales manager for the Ohio City, another passenger. "He did a marvelous job." plane, which had a badly damaged undercarriage and two earlier. Chemical Surgical Equipment Co., New. York City, had sus- Mr. Murphy said the plane was in the air only a few min- damaged wings. He was one of,25 passengers and three crewmen aboard tained only chest bruises and was released from a hospital utes when they heard the engine go. The co-pilot was Robert Solo's, also of Somerville, N. J. the twin-engine plane a Convair, Flight 388, which originated after treatment. The pilot began to circle at low altitude, Mr. Murphy said, The injured were the stewardess, Judy G. Marsh, 28, of Trenton, N. J., who was admitted to Lancaster General Hos- in Pittsburgh and took off from Lancaster at 8:24 p.m. on its "For many years he has traveled frequently throughout and started in to land. He cut both engines and rode the plane pital in satisfactory condition with a possible fracture of the way to Reading, Pal, and Newark, N. J. Two were hos- the eastern section of the nation — with most of his trips by air out more than 100 yards until it came to a stop in a snow- neck, and Walter Hagerty, of Springfield, N. J., who was ad- pitallzed. — and this is the first time he has been in a crash," she said. covered field off the runway. One passenger, Richard Murphy, a Pittsburgh real es- "You know it's funny," Mr. Murphy recalled, you hear mitted to St. Joseph's Hospital in Lancaster with compound tate man claimed all "owe their lives" to the skill of the pilot, She and her husband have two children, Vicki, 12, and about panic in connection with these things, But nobody pan- fractures of the left leg. Capt. William Morris, Somerville, N. J. Carol, 7. They own their home. icked in this one. The uninjured paasengeat, were taken by bus to Reading. Realignment Commission Submits First Report Today TRENTON — The Legislature's to Inform jpu that the Commis- the suggested alignment of con- last week at which time It re- ternate proposals you might want special commission studying re sion, at this stage of its deliber- gressional and Senate districts. ceived a number of general reo to suggest," said the message apportionment submits , its first ations, is leaning toward the use The commission also is consid- ommendations but little in the signed by Samuel A. Alito, di- long awaited progress report to- of congressional districts, drawn ering the possibility of using way of new, specific proposals to rector of the state's Law Revis- day. to retain county lines as much these same districts as the basis redistrict congressional districts ion and Legislative Services. Unless last minute changes are as possible, as the basis for for Assembly districts." or the reapportionment of Senate Plan for District made, it was learned the com Senate districts." The letter also reminded the and Assembly lines. If the 1-2-4 system of reap- mission will inform Republican He added: "In this regard, it politicians that the commission "Gov. Meyner is hopeful this portionment is accepted by the and Democratic legislators and is giving serious consideration to held a public hearing Friday of invitation will bring about any al- (See STATE, Page 2) lawmakers that the much dis- cussed 1-2-4 reapportionment plan about the simplest way of revamphig, in particular, the Third Congressional District. Monmouth and Ocean Counties Buddhist Monks, Nuns comprise the Third District, If the 1-24 method of reap portionment is recommended by BAR ASSOCIATION LEADERS — Justice Haydn Proctor, of the ttate Supreme Court the 12-member, bipartisan com- mission headed by former Demo- Demonstrate in Saigon last night installed new officers of Hie Monmouth Bar Association at a ceremony in cratic Gov. Robert B. Meyner, SAIGON, South Viet Nam library four blocks from the em- central market later In the day presented a petition to U.S. Am- Joseph's Restaurant, West Long Branch. Shown, left to right, are Samuel A Car- it would mean the Third Dis- s bassy. This is the immolation tech- bassador Maxwell D. Taylor. trict would have one congress- (AP)—South Vietnamese para- tenuto, Red Bank, first vice president; Justice Proctor, George A, Bariscello, of Crowds, mostly youths, nique that did much to rally man, two state senators and four troopers smashed their way Paratroopers who were knocked over police boxes in opinion against the.late Presi- Deal, the incoming president; M. Raymond McGowan, Shrewsbury, the outgoing assemblymen. with billy clubs and tear gas guarding the embassy put on main city streets. dent NgoDlnhDieni. president, and Joieph T. Grause, Red Bank, secretary," ' At Large Races? through nearly 500 Buddhist gas; masks an hour after the The Buddhist monks and nuns demonstration began. Thirty Whether the candidates would monks and nuns demonstrating Present Petition run at large In th« Third Dis- By midaftemoon, scattered gathered in.front of the Ameri- minutes later, after dispersing a against Premier Tran Van crowd of Buddhist laymen who trict is a problem yet to be groups of demonstrators were can Embassy at 1:30 a.m. after Huong in front of the U.S. Em- had gathered down the street resolved by the Commission. moving all over Saigon. racing 10 blocks through Saigon bassy today. , carrying antfgovemment ban- they, forcibly broke up the dem- A letter sent to both party A Buddhist source telephoned onstration by the monks and A few minutes later a.mob The Associated Press office that ners. Fire Under Control leaders in the state this week nuns... read, in part: smashed the doors andwindows a monk would burn himself on a They converged on the em- "Gov. Meyner has asked me of the U.S. Information Service' main city boulevard near the bassy from three directions and Throw Grenades They threw several dozen tear gas grenades into the ranks of Near Churchill Home the yellow-robed Buddhists and then moved in among them, LONDON (AP)-Fire broke out One started down the almost fire was is also known as Hyde Keyport Master Plan Unveiled smashing them on the head with In an apartment building im- deserted street in which Churchill Park Gate. their clubs. mediately behind Sir Winston lives. Kensington Rd. is the bi, REPORT — Members of the ic proposals were made covering — Extend and realign First county and the U.S. Army Corps Some Americans from the Churchill's home today and Hold Up Traffic thoroughfare near Sir Winston's 'lanning Board last night un- this recommendation. St., as part oF the bulkhead proj- of Engineers. embassy ran into the street and smoke billowed around the "It's not down there," yelled a home. Off Kensington Rd., rim veiled the borough's proposed Convert First and Second ect, to intersect with Broad St. - Widen Clark St., a portion dragged bleeding monks and ground floor where Sir Winston reporter, "It's behind Sir Win- number of small but fashion master plan, then took the docu- Sts. into one-way streets, after near the waterfront — and re- of Beers St., and Green Grove lay near death. nuns down a side street where ston's house." able little dead end streets. ment home to study it for a the ring-road project is com- align between Beers St. and Ave. they gave them first aid treat- The fire appeared to be in a With the police holding up traf- Sir Winston's London house month. pleted. Broadway. — Extend Maple PI. to Fulton ment. vacant apartment overlooking fic in busy Kensington Rd./ttie in one of these. The, dead end The board has already' ex- — Build a new collector street St. — Build a new bridge across The Buddhists broke ranks Churchill's London home at No. fire engine backed, then shot for- street where the. fire was re- messed its support for parts of from First St. parallel to Wal- — Realign and widen Fulton under the attack and dispersed 28 Hyde Park Gate. ward and turned down another ported is another. he plan, compiled by Candeub nut St. for the Walnut' St. in- Matawan Creek, as a joint proj- and Eighth Sts. in all directions.
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