FOLIA VETERINARIA The scientific journal of the ISSN 0015-5748 UNIVERSITY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE AND eISSN PHARMACY IN KOŠICE — Slovakia 2453-7837 1 LXIV • 2020 FOLIA VETERINARIA is a scientific journal issued by the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Komenského 73, 041 81 Košice, Slovakia. The journal is published quaterly in English (numbers 1—4) and distributed worldwide. The list of Editorial Board of scientific journal Folia Veterinaria: Editor-in-Chief: Jana Mojžišová Deputy/Managing Editor: Juraj Pistl Editorial Board: Aland, A. (Tartu, Estonia), Banhazi, T. (Toowomba, Aus- tralia), Bao, E. (Nanjing, China), Bíreš, J. (Bratislava, Slovakia), Celer, V. (Brno, Czechia), Fablet, Ch. (Ploufragan, France), Faix, Š. (Košice, Slovakia), Faixová, Z. (Košice, Slovakia), Fedoročko, P. (Košice, Slovakia), Gunnarsson, S. (Skara, Sweden), Kolacz, R. (Wrocław, Poland), Könyves, L. (Budapest, Hungary), Nagy, J. (Košice, Slovakia), Novák, M. (Bratislava, Slovakia), Paulsen, P. (Vienna, Austria), Pěchová, A. (Brno, Czechia), Sossidou, E. N. (Thermi Thessa- loniki, Greece), Večerek, V. (Brno, Czechia), Vorlová, V. (Brno, Czechia) Vargová, M. — technical editor (Košice, Slovakia) Contact: tel.: +421 915 984 669 e-mail: [email protected] Electronic Publisher: De Gruyter Poland, Bogumila Zuga 32A 01-811 Warsaw, Poland ISSN 2453-7837 on-line ISSN 0015-5748 print EV 3485/09 Publisher’s Identification number: IČO 00397474 March 2020 FOLIA VETERINARIA PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE AND PHARMACY IN KOŠICE SLOVAK IA Folia Veterinaria Vol. 64, 1, 2020 V YDÁVA UNIVERZITA VETERINÁRSKEHO LEKÁRSTVA A FARMÁCIE V KOŠICIACH 2020 F O L I A V E T E R I N A R I A, 64, 1, 2020 C O N T E N T S OLANIYI, M. O., AJAYI, O. L., ALAKA, O. O., MUSTAPHA, O. A., BROWN, C. C., SHIELDS, J. P., ARD, M. B., NAGY, T.: IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL AND ULTRASTRUCTURAL STUDIES OF MYCOPLASMA HYOPNEUMONIAE STRAIN IN NATURALLY INFECTED PIGS IN NIGERIA ........................................... 1 OLUKOLE, S. G., COKER, O. M., OKE, B. O.: IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL STUDIES OF ΑSMA IN THE EPIDIDYMIS OF AFRICAN FOUR-TOED HEDGEHOG (ATELERIX ALBIVENTRIS) ................................................11 ORIDUPA, O. A., OVWIGHOSE, N. O., AINA, O. O., SABA, A. B.: REVERSAL OF DIABETIC COMPLICATIONS IN ANDROLOGY PARAMETERS OF ALLOXAN-INDUCED DIABETIC MALE WISTAR RATS TREATED WITH CLEOME RUTIDOSPERMA LEAVES ..............................................................................19 KORYTÁR, Ľ., PROKEŠ, M., ONDREJKOVÁ, A., ZEMANOVÁ, S.: RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE SPREAD OF PATHOGENS AND THE MIGRATORY CONNECTIVITY OF EUROPEAN WILD BIRDS ....................................................................................................................................................................27 YEVSTAFIEVA, V., YERESKO, V., MELNYCHUK, V., BAKHUR, T.: PREVALENCE AND CO-INFECTION OF BARUSCAPILLARIA GENUS (NEMATODA, CAPILLARIIDAE) IN DOMESTIC GEESE IN UKRAINE .......................................................................................................................................................32 KARAFFOVÁ, V., REVAJOVÁ, V., NEMCOVÁ, R., ŠEVČÍKOVÁ, Z., LEVKUTOVÁ, M., LEVKUT, M.: IN VITRO STUDY OF IMMUNE PROPERTIES OF NEW LACTOBACILLI ISOLATES FROM PHEASANT GUT ..............................................................................................................................................................................39 DAHMANE, A., BOUSSENA, S., HAFSI, F., GHALMI, F.: SEROLOGICAL SURVEY AND ASSOCIATED RISK FACTORS ON TOXOPLASMA GONDII INFECTION IN GOATS IN MILA DISTRICT, ALGERIA ..................................48 CABANOVÁ, L., NINÍKOVÁ, P.: MICROBIOLOGICAL QUALITY OF SLOVAK TRADITIONAL CHEESE ...................................60 HANNANI, H., BOUZEBDA, Z., BOUZEBDA-AFRI, F., HANNANI, A., KHEMIS M. D. E. H.: MORPHOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EXTREME, EASTERN ALGERIAN DOMESTIC DONKEY (EQUUS ASINUS) ................................................................................................................................................66 PACKOVÁ, A., TAKÁČOVÁ, D.: DOGS HEALTH RELATED TO EAR CROPPING ...............................................................................77 DOI: 10.2478/fv-2020-0001 FOLIA VETERINARIA, 64, 1: 1—10, 2020 IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL AND ULTRASTRUCTURAL STUDIES OF MYCOPLASMA HYOPNEUMONIAE STRAIN IN NATURALLY INFECTED PIGS IN NIGERIA Olaniyi, M. O.1, Ajayi, O. L.1, Alaka, O. O.3, Mustapha, O. A.2 Brown, C. C.4, Shields, J. P.5, Ard, M. B.5, Nagy, T.4 1Department of Veterinary Pathology 2Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta 3Department of Veterinary Pathology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan Nigeria 4Department of Pathology 5Georgia Electron Microscopy, University of Georgia, Athens USA [email protected] ABSTRACT routine histopathological examination and immunohis- tochemistry, while 3 lung tissues samples were selected Enzootic pneumonia caused by hyopneumoniae for ultrastructural studies. The most significant micro- (MHYO) remains a serious concern to the swine in- scopic changes observed were suppurative broncho-in- dustry in many countries including Nigeria. MHYO terstitial pneumonia associated with varying degrees of strains isolated from pigs from different countries and lymphoid hyperplasia of the bronchus-associated lym- geographical locations are known to vary in pathoge- phoid tissue (BALT) and thickened alveolar septa due to nicity. There is a paucity of information on the patho- cellular infiltration consisting predominantly of neutro- genicity of the MHYO strain affecting pigs in Nigeria. phils and a few mononuclear cells. Immunohistochemi- This study investigated the pathogenicity of the MHYO cally, MHYO antigen was detected in 86/104 (82.69 %) strain in naturally infected pigs using immunohisto- of MHYO-infected lung tissues and typically exhibited a chemistry and electron microscopy. Two hundred and granular brown reaction on the bronchial and bronchio- sixty four lungs of slaughtered pigs were randomly col- lar epithelial lining, mononuclear cells in the BALT and lected from abattoirs at Abeokuta, Ibadan and Lagos, in luminal cellular exudates within the airways. Transmis- Southwest Nigeria. A sub-sample of 104 pneumonic and sion electron microscopy revealed numerous Mycoplas- 20 apparently normal lungs was selected, processed for ma organisms in the lumina of the airways, in between 1 degenerated cilia, while a few Mycoplasmas were located velopment of pneumonia [12, 17, 45]. This action had been within the alveoli. It was concluded that the MHYO shown to require a cilia binding epitome of the MHYO of strain detected in this study was pathogenic to pigs and which P97 adhesin (a membrane protein) has been identi- capable of inducing pneumonia, and therefore implicat- fied and characterized [1, 15, 16, 27, 44, 48]. P97 protein ed in the pathogenesis. has been reported to be expressed during infection with MHYO [1] and has been classified as one of the immu- Key words: Immunohistochemistry; Mycoplasma nogens responsible for the immune response in the respi- hyopneumoniae; Nigeria; pathogenicity; pigs; pneu- ratory tract of swine [1, 16, 26, 27]. Furthermore, several monia; ultrastructural changes studies have shown that different strains of MHYO are an- tigenically and genetically diverse [26] and vary in patho- genicity for pigs in different countries and geographical INTRODUCTION locations [27, 48]. Moreover, the course of EP depends on the virulence of the M. hyopneumoniae strain affecting the Pneumonia remains one of the most challenging pigs [44]. This may be due to the existence of differences problems in intensive pig production systems [8, 24, 32]. in virulence of the MHYO strains infecting pigs [28, 44]. M. hyo pneumoniae is a known primary pathogen and ini- Higher pathogenicity in high-virulence strain has been at- tiator of enzootic pneumonia (EP) in pig herds [6, 22, 25, tributed to a high capacity to multiply in the lung tissues 40, 41], and contribute significantly to the development [36] and the induction of a more severe inflammatory pro- of porcine respiratory disease complex [5, 6, 22, 29, 31]. cess [25]. There has not been a study on the pathogenesis EP, a contagious, prevalent and chronic respiratory dis- of EP and pathogenicity of MHYO strain affecting pigs in ease of pigs, constitutes a significant threat to swine health Nigeria. This study, therefore, investigated the pathological and productivity and reported to be responsible for sub- and ultrastructural changes in pneumonic lungs collected stantial financial losses to swine producers in a number of from slaughter-age finishing pigs with an intent to deter- countries [9, 20, 23, 35, 39] and has been considered as the mining the pathogenicity of the MHYO strain infecting most economically significant respiratory disease of finish- pigs in Nigeria as well as to further extend the knowledge ing pigs [9, 39, 42]. There have been a number of publica- of the pathogenesis of EP. tions on histopathology [15, 37] and immunohistochemi- cal findings [37, 38] of infection with M. hyopneumoniae in pigs. The ultrastructural changes and the pathogenesis MATERIALS AND METHODS have also been well documented [10, 11, 17]. The appear- ance of lesions in different areas of the lung tissue sections Study location and sample collection has been associated with the presence of MHYO, as detect- A total of 264 lung samples consisting of 60 apparently ed by immunohistochemistry
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