o/o the chicf Medicr, om""l"fi{rr;:';r::;;; D.R.D.C. Bailding, 2'd 11oor, Chinsurah, Hooghly 8: (033) 2680-1193 / 4858; Fax: (033) 268A 1193 : h Memo. No. 6De Dated, Chinsurah,the 31.01.2014 NOTICE In pursuance with G.O no. HFAI/HP/2M-0712010/PT-I/42S3(1S) dated 04.12.2013 for the selection of Multi Purpose Worker (Male), in the enclosed list who has been enrolled their on or before 20j2.2013, were collected from the labour departments website of www.employment.wb.gov.in in addition to the candidate who applied for the same post through apftication as per prescribed format . The candidates were requested to appear personally in the offr.. of the undersigne d (D.R.D.C. Building, 2"d floor, Chinsurah, Hooghly) on and from O3l12l20l4 to 0710212014 between I I a.m and 3.00 p.m , in all working days except holidays with the original testimonials mentioned below together with one Xerox copy each attested by a Gazetle Officer/Group-*A" officer of the state Govt : 1. Photo Proof Identity Card (Passport/Voter ID/ Adhar Card/Pan Card). 2. Permanent Residential address Proof of the applied block, 3. Age Proof Certificate (Madhyamik Admit/School Leaving Certificate). 4. Cast Certificate (In case of OBC candidates category 'A' or 'B' must be mentioned) 5. Marksheet of Higher Secondary. 6. Xerox copy of the receipt of Enrolment in the labour departments website of www.employment'wb. gov. in Enclosure 1. Application Format including recruitment notice no. SHFWS/l8 dated 05.12.2013. 2. List of enrolled Carididate \^Jd Chief Medicalo"-::,?;1,[,!) Officer of Health Memo. No. €aa f {, Copy forwardedf for information and necessary action to :- l. The District informatics office, Hooghly, N.I.C, Chinsurah, Hooghly- with the request to upload in your website. 2. Sri Sourav Ghosh, IT Coordinator, Swasthya Bhavan-with the request to upload in your website. Chief Medical Hooghly Bl N. i' .t : fie"., Ullest Bengal State Health & Family Welfare Samiti GN-29, Sector-V, Bidhannagar ' Kolkata - 700091 Recruitment notice no, SHFW$I lB Date: s{/t2-f2bt3 ln the Blocks of different Dletricb across tha $tate, S00 Multipurposa llllorkers (ttfial*! will be eng conlracfuat ba*i* under Hational Rural Health Misslon. Tha angagement witt bo initiatly for r The Appointing Authority will be Block Haalth & Family Welfare Sarnity oJthe concerned Bto( The eligible candidatea are requested lo *ubmit tholr application frorn $& He*ember, 2013 to 20e llecember, 20{3 in the enchsed format along with attosted photocopies of testimonials below wlth self attested photograph in the speciFred space of the form, fo the concemed GiliOH r lhe rinntioned post Details of the posltion Nameof the Fost Multipurpose Workers ([Jtale] Ho. ofVacancy 90S (Block &Distrid wise distribution of Post and reseruation stratu in Annexure * | attached herewith) Remuneratisn Consolfdated monthly remuneration of Rs. l3,5SS,t]0 Age Upto 40 years (a* on 1* November, 2013! EssEntial Qualif icatlon Fa$ed Higher $ecandary or equivalent exam with Physics, Cilemi Biology as compulsory subjects. $hould be the pewanent resldent of that Block for Po*i of which ap iE mada Process of recruitmint On.the basis sf percentage of marks obtained in.lhp Hlgher $er or equivalent exam in 5 compulsory subjects namely Vcrnacular, Erglish, Physies, Ghemi*try and Biotogy. ln cass, the total ma*s r rnore than onts person are $arns, prefercnce should ba given to the candidite having highestscore in Biology. ln casa morethan one per$on scores sarne in Biology, applicantwith seniority In age will b, placad above theluntor In the merit lisL Documents to be submitted : 1) Photo proof identity card {Passport or Voter ID Card or ABFIAR Pan Gard) 2) Proof regarding his/her permanent resident status of the Elock for, which should be duly attested by a Glkette Otficerl Group'A'r the State Government- (Voter ID Card oTADHAR Card or Ration Ci 3) The age praof certificate like admlt c;atd I $chool leaving cer issued hy West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or similar.bo Caste Calegory Sertifleate (if arry) issued by competent Authortty. of OBG candidates category'A'or'B'tnust be mentioned spu in the caste certiflcato. 4' Higher$econdarymarksheet' Nde.; Reta:&gon for age will be given for SCISTIOBC candidates a$ per exlant order of Govt Of W.B. Before jaining the post, the candidate will have to submit a physically lit cerlificate abtained from the Fraclitioner {holding MBES degree) regisleradfiomWBMC / MCl. The $eleetion CIommiitee will haue the discretion io call only the shortlist€d candidates fcr veriliffitisn of docurnr In additisn to the applidaliorrs directly received, candidature of the candidates onlisted in the employilrent barl Govemment of We$t Bengal will aleo bs coneidered by the concerned CMOH of{ice as per policy of Govemmr WestBengal lljl-r::J,ry-s_*$lllto_u#:* {p:l,"_?ntact at 2357-6684 and for any districUplock relaled querle$, con CASTE CATEGORY BREAI({'P Vacancy Oistrict Hams of the Block Poeition GEN Gen sc ST OBC.A OBC.B {ECl Irefnednur ?t I o ,l 0 0 0 Pandua $ J I 2 1 I I Chinsilrah Mosra I 0 o 1 0 0 0 Polba Dadour 4 1 1 t o o Dhanikhali $ 3 1 2 t 1 Shqur B 2 1 I I 1 o Harlna}. .s 3 1 2 { 1 Tarakesflar I 3 I 2 1 1 o ,Heaghay .;angioara 10 3 z 2 1 1 1 ,l /r- Shanditala-l I 3 1 2 t 1 Punsurah 5 2 1 I 'l 0 0 ,l Khanakul-'l I 3 1 2 1 1 t$ailakul-ll 3 1 2 I 1 I lN6tibbur) I )akshin ltarayanour ,9 3 I 2 1 1 I (arnaio,r-dtur 10 3 2 2 1 1 1 Dlstrictwlse total {09 rur-l I 3 1 2 I t ,| rurJl I 3 2 I 1 1 Eeha[*l 2 1 o 1 0 0 o Nadla Fehatta-ll I 0 0 1 0. o 0 Kal 3 1 1 1 c o o Cfia*d*r t 0 0 I 0 0 0 Dlstrictwise total 15 Raina-l I 0 0 l. 0 0 0 Jamdour s I 1 1 0 0 0 Merpari"ll 1 0 0 I o 0 0 Galsi-ll 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 tusgram-ll ,, 0 0 I 0 0 0 Kanksa 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 Andal g 5 1 2 1 1 1 Gat*i-ll 1 0. 0 0 Eurdwan I 0 0 Jamurla{ 6 2 1 1 1 I 0 &murla-tl 3 t t 1 0 0 0 Raniqani 4 1 I 1 1 0 0 furbasthali-l 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 Prrbaslhali-il i, I 1" 1 0 o' 0 Monteswar 2 0 'l 0 0 0 Gtuoranpl 7 2 , 2 t 1 0 l{ailqalkote 2 1 0 I 0 0 0 Dishietwlse total {8 \ fl^'al E:<ecu-tive Director WBSH ff$ Samiti _1 West Bengal State Health & Family Welfare Samiti Swasthya Bhawan, lMng-'B', 3'd Floor GN-29, Sector-V, Bidhannagar Kolk*ta - 700 0Sl Spac*fnrpa*lng AppltcArlo N FoRMAT FOB.TH F.,HO.,ST gr UlU rnpURpO$E t€rgrt$es$orrt HEALTH WpRI(ERS trliALEl she ptiotognph dulyslgrcd by the APplieatisn forms not properly filled in or incomplote ABplication forms are lleble to [. ffiafidate caneelled. ,1 t. Name in full (in Capitallelters) 7. Guardian's Name 3. (a) Date of BirFr according to Madhyamik Or equivalent ex*mination certificate (b) Age as on as on t$ Novemher, 2013 4. Sex (Male or Female) 5. {a) (i} Do you belong to SC /ST/OBC-AJOBC-B of West Bengal? lf so, mention your $ub4aste {ii} Designation of issulng authority of SC /ST/ OBC certificate, {b}.Are you physically handbapped ? S. Postaladdress (in Capital letters) to which Communication should bE sent {mentioning Blcck , Pgst ffice, District & Pin Code) 7. Contact No. L E+naillD I. Name of the Block applied for l0.Permanent address (in capital letters) -7 a.' 1 1. Educalional Qualification Name of Nanre of thg the Board Full ililarks %of DIvlslonl Yearof Exam. Ptssad lUnivbrsityr Marks obtained {l,tarlts Grads passlng ffiorSubJrcts Ilnetitu!e {2, Details of Higher $econdary or Equivalent Exam: Narne of the $ubjecl Full ftllarks tllarks obtained DEGTARATION I do hereby declare that all the statements given above by me are true and conect in all respect lf any statement found false at the time of examinationl interview or aftsr my , appointment then my candidature will liable to be cancelled or my service will terminate automatically. Date : Place: *t#;#;#ft".didate EMPLOYMENT BANK 247 CANDIDATES ENROLLMENT NAME ADDRESS CASTE DOB ENROLLMENT ID DATE CONTACT NO ANJAN DAS Mankundu Uttarpara, PO- Mankundu, HOOGHLY OBC 28-08-1989 EB20131947472121 16-03-2013 8981741283 SIDDHARTHA VILL.MAKALPUR, P.O.-MAKALPUR, DIST- TRIBEDY HOOGHLY, PS- DADPUR, , HOOGHLY GENERAL 03-12-1989 EB20122007897092 19-09-2012 8001981869 Kanaipur dakshin pally.PO:Kanaipur.PS:Uttarpara.DIST:Hooghly., SCHEDULE CHINMOY MANDAL HOOGHLY D CASTE 05-03-1978 EB2012681767104 24-10-2012 9062325858 434, BANDEL STATION ROAD, KUMORPARA, SUMON PAL HOOGHLY OBC 26-08-1994 EB2013693773834 19-03-2013 8017623273 VILL+P.O. - BHANGAMORA, PS- PURSURAH, PINAKI GHOSAL HOOGHLY GENERAL 04-05-1988 EB20131003967915 26-11-2013 9933695136 VILL + P.O. - Rajbalhat, P.S. - Jangipara, DIST - Hooghly, S.D. - Shrirampore, DEBASHIS DAS , HOOGHLY OBC 02-09-1984 EB2012724415772 02-11-2012 9002169843 28/762 BOSES GHAT KANAKSHALLY PO- CHINSURAH DIST-HOOGHLY PIN-712101, SAIKAT BASU HOOGHLY GENERAL 25-04-1984 EB20121804836083 27-07-2012 9433426408 VILL.- HORISOVA P.O.- ANUR HARIBRATA (NEARKAMARPUKUR) VIA: JAIRAMBATI DIST.- BANERJEE HOOGHLY GENERAL 03-09-1980 EB20121340100083 09-09-2012 9930000000 Vill-Hatikanda, P.O.-Baneswarpur, P.S.-Balagarh, ARNAB DAS Dist.-Hooghly, HOOGHLY GENERAL 09-06-1985 EB20121026085515 23-12-2012 9332779888 SUBHASIS DAS Goaltully, Parnashree< Chinsurah, HOOGHLY OBC 24-01-1987 EB20131797705986 19-02-2013 9434348418 19, G.D BHATTACHARJEE LANE, CHATRA, SITALATOLA, P.O.SERAMPORE,DIST.HOOGHLY, SOUVIK GHOSH PIN:712204, HOOGHLY GENERAL 15-11-1993 EB20132132761183 12-03-2013 8981305335 Vill+PO- Singur (Apurbapur) Dist.- Hooghly TANMOY PAL WestBengal Pin-712409, HOOGHLY GENERAL 28-06-1980 EB20131715852185 12-02-2013 9836981792 1/B(NEW-3) CHANDITALA STREET, UTTARPARA, SOUVIK BANERJEE HOOGHLY GENERAL 05-03-1986 EB2013568417754 26-10-2013 9748727473 VILL-MASAT, PO- MASAT, PS-CHANDITALA, DIST- SWARUP ADAK HOOGHLY, HOOGHLY GENERAL 02-03-1989 EB20121958719500 15-11-2012 9002584667 A.C.
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