RE5PON5IBLE REFRE5ENT/ Candidates Accelerate Electioneering (UNICOL I, out cliff STUDENT GOVERNMENT Candidates lot' ASB executive and legislative po- lots for two representatives to Student Council. kins (SPUR), Bob Atmstrong Election Board Heisterberg. sitions are in the Gnat stages of electioneering for next A new rule set forth by the ASB states, "that write-in candidates are duly elected only GRADUATE RACE week's elections. when he receives at least the required number of votes Three graduate students are in the race for two A maze of campaign posters, handouts galore and which equals the number of signatures required on the graduate representative seats on Student C'ouncil. They hand shaking candidates will greet students now until petition to run for office. are Ray Kunde (SPUR), Patty Givens t UNICOL(, and after the polls close at 7:30 p.m. next Thursday. Richard Epstein. QUALIFICATIONS have filed petitions for senior repre- Ken Lane, ASB election chairman, predicts 3-4,000 Nine persons Harold Kushins (UNI('OL), Dick students will vote in the upcoming election. Last year The present petition qualification for executive sentative and include J. Fraser (SPUR), Larry Collins a total of 2,818 cast ballots. officers is 100 signatures, and council representatives Miner I SPUR), J. Ann Latiderback (SPUR), Polling places will be located in front of the col- must have 50 signatures. (UNICOL), Jack Grady, Lowry (SPUR) and Vincent Con- lege bookstore, on Seventh Street, In front of the Campaigning tur ASB Presidential votes are, ac- Margaret Leshin, Gil . cafeteria and on Seventh Street across from the cording to their ballot positions, Gene Lokey (UNICOL), treras I. UNICOL junior rept esentative posi- Education Building. Pulls will be open both days from John Hendricks (SPUR), Chuck Overs and John M. Campaigning tor four Jack Gruban (SPUR), Robert 8:30 a.m until 7:30 p.m. Hansen. tions are Bub Young, Voters will select from Rich Corby (SPUR) or Stahl, Bill Clark I SPUR), Gary Pahl (SPUR), Mar- LAST YEAR'S ELECTION Jerry Spotter In the Vice Presidential contest. garet Davis UNICOL) and John Bruckman (SPUR). In last year's election the ASB President and three Two candidates, Kathy Schwent (UNICOL) and Half of the eight candidates for sophomore rep- executive officers, treasurer, attorney general and Einar Wetlesen (SPUR), are running for the Execu- resentative will be elected. Those running are Jim executive secretary, were unopposed. tive Secretary post. Lambrinos (SPUR), Phil Goodman, Don Miller (SPUR), This year the entire executive slate has opposition. David Turner (UNICOL) and Rick Trout (SPUR) Mahlon Reck UNICOL), Gary Kleernan (SPUR Students vote for each executive office and must select are the only candidates running for ASB Treasurer. Dona Kennedy (UNIC01.) Victor Lee (UNICOL( and four class representatives. Graduate students cast bal- Vying for ASB Attorney General are Wes Wat- Tina Newton (SPUR). - CANDIDATES ADVERTISE ELECTION TIME sees the campus decked out in an array of bright colored posters telling of the candidates for ASB office. SJS elections will be held April 28 and 29. All registered students may vote for their ASB representatives. SPARTAN DAILY Schlesinger SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE American Historian Vol. 52 40. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1965 ND. To Speak Monday Alleged UNICOL Violation Arthur Schlesinger Jr., historian The New York Times. In 1946, and former special assistant to at the age of 28, he was the young- Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, est historian ever to win the will speak on "The Future of the Pulitzer Prize when he received Presidency" Monday. if for -The Age of Jackson." Quashed by Election Board The speech, sponsored by the SUMMA CUM LAUDE ASB Lecture Committee, will be The son of Arthur M. Schles- Charges that UNICOL (United lathe Act 24 which states, "Regis- registration petition was suffi- in the Men's Gymnasium at 8 p.m. inger, also a historian, he was Collegians) had violated the ASB tration of political parties must cient. and is open to the public. graduated summa corn laude from election code were found not justi- be submitted to the Election ,Problems have riddled the two Schlesinger "ranks among the Harvard in 1938. fied by the ASB Election Board Board and the Activities Office party system at SJS for many foremost in the new generation The following year his honors in a lengthy meeting yesterday by 4 p.m. on the day specified as years. of vigorous social thinkers," says essay was published under the afternoon. the deadline for candidate peti- Last year, FOCUS, formed at title "Orestes A. Brownson: A The Board met in the College tions." the last moment to run against Pilgrim's Progress." It received Union to hear allegations that ONE PETITION SPUR. high praise from critics and was UNICOL had violated the election Representatives of UNICOL In campaigning for freshman class officers and council repre- Forum Attacks a selection of the Catholic Book code by not submitting a registra- stated that they thought one Club. tion petition with the Student sentatives in October of 1962, During the war Schlesinger Activities Office seeking campus SPUR cornmited a violation of the Challenge served in the Office of War In- recognition. Co-Rec Sponsors election code. The regulation which SPUR formation in Washington and in Bob Pisano, ASB president, asked violated states that political par- the Office of Strategic Services the Election Board to investigate 'Blue Card Bash' ties will be allowed 40 inches of Of in London, Paris and Germany. the alleged violation of the election Automation paid political advertisements in He was deputy chief of the OSS/ code following a conversation with Tonight in Gym the Spartan Daily (names of the A 10111 -menthet Open End I,,rum Paris Reports Board and a cor- a UNICOL spokesman. candidates may not be included). panel will attack the many-faceted poral in the Army. According to Ken Lane, Election A sure cure for blue card blues challenge of "Cybernation and ANALYSIS OF POLICY Board chairman, UNICOL turned is Co-Rec's "Blue Card Bash" to- AD PURCHASED Man" at 7:30 in E132 Friday night. In 1951 Schlesinger's book, "The in registration forms on the April On Oct. 4, 1962, SPUR pur- Photo by Steve Starr night from 7:30 to 9:45 in the Panel members will concern General and the President," was 8 deadline but failed to turn in chased an ad that contained both and Women's Gym. themselves specifically with social published. It is an analysis of SPARDI arrived during Easter vacation. The seven-foot statue a duplicate form with the Activi- PER Building names and pictures of the party implications and new developments American foreign policy in terms now adorns the Art Quad, having come to SJS at a cost of ties Office, Featured activities include candidates for the offices. In the field of automation. of the issues raised by President more than $2,000. Student Council authorized Spardi last spring volleyball, badminton, basketball, As a result the ASB Judiciary CAMPUS RECOGNITION Open End, for this week only, Truman's dismissal of General and Daryle Webb, SJS graduate, sculpted the statue. table tennis. ping-pong, swimming stated, "The campus political or- will be conducted by the campus MacArthur. "The Crisis of the The entire matter was resolved and dancing. ganization SPUR may not endorse, chapter of Tau Beta Pi, national Old Order," "The Coming of the when the Board voted to rule the A special event will feature a sponsor or interview any person engineering honor society, and will New Deal," and "The Politics of charges not justifiable and there- gymnastic exhibition by Malcolm for any elective or appointive ASB be set up with 15-minute presenta- Upheaval," were Book of the Spardi Moves to Campus; fore allow UNICOL campus rec- McPhee, Jim Cyr, and Jeff Mil- position until the fall '63 election." tions by the individual panel mem- Month Club selections in 1957, ognition, assuring a two party man. There will also be a Bean-o In April of 1963, several inde- bers, followed by a rebuttal period, 1959 and 1960. election Wednesday and Thursday. contest with a prize going to the pendent candidates charged that Intermission and an audience Schlesinger left the White House /Gets Set for Criticisms "It is the decision of the Election winner. a new political party. KEY, was "open" question-and-answer period. in March 1964 to write a book on Board that the charges of the Music for dancing will be pro- actually SPUR in disguise. The Moderator for the program will the Kennedy administration. "The legs of the Spardi statue fessional moving firm, Red Line election code violation are found vided by the "Chevelles," a rock charge was checked and KEY dis- be Assistant Professor Michael look like those of an emaciated Carriers, transported the cast not justifiable because of the am- and roll band from San Jose. banded. Schmidt of the Philosophy de- chicken," Jack Perkins, junior aluminum statue from the foundry biguity of section IV, B, 1." Admission is free, but limited to partment. 'Sink Bismarck' representative to Student Council, to its resting place at SJS. This section is found in Legis- ASB card holders only. Slated for the panel are Dr. commented a little over a year ago The sculptor, Daryle Webb, SJS professor of when the ASB government allocat- graduate, supervised the moving Business Division Edward J. Laurie, Shown Friday management; John Furrer, FMC- ed over $2,000 to construct the process. "I'm relieved it's done," systems design engineer; Dr. World War II Allied air and seven-foot art piece. Webb declared. Banquet Tonight George Halverson, head of the de- sea forces combine to "Sink the Now the controversial statue is Pisano added that he had asked International, Dorm partment of industrial relations, Bismarck" after the pride of the standing on its four-foot base in the Art Planning Committee to and Dr.
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