If ..^,1 PAGE FOURTEEN SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 22, IMS ManrhifStpr lEtiPtttng lifralh Average Daily Net Prem Run For the tVeek Ending The Weather Nov. 28, 1958 Forecnat of D. B Wtather Btraui amall, and much more excluatve. (irmlp of card playing commuters. Cloody, colder tonight wiOi mfai About Town Kvery morninR four overalled ! Brown Chorus 12,835 beromlng mixed with or changing H eard .4 long Main Street workers ait in the back of a large Sinu^et .Circle of past noble New Haven Railroad van truck Member of the Audit. to anon*. Low- 28 to SO. Clewiing Burenu o f Circulntton. grranda will meet Monday at A And oh SoniP o f hfnnchpptpr't Siilm Strpet$, T oo and play a gam.e of bridge, or Here Dec. 12 Turwdny. High 38 to 40. p.m. for. Ita monthly mcotinp in whial or something aa the vehicle FOOTBALL GAME Manchester— A City of Village Charm the directors' room of Odd* Kel- rolla merrily along Rt. 8. I ■ Christmas will be the theme of Iowa hall. Mrs Dorothy Kwinp I IMilja I’B.v the Toll? <» tine, just n maz.e of rapidly rhang- i the Brown University Chorus con­ and her committee will serve re­ Manchester High School vs. VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 47 (TWENTY PAGES) I Ah anivmncement card that has ing linos. Watch VdHir Hfep cert to be presented Friday even­ MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24. 19.58 (CUoained Adverttaing on Page 18) PRICE MVE CENTS freshments. f I been huned foi a couple of weeks "What on earth are you doin*?” One of the Tiew’ tSAchors in the ing. Dec. 12, In the high school under a pile of newspapers, clip- aakod I ho mol hor. Manchester puhl'ic school system is I auditorium. East Hartford High School Manchester WATI*^ will meet ■ pin?:s ami correspondence finally “ The man on tolovlalon .lald tho.v a former ski patrolman from Colo* The program is being spon.sored THANKSGIVING DAY ~ 11:30 A.M. Tuesday at 6:30 p.m at the Italian uorkc(i its wn\ tp the siiifaie this wore having tiuiihlea and to plo.ne radn. At the dinner for new leach* by the Women's Auxiliary of the American (.iuh for a harvest pot- ; week, ami It ' ontamed some starl- atnrid hy ao I ’m alandln(f hy. ” ro- e;a he told shout a friend of his. Manchester Memorial Hospital and Hayed at Manchester High School Paris Company i>C G d u lle luck. Mrs BarhMta Thnnmann i Im^ new.s at least on a quick first a Ranger. Ihe Hockanum Brown Club. Tick­ Adult tickrta now on «al* at Krlth’a V*ar(rty Store, Fallot Ike Names Group pliod hor off.aprinK. and Mrs. Ruth Bayle wilt be m ! renrlmj;; It seems the Ranger w’as hired ets are on sale at the hospital gift Stiidiba, Manchratrr Plumbing and Supply, Xnaallf Arm*. charji^e of arranpeTiicnts Menibn.- Tlie card was finm the (Itealer Rrotlior-ln-lai\‘a Koopor bv the . Walt Disney Studios to shop and the W. G. Glenney Co. Gets CAintrol of n'lay contact either to find out iMaitford Rndfte Authority, ami Tho .Maurhoator roahlont had Flait an avalanche that could be The 80 members of the chorus what to (^mthbutr They shouM filnnd for the "Winter Wilder- and their director. David Laurent, Union W alkouts Shnt i liiKlfi Dll' |)ritiloO insieiUH rlf Uiotiionfl tlio llhniiy liooU «iifl oirjoypil For Etaluation of -rn also provide their o\s n <li.she.s and ^mnir llinn nnnii>',\ ha I i nnlcovcrsml j || , . , n,, niiich .‘>0 lhat hr rccom- n/?.“s ■ piiiur e. The Ranger climbed ■ will be guests at a pre-concert din­ Watermen Fen' cutlery U'eiRluriC*ni precede 'aermy. Ihotp apponro<l Uia tnoa-‘ monili'rl il t., Ina hi-othoi-lii-law. a mountain snd tiirlted hlm>*elf ner at the Couritry Club. Bight the meal, following' whuh Mic Rev O f tr a n c e Rf ''AnMoiin'iiij; thP rrmovnl rif; -pho bmlh''i-ln-la\v boiiowrrl the Just imd^r an overhang. Then he i couples from the Hospital Auxll- Seymour, Nov. 24 (f P )— Sale \\ ilfred Thoman nf Ando\rr a ill I the (iicater Hnilfonl Rrldpp A n ­ book Hiul all \\as well. About two started an avalanche that sent > lary and the Hockanum Brown of controlling interest in the speak and sho\^ slide,^ of ftnv^aii il ho: it v fill N'n'i’ H, . ! weeks later the Irmlei' cisiially re­ .snow thundering over his head. He I Club w ill apt as patrons and pa- Arms Aid, Security Pai'is, Nov. 24 (/P)— Premier Waterman Pen Co., one of the ' VS haH M;id \pe snmelmw missed' marked to the hot rower, "R v the hiiggpfl Ihe shelter of the rocks un­ I tronesses. O 'C c o - U .'E The Oranpf* Promotion roinmit- oldest pen makers in this De Gaulle, without having HM entile (lispter in*the Dontfecll- w'Hw rlid you return that bf>ok I til It was over, then came out tri- I Soprano Relurii.s The BroWh Universlt.v Chorus will m'^ef MoiuIhv mg^lU at A cut riivei Hndge loll fight, one In lent you ? ” . umnhanllw While the movie crew has performed major choral works country, to Marcel L. Rich of lifted a finger in the cam­ ^ KkViiii Harbieciu, the lyric Augusta,'Ga., Nov. 24 (^ )— t’tee’a evaluation will be non-^>art- Second Major Airline oTlorU in Oranc^' Hall ' wliH li W’lllMid Rogrrs ami othei I "Oosh, I forgot!" I and h's friends ;v\‘atched. he skied with Ihe Univcr.sity orchestra and ROASTING Paris,-France, was announced paign. won another strong en­ so]iinmi wa» fc.nturcd with the PresidenC' Eisenhotver today i*an, cold-blooded Mn(i-I»)li hiulge hrtttleis had really Another week went bv. ; flov.'ii the white ma"s. the Rhode Islanii Philharmonic For the fl»cal year 'which start- to d a v. dorsement from the kYench The p .hlir I- loniinded of li;r .Manchc.*,tcr -Mo.Ks.ah (,’hfflus l»/it memiged In u in tlmlr fight “ nul you leLurn that book vet'*' When he res •lif'd the bonom lie Orchestra. Prior to its engagement named a blue ribbon commit­ ed Jul.v 1 the administration asked open linu-e at th<* Rum e ( ’rptcr ' .vc.ir. 1^ returninr thU ycHr. The company said a new line of | people in first-round voting Hill It ' a.-^n I t lint at a M. nf ■’No. hut I will," glided ov er low nvd the .ski lodge ill .Manchc.ster the cluh will per­ CHICKENS tee of former government of­ Congress , for 31,800.000.000. but ! inexpensive ball point pens will be for RrfaidM ('hilflion tomnirov*, M i.m Harbccht, who's pviform- form at an evensong servicp In St. .ve.atei-clay for tlu> new Xa- ''f»iir«;e The Riidge AuUionly’s The iievi \*eek "I jit.al lecenrd and pulled up with a snappy stem ficials to evaluate the U.S. the lawmakers cut the figure by j featured in the new operation of afternoon from 3 to o'rio« k «nce Isst ye,-rr wns pral.sed by Thoma.a Church, N ew Y’ork City. tinn.ri .X-^seniiilv 'reim»\ al' -a e Icairre'l on a ciosci a notice fiom the library dunmii;:; |(*hn.st r. He loosened h’s s?<ie‘* nufl AND 1300 billion. tpe organization. I , ritirs as ,he best ,>f the four military aid program in terms With many candidate.s trying to le 1 ending. A'as meiely "to pa new me for that bo»)k \f>iir boi'o ■ erl sle.ppefi out of in^'m and’ h oke 16 000 Th*’ R''\ {'liarlrs RonhoPIu r- his ankle. ! fT,li)l«;ls, was seciii',*,i to repeat " “(.“ 'to ! The confpany's plant here will ride De Caulle'.s cnaltaila. outright A l» l l l l t i . Qoit Aflni'niHl rat ion Riiilding at 20.'>.'i ft oin me " of how to strengthen national when asked whether he looks to , soi'nt<* .'iiMtisirr of t li»' SoMtii j h,*r n,lo nr,-. II, a.roKliiiR to Kric foes of the Premier made the poor­ .Maiii f nnl)iiif*nnii' R’ ol liei-111• Ih\‘ "Oil I IfioU llul PTSOHas Panrl security. c'aaw*-?^ ■ Melho.liri (■)iui-cli ‘ ill hnn;.' a ! Andrn-.ou, ruanaRcr of lb* chorus CAPONS spending in that a.^a o be c u t, ij,e added production of an est showing iinRa c ,.. AMci iiiulling llif mcMH.igr ovri ha« k vesiriiis', Im iflenl all\', \f» i j riipll KtiMn The Pre.sident announced the further in the n « t fiscal .veai*. ! n^O ball point Mu ' At Eastern, Thanh.'^^nunz: ine5r.;ic'' at t Iv Diuj/U; llip pa.st yo.ir -Miss lla? - A strong righll.st awing was ac­ f"C a hil \\r dc'lm Ofl t)i»' f-tiulge f*” e me Home nmney, Theie v as At the (lianiliei of f'omiiiet ■ e On (diild (siiidniire appointment of William H. Draper merfinp of tho Rolaiv I ’hih Tiie.** flinnei to wcboiue new lesidjei.s I.rcch! has tourt'd 1 .f couiilr.v in nfa V- pens a da.v. One hundred addit'onal companied b.v a Communist de­ sttir Aulhonly ha.s f’\er\ ifHifidrme of quite s fine foi ihr bofil^ being Jl'„ a Republican who was under- ^ t h Eisenhower and Draper was | „.ill be required.
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