
A bibliography of the works of Sir Max Beerbohm (continued) The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Gallatin, A. E., and L. M. Oliver. 1951. A bibliography of the works of Sir Max Beerbohm (continued). Harvard Library Bulletin V (2), Spring 1951: 221-241. Citable link https://nrs.harvard.edu/URN-3:HUL.INSTREPOS:37363604 Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.terms-of- use#LAA A Bibliography of the Works of Sir Max Beerbol11n ( Continued) ~10RF. 4 MORE / BY / J\·IAXIlEERilOHl\·f / LQl\lDON AND NE\V YORK / JOHN J.,ANE: ~f'HE IlODI rEY" HEA I) ./ 1899 [first 9nd third lines ru brj ca tcd J First edition. [ J'. 1-13\ 106 le~ves; g~d1etings: signed on third ]e::1L Pp+: [i-viii], J-[io3 l~ Prelbninarics: Irnlf-titlc. [i]; list of author"s ,vorks~ [ii]; title-page,. [iii]; 'Copyrigbt, 189.9 / BY JonN LANE / All Tigbtr TtSf:r·vcd\ [iv]; dcdicntion 1 [vl; notci signed '1\1.B,\ [vi] ; con tents, [ l-' ii] ; blank, [ vji i] ; section-title,. 1 ; hiank, [ :2J , P+ [203]: 'PRINTED FOR JOI-IN LANE AT THE UNI-/ ·vERSITY PRESS CAi\1ll-RIDGE U.S. A/ 6 13/16 x 5¼ in. o~rk green dbbed cloth. Paper fo.bel on spine: 'A10RE / HY / IvlAX IlEERBOHl\1', printed in t\\'o sizes of type+ ~I'op edges cut and stained green i other edges uncut, Hindin g va rfa n ts: a, Rib Ling in doth \'errica]. b. Ri ubing 3n c1oth horizontal. f\1ost copies traced are ,rarfant a,. of l.\Thichone copy (Ilobcrt J-I. 1':.:iylor) h~s top ~dgcs cut hut unstain~d. A lcner from A~ ]a A. Syn1ons to Lord Eshcr (jn :.:1. copy belonging to Sitnon No,\TcH-S111ith)states th:H this issue ,;,.vashound in A n1crka, and is consequently very rare in Eng 1and+ Th c copyr i gh t c~ c1npfa rs in the British i\ 1 and the Bodlcian arc J'CponcJ IJy l\·1r Nov..-cH-S111ithto b~ 4a and 4b respectively (.see bdo,v). 1~hisissue is:plnccd first n1crcly because it is the Atncrican i:s!:iueof a buok printed in A1nerica; \\-hhou t ev j den ce to tl1e contrary! it may be pres-um e d to ha vc rc:ic hcd the rnarket uefore the English issue of the same impression. No dated copic~ h~vc been seen. According to the author's not~ the c-ss~yshere coUected appeared :first in the Snt11rd,1y ll.ev;e-w, the Daily .A1ail,.the Outlook, To1n.o"J"ro-w,rtnd the A111Jicia11. Copies: G (binding V3riant ~); Robert H. Taylur (binding ,·ariant h). l2I Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume V, Number 2 (Spring 1951) 222 Harvard L..ibrary B11lleti11 Another issue. · · Title-page: not rubricatcd~ 6 1l/16 x 5 1/16 in. Dark green diced doth. Paper bhel on spine printed jn one si:;,...eof type; extra label tipped in at hnck, Edges uncut, except that th c bottom edges :=tppc~rto h:=i.vcbct:'.n trim1ncd lightly, not affecting =.:i.11lc~Tt:'.S-, Si1non No\.l'ell-Sinith repo~·ts that the British i\1.useum copy is dated 17 April I 899i Robert I-I. Tay~or h;l~ copy dated by the author 'April- t99'. Tbe F..-nglfrhCrtta- /ogue of Books lists publicadon as of AprH 1899. l\f r No·well-Sn1ith indicates that this issue :in ti 4b are cu nun on in Eng b n d. Copi~s: Roucn H. Taylor; University of \rirginfo. Lil)lary (not seen). A noth tr j ssuc. [ ]\ 1-1 :/\ 105 ]eaves. Pp.: [i-vi]~ 1~[103]. Preljminaries: tit1e-page, [i]; 1 Copyright, 1899 / Br JouK LANE/ All rights reserved\ 1 [ii]; dedication, [iii]; note, sjgned .l\-1.Il.\ [iv] t contents 1 [ v]; bfo.nk, [ vi]. This issue, of ,vhich the distinguishing mark is the absen~e of the h'Jlf-tit1e leaf, is, · says 1\1r N O"\vdl-Sn1i t h 1 th c coin n1oncst form j n Eng] nnd in his cxpcr ie nee. The copy in the ll o<.Heian, he reports, is da tc J 6 Scptcnl Ler 1899, l'hc copy in tl 1c Ga Ua tin 1 con ecrj on is dated by the author 'N ovemh er 18 99 • John L-ane1 jn the pre1iminades uf Tl'"orks- mu! 1Hore, l930 ( 1c:)! reports tliis Look as having been Teprhucd twice· in l 899. If he is correct 1 then 4 1 4a, and 4b -are inz- pre ss ions, not issues. Bnt careful cxarn.i.nacion of the print~d pages discloses no evi- dence tl1at anthree arc not parts of the s~mc impression. 1n vie,v of Mr Lane's kno,Yn int1ccurac y in such n1JttCrsj and until fun her cv]den cc j s f o.rtl1con1in g, these compilers v.·ill heEe,Te that there \vas only one (perhaps fairly large) in1prcssion in 1 899, of "\',.'h ich one American nd tv:o Eng] ish issues a re d lstj ngo ishable. Copy: G. The copy in the Gallatin colk ction is .inscribc d: 1A·i ax to A .BJV. [..t\rth u r Bin ghan1 . ''-' al k ley J ]\Tovemher 1 899'. Anot 1i er j 1np rcssion. Tide-page: , . , BEERBOHl\f / LONDON: JOHJ\T LAl\TE, TI-IE BODLEY I-IE.AD / NEVl YORIC: JOHN LANE COMPANY MCj\1XXI l!I .... 4 [ J 1 1-12 1 q ; l 05 1-ca,·cs. vp.: r·i-vu1 · ·Ji J-io i. Pn:::limin:=i.rks:as jn 4 except for [i\T],,'\vhich reads icopyrigbtt 1S99 / BY JOHN LA:t-:E I AU -rights rt?served/ l"f-.JIRI) EJ)lTION / [rule] / Printed in G1·ent Britain by Alessrs+R. Clay & Sonr, Ltd41 UungnJ, SufJolk.i · Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume V, Number 2 (Spring 1951) A Bibliographyof Sir -~1axBeerbobu1 223 7 9/ 16 x 4J/4 in. Red c1oth~stan1pcd jn black on front and spine. Edges cut. This EngJjsh printing cn1ploycd the satne phnes as v...-ereused for the earlier Amer- 1can 1mpress~on. Corr: Gros,Tcno r Libr:ary) Bu ff~ lo r Another in1pression. - Title-page: . + • IlEERilOHi\1. / LQJ\TDQl\T: JOI-IN LANE THE BODLEY HEAD LTD~/ l\lE\\' YORI(: JOH1'.l LANE COA1PANY l'\-1Cl\.-:IXXI Prdin1inarics-: '. + • FOURTH EDITION ... \ [iv]~ Copy: Westctn Reserve University Library. Another impression. Title-page: . __ BEERBOI-Ir-.1./ LONDON: JOHN LANE TI-IE BODLEY HEAD LTD. [1922] P.re1iminaries:- 'Publis-bedAJn-il 189.9/ Repri'llted Sc:plcniber 1899 I + Oetaher ljo~ I • A l'rii 19.2} I . Jtr' y 192 I I . - l·-T01.,enz ber I g2 2 \ ri V] • Copy: llosto n P ubl tc Library. 4f MORE/ IlY / 1\1AXBEERllOI--Ii\i / 19 [puhlisher"s device] 22 / [rule] / LONDON : 11/ILLJAJ\1 HElNE1\1ANN Another edition. [A]\ B-l\·P, N"; 96 le:a,•es; gatherings R~M sjgned on fir.st two leaves, gathcdngs B-N \Vith prcss~rnark 'J\1.'in ?o"·e:r left corner of .first le;lf. Pp.: [i-viii] 1 1-[182.]. Llank Jcaf. Preliminaries: ha]f-tjtle, ti]; ccrti fi c~tc of ]j nlit~ tio n1 [ii]; ti tie-page, [iii]; bfa.nk, ri V]; ded ica ti on, rVJ ; n otc, signed "~1~Il.., ! [ Yi]; con tents1 [vii] ; bfa.nk, [Viii] ; scction- tit1e., 1 ; bh:tnkt [ i l 8 1 / 1 6 5 9/ 1 6 in. ll rov"~n cloth., p Ed. Pa per label on spj nc; extra h b d tipped in at backr Edges uncut~ In dust-cover, printed on spjnc~ \l olume [II] of the coUected editiont limited to 780 sets (cf. Jc above), Copy: G. 4g 1\10R.E / BY J lVIAX BEERilOHl\·1 / [publisher's device] / l\.TEWYORI{ / l)ODD~ iVI.EAD AND COT\1lPANY / 19i.2 [first Jinc printed in blue] Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume V, Number 2 (Spring 1951) 224 H arvnrd l.....ihrary Bulletin Another cd ition. [ 1-148, I l1; Il 6 leaves. Pp.: ri-xl ! [l ]-i Z01 Llank leaf. Prdiruinades: h;1]f-titl~,[i]; list of autho_r's works 1 [ii]; title-page 1 [iii]; ~<;:opyright., 1899 / Ill' J OIIN LANl2 / All rights n!SeF,Jed / PRINTED IN U. S. A~\ [h•-]; dedic~- tian) [v].; hJanki [vi]; contents, [vii]; blanki [,,iii]; notct signed ~~1.ll,'t [ix]~ bhnk, [ x J; sccti on •t itlc:t [ 1 J; bh n k i [ i] . lllmt cloth 1 stamped on front ~nd spine. Edges cut .. Bjnding variants: n. 7 9/ 16 x 4 ¾ jn. Ilrigl1t blue cluth., starnped in bhlck~ hr 711 x 4 ~/4in. Pa le ·watered bl uc clotht !it~ mpcd in gold~ the stan1p on the front being upon a b]ind re etan gnla r sta n1p. This c:-djtion is s itni lar in f o rn1~ti dcsi g n, ty pog r~ phy t nd both hind ing vari~n ts to the l)odd~ 1\-icad19i.i. ~Jition of Tbe IVorks ( 1 d). Bindjng varfant b is <alsoshni]ar to A Defence of Costnetic:s(19).
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