5 NOVEMBER 1932. ** ** 4+ *4 ** ** 4+ ** ** - ** ** ++ 44 ** ** ++ lsPr ** ** PUBLISHED FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISSEMINATING GENERAL I NFORMAT I OM OF PROBABLE I NTEREST TO THE SERVICE. * OFFICER PERSONNEL SZLECTION BOARD i A Line Selection Board, composed of the foll@hg-named offi- cers will meet on 1 December, 1932, to select nine captains and . twenty-two commanders for promotion so the grades of rear admiral and captain, respectively: President : Admiral Luke bIcNamee, U.S.Navy. Members : Vice Admiral ?rank H. Clark, U.S.Nav. Rear Admiral- Henry V . Butler, U .S Navy. Rear Admiral Thomas T. Craven, U.S.Navy. Rear Admiral Wat T. Cluverius , U S e Navy. Rear Admiral Thomas C. Hcrt, U.S.Navy. Rear Admiral Orin G. Murfin , U .S .PJavy. Rear Admlral Waiton R. Sexton, U.S.Navy. Rear Admiral T?illiam D , Leshy, U. S.Navy, Recorder: Commander Robert R.M. Emmet, U.S.Navy. QUALIFICATIONS FOR PRONIOTICN e The attention of all officers, and especj.ally of those in the junior grades, is invited to the relationshill bctvceen ,the fundamental elements of their profession, 2nd specialization. As a prime requisite, all offi rs of the Line rmst be capsble mariners and. proficient lecders. Supplementary to tiiis, each should acouire proficiency in at least one specialty of the naval profession. The need for speciPliFts has long been recognized. A generation ago Idahan wrote, "Like other professions, the NaF- tends to, and for efficiency requires, specializa- tion l1 Without competent and sufficiently numerous sl?ecialSsts in each of the many specialties, the Navy as a who2.e cannot operate successfully. However, the natural. tendency to specialize cannot be per- mitted to exclde, or even -to obscure the first essential, that a line officer must be ti capable mariner. individual approachcs coimarid rank it is indispensab1.e 11 have had the practical experience necessary to attc?,in cation. If it is lacking at that period in his career, it is normally too late to overcome the handicap. It is therefore essential that young officers seek, and that they be afforded full opportunity by older officers to acquire pro- ficiency in the school of the ship and in the regular duties of a watch officer at sea. Officers engaged in a specialty as thcir paramount duty, and lacking deck experience in their present gratie, may, nonetheless, find the time and be afforded. opportunity to stand frequent deck watches. Tnis 2ias been the practice in many destroyers and could be extended to other types of vessels. In tlie interest of the individual officer, as well as of the Naval Service, the Navy ikpartment', the Exaxiiling Board and the Selection Board 'insist thrt an of'f'.,er's record, during the period he is passing through the various grades to Lieutenant Commnder, shall show whether or not he is qualified by experlence and demon- strated ability to perform the fundamental duties of a sea officer. In its function of assigning officers to duty the Bureau has constantly in mind the faregoing pcinciples, bdt the cooperation of flag and camiianding officers is reqGired in making av<ailnble to Lieutenauits and junior icers the prc+ct'lcai experience of this nature, an6 in making s experience a rmtter of record in reports of fitness on officers, with specific notation as to their individc- a1 qualifications. Lately the Examining Eoard has becn obliged to hold up the n of certain officers to the pade of Lieutenant Comander, ovving to the fact that their records did noi inciicate that they were qualifieci mtch officers. Not only must all line officers be qnalified in watch stand- ing an6 ship handling, but this cLualifictttion must be shown affir- matively in each officer's Report of Fitnsss. COM!~E2NDATIONS. Lieut. (j.g> Lannie Conn, U.S,Navy, 2nd Lieut. (j-g.) Paul B. Tuzo, U.S.Navy, Fleet Air Base, Coco Sulo, C.Z., received let- ters of commendation from the Secretary of ihe Navy for their courageous and expeditious actions in rescuing the crews in two seaplane crashes. I__Name Ra%ing Average Present Station c_t '2. Hinchey, YOW 2. Da&,s, Harry r,. RMlcl 3.4@/2 V.P. Squadron 1-E ie E. RMlcl j.4624 IJSS AXUSTA 6. Hodge, Charles 24. RMlcl 3.4274 USS ROCHESTER 7(. hlattson, Charles A. RAlcl 3.4011 IJSS DOBBIt? * 8. Clarke, Frank H. IZiiill.cl 3.3379 USS SARATOGA Ahthony, Kenncth RiiiIlcl 3 J212 rJSS CdiiIL ? Tlreja, Frarik A. RMlcl 3*3164 IJSS I'5ISSISSIPPI 11. Colaianni, Joseph JkeRIUcl 3.3148 USS CdJIPOFtiiIA ,( 12, itlorlen, Herschel L. RIiiIlcl 3.3007 . USS kti;2Oi\i 13. Foster, Samuel H. PdIlcl 3.2567 lip Snd.1-B,F.A.B.Pearl Harbor,T.H. I-cl 3.2167 Radio Sta. ,San Francisco,Calif. .. 4 1 ., Beresf ord,. RI T LAKE CITY 2. LTulford, Edv~ USS B UNBdIDGE 3. Mzrriott, Victor E. Navy Rectg. Sta.,Detroit,Mich. 4. Steams, Chester Me USS CONC3RE 5. Perdue, John W. 3.4854 uss SIRIUS ital, Snn Diego, Calif. 8. Bonks, Charles 9. Wilson, Neil Ll. MIdIlcl 3.3837 USS VfHLTNEY 10. Sutton, Jack N. ElIl-cl 3.3763 US$ BUCHANAd 11, Rogers, Gordon cimi 3 3660 USS SWALLOW 12. Reas, Oswald J. !'J%~ld3.31+70 fiIGE:, '3 13. Koch, Iierman 17. Iv11Clcl 3.3045 USS CALIFCjT3"A 14. Losh, Edward rvnnci 3 3019 uss HOPKINS 15. West, Herbert J. hlMlc1 3.29 uss S-f!+8 16. Park, Leland E. k!h!lCl 3.23 USS WE'ST VIRGINIA 17. Jordan, Edgar L. IGdIlcl 3.2321 ,. USs RIGEL . 13. Hulbert, George P. Iv;iU"lcl 3.2263 uss 4 For Carpenter I 1. Kelly, Jarnes T. SFlcl 3.620 , USS 2. Chapman, Herbert L. Cidlcl 3.395 , 3. Thomas, Harold C. SFlcl 3.339 uss b;ELtlILLE 4. Kute, Piclam lcl 3.225 USS PJG&dN . w Pending receipt of the Practical Examination of Shipfitter, First-class, U,S,Navy, the report in t-iis,case will be held in abeyance. -4- For Phar:Liacist 1 9 Fiarne Rating Average --.---Present Station ?lark 1. Palmer, Veron T. C PM 34 .~1 USS TF;NNESSCE 2. Brown, Archie B. I' ' 93.6 Naval Med.Schoo1, \!ash. ,P.C. II 11 11 II It 3. Gault, Pm1 S. 11 . 93 e42 4. Gulledge, Albert 19, '13 1-77 11 II 11 11 It 5. Thgner, Loy F.. 11 9%.(14 I1 :I 11 II I1 6. Toiisic, i-'mnk 11 91.25 A led ,Supply Depot, Bklyn .,N .Y. 7. Deiri, Henry T. , I1 91 * $5 Fee: Shi p, San Francisco, Calif e 3. Poles, Clau.3e 5,. ll 90 * C?6 USS di4TMIO 9. !IIIcco:ilds l%x 11 92 0 3; USS RELIEF 10. Hubcr, !vk!.vin P. It LS$ EOLCS 11. Jorics , Ar4;hw Vi. It Re2 .Skip e , Wash. , D .C . 1;. FLopkr, Roy L. 11 !I , San Francisco, Calif. kr.thiu- A. iNaxcdon passed the profersional examinatiion with an aver- t! age nark of 82.21 and final action in his case .,illbe taken after the receipt of his physical exaniina kion rep-%. For Lctina Pay Clerks 1. Rrmm, Edgar M. SEilcl c? 1. 9 css ALTAI3. 2. Ihasla;r, Fmbrey J. CY 93.9 USS SNiATOGA 3. Psc)?~Glenn E!. SKlcl 90.5 uss COIJCOTtD 4. Stoks, Ca-1 L. , SKlcl 87.3 USS NBVADA 5. Ueltzm, Clznrles F. Cy 87.1 Kav? Rcctg.Stz.,~kl.3;n.,N.Y. 6. Batckelder,Charlks A.'Y lcl 8'7.0 2SS s-42 7. Nruui, C thcllo C . SKlcl 86.1 uss ALTAIR S. Dishop, iVIerwood Iz, CSK 84.8 USS i!RIGHT alter C. Ylcl 84.3 USS CALIFORNIA sr, .2 USS iiOPKINS 83.8 VI? Squadron 1-R 12. Qhiasson, firthur L. SKlcl 83.5 USS DICKERSON 13. Lelescli, Peter- J. SKlc1 82.5 ;JSS NYCEIIBG 14. Stevens, John F. Ylcl 81.5 USS XIUSTON 15. Ie700ds, Harold T. c SI< 78.7 USS Cl,~~lilHU 16. Zhler, Lrthur S. CY 78.1, Rec .Ship,Bogton, Mass. 17. IJowd, Oliver F. SKLC!. 75.:3 Beadquar ters,11 th Nav .I)is t . 14. Sours, Paui E. Si:lcl 77.8 USS SriLINAS 19. 3stes9 Guy I,. SKlcl 76.9 uss wmiawro 20. Selis, Frank M. Ylcl 76.3 UZS €:@USTON 21. Q'Conrior, Jorzyi P. CY 75.7 USS RIGEL 22. mdrw, 2a7 C. SlClCl '75.4 Sub.Ease, Pearl Hnrbor, T.H. l-ikc. Ship, Pesrl Harkor, T.H. 23. Dmelioo, Jdhn A. Ylcl 775 e3 2.4. Simmer;nan, Robert C. SKI-cl 74.8 ii.Yd.,Pearl Harbor, T.H. 25. 'biatford, Charlie E. SKlcl 7h.4 Xec,Sta., l:ashington, D.C. 26. Gray, Xo&iey 11, Ylcl '73.8 N .Trig. Sta ., Hampton Roads ,Va 2'1. klumpkrey, Francis P. PMlcL 69.5 IJavai Hospital, Guam 28. Cocke, Serbert G. SKlcl 6'3.4 11th Nav,Dist. ,S .Diego ,Calif. 29. E&ldwin9 Creo Ylcl 66.5 USS CLLTFOFU'iIA 30. Geiger, Ralph P. c SK 66.2 Sieceiving Sta.,Thsh.,D.C. 31. liiichell, Clarence B. SKlcl 65.7 USS 3ICHhlOND 32. Chapman, Hkrold J. Ylcl 52.9- N;i.v.Air Stn.ySan I!iego,Calif. 44 ** 26 NOVEMBER 1932, rp 4J+ ** ** v.55 UREAU OF NAVIGATION 44 ** ** 4+ ++ ** BULLETIN ** r9c +4 ** ** ++ NUMBER 184. ** A* 4+ +4 ** ** ** ** llrse ++ ** PUBL I SHED FOR THE PURPOSE OF 0 I SSEM INAT ING GENERAL I NFORMAT I ON OF PROBABLE INTEREST TO ** YY- ++ THE SERVICE. ** * ** 4+ 4.r ** ** a+************** * * ** **+++++++44++**+ 4 + ** Believe me to be your humblc servant.tt .
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