MI"TS. FATa, ro ••1 ..... x, I"' .. rlo I' u' At Ih ••alh tl .... ,.... r.OCt881J) FOOPS, bI.. I.'n,. T2 Ih .... h 12 ••• AI Ibroach NI ••11. ..... T 8UOA., b.d. , ....IaI1lP 110 r ••' 'or tlu ...... H E Ihr.. ,b Aul'.". 8HOE8, bo.k I...... I,pl .... I.mp. Partly Cloudy I, ~ &D' a •••• l.btl.II.I,. H•• I .IaI1lP nU' A.r. I. GA80LINE, ..·04 e•• p ••• I'" ,., •• " IllIou ea.b; TOWA : Partly cloudy, "1Ul'rl'iI B·', 8·., C-' .A' C·. e•• , ••• ,0" 'or five ••n ... thundpr shower in Wl'st, ...... J'VIL OIL, p.".. .n. Ilor ..,1I tloe ... pta. DAILY IOWAN b Ao,. II; I•• , , ••,. ••• rl •• 'oar tI.. Iowa C t I M 0 r n n t'I II. e w 5 pap e r •••r··· P'.I ," .... al .. IS" •• lb... Nt .. p.,I •• o.e .o.p.D' .... lor 0, y , 0, ~ N 1945·.8 ••¥on ••~ .... ,.III~'=.~==========~~==========~====================~==================~==~~~==~~~~======~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~======~==~======~::~~~::::~~~~==~~~~~~~==~==~N~~~~ER-24~ FIVE CERTS ' 1'D ANOCIA.'IU...... IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY. JULY 15, 1945 T;D A81100lAUU VOLUME XXI _~~= ~~~~~~====7===~~~~~==~~====~==~~~======~~~==~~====r.... lire, Rubber CHINESE RETAKE FIVE U. S. BASES itrikers Vote Navy/s New st Battl hips 10 Return len sel up" 48,000 Idle in Nation; Irlve. Carll Steelworkers Agree Shell Muroran on Hokkaido lward Btallet Ilnl' to • ,,~ To Go Back to Work :Iuded In !i.e Soldiers May Talk to Germans in Public Places- al I'eoera"" B, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS War prodnction Dnd som(' Laird Decides .. dvilian services ~11 fPered yes· terday as work stoppages in more 'thall a sco re of cities kept Non-Fraternization Rule erators. .pproximatcly 48.000 idle, but Not to Fight • 16,600 Pi restonc 'l'i re and Ru b· LONDON (AP)-The non-fra­ United Sl<ltes army security forces beer. If they were .iUing in 0 caf~ .encles: btr company worl{cl's al Akron, ternization po\i cy was relaxed yes­ opCl'ating in the American occupa­ wJth a fraulein, he SlJld, it would Ohio, voted 3 to 1 to r('t1l1'n to Blue Remains Silent terday to allow American, British tion zone. The announcement said be hard to prove who bought the Latest Bombardment work Mondny. and Canadian occupation troops in the arrests were continuing at the beer. Of Japan 250 Miles rHouse On Reason for Firing rate of 700 daily. Presumably, too, British soldiers The two·wcek diRplite of TO Germany and Austria to talk with North of Earlier Strike United Rnbber workwi Ilt Fire· Safety Commissioner Even before the fratel'nization could attend 0 public German nmunicatioo. CHINESE TROOPS, In their drive on Kanhslen, site of an American grownups in the streets and in ban was Officially modified, Amer­ dance. There was a question, are worklll( ~IOlle endrd when the melnbcl" airfield lost to the Jap'anese, have recaptured five former United DES MOINES (AP)-Assertlng publlc places. ican troops were sm iling q nd though, whelher they could hold (1('.\ )1, HIIlHlay (AP)-Th r days a Wtfk ship voted to ubidp by 8 WLB States air basts. Stars on map show where bases are, Up to now ,they could speak only holding l1ands with il'auleins in the fl'auleins in Ulcir arms and IIl'Wpst, nlosl )lowel'l'lI) ballle· trequ~. diltClive ordering t.heir return he "held no grudges," R. B. to children. The penalty for viola­ the cafes of Berlin, where Russian swing around the dance [loor. ,hips of llil' l 'nitl'u Htates navy 1 tile ~heJier Monday. The WLB order threat­ (Rusty) Laird, Sidney Republican, tion was a $65 line. rules control. The Russians never One British officer said the lodny s)l('lll'rl .lapan's sl'('ond­ fnclu~es ' ill. ened loss or revocation of vaca­ bowed out of oUice as state public had any !'egulation agamst talking change simply was to put oldiers 'inl and tion, shift premJum and mainten­ At a Glance- Almost identical statements by I'HUkillg' ,,11'(') PI'(I<iIl('ing tit)' of reo Benes Would Remove safety commissioner yesterday so with Germans. on "smiling and talking tel'ms" lnce or membership benefits, pre­ General Eisenhower Bnd Field ;\[1I1'Orall Oll Ill!' ('(IU l of IJok­ that Sheriff Fred L. Wilkins of Marshal Montgomery disclosed the The ncw rules, however, do not with the Germans. me to de~. viously granted the workers, if it s kuido mo.'!' fhun ~30 mill'S north , I poliey change, which had been de­ say soldiers can date frauleins. Gen. Mark Clark, saying the viitioU8 tre. order was not obeyed. Undesirable Germans Boone, Gov. Robert D. Blue's of 111(' sl'\'np of' 1Ii ~ fll'l't bom­ bated on the highest levels in the One British senior stafr officer, modification order by Eisenhower be used fOr The work stoppage was caused Today's choice, could assume the post. bal'lllllf'nt Oll lIol1sllll VCRt(,I'duv, agreeing tha 1 the wording of the applied to United States troops in communla. by dispute over contract re- past month by American ;md Brit­ Laird left the office without a announcement seemed to give ;, Austria, disclo ed that he waS :-;illlllitalll'ulisly mOI'I' lIuill receivinl ift newal. Awaits Approval ish leaders. fight, but some political observers wide range for discretion, said he studying possible (urthel' relaxa­ l,(JOO ('III'I'il'l' planes of th!' l'I ('ct I;'eceives tilt Another arreement wu reached Of Big Three The action came as General Eis­ predicted his dismissal by Blue would intel'pret tht" orders to mean tion of the rul s thel'(', where the WI'I'C ktl'jkillg' nOl'thcl'TI .fopon strenltlt ~f1d enhower's headquarters announced r~ttrda)' when 350 United Steel Iowan still might produce poli tical re­ that sllldiel's could not walk arm allied objective is to help AUstria the 'infol'll\a. weders ot America (CIO) at To Start Transfer that 50,000 perso ns had been ar­ fur Ih ' ,,('('01l(t <luy at as y t un­ percussions. rested in two months in Germany in arm with frauleins, or take become on Jndependent na tion disc)os('(l \ot'lltions. ACME Steel and Malleable Iron "Ii's allover," the ousted com­ * * * PRAGUE (AP)-Presldent Ed­ in a de-Naziflcation program by them to public places to drink again. (,hc~tc l' ~tor of ~dio c• ..,.ny, Buffalo, N, Y.. voted to Navy's newest battleships bom­ missioner declared as he announced J\llmil'uJ W. imilz. bard Japan's sec 0 n d-ranking uard Benes said yesterday that announcing this spectacular exten­ ~sterdlly . that en. I three·day work stoppage by that he would not contest the 3(l­ steel-producing city. sion of the air and sea bombard­ een Qbsery'; ntarnlnl' to \.heir Jobs Monday, Czechoslovak ia could begin remov­ lion. "If Blue doe n't want me as testing; 'TIll! ment of the Japanese main islandS, .. 10 await settlement of their ing its unreliable German and head of ~he department, I dOll" Chenna'ult to Leave ed . Strlkhl&' lire a.pd r ubber work­ Balikpapan Harbor . aid the great battleships Iowa, on. for .,1t dllpute over vacation pay. Hungal'ian residents within a few want to remain," Internationa I In Toledo, Ohio, the discharge ers vote to return to work. Missouri and Wisconsin were par­ weeks if the Big Three approve at Ear'l ier he had said he might ticipating and that the action from -e1i~(I 01 one employe caused a work seek an attorney general 's opinion Open to Allied Ships China, Army Life ilL tow~ ciiJ sloppage of 7',200 workers. Sixty­ R. B. Laird decides not to light Potsdam. which began at 9:35 a. m., Japa­ ouster trom job as acting com­ as to the "legality" of h is dismissal. nese time (7:35 p. m., Saturday, .ght by ·t!itet rive hundred CIO-UAW workers Nothing less than the transfer The governor, meanWhile, re­ Economic missioner of public safety. Australian Forces 14th Airforce leader's central war time), was continuing. on ophlaloli, .t the Spicer Manufacturing Co., of two to two and one-hall million mained silent on Lairds' removal, VIorrlllJ?ri am Late radio flashes dired from .truck over the employe's dis­ Germans and about 400,000 Hun­ letting stand his original explana­ Land 14 Miles up East Resignation Accepted . ,. eharge and idled 700 additional Non-lraternbation regulations the £leet, however, said the bom­ in Germany relaxed. garians can assure the nation a tion that "the change was made Coast of Bay ° By Wedemeyer bardment had been conoluded suc­ sever.• l ' s~. workers at the Willys-Overland in the best interest of the admin­ Parley Asked cbun1ty, pi!'. Mbtors for lack of parts from the reasonably secure future, Benes cess fully, with the target thor- Bunker Hill nine downs Sea­ istration of the department." MANILA, Sunday (AP)-BaJik­ KUNMING, China (AP)-Maj. ougbly pia teredo This did not ne­ ~l'iment. Spicer plant. , sa id in an exclusive interview. Any other changes made in the haw ks, 5 to 1. papan harbor, greatest oil port of WASHINGTON (AP)-A gen­ Gen. Claire Lee Chennault, com- cessaflly mcan, however, that the Twenty-one newspapers in five Czechoslovakia, he added, is de­ department, Blue told reporters, Borneo, was open to allied ship­ ral International economic confer­ mander of the United States 14th fleei's ofrentiive operations Wtore )~S '. i/, cltfes were affected by disputes termined never again to try un­ would be up to Wilkins- the sec­ ping today while Australian am­ ence to consider "practical steps" ail'force in China Ilnd former col- concluded.
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