April 21, 2007 In this issue ADRA responds to Solomons tsunami Statement on Islam a “relationship tool” To three friends I wish I had Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare (right) and Pastor Andrew Kingston after the unveiling of a commemorative plaque. Solomons PM reopens Adventist head offi ce HONIARA, SOLOMON ISLANDS olomon Islands Prime Minister Ma- ston, and the act of dedication performed nasseh Sogavare offi cially unveiled by Pastor George Fafale. a plaque in a ceremony to rededi- In his sermon, Pastor Andrew Kingston S cate the Adventist head offi ce at highlighted a need to rededicate the offi ce Burns Creek on March 10. The event was building but, more importantly, to rededi- witnessed by members of the Adventist cate the Adventist believers to God. “Like Church in Honiara and the dignitaries this building, I would ask that each of us who attended. rededicate ourselves to God that He will MVAC gives The ceremony began with songs per- use each of us in a mighty way,” he said. formed by singing groups from local con- Prime Minister Sogavare thanked the gregations in the city. These were followed Adventist Church for its contribution to ministers by a speech from the general secretary of the nation in areas of health, education the Solomon Islands Mission (SIM), Ben- and spiritual care. jamin Asa, the dedication sermon from the “The concept of one mission is what the a serve mission president, Pastor Andrew King- (Continued on page 5) ISSN 0819-5633 1144 CCover.inddover.indd 1 55/4/07/4/07 112:23:482:23:48 PPMM editorial We don’t need to scare people into church. Not what, but how ecently I was talking to a church. With the odd exception, most evangelism will differ from place to place friend who had returned from a churches are quite welcoming and friendly. in terms of what will and won’t work. weekend trip into Melbourne. He And Jesus is worth talking about. His story Jesus’ approach was not only to preach, R mentioned a sign he’d seen on a is remarkable, but unfortunately that alone but to mix with people, showing that He church that read, “Eternity: It’ll be hell sometimes isn’t enough to encourage people cared and was able to minister to their needs. without Jesus.” In his words, it was “pretty to give church a try. His example shows sermons are important, full-on.” According to a study conducted in the but should be complemented with personal Although the church probably meant well, 1990s by Herb Miller, more than 70 per cent ministry—what we do for others in provid- such signage harks back to fear-driven reli- of visitors come to church due to a personal ing friendship, care, comfort and counsel has gious beliefs. And it’s unfortunate that some- invitation from someone they know. The the potential to draw more people to Him times Christians think they have to frighten study also noted that people tended to stay by setting a positive example. or shock people into believing in God—it’s at churches where they formed relation- Ellen White urges, “If we would hum- like displaying something beautiful sur- ships with people there. Small groups were ble ourselves before God, and be kind and rounded by high-voltage razor wire. also noted as playing an important role in courteous and tenderhearted and pitiful, The talk with my friend made me won- building relationships. there would be one hundred conversions der whether in spite of changes to the way Last October, our church’s Council on to the truth where now there is only one. we as Christians do evangelism, we’re still Evangelism and Witness met to discuss But, though professing to be converted, we getting some of it wrong. Instead of mak- ways in which people are being brought carry around with us a bundle of self that ing friends with those around us, inviting into a relationship with God, particularly we regard as altogether too precious to be people along to church and then letting through the use of small groups. given up. It is our privilege to lay this bur- God work on things in their life He fi nds Pastor Lowell Cooper, a General Confer- den at the feet of Christ and in its place take to change, it often seems the approach has ence vice-president, said, “I believe small the character and similitude of Christ. The been to go in hard with changes that “have” groups allow the beliefs of the church to Saviour is waiting for us to do this.”3 to be made, invite them to church and then be expressed in human interactions at the Church should be about being authen- try to make friends with them. deepest level of relationship. A small group tic in our relationship with God and being Not to say that doesn’t get results—mass culture can be perhaps the most effective willing to make connections with those evangelism still works in many parts of the way of transferring belief into action and around us. And Christ must be at the cen- world. But perhaps we need to consider not infl uencing other lives.”2 tre of whatever we do. just the numbers who might come to an Ellen White mentions a number of times evangelistic series and subsequently may in Gospel Workers and Evangelism that our 1. Tompaul Wheeler, Things They Never Taught Me, come to church, but also how many people attitudes and methods play a strong role Review and Herald, 2006, page 35. we frighten off. As one Adventist writer in whether those around us will choose to 2. “Small groups are focus of evangelism and witness suggests, “Public evangelism divorced from accept the gospel. According to her, it isn’t council,” http://news.adventist.org, October 2, 2006. people’s needs widens the gulf between the message itself that will cause people to 3. Testimonies for the Church, Vol 9, pages 189-90. people and God.”1 accept or reject it, but how it’s presented and We don’t need to scare people into packaged. She also notes that methods of Adele Nash Offi cial Paper of the South Editor Nathan Brown Mail: Signs Publishing Company Pacifi c Division Seventh-day Associate editor David Edgren 3485 Warburton Highway Adventist Church Editorial assistant Adele Nash Warburton, Vic 3799, Australia ABN 59 093 117 689 Editorial assistant Jarrod Stackelroth Phone: (03) 5965 6300 Fax: (03) 5966 9019 www.adventist.org.au Copyeditor Graeme Brown Email Letters: [email protected] Editorial secretary Meryl McDonald-Gough Email Newsfront: [email protected] Vol 112 No 14 Layout Nathan Chee Email Noticeboard: [email protected] Cover: Johnny Tango Senior consulting editor Barry Oliver Subscriptions: South Pacifi c Division mailed within Australia and to New Zealand, $A43.80 $NZ73.00. www.record.net.au Other prices on application. Printed weekly. 2 April 21, 2007 1144 EEditorial.inddditorial.indd SSec1:2ec1:2 55/4/07/4/07 112:27:092:27:09 PPMM news ADRA responds to Solomons tsunami GIZO, SOLOMON ISLANDS Pastor Andrew Kingston, president of the engulfed by the sea but I am unsure of the Solomon Islands Mission, says, “At Kukudu damage that was suffered. Being right on n response to the earthquake-triggered the water rose by three metres, fl ooding the the water I would say there was quite a deal tsunami that hit western Solomon Is- classrooms of the school. The wharf has of damage. Having returned not long ago lands on April 2, the Adventist Devel- gone and the swing bridge joining the of- from a trip to Choiseul, Vella and Kuku- Iopment and Relief Agency (ADRA) fi ce compound with the school compound du, I would say that all villages including Australia is in dialogue with its staff on is hanging by a thread.” our own Adventist villages have suffered. the ground who are conducting a needs The school’s generators, tractor and ride- Around 150 houses were destroyed in an and damage assessment in coordination on mower were also fl ooded by the tsunami. Anglican village on Choiseul.” with the National Disaster Management The wharf nearby was destroyed, but the On the Simbo Islands, most villages were Offi ce (NDMO). mission boat Varivato is safe as it was travel- destroyed and a pastor and his wife were The ADRA Solomon Islands acting coun- ling between islands when the earthquake killed during the earthquake. Pastor King- try director attended an NDMO meeting in and tsunami struck. ston says, “Sadly lives have been lost and the Solomons to obtain accurate information Pastor Kingston says, “Reports are that people out west are missing.” on the extent of the damage and needs. The several houses have been severely damaged. Pastor Lawrence Tanabose, president outcome of this meeting will enable ADRA School staff and any students—luckily it is of the Trans-Pacifi c Union Mission, says, Solomon Islands to determine its response. holiday time here—together with regional “Our prayers are with the suffering ones, An ADRA Australia staff member is cur- offi ce staff went up the hill to Honda, the and those who are greatly affected by the rently in the Solomons on a monitoring trip lay training centre, where they will wait tragedies.” and will be able to assist the local ADRA until everything settles down.” The earthquake, measuring 8.1 on the staff in preparing its response. Gizo Hospital was evacuated before the Richter scale, was located 45 kilometres ADRA Australia has immediately made water rose.
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