1 •« Government watchdog Digital era . Readers want towns to publish ( Anne Ross of Summit ordinances, budgets so citizens shows digital photos can watch government, Page B1.' in art show, Page B4. SPRINGFIELD, N.J., Home of Susan Rendelro VOL66 NO.7-WEDNES0AY, NOVEMBER 23, 1894-5* Residents prepare for second hearing holiday schedule By Jeffrey C. Turbltt Tho offices of this newspaper Staff Writer vill be closed tomorrow and A plan to let commercial property SOUND Friday in observance of the owners build 701 low and moderate Thanksgiving holiday. income housing units on five sites in The offices will reopen Springfield has raised the ire of resi- OFF Monday. Nov. 28. dents and drawn a tepid endorsement The deadlines for tho Dec. 1 from Mayor Marcia Forman. xiition remain the same.. Tho plan's self slated goal is to How do you think the meet the municipality's obligation to affordable housing plan /olleyball games provide affordabie housing needs, with particular attention to low and-, will affect Springfield? The Springfield Recreation moderato income housing. YOUH VOICE SHOULD BE •)epartmcnt is looking for men .. But an unsigned flier making its HEARDICALL . md women 18 years of age and way around Springfield exhorts resi- jp to como out and enjoy a dents to attend tho Nov. 30 Planning night of playing volleyball. It.is Board meeting, when residents will be held on Tuesday evenings from able to voice their concerns about the Cafasmusl leave name and telephone rliolct Ily Kny Lchmann 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. at the Sand- choice of the five lots selected to meet meier School gym on S. Spring- tho town's. obligations. number for vejlficatlon. Nllals may bo The Statile Nursery on Mountain Avenue is one of five proposed sites'being considered field Avenue. The five, selected sites arc: published. Tmichlone phonesonty. for low and moderate income housing. • Columbia Lumber near Maple head for years," he said. Free workshop and Morris avenues. the disintegration of his Bella Lipton, a resident of Baltusrol ing," said Michaels, who said he has Forman agreed with Kupcrstcin's Way, also has problems with the idea been working on the, project since Financial Network will spon- e Bojcuz Stone near Becker Road neighborhood. • position, but refused to comment on of building near her home. April. ;or a free workshop at the and Routo 22. "I'd like to sec a nice quiet com- rcasoas for the delay. "This area was unacceptable in Michaels also said Baltusrol Way Springfield Free Public Library • Former Swim Club near Baltusrol munity like we have now. Taxes arc But Jeffrey Kntz, an outgoing com- 1992. We have run off problems with residents should know that there will on Wednesday at 7 p.m. Way. going up, services arc going down'and mittccmun, said he was not shocked that nrca now," Iiipton said: be no access to the site from Baltusrol The guest speaker will be • Nursery Site near Mountain my neighborhood is going to be by Forman's lack of .comment. - "They're trying to make some big • Way. • •-.•••• Mary Ellen Donahue, vice presi- Avenue. packed with a whole bunch of homes. "The reason Marcia' Forman city environment. I like a quiet com- Forman said she still has some con- dent at'John Nuvccn & Com- • Carter Bell near Union County I think the whole town is concerned," doesn't like to address this issue is munity. They're going to be doing all cerns with the plan. pany. Donahue will discuss Park. Kuperstcin said. because -Marcia iForman was the sec- kinds of blasting. It wiH add taxes to „ "I'm not completely satisfied with AAA insured tax-free bonds, tax Residents near tho sites say they Kupcrstein suggested two sites as o retary of the "Planning Board and our town in increased need for fire, it either. It was put together by a deferred investments and estate oppose the implications that building superior lo the current five. Ho said nolhinR was done." police and roads. No one has been bipartisan committee with limited planning. would have oh traffic and tho aesthe- the Park Place housing development The reason for the urgency now is a Tho Springfield Free Public tics of the neighborhood. off South Springfield Avenue and the answering our -questions." timo," sho said. "This is not necessari- i Town Planner Robert Miohocls ly the final plan, there is always the superior court edict by Judge John Library is located at 66 Moun- "I'm concerned with the way surrounding aroas of the Villa Hous- Pisansky that requires the township lo tain Ave. they're dividing the land," said Hy ing Complex behind Columbia Lum- said residents will! be adequately possibility for changes." shielded from any problems. "I don't know why the town has offer a housing element and fairuhare Kuporsioiiu a vocal Springfield resi- ber would be a hetlcr choice." plan by December.-.The judge will dent whoso home, is wjthin a block of J'Affqrdablc housing should be "Idon'l think they'll sec'much. 1 waited until now to put the pressure tenter has program think it can bo designed harmonious- on for low income housing. This tiling then decide whether to accept or reject eBAiouz^it^:;;;^. mixed around the township," Kupfcrs- it. Tho .Springfield Recreatitm Kiiperstein blasted whal ho sees as tciri said. ly. We will require substantial buffer- has been hanging over Springfield's Department runs a teen center program at the ChiBholm Com- munity Center, S. Springfield Avenue, Springfield, several Making a contribution nights a week. Tuesday from 7 Ily Ray Lchmsinn dealing wilh arbitration — passed by five unions be called in individuallyto to 9 p.m. is reserved for stu- Mminghig F.dltor a 3 lo 2 majority, with Sloic and For- negotiate without labor counsel — dents in grades five to 12; Walking a tightrope of administra- man as ihe dissenting voles.. As passed by a 4 to 1 margin, with For- Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. is tive protocol und legal due process, Bergen explained, the township Could man as the lone dissenter. Although for students, in grades nine lo the Township Committee passed two not cancel its previously scheduled he voted in favor of the motion, Slotc 12. Friday from 7 to 10 p.m. is motions during open public session arbitration hearings — the firsl sche- initially berated Pappas for what he for students in grades five to Monday night that dealt with a subject duled for Dec. 6 — and., the counsel deemed unacceptable behavior. eight. most often .discussed behind, closed had to be retained for those purposes. "I'm not certain I have all the facts Tho center is supervised by doors •— the township's contract "We've spent over $7,000 on this and, once again, we are put into the Miko Hcrkalo and Tim negotiations wilh the five municipal guy and nothing has' been accom- position of having to vote on some- Minoughan. All youngsters arc unions that are presently heading to plished and now we're in Ihe position thing willi no notice and no lime to invited to participate. binding arbitration. of five out of five Unions going lo '' gather information," Slotc said, What was initially a fairly nonc- arbitration, which ik unprecedented in before accusing Pappas of having "no Pet adoption day venlful evening rapidly grew more ihe three years that I've been on the idea" of whal the issues were in the Noah's Ark Animal Placcmonl healed almost immediately after the committee," Pappas said. "Wo ought labor'negotiations. and Roscuc, a nonprofit ull- 'committee quickly dealt with the to suspend any further payments to "I havo no objection to talking lo voluntccr animal welfare organi items on the formal agenda and turned this guy and call tho unions in lo see if the unions once again if there is any zation, is sponsoring a pet adop toward new business. It was then that wo can't.work this thing out without remote chance that il will do some - l?on day at PET STUFF, 111 Republican Commiitecman Harry going to arbitration." good," Slotc said, although conceding Route 22 East, Springfield. Tho Pappas introduced the motions and Forman, however, fell that Iho one that he was "very skeptical" if the event will be hold Saturday was subsequently involved in a war of on one approach had been unsuccess- meeting would provide any resolu- from.noon to 4 p.m, Many lov- words with Mayor Marcia Forman ful in iho township's previous negoti- tion. He also added that labor counsel able, healthy dogs, cats and kit- and Commiitecman Herb Sloic. ations and"that there was 'nothing to be is never present for cither side during tens desperately need loving As ihc motions dealt wilh litigation, gained from dispensing of counsel. negotiations, so the motion did not homes, and would make great Forman made clear her disapproval of She made particular reference lo the change much in the method of companion) for other pets. A discussing the topic during tin open skill of the unions' legal representa- operations. tion and folt that tho township would donation will be requested for public session without first closing Following the meeting, Pappas was bo ill-propared for negotiations with- each pet adoption. All cats have the meeting for the purposes of an critical of Slole's remarks lhal Pappus out its own counsel. been tested for FcLV & FIV, executive session. Township Attorney ' did not necessarily have the "best inoculated, and spayed and neu- Bruce Bergen did not object to conti- "We've tried tho one on ono interset of Springfield at heart" in sug- tered if old enough.
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