A TO Z OF EARTH SCIENTISTS NOTABLE SCIENTISTS A TO Z OF EARTH SCIENTISTS ALEXANDER E.GATES A TO Z OF EARTH SCIENTISTS Notable Scientists Copyright © 2003 by Alexander E. Gates All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. For information contact: Facts On File, Inc. 132 West 31st Street New York NY 10001 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Gates, Alexander E., 1957– A to Z of earth scientists / Alexander E. Gates. p. cm. — (Notable scientists) Includes bibliographical reference and index. ISBN 0-8160-4580-1 (hardcover) 1. Earth scientists—Biography. I. Title. II. Series. QE21.G38 2002 551’.092’2’—dc21 2002014616 Facts On File books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk quantities for businesses, associations, institutions, or sales promotions. Please call our Special Sales Department in New York at 212/967-8800 or 800/322-8755. You can find Facts On File on the World Wide Web at http://www.factsonfile.com Text design by Joan M. Toro Cover design by Cathy Rincon Chronology by Dale Williams Printed in the United States of America VB FOF 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 This book is printed on acid-free paper. CONTENTS List of Entries vii Preface ix Acknowledgments xi Introduction xiii Entries A to Z 1 Entries by Field 307 Entries by Country of Birth 310 Entries by Country of Major Scientific Activity 312 Entries by Year of Birth 315 Chronology 317 Bibliography 322 Index 325 LIST OF ENTRIES Albee, Arden L. Chan, Marjorie A. Gould, Stephen Jay Allègre, Claude Cherry, John A. Grew, Priscilla C. Alley, Richard B. Clark, Thomas H. Griggs, David T. Alvarez, Walter Cloos, Ernst Gutenberg, Beno Anderson, Don L. Cloud, Preston E., Jr. Handin, John W. Ashley, Gail Mowry Conway Morris, Simon Harrison, T. Mark Atwater, Tanya Cox, Allan V. Hatcher, Robert, D., Jr. Bally, Albert W. Craig, Harmon Hayes, John M. Bascom, Florence Crawford, Maria Luisa Head, James W., III Berner, Robert Dana, James D. Helgeson, Harold O. Berry, William B. N. Dawson, Sir (John) William Herz, Norman Bethke, Craig M. Day, Arthur L. Hess, Harry H. Billings, Marland L. DePaolo, Donald J. Hochella, Michael F., Jr. Birch, A. Francis Dewey, John F. Hoffman, Paul Bloss, F. Donald Dickinson, William R. Holland, Heinrich D. Bodnar,Robert J. Dietz, Robert S. Holmes, Arthur Bouma, Arnold H. Dott, Robert H., Jr. Hsu, Kenneth J. Bowen, Norman L. Drake, Charles L. Hubbert, M. King Bowring, Samuel A. Dunbar, Carl O. Imbrie, John Bragg, Sir (William) Lawrence Ernst, W. Gary Jahns, Richard H. Brantley, Susan L. Eugster, Hans P. Jordan, Teresa E. Bredehoeft, John D. Ewing, W. Maurice Karig, Daniel E. Broecker, Wallace S. Fairbridge, Rhodes W. Kay, Marshall Bromery, Randolph W. (Bill) Folk, Robert L. Keller, Edward A. Brown, Michael Friedman, Gerald M. Kent, Dennis V. Buddington, Arthur F. Fyfe, William S. Kerr,Paul F. Bullard, Sir Edward C. Garrels, Robert M. Kerrich, Robert Burchfiel, B. Clark Gilbert, G. Karl Klein, George D. Burke, Kevin C. A. Gilbert, M. Charles Kuno, Hisashi Carmichael, Ian S. Glover, Lynn, III Landing, Ed Cashman, Katherine V. Goldsmith, Julian R. Lehmann, Inge vii viii A to Z of Earth Scientists Liebermann, Robert C. Press, Frank Sylvester, Arthur G. Lindsley, Donald H. Price, Raymond A. Talwani, Manik Logan, Sir William Edmond Ramberg, Hans Taylor, Hugh P., Jr. Mahood, Gail A. Ramsay, John G. Teichert, Curt Marshak, Stephen Rast, Nicholas Thompson, James B., Jr. Matthews, Drummond H. Raup, David M. Tilton, George R. McBride, Earle F. Raymo, Maureen E. Tullis, Julia A. (Jan) McKenzie, Dan P. Revelle, Roger Turcotte, Donald L. McNally, Karen C. Richter, Charles F. Turekian, Karl K. McNutt, Marcia Ringwood, Alfred E. Tuttle, O. Frank McSween, Harry Y., Jr. Rizzoli, Paola Malanotte Twenhofel, William H. Means, Winthrop D. Rodgers, John Vail, Peter R. Melosh, H. J. Roedder, Edwin W. Valley, John W. Menard, H. William Romanowicz, Barbara Van der Voo, Robert Miller, Kenneth G. Rosendahl, Bruce R. Veblen, David R. Molnar, Peter Sagan, Carl E. Walcott, Charles D. Montañez, Isabel Patricia Selverstone, Jane Walter, Lynn M. Moores, Eldridge M. Sengor, A. M. Çelal Watson, Bruce E. Morisawa, Marie Shackleton, Sir Nicholas J. Weeks, Alice M. D. Morse, John W. Shoemaker, Eugene M. Wegener, Alfred Muehlberger, William R. Sibson, Richard H. Wenk, Hans-Rudolf Mukasa, Samuel B. Simpson, Carol Whittington, Harry B. Nance, R. Damian Skinner, Brian J. Williams, Harold Navrotsky, Alexandra Sloss, Laurence L. Wilson, J. Tuzo Oliver, Jack E. Smith, Joseph V. Wise, Donald U. Olsen, Paul E. Spear, Frank S. Withjack, Martha O. O’Nions, Sir R. Keith Stanley, Steven M. Wones, David R. Ostrom, John H. Stock, Joann M. Wyllie, Peter J. Palmer, Allison R. Stolper, Edward M. Yoder, Hatten S., Jr. Patterson, Claire Stose, Anna I. Jonas Zen, E-An Pettijohn, Francis J. Suess, Hans E. Zoback, Mary Lou Pitcher, Wallace S. Suppe, John E. Zuber,Maria T. Porter, Stephen C. Sykes, Lynn R. PREFACE HOW THE EARTH SCIENTISTS WERE CHOSEN Earth scientists to be included in the book. In some cases, it took several solicitations to obtain A to Z of Earth Scientists was originally intended the information and in others, because of a lack to include only Earth scientists who have made of response, the individual could not be included contributions to our understanding of the Earth in the book. As a result of the exhaustive amount since World War II, with emphasis on those who of effort required in research, unavailability of are currently active or were recently active. It was information, and a major change in the structure intended that there should be a relatively even of the book during writing, the list of biogra- distribution across the subdisciplines as well as phies changed radically during the writing of the geographically, although it was realized from the book and is generally shorter than planned. The outset that there would be more American scien- choices may almost seem arbitrary and capri- tists included. However, many of the society and cious to some readers. The number of biogra- government agency awards are named in honor phies could easily be doubled to include those of previously active Earth scientists so many of who deserve recognition for their contributions them are included as well. to Earth science. Language problems made it es- Research for this book showed that there is pecially difficult to obtain information on scien- very little biographical information available for tists outside of the United States. In no way currently active Earth scientists. There is basic should the final list of Earth scientists included information on employment, awards, and date of in this book be construed to indicate that these birth available for most living individuals in the are the only people who made contributions to volumes American Men and Women of Science. the field or that their contributions are of greater The American Geological Institute’s Bibliogra- importance than many other exceptional scien- phy of Geology also contains their publications. tists in the profession. The hope is that this book The information on their contributions to the will be popular enough to warrant a second edi- Earth sciences, however, is very difficult to ob- tion in which many more deserving Earth scien- tain and commonly must come from award cita- tists might be included. tions from societies, if available. In many cases, This book is intended for people in high the only information available is that on web school, early college, and perhaps at a more ad- sites and even that is usually scant. As a result, vanced level of study. There are many technical information had to be solicited directly from the terms that are briefly explained where possible. ix x A to Z of Earth Scientists In many cases, they are not explained at all. It is (physical geology) that an Earth science (geo- recommended that if the reader has not attended logic) dictionary be kept handy. at least an introductory course in Earth science ACKNOWLEDGMENTS his book would not have been possible with- logical Society, the Society for Exploration Geo- Tout the contributions of many people. I first physicists, and the Geochemical Society. The li- and foremost wish to thank the many Earth scien- brarians at the Dana Library at Rutgers University tists who agreed to be included in the book and in Newark, New Jersey, were extremely helpful who sent biographical data. Many of them re- and even more patient during the writing of this viewed early drafts of their biographies and sug- book. Veronica Calderhead and Ann Watkins gested changes that improved the accuracy of the were especially helpful, although most of the staff book. Many also sent photographs that are in- were very cooperative. The search engine google cluded with their biographies. A special thanks to was used extensively in the locating of biographi- Arthur Sylvester who voluntarily opened up his cal material. rogues’ gallery of photographs to me, many of The progress in the writing of this book was which appear in the book. James Skehan, S.J., memorable to say the least. Frank K. Darmstadt, similarly provided me with several photographs of senior editor at Facts On File, Inc., was ex- East Coast geologists which I otherwise would not tremely patient and understanding. The project have obtained. Joseph McGregor of the U.S. Geo- could easily have collapsed if not for his willing- logical Survey in Denver was helpful in providing ness to adjust as unexpected situations arose.
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