Volume III, No. 10 January 2020 Indian River Chapter MOAA P.O. Box 644047 Vero Beach, FL 32964-4047 Indian River Chapter Since 1983 NEW MEMBERS WELCOME Do you know someone who is a retired or former military officer or widowed spouse of an officer, but not a member of our chapter or MOAA? If so, ask them to join and contact Carroll Oates at 954-494-8742. January 2020 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Total Membership -129 December 2019 State of the Chapter Report • Regular - 97 • Associate -12 • Surviving Spouse -18 • Member Emeritus – 1 Honorary Affiliate -1 MOAA national does not recognize our 12 Associate members, just Regular and Surviving Spouse mem- bers. The FCOC recognizes all membership types, Mission Statement however. As a local affiliate of the Military Officers Association of America, we represent the interests of military of- ficers, their families and survivors and advocate for a Financial Status - $15,169 balance strong national defense, while providing needed sup- This total is as of 18 December 2019. Our income port to the community and its members residing in In- comes solely from dues, member donations, grants dian River County. etc. Vision Statement Become the premier organization to provide continu- Awards ing leadership and support to veterans in Indian River County. Awarded the MOAA 5 Star Level of Excellence Award in June for 2018. Our close relationship with Veterans Council IRC keeps us attuned to local veteran’s issues By any standard we are an excellent Chapter. Existing Programs • Vets in the Classroom Membership Status – Total 140 December 2018 • Honor Flight (Space Coast) • • Regular Members 102 Memorial Day/Veterans Day Flags and water • • Surviving Spouse - 25 Victory Center Military Store support • • Associate - 12 Sponsor in VCIRC golf tourney • • Member Emeritus – 1 Luncheon Meetings – Speaker Series (Terry Treat) 2019 additions and subtractions • JROTC Medals –Sebastian HS • Gains 11 • Participate in FCOC workshops • Losses – 21 (lapses, moves, deaths) • Participate in FCOC State Convention + ad in pro- gram Non-response to Dues Renewal Notices January 2020 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE (Continued from Page 2.) 2019 OFFICERS AND BOARD President • Military Family Initiative Community Outreach Grant. With the Veteran’s Council, we applied for LTC Robert Albrecht, Jr. 257-6678 and received $5000 MOAA Military Family Initia- 1st Vice President tive Community Outreach Grant. We spent this money to help a veteran who needed emergency LTC Carroll Oates 954-494-8742 home repairs. Membership Chair • We provided two,$1500 Scholarships as part of 2nd Vice President the Veterans Council partnership with Indian Riv- er State College (IRSC). MAJ Terry Treat 703-304-4935 • We supported the Vero Beach HS Band trip to Program Chair London with a donation of $2500. Secretary LTC James Blake 561-791-8467 Communications Legislative Affairs • Newsletter and Social Roster - Robert Scheppy LtCol Jay Torres 540-850-5113 • Publicity- Mike Di Scipio - Exposure in local Treasurer newspapers COL Patricia Ryan 401-369-1280 • Communiqué Input - FCOC Newsletter Chaplain • Email System – almost 50% open rate; 111 on our list LtCol Eric “Rip” Wieler 794-9719 • Website – FCOC Template Links to Communiqué, Immediate Past President Action Alerts at MOAA org, Articles, Pictures, LtCol Jim Rannazzisi 703-303-3672 Meeting Schedule Editor CPT, USA Robert Scheppy 925-1117 New Initiatives Board of Directors • On line Chapter dues payment system Col Carlos Halcomb 696-0094 • Sponsorship Gold Star Mothers Walk-a-thon COL Darryle “Sam” Kouns 978-6543 • MOAA Insurance Plans Advertising program. CAPT Eric Menger 532-6132 • USAA Sponsorship for MOAA 2020 LtCol Jay Torres 540-850-5113 Rayma Murray 231-1935 Improvement areas – need more involvement (Surviving Spouse Liaison ) • Position Vacancies (Publicity Committee needs photographers for our Luncheons and events. Vic- CDR John Papageorge 231-4581 tory Center Military Store needs managers.) LtCol Eric “Rip” Wieler 234-4111 • Membership – need more members to join MOAA Public Relations national-even as a free, Basic member COL Mike Di Scipio 217-8112 MAJ Terry Treat 703-304-4935 Bob Albrecht President NEVER STOP SERVING January 2020 TREASURER’S MESSAGE OUR SPEAKER FOR JANUARY 17, 2020 By Patricia Ryan, Treasurer Ralph D. Turner, DBA, MHA, MPA, FACHE 1. We would like to extend thanks to the following members for their generous donations to both the Chief Operating Officer scholarship fund and the general fund. Besides dues, The Cleveland Clinic Health System your donations are what keep us afloat (See what I did there...snuck a little Navy reference in...): Ralph assumed responsibilities as the Chief Operating Officer for the Cleveland Clinic Indian Carroll Oates, Don and Joanne Wickstrand, River Hospital 18 March 2019. Frederick Finney, Bob Albrecht, John and Kim Previously, he served as the Executive Director of Patient Palazzolo, Carlos Halcomb, Walter Flynn. Mike Di Support Services for the Scipio, Rayma Murray, Henry Swiftney, Albert Ham- Cleveland Clinic enterprise, mett, Anthony Dzielski, Stephen Kudriavetz, John located in Cleveland, Ohio, of McConnell which the duties were inclu- sive of integrated health sys- 2. We would also like to extend our thanks to those tems responsibility for food and nutrition services; who were brave enough to pay their 2020 chapter dues laundry, linen and textile operations; and patient cus- online for the first time! We had about 30 folks who tomer services including the renowned red coats, ser- took advantage of this process, and greatly appreciate your patience while National worked out some kinks. vice express and patient transportation During his tenure at University of Wisconsin Health 3. If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to pay System, Ralph served as Vice President for Facilities, online, or hand me your check, or mailed one to our Support and Emergency Medicine Services (EMS). PO Box, please do so while you have it fresh in your Among his accomplishments, he also administered mind. The chapter thanks you! several on-time and under-budget construction pro- jects, in addition to successful implementation of the 4. A reminder that in each newsletter, our editor in- patient ambassador program to improve customer ser- vices. cludes the flyer for the upcoming luncheon. Please get your check in the mail ASAP so that our lunch count Ralph also spent four years at MedStar Washington at the club is accurate. The past few months we have Hospital Center (2008-12) as Vice President, Support actually had to pay for lunches for folks who said they Services and four years at The Walter Reed Army would pay at the door, but then did not attend. Medical Center as Director of Clinical Engineering Services, and Deputy Director of Logistics. Ralph’s 5. Any questions regarding dues or luncheon pay- 30 years of healthcare experience also included 21 ments, please give me a call at (401) 369-1280. years as a member of the Health Services Command ———————————— of The United States Army where he reached the rank of Warrant Officer Four. 2020 BOARD OF DIRECTORS A native of Georgia, Ralph holds a Bachelor of Sci- The election was held in December 2019. ence in Business Administration and Management, and a Master of Science in Health Care Administra- Lt.Col. Eric Wieler USMC/Ret tion from the University of Maryland, as well as a COL Darryle Kouns USA/Ret Master of Public Administration from Troy Universi- ty. He recently completed his Doctorate in Business CDR John Papageorge USN Administration from the University of Wisconsin. Col Carlos Halcomb USAF/Ret Rayma Murray, Surviving Spouse ———————————————- CAPT Ericson Menger USNR/Ret LtCol Jay Torres, USMC/Ret January 2020 His instructions were not to attack inside the perime- AN ARTICLE OF INTEREST ter, because his Marines could handle that part of the fight. So, AJAX-1’s task was to keep North Vietnam- By John Papageorge ese troops from reinforcing. With that, it could be seen This article you are about to read is true. about ¾ of a mile from Lance Cpl.’s position was full In April of 1968, the TET offensive in Vietnam was of enemy troops moving to reinforce the existing well under way and the battle for Khe Sanh was rag- force. ing. The commander of Third Marines, Third Battal- At this point, AJAX-1 warned the young Marine to ion was in contact with Fleet Commander and needed “Get the Hell out of there”. His reply was “Start at his help for close ground support. It seems North Viet- position”. AJAX-1 again implored the Marine to “Get namese troops had penetrated the Marine Corps base the Hell out”. And he kept repeating that as the F4s perimeter and they requested immediate air support. rolled in for attack. Before the attack was over, from The order came down from Command to CAG ie the coordinates given, ¾ to a mile was completely Commander of the Air Group. ablaze. It was now 0330. Flight Commander (AJAX-1) and three other crews met for breakfast and briefing in the Ready Room before flight. They were given details of the breach of perimeter and that the Marines had fallen back to a second line of defense. Photo: A napalm air strike in Vietnam Photo: A Navy F-4 over Vietnam “Get the Hell out of there.” History will show the Marines did beat back the ene- The planes (F4s) were armed with ordinance, includ- my within the perimeter. Upon returning to the ing napalm and ZUNI carousels on each wing for ship,AJAX-1 immediately tried to contact base com- close ground support. As the situation was very fluid, mander as to Lance Cpl. Butler’s condition. No an- they would receive further information from ground swer ever came. He made two or three other attempts control as they arrived on scene.
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