Brewin & Co., (Millport,) (Henry Brewin, Crandal, Erastus O., (Millport,) mechanic. T. C. Taylor and J. E. Chrisler) manu Crandall, John, (Sullivanville,) farmer 66. (Pine facturers of spokes, ax, adz, pick and CBAWFOED, D. C. & BEOTHEE, maul handles, &c. Valley,) (N. H. Crawford) prop, of Brewin, Henry,(Millport,)(BrewMi & Burr) grocery, livery and canal stables. (Brewin & Co.) CEAWFOED, N. H., (Pine Valley,) (D. C. BEEWIN, HENEY E., (Millport,) butcher. Crawford & Bro.) Brink, Joseph E., (Horseheads,) farmer Crawford, Oscar, (Millport,) cooper. leases 139. Cronkright, Henry, (Sullivanville,) farmer Broahurst, George, (Sullivanville,) farmer 40. 120. Dayton, David, (Catharine, Schuyler Co.,) Brown, Charles, (Millport,) farmer 55. farmer 80. Brown, Jackson T., (Millport,) farmer 123. Dayton, William P., (Millport,) farmer 40. Brown, Jeremiah, (East Grove,) constable DEAN, GEOEGE, M. D., (Sullivanville,) and farmer 50. surgeon and physician. Brown, Orin S. Eev., (Horseheads,) pastor Dean, John, (Horseheads,) farmer 110. of the Free Will Baptist Church. Dean, Ormall, (Sullivanville,) deputy post Buckley, Elanson, (Millport,) farmer 41. maFter. Burch, John, (Pine Valley,) grist mill. Dean, Samuel, (Sullivanville,) mason. Burch, John, (Millport,) farmer 140. Decker, Norman, (Alpine, Schuyler Co.,) Burr, George, (Millport,) (E. Waring & farmer 97%. Co.) (Brewin & Burr) Denson, George W., (Millport,) shoemaker. Burrell, William, (Catharine, Schuyler Co.,) Denson, John, (Millport,) boot and shoe farmer 59. maker. BUBBIS, JOHN, (Pine Valley,) (Burns & DENSON, JOHN M., (Millport,) harnesB Wood.) BUEEIS & WOOD, (Pine Valley,) (John DENSON,KELSEYB., (Millport,) boot and Burris and Charles Wood) blacksmiths. shoe shop. Butters, Cornelius L., (Sullivanville,) far Depue, Abram, (Pine Valley,) carpenter. (Pine carpenter. mer 25. Dewey, Mark B., Valley,) (Hen BUTTEES, GEOEGE H., (Sullivanville,) DICKENS & FANTON, (Millport,) farmer 52. ry L. Dickens and John C. Fanton) (Sullivanville,) farmer blacksmiths. Campbell, Charles, (Dick 60. DICKENS, HENEY L., (Millport,) (Millport,) cooper. ens & Fanton) Carle, Brine, farmer Carpenter, John, (Sullivanville,) farmer 50. Dillmore, Eichard, (Pine Valley,) general 300. Carpenter, John, (Sullivanville,) farmer merchant. Donald, Archibald, (Sullivanville,) Carr, Edgar E., (Millport,) saloon keeper CHAELES (Sullivanville ) and tobacco dealer. DEAKE, W., clover Carr, John M., (Millport,) farmer leases of prop, threshing machine, mill, G. 30. and farmer 91. Green, farmer 50. Carr, Eeuben, (Millport,) farmer 40. Drake, John, (Sullivanville,) Pine Valley Dubo, Oliver, (Millport,) cooper. Chandler, John, (Millport,) farmer 86. Hotel. Egbert, Gordon, (Sullivanville,) farmer MIAL (Sullivanville,) farmer Elliott, John W., (Horseheads,) CHASE, D., 75. 178. leases of J. B. Mosher, (Dickens Chrisler, J. E., (Millport,) (Brewin & Co.) FANTON, JOHN C, (Millport,) farmer 50. & Fanton) Coe, Daniel, (Sullivanville,) (with John and Wesley, (Millport,) farmer leases 100. Farr, Abram, (East Grove,) Coe, 50. COLE, JOHN M., (Millport,) commissioner James) farmer (East Grove,) (with John and of highways, owner of pile driver and Farr, James, 50. farmer 8. Abram) farmer (with James and Cole, Moses, (Millport,) justice of sessions Farr, John, (East Grove,) farmer 50. and justice of the peace. Abram) Nathan (Millport,) pastor Samuel, (Millport,) carpenter. Fellows, Bev., Cole, Church. Cole, Thomas C, (Millport,) boatman. M. E. SIMEON (Millport,) dairyman Coleman, Nathan B., (Sullivanville,) far FISH, N., and farmer 119. mer 36. (Pine farmer 213. Norris (Sullivanville,) cigar FISK, ABIJAH, Valley,) Compton, M., (East Grove,) farmer maker. Fitzgerald, James, patentee 100. (Sullivanville,) ,_ , , Compton, Peter, (Horseheads,) farmer and manufacturer of bee hives, and Fitzgerald, Eobert, farmer 7. 125. PETEE,(Millport,)ship car Compton, Theodore, (Sullivanville,) farmer FLOAEENCE, Horse penter and caulker. leases of Theodore Valleau, of JOHN (Millport.) agent N, 160. FOWLEB, T., heads, . N , C. B. B. and teleeraph operator. William, (Sullivanville,) farmer Compton, Asher (Millport,) farmer 100. leases of J. B. Mosher, 175. Frost, B., farmer (Millport,) farmer 15. Irvin, (Sullivanville,) Geary, Samuel, Conkright, (Millport,) farmer 50. 130. Gerow, Eobert, ^ blacksmith.,_, , -^ Giles, Joseph W., (Millport,) farmer 54. Cooley, Samuel, (Millport,) manufacturer 112. Levi E., (Millport,) Coon, Peter, (Millport,) farmer Gleason, shoemaker. of horse rakes, &c. Coston, Charles C, (Millport,) chairs, 164 VETERAN. Goodwin, Eobert 8., (Millport,) farmer Lattin, Henry, (Pine Valley,) general leas&fl ^SO merchant. GEEEN, JOHN B., (Millport,) farmer 55. LATTIN, HOEACE, (Millport,) cooper GEEENO, LATON M., (Millport,) lock and farmer 35. tender and farmer 50. Lattin, Julius, (Millport,) farmer leases of HALL, CHAELES, (Millport,) lumber mer Mrs. Am Greeno, 28. chant, prop, saw mill and boat builder. Lattin, Pixley, (Millport,) cooper, prop. Hall, Schuyler, (Millport,) ship carpenter cider mill and farmer 70. and caulker. LATTIN, SYLVESTEE, (Millport,) far Hamilton, Stuart, (Millport,) farmer 105. mer 86. HAMMOND, EDWIN, (Horseheads,) far LEE, HENEY W., (Millport,) mechanic. mer. LOCKE, JAMES S., (Millport,) lumber Hammond, Ezra, (Sullivanville,) farmer 19. man, boat builder and farmer 180. HAMMOND, WM., (Sullivanville,) farmer LOVELL, GEOEGE W., (Millport,) me 161. chanic. Hawkins, Lewis, (Sullivanville,) farmer LOVELL, WILLIAM, (Millport,) farmer 108. 230. Hawkins, Smith, (Sullivanville,) farmer Makimson, Augustus H., (Cayuta, Schuy 197. ler Co.,) farmer 85. Hawkins, Zachariah, (Sullivanville,) far Malette, Daniel W., (Millport,) blacksmith. mer 170. MALETT, EPHEAIM N., (Millport,) Hays, Alexander, (Horseheads,) farmer 60. cooper. Hendricks, Isaac, (Pine Valley,) farmer 20. MALETTE, WILLIAM S., (Millport,) depu Hendrix, William H., (Millport,) farmer 30. ty post master, and dealer in groceries, HEWITT, ELIJAH M., (Millport,) farmer pictures and frames. 100. Mallory, Daniel, (Sullivanville,) assessor Hewitt, Noyes, (Millport,) farmer 64. and farmer 175. Hill, Baldwin, (Catharine, Schuyler Co.,) Mallory, George W., (Sullivanville,) (with farmer 14. John H.) farmer 175. Hill, Morgan, (Millport,) farmer 75. Mallory, John H., (Sullivanville,) (with Hill, Porter, (Millport,) farmer 160. George W.) farmer 175. Hoke, George E., (Millport,) physician and Mallory, William, (Sullivanville,) farmer 85. farmer 71. MALTBY, CHAELES E., (Millport,) Horton, John, (Horseheads,) farmer 41. (Maltby <& Richmond.) Horion, Nathaniel D., (Horseheads,) far MALTBY & EICHMOND, (Millport,) mer 45. ( Charles R. Maltby ana Abel Richmond) Horton, William H., (Horseheads,) farmer merchant millers. 80. Mandeville, Welcome, (Millport,) farmer 50. Hosie, Eobert, (Sullivanville,) farmer 92. McCan, Levi, (Millport,) farmer 40. Howard, Jonathan, (Millport,) farmer 87. McDOUGAL, CYBUS, (Millport,) farmer Howell, Aaron, (Sullivanville,) farmer 58. 100. HOWELL, EMMETT, (Sullivanville,) car McDougal, George, (Sullivanville,) thresh penter and joiner. ing and clover machine. Howell, Ezra M., (Sullivanville,) carpenter McDOUGAL, JAMES, (Millport,) farmer andjoiner. 75. HOWELL, ISAAC, (Sullivanville,) carpen McGeary, Charles, (Millport,) farmer 7. ter andjoiner. McKinney, Jay, (East Grove,) postmaster, Howell, Jacob, (Sullivanville,) farmer 50^. justice of the peace and farmer 46. Howell, Sarah Mrs., (Sullivanville,) farmer McSchooler & Tanner, (Millport,) ( William 129;*, E. McSchooler and P. S. Tanner) Hulett, Frank, (Sullivanville,) farmer 325. groceries and provisions. Hunter, John, (Pine Valley,) shoemaker. McSchooler, William E., (Millport,) (Mc HYATT, JONAH G., (Millport,) cabinet Schooler & Tanner) maker and undertaker. ?MEEKEE, ELLIOTT, (Millport,) dealer Jay, James, (Sullivanville,) farmer 100. in groceries, provisions, grain, &c, Johnson, Judson, (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,) and farmer 328. farmer 50. Merrill, E. C, (Elmira,) (Merrill & Willis) Joice, George, (Millport,) cooper. Merrill & Willis, (Elmira,) (E. C. Merrill TIMOTHY JONES, D., (Millport,) turner. and Charles Willis) merchant millers. JUDD, ELI B., (Millport,) carpenter and Miles, Curtis, (Pine Valley,) farmer 315. builder. Miller, Emmett, (Millport,) farmer leases Keeler, Burr, (Millport,) farmer 50. of Elliott Meeker, 300. Keeler, Eoxa, (Millport,) farmer 60. Miller, Francis, (Millport,) farmer leases KELLY, ISAAC, (Millport,) tin shop. 200. Kendall, Ephraim B., (Millport,) farmer MILLEE, JACOB, (Millport,) cabinet 114. maker and joiner. Kendall, Joshua, (Millport,) farmer 100. Miller, William, (Millport,) farmer 94. Kendall, Joshua E., (Catharine, Schuyler Millspaugh, Stephen, (Catharine, Schuyler Co.,) farmer 70. Co.,) farmer 1 00. farmer 50. Kies, Ephraim, (Horseheads,) Mosher, Asa, (Millport,) miller. farmer 136. Lattin, Carmi, (Millport,) Mosher, James H., (Millport,) miller. David blacksmith Lattin, E., (Millport,) Mosher, Oliver C, (Millport,) carpenter and and farmer 5. builder. VETERAN. 165 WILLIAM (Tre- MOSHEE, A., (Millport,) Bundle, George L., (Horseheads,) farmer man, Mosher & Allen) 74. NA8|X> JOHN, (Millport,) track foreman, Bundle, Silas C, (Sullivanville,) farmer 190. Sayre, Samuel, (Horseheads,) farmer 65. Newton, Jeremiah, (Sullivanville,) post Scott, (Sullivanville,) farmer 25. master Charles, and wagon maker. Scott, Elijah, (Cayuta, Schuyler Co.,) far Nichols, William, (Millport,) farmer 30, mer 30. O Hanlon, Colon, (Sullivanville,) hotel1 Scott, farmer 100. keeper, George, (Sullivanville,) Scott,
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