University of Southern Maine USM Digital Commons Yearbooks University Archives 1956 Hillcrest 1956 Gorham State Teachers College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/archives_yearbook Part of the History Commons Recommended Citation Gorham State Teachers College, "Hillcrest 1956" (1956). Yearbooks. 41. https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/archives_yearbook/41 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at USM Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Yearbooks by an authorized administrator of USM Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ---------------.------1 Jr tr JJ l_--=_ ~ u-L~l ~' Y TI ~ M -~ ~L_J! ~ 11 t_J Dr' 1 r~_ W_ll _Lff 5 M-[J O 1 ~I . [ -- - / ; · I .. Corbeil-Gross Photo Portrait by Kahill LOUIS BURTON WOODWARD 9 THE HILLCREST VOLUME XXXVI Gorham State Teachers College Published by the Representatives 1956 Of the Student Body CAMPUS SCHOOL In dedicating this, our " Hillcrest", to Jomes Bowman and Robert Miller, our class advisors, the class of 1956 realizes how inadequately it expresses our most sincere admiration, res­ pect, and thanks to these men who hove been very close to us during our four years on the hill. Their unselfish and untiring help to all of us, both in the classroom and on the campus, will always be gratefully remembered by all who know them. James A. Bowman ,.,.. ? 'l .. .. /-) , Ir' ()tJES'ilCN • .J Robert N. Miller RALPH E. DUSO Business and Plant Manager B. Ed., Keene Teachers College M.A., New York University DR. FRANCIS LOUIS BAILEY President B.A., M.A., University of Michigan Ph.D., Columbia University 14 15 WILLARD 8. ARNOLD ARTHUR D. BERRY CAROLYN T. ALDEN SAMUEL A. BROCATO Gorham, Maine Westbrook, Maine Gorham, Maine Gorham, Maine English Industrial Arts Grade Two, Campus School Art A.B., OePauw University; Ed.M ., Boston 8.S., Gorham Stare Teachers College B.S., Gorham State Teachers College MIRIAM E. ANDREWS M.ED., Pennsylvania State University JAMES A. BOWMAN B.S., Gorham Normal-Rutgers University University; M.A., University of Iowa M.S.Ed., University of Maine Gorham, Maine Westbrook, Moine Music Psychology and Guidance 8.S., Columbia University; M.A., Colum. B.S., Gorham State Teachers College bia University Ed.M., Boston University ANGELINE COLPITTS Gorham, Maine MARY 8AIKER Grade, Jr. Primary West Buxton, Moine B.A., State Teachers College, Valley City, Grade Three, Cami,us School N.O. RICHARD A. COSTELLO GEORGE J. BARKER PAUL BARKER ALBERT E. BROWN 8.S., Gorham State Teachers College University of New Hampshire Portland, Maine West Buxton, Maine Buffalo, N. Y. Burlington, N.J. Biology Sociology and Economics Arts and Crafts Physical Education B.S., Gorham State Teachers College; Uni ­ 8.A., Wittenberg College; M.S., 1'on101 B.S., Buffalo State Teachers College B.S., University of Alabama versity of New Hampshire; Boston Uni · State College M.S., University of Minnesota M.A., Physical Education, University of venity Alabama 16 17 . ' FLORENCE T. DAY MELISSA H. DUNN DORIS D. FITZ JAMES E. GENASCI Gorham, Maine Olomon, Maine Gorhom Maine Gorham, Maine Assistant Deon of Women 1 Grade Five, Campus School Health and Physical Education Deon of Men B.S., Gorham Stole Teachers College Grode four, Campus School Physical Education EDNA F. DICKEY B.S., Boston University University of New Hampshire B.S., Gorham State Teachers College D.M., Boston University MARGARET R. FOGG B.S., Springfield College Gorham, Moine Gorham, Maine M.S., Springfield College Dean of Women Grade One, Campus School History B.S.Ed., University of Maine B.A ., University of New Hampshire M.A., University of New Hampshire • MARJORIE B. EAMES Gorham, Moine JOHN 5. GREER Librarian Gorham, Moine B.S., Middlebury College Woodworking B.S .L.S., Pratt Institute MARILYN G. FARRAR GEORGE C. GRIFFING RALPH E. DUSO B.S., Gorham Teachers College A.M.L.S., University of Michigan Gorham, Maine JEANETTE l . GOODWIN Pennsylvania Stole College Gorham, Moine Gorham, Maine Grode, Kindergarten Primary, Campus Gorham, Moine Mathematics and Psychology Business and Plant Manager School Physical Education B.A., University of Maine B.S., Gorham State Teachers College Ed.B. , Keen Teachers College B.S., Sargent College M.A., Colvin Coolidge Boston University M.A., New York University M.Ed., Springfield College M.Ed., University of Maine 18 19 PERSIS H. HARDING MADELINE LANCASTER ROBERT N. MILLER WENSEL W. MOBERG South Windham, Maine Grade Six, Campus School Gorham, Maine Gorham, Maine Grade ThrH, Campus School B.S., Gorham Stale Teachers College Biology Geography 8.S., Gorham Slate Teachers College University of Maine A.8., Colby College A.8., Clark University Boston Univertily HELEN HEEL University of Moine JOHN MITCHELL M.A., Geography, Clark University South Wi ndham, Maine Boston University Gorham, Maine Music Professor and Chairman Industrial Arts B.S., Gorham State Teachers College Deportment M. of Music, University of Michigan B.S.E., State Teachers College, Fitchburg, Mass. ALBERTA LITTLEJOHN MERCY C. PACKARD Gorham, Maine Gorham, Moine Grade Five, Campus Sch_ool Assistant Librarian EVELYN LITILEFIELD B.S., Gorham State Teachers College 8.S., Gorham State Teachers College Gorham, Maine M.Ed., Boston Univeraity CHARLES F. MARTIN University of Maine Workshop ALBERTA PATCH WHITNEY 8. NEWCOMB Personal and Professional living Problems, Gorham, Maine Gorham, Maine Gorham, Maine Nutrition Mathematics, Physics, Education Method, Grade Four, Campus School 8.S., Defiance College B.S., Colby College Transportation B.S., Gorham Stale Teachers College M.S., Columbia University M.A., University of Maine B.S., Gorham Stale Teachers College University af New Hampshire 20 21 ETHELYN F. UPTON MARY PEABODY THELMA SANBORN ALLSTON E. SMITH Milbridge, Moine South Windham, Moine Gorham, Maine Portland, Moine Director of Student Teaching Mathematics Supervisor, Whitney Rural School Registrar B.S., Columbia University B.S.Ed., Boston University B.S., Gorham Stole Teachers College B.S., Boston University M.A., Columbia University Ed.M., Boston University MILDRED PEABODY M.S., Univers i'ty of Maine NINA C. STITSON South Windham, Maine . Gar.ham, Maine Primary Education and Reading Grade Six, <...ampus School Asst. ta Director of Student Teaching B.S., Gorham Stale Teachers College B.S., Gorham State Teachers College Ed.M., Boston University C. ELIZABETH SAWYER ERNEST E. WEEKS Gorham, Maine Gorham, Maine Literature English and Reading GWEN SAWTELLE B.A ., University of Maine A.B., Bowdoin College JAMES M. WHITTEN Gorham, Maine M.A., Boston University DWIGHT WEBB A.M., Tufts College Gorham, Maine ANN C. SEARCY Art Gorham, Maine History and Education Portland, Maine B.S., University of Minnesota Principal Campus Schaal A.B., Colby College M.A ., George Peabody College for Teach­ Grade One, Campus School B.S., Gorham State Teachers College M.A., University of Maine ers B.S., Gorham State Teachers <.allege M.Ed., University of Maine Boston University 22 23 3-n Apprecialion MAURICE M. WHITTEN ESTHER E. WOOD Gorhom, Moine Blue Hill, Moine Physicof Science and Physics History A.B., Colby College A.B., Colby College M.A., Columbia University M.A., Radcliffe College Mrs. Celia Gross Mrs. Helen Jacobs Gorham, Moine Hingham, Moss. Matron Housemother MRS. ELECTRA M. BROWN Gorham Bursar MRS. VIRGINIA M. CHRISTENSEN Gorham Secretory MISS RITA FROTTON Sanford Secretory MRS. ALICE BOOTHBY Sebogo lake Nurse Mrs. Eli1abeth Westrup Mrs. Ethel Raynard Bar Harbor, Moine Portland, Moine 24 Housemother 25 Housemother !J.n Apprecialion Mr. Roger Belanger Mr. Robert Sample Gorham, Maine Portland, Maine Chef Chef Mr. Theodore Lunt Gorham, Maine Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds ..>::: :"\,,; I '14;;r )1UCG.Nr Mr,. Irene L. Stigman Mrs. Vivian F. Hewett Gorham, Maine Gorham, Maine lounge 26 lounge Those of us to hold commencement parts are: Connie A., and Leroy Rand President of Newman Club. c. Maclean and Keith Packard with the Class History; This year it was our turn to supply leaders for the Ann Crosby and Tony Wedge with the Prophecy; Be!tY Salls. The Harvest Ball hod as its co-captains two v~ry Lou Dodge and Frank Harrison with the Will; Drck able leaders, Diane Lefebvre and Ralph Egers. Doing Kelley, the Address to Undergraduates; Diane ~e­ an equally successful job on the Commencement Ball febvre, Diane Richmond, Ernie Guimond, and Al Junie­ were June Halberts and Tony Wedge. wicz the Gifts; and Ralph Egers, the class Marshal. The Gorham F. T. A. sure made itself known this N~w we end our four years at G. S. T. C. We will year. Ralph Egers was chosen ~tote _F. T. A. _P~esident never forget the wonderful times we have had during and Diane Richmond followed h,m w,th pencil rn hand our stay. Now we must face the world with its ex­ as secretary. Ralph then went on to become Notional citing, mysterious life. We will always endeavor to Vice-President. help others as we have been helped and bring honor June! Where did it come from in such a hurry? We to our alma mater. Good luck to all our friends at had always looked forward to June, but this time it's Gorham and God Bless Everyone. different. We won't be together again as a complete class until commencement time. And then there's Stud­ ent Teaching ... I hope those kids won't be too hard PRESIDENT RICHARD S. KELLEY on us. We're finally seniors and have a very busy year ahead of us. We got off to a good start by electing the capable Dick Kelley as President, Warren Robert· son as vice-president, Connie Gray, secretary, and treasurer, Betty Lou Dodge. Diane Lefebvre and Con· nie Maclean represented us in Student Council. It seems hard to believe that we have completed Again spring arrives and we leave the Hill to return Jean Anderson was one of the co-captains of the our four years at G.
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