THE LONDON GAZETTE, 20TH DECEMBER 1985 17913 R ef. No. 3-RuD Lane. Ormskirk offices of the Director of Planning, 52· Derby Street, Orm skirk, between 0900 hours and 1700 hours Monday to 1, 3, 5, 7, 7A, 9 and 11 Ruff Lane. Thursday and 0900 hours to 1630 hours on Fridays. 24 and 35 Knowsley Road. In areas designated as Conservation Areas special atten-. 24-34 evens including 36, 36B, 36c, 38-44 evens inclusive, tion is paid to the desirability of pre serving or enhancing 46 (Flats 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) St. Helens Road. their character or appearance and local planning auth­ Ormskirk Grammar School, main buil ding fronting onto orities are empowered to take effective measures to improve Ruff Lane. the environment. 5, 7, 6 and 8 Nonnanhurst. Under the provisions of section 277A of the 1971 Act­ Land between Normanhurst and Beech Croft/Backwoods, any person wishing to demolish the whole, or part, of any Ruff Lane. building in a Conservation Area must (subject to certain Woodlands Farm and outbuildings, Ruff Lane. exemptions) apply to the District Council for listed building . Polts 4, 5 and 6 at Woodlands Farm, Ruff Lane. consent. Such an application for consent to demolish R ef. No. 6-Mill Lan e, Parbold must be made separately from any associated application 11-39 Mill Lane. for planning permission. 10, 12, 14, Alder Lane. Under the provisions of sections 61A and 102 of the 1971 Act, it is an offence for any person to cut down. R ef. No.7-Lancaster Lan e, Parbold top , lop, uproot, wilfully damage or wilfully destroy a 74, 76, 76A, 78, 80, 82, 67, 69 and 71 The Common. tree (subject to certain exemptions) in the Conservation Land between 71 The Common and Lancaster Bam. Area. Any persons desirous of carrying out works on 18-26 evens inclusive, 21 and 23 Tan House Lane. trees should give the District Council at least 6 weeks Vale Cottage, 16 Chorley Road, Hilldale, notice prior to the intended works being undertaken. .Any such application for consent may be refused by the District R ef. No.9-Sol/om Coun.cil or granted subject to any conditions it may impose. 2 triangles of land between Liverpool Road and Liverpool Failure by any person to com ply with the provisions of Old Road. sections 61A and 277A of the- 1971 Act is a criminal offence for which they may be prosecuted, by the District R ef . No. 20-Holt Green. Aughton Council. - 2, 10, 14, 16, 18-20, 22, 24, 28, .30, 32, 36, 38 and 40 Any per son requiring further information on the above Smithy Lane. mentioned matters should contact the Planning Department (Mr. Amold/Ormskirk 77177, exten sion 469) or by writing (2) Designation of N ew Conservation Areas to the Director of Planning, 52 Derby Street, Onnskirk. The West Lancashire District Council as the Local T. L. Abernethy. Director of Planning Planning Authority for the area has designated the follow­ 12th December 1985. (508) ing new areas as Conservation Areas pursuant to section 277 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1971, effective from 10th October 1985. MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL R ef. N o. 23- Briars Brook Briars Brook Cottages, 10-24 evens, inclusive Briars TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING Acr 1971 Brook. City Centre Conservation Areas Vine Cottage, 8 Briars Brook. Mill Cottages, 21-27 odds, inclusive Briars Brook. Notice is hereby given that the City Council, in exercise of the powers contained in section 277 of the Town and Briars Mill, 29 Briars Brook. Country Planning Act 1971, have designated the areas Briars Hall Hotel. referred to in Schedule B to this notice as Conservation Stone Bam to Briars Hall Farm. Areas and have extended existing conservation areas as R ef. No. 24-Garnett Lees detailed in Schedule A. Plough and Harrow Public House, Ormskirk Road. A plan showing the boundaries of the areas may be 176, 178, 180, 182, 186, 188, 190, 192 and Barn , 192A, inspected during normal office hours at the Town Clerks 192B, 192c, 194, 196 Ormskirk Ro ad. Department, Room 216, Town Hall, Manchester. R . M. W. Taylor. Town Clerk R ef. No. 25-Lathom Park Town Hall, Manchester M60 2LA. .. Boscobel," West Wing of Lathom House, The Bun- galow and Beechlawn, Lathom Park. SCHEDULE A 1·to 11 odds and evens, inclusive The Almonry. Chapel of St. John the Divine. Extended Conservation Areas Home Farm and outbuildings. 1. Upper King Street, from a point at the junction of The following properties in Hall Lane: New Market and Cross Street southerly along Cross Street Lathom Lodge, Ormskirk Lodge, The Grange, Beech to Tib Lane, easterly along Tib Lan e to Clarence Street, Grove, Nelson Cottage, 1 Nelson Cottage, Virginia south-westerly along Clarence Street to Bow Lane, south­ Grove, Lathom Womens In stitute, Orm skirk 1st Lathom easterly along Bow Lane to the north-western boundary Boy Scouts, Glendalough, Lathom Park C. of E. of number 41 Princess Street and then south-easterly to School, Park Lea, Parklands, Preston Lodge North, the rear of 41 to 63 Princess Street, northerly on to Preston Lodge South, The Rookery, Croppers, Ash­ Kennedy Street, south-easterly along Kennedy Street to field House, West View, Ashfield Cottage, Farm Cooper Street, south-westerly along Cooper Street to Cottage, Silcocks House, Watkinsons Farm and The Pnncess Street, south-easterly along Princess Street to Cottage Watkinsons Farm. Mosley Street , north-easterly along Mosley Street to Marble Street, westerl y along Marble Street to Fountain Street, R ef. No. 26-Great Altear north-easterly along Fountain Street to Market Street, The following properties in Lord Sefton Way: north-westerly along Market Street to Pall Mall, southerly Hiltons Farm and barn s (pa rt) 134, 93 and 95, along Pall Mall to New Market and north-westerly along 126-132 evens inclusive, Farncis' Farm and outbuild­ New Market to Cross Street. ings 124, Massarn Farm 122, 112, Parish Hall 71, Tatlocks Farm 82, 74-80 evens inclusive, 47-69 odds, 2. Whitworth Str eet, from a point at the junction of inclus ive, 73, 75, Clayton Farm 81, 83-91 odd s, inclu­ Portland Street and Oxford Street, southerly along Oxford sive, Tyrers Farm 33, Suttons Farm 25. Sreet to the railway viaduct, north-easterly along railway 1-12 odds and evens, inclusive Aspinwall Crescent. and then north-easterly along Altrincham Sreet to London 1, 3, 5 and 7 Engine Lane. Road, north-westerly along London Road to Whitworth Altear Hall. Street, south-westerly along Whitworth Street to Chorlton St. Michael's Church. Street, north-westerly along Chorlton Street to Bloom Street, St. Michael's Church Vicarage. south-westerly along Bloom Street to Abingdon Street, . New Vicarage, Church Lane. north-westerly along Abingdon Street to Portland Street Boys and Girls Brigade H.Q . Church Lane. and south-westerly along Portland Street to Oxford Street. The· areas which are covered by the amended and new 3. Albert Square. from a point at the junction of John Conservation Areas are shown on plan s with reference Dalton Street and Deansgate, south-westerly along Deans­ numbers corresponding with the areas above which are gate to Lloyd Street, easterly along Lloyd Street to the available for inspection by members of the public at the western boundary of Lloyds House, (16-22 Lloyd Street), D3.
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