eM gHool BUSINESS PRINTING THAT IS RIGHT UP EVERYONE'S STREET Issue No. 190 MAY 1993 Price SOp Le road to success may not run straight. So it's reassuring to know that, whatever new challenge is waiting around the comer, there's always CHILDLINE PRESENTATION f\ one thing you can depend on. The Cardinal Press range of Business Printing services. At The Cardinal Press we recognise that you need services which exactly match the unique circum­ stances of your business. That's why we always offer tailor-made assist- ance service and advice. For example, we'll put together a package of printing services to suit your individual business needs. Helping you seize new opportunities as they arrive. And pointing out things you may not have considered, too. Because we don't have a fixed tariff, you'll also find our charges very competitive. Just ask for a quote. All-in-all, The Cardinal Press can help you. Because, when it comes to Printing Services, The Cardinal Press is simply streets ahead. • General Printing Newsletters Invoices • Quality Wedding Stationery NCR Sets Continuous Stationery Statements • Colour Copying Letterheads Back Row: Ronan Barry, Keith Behan, Martin Dolan, Bill O'Brien. Office Stationery & Furniture Business Cards Front Row: Marie Therese Kilmartin, Rev. Kieran O'Rourke, Maire Lyons Typesetting (Laser & IBM) Tickets • Laser Printing Posters Book Restoration & Thesis Binding THE CARDINAL PRESS (IRL.) LIMITED Dunboyne Road, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Telephone: 01 - 628 6695 • Fax: 01 - 628 6440 Clubs, Organisations & Societies ... Page 8 • Garda Talk ... Page 21 Residents Associations ... Page 17 • Muintir Ma Nuad ... Page 40 MAYNOOTH NEWSLETTER Mayday PUBLISHED BY Happy May Day to all our readers, and congratulations to our MAYNOOTH COMMUNITY COUNCIL new Government on giving us a May Day Bank Holiday starting nex t year. Now, if we could have a bank holiday every Editorial Board month, but we'll have to wait for the next Government to look Kay Mac Keogh after that! Peter Hussey Peter Connell European Visitors. Veronica Brennan Maynooth will be welcoming some very distinguished visitors Kathleen Gallagher this month as the conference of Presidents of European Uni­ Patricia Condron versities takes place in the College in early May. What a pity Carol Clifford the town is still choked with traffic and the foot paths in the Main Street are littered and potholed. The opinions and statements expressed in the articles are those Calling Journalists. of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Editorial The Newsletter Editorial Commitee is looking for energetic, Board All material to be included in the next edition of the fresh, interested enquiring writers, young or old to join us in our Newsletter should be addressed to:- work. Contact The Newsletter office (6285922) if you are The Editor, Maynooth Newsletter, Town Centre Mall, interested. Maynooth Tel. 01·6285922 Maximum number of words 500 per article Copydate: Friday 14th. May before 5p.rn. CONTENTS EDITORIAL STATEMENT The Maynooth Newsletter is published as a service to the people and organisations of the neighbourhood. It is an 'open Editorial 3 access' publication and will generally carry any material Letters to the Editor 4 submitted to it, subject to the law of the land and to editorial Community Council Notes 6 judgement. This judgement is exercised by the editorial com­ mi ttee in order to preserve the independence and balance of the Clubs & Organisations 8 Newsletter. The committee reserves the right to aller, abridge Residents Associations 17 or omit material which in its opinion mightrend the Newsletter Features 18 the promoter or mouth-piece of sectional interests. Any con­ tributor seeking further guide-lines in this matter is invited to Barney O'Brien 18 contact the committee. Catholic Youth Council 18 NOTE TO CONTRIBUTORS Childline 18 We request all our contributors to make sure their material is Circuit of Ireland Rally legible. If possible, material should be typed, but as not 20 everyone has access to typewriters, the best way to present Crossword 20 material is to use either neat legible writing or block letters, on Simply Delicious 21 one side of the paper. Garda Talk 21 We emphasise that material submitted after the copydate will not be accepted and will be withheld until the following Gardening Hints 22 copydate. Larine Court 22 All Material Copyright Maynooth Newsletter 1993 Making A Retreat 24 RIGHT TO REPLY Maynooth Peace Group 24 In fairness to our readers and given that this magazine is not Ode to Bygone Age 24 insured against libel damages or cost, we undertake the follow­ Open Day in the College 28 Put Your Problem on our plate I ing: In case of errors of fact we will publish corrections when we become aware of such. Street Talking 28 For all your Catering requirements In the case of unfairly impugning the reputation of any person Writers Cramp 30 we hereby offer that person or their representative the right to Leavey's Goat 32 contact us at our new address reply in this magazine subject only to reasonable length, the Local Services laws of libel and our right to respond to such reply. 34 Letter to our Readers: This is justa note to remind you all that Political Party Notes 36 Pete.0'OpI811 GBlePIDtJ Go. the Newsletter exists for your enjoyment and that we welcome Muintir Ma Nuad 40 all contributions from our readers. We would like to hear from Sports News 42 Monread Commercial Park, Naas, Co. Kildare. any new organisations or indeed from individuals with some­ Tel. 045 - 74288 • Fax. 045 - 74290 thing to say or suggest. We hope you continue to enjoy your Acknowledgements 50 monthly read and keep us informed of your activities. Birthdays 50 Yours sincerely FULL RANGE OF TABLEWARE FOR HIRE Sympathies 50 Community Council & Newsletter Staff 3 ~ ~ " metteFS to tfie IEOitOE ~ ~ommunit~ ~ounci] ~otes '" '" Wee / Dear Editor, The A.G .M. of the Community Council took place on Monday 19th April. ~ Maynooth Castle Restoration. Community Councillors from the residents associations and I would like to respond, on behalf of the Castle Restoration other organisations in the community attended. The newly Committee, to your recent editorials which have suggeted a elected Executive for the year 1993 - 1994 is as follows:- ~Booksand lack of openness (sic) in the development of the Project. Chairperson -Senan Griffin The present si tuation regarding the Castle is that ownership has Vice - Chairperson -Tom McMullon been vested in the Office of Public Works and the OPW intends Secretary -Muireann Ni Bhrolchrun to undertake a Restoration Project when resources are available. Treasurer -Dominick Nyland Booktokens It is possible that a 'start' could be made in 1994. P.R.O. -Patricia Condron The nature of the Project will have a large bearing on the extent Following the A.G.M. a party and presentation was held in of the resources sought; therefore the preparation of the brief is Caulfields to honour the former chairperson John Mc Ginley. Make Great Gifts critical to the programme. The OPW have asked the Restoration John was presented with a clock and his wife Mary was Committee to give as much input as possible to the brief. presen ted with flowers to thank her for all her hard work during In the Maynooth area, every organisation and committee which John's years as Chairperson. The Community Council would has an interest in the Project, is represented on the Restoration like to thank Mrs Eithne Carey and the staff of Caulfields for from Your Bookshop Committee. Through these representatives the Committee is the wonderful food and attention provided throughout the endeavouring to get a broad range of proposals assembled. night. (See photos page 26). This is not a speedy process and neither is it an easy matter for local committees to prepare detailed suggestions on matters of The Maynooth Bookshop historical context, structural changes and tourism impact. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT NOTES It is important that strong local pressures are maintained at all The Square, Maynooth stages of the Project, initially to maximise the funding of Re: A.G .M. of the Planning & Development Committee was resources, eventually to influence every aspect of design and held on Thurs 15th April. The following officers were elected. operation of the finished scheme. Tony Bean - Chairperson Phone 6286702 The Maynooth Castle Restoration Committee has mounted Eileen Dunne - Secretary exhibitions, held public meetings, arranged a seminar and Fionan Hardiman - Treasurer presented a public profile at local events for three years; we Michael Barry - Ass. Treasurer would prefer to maintain our consensus role for the present and Lynn Whittacker - Minutes Secretary hopefully all our publicity will be good publicity for the Tom McMullon - P.R.O. foreseeable future. Welcoming the members to the meeting the Chairperson, Eamonn McCann Margaret Clince gave the following report. P.R.O. The Planning and Development Committee emerged from a MAYNOOTH Maynooth Castle Restoration Committee- number of factors. These included various commercial, recreational and county development plans and the rapid Pitch & Putt increase in new buildings both domestic and commercial. It To Jenny, had become a source of concern to many involved in commu­ nity activities that there appeared to be no co-ordination or Thank you very much for your prayers, we appreciate them Dunboyne RoadMaynooth very much. liaison between the various bodies concerned. It was also Love from The Newsletter Staff. obvious that the town has good potential for future tourist and Phone 6285233 commercial enterprise but it appeared tthat no effort was being made to develop this. At the same time the town's streetscape and general environment were deteriorating and piecemeal repairs and ad hoc development did not add to this.
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