Save The Rock Editorial Weather Activities Blues Partly Cloudy and Mild (see page two) iatlg GJamjms 'Serving Storrs Since 1896" VOLUME CXI Complete UP Wire Service STORRS, CONNECTICUT, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1957 Offices in Student Union Building No P Ike May Withdraw Vaccine Shortage U.S. Army Troops Halloran States From Little Rock By ANN ETKIND was received at the end of last will be able (o be vaccinated, Washington. ».(.. Oct. 1 — Cobb says the Washington of- week. Thus far the infirmary how- lung il WOUM lake to do it Daily Campus Staff Writer (UP)—President Eisenhower ficial is studying factual reports staff and personnel, a group of or the procedure that would be has agreed to withdraw Fed- of the incident to see if there Uconn students may no) re- 25 perso is. and security and eral troops from Little Book. uere violations of laws relating carried out. They are also un- serve Influenza shots alter an IIImien, a group of approxim- certain as to the amount of vac- Arkansas, when he receives to the obstruction of justice and according to Thomas Halloran assurances from Governor conspiracy. of the university's purchasing ately 80 persons, hav. been Im- cine they will be able to obtain. Orval I .minis that the gover- Federalized units of the Ar- department. He stated yesterday munised. The next groups that Officials at (he Stale Depart- nor will not obstruct court kansas National Guard replaced that the allotment (or the State will be innocuiated will be the ment of Health Ul Hartford said issued integration orders. army paratroopers at Central if Connect HIM by the pliarma thai a supply of vaccine was High school tcxiay. But military athletic teams, plant mainten- reutical houses has already been ance, (BCUlty and students in ordered for the University of sources indicate the airborne made ami that It may not be Connecticut by the Unlversitv s Faubus said today it is pos- division will stay saty on . tin- thai order, if the vaccine doe. enough to provide shots to BtU arrive. Th. administration of purchasing department but that sible Hie While House talks scene, in the background, for at dents. He did not know when vv.m lil have >ome weight on his least a few more days. these shots will giv. about 70 no more vaccine has been t more would he available. Hallor- per cent protection against the cd since. decision whether lo call the Ar- ATTENDANCE was reported an expressed doubt as to the kansas legislature to considei to be the highest today since Asian Influenza bul persons al- In case of an outbreak of the closing Little Rock Central High chances of students receiving lergic to chickens'will not be the violence Monday a week ago the Vaccine free of charge if n Asian Influenza on the Uconn school. He said he would wel- The integration issue stirred able lo receive (he vaccine. campus, the infirmary would on- come any suggestions but woul.. does arrive but said that state ■iction elsewhere today also. employee, and personnel deal The infirmary plans (o con- ly be able to lake care of 50 not be bound by any agrements The Illinois branch of tin- tinue tins program until (he sup- liersons Student! living near resulting from the conference. ing with people would be in NAACP in Chicago asked Gov- noculated free. ply runs out. They have no Idea, Storrs would have to be sent Shortly before the governors ernor William Stratton to end A limited amount of vaoclni at this time, when the students home. went Int. the meeting, opposing what he called deplorable con- picket lines formed outside (■• • ditions involving deliberate seg- Whit. House. regation in Illinois schools. The Roving segregationist John group said more Negro children Administration To Enforce Kasper and a group of followers were attending segregated turned out with placards, among schools in Illinois than in them one which read: "Faubus Arkansas. for President, Turn Ike out ro Greek Membership Ruling pasture." Kasper said they wen- THE FLORIDA State Senate has passed a resolution urging protesting what he termed po- cess of consulting each fratern- this semester's rushing program, lice state rule in Little Rock. Congress to censure President BAD DAY AT LITTLE ROCK was The scene is quieter this week, as more By JACK HUDOCK Two Negroes picketed Kasper. Eisenhower for sending troops captured in this dramatic United Press ity president about this ruling, all houses will he above the and more of the paratroopers guarding the Senior Associate Editor ami has also discussed the mai- minimum requirement." One carried a sign which read: to Little Rock. The measure al- photograph last week. A group of white school have been withdrawn. The Army ler with Albert Fred., President The forly membership mini- 'Thank God for President Ike." so asked Congres to pass legis- hoys are pursuing a Negro youth about a Sumner M. Cohen. Assislant lation preventing the future use reported that they were being kept in the of the InterfralernKy Council. mum also has applied In the A REINFORCED SQUAD of block away from the high school, after he I)irec(or of Student Personnel Commenting on the ruling. West Campus fraternities since of federal troops in any stale general area "just in case violence flares policemen kept the two picket without its governor's aproval. and another Negro had been knocked in charge of Men's Housing, Frede has slated, 'The fratern- (hey acquired (heir houses in lines separated. A band of white students down. Soldiers on duty at the school ar- up again. Meanwhile Cov. Orval Faubus has announced in an interview ity men are aware of this rul- and have been under Ibis ing, and we expect that after ruling for the past two years. In Little Rock. U.S. Attorney kicked and slapped six Negro rested an ashen-faced teenager who appar- moved to try to close the school through with the Daily Campus that Osro Cobb says a Justice De- students at the Matoaka, West ently was the leader in the attack. the state legislature. (UP Photo) any fraternity on campus with- partment expert on civil rights Virginia, high school. About 150 out a membership of forty has begun an investigation or students refused to attend clas- brothers in September, 19T>H, Young Democrats last wek's mob violence whlcn ses after the Negroes were es- could lead to charges against corted into the building by state will be ineligible (o live in its members of the crowd. police. All Star Jazz Group dormilory as a fra(ernily and will lose control of the dorm Condemn Faubus as its residence. This seasons first meeting of work and live among each other. First Semester COHEN SAID thai this rul- Ihe UniversKy of Conneticut Working with anil in such or- ganizations as the local educa- Will 'Swing' At Uconn ing has been in effect since ap- Chapter of the Young Demo- tion and planning boards offers proximately 1951, but that it Is cratS opened with a (alk by Dr. Rushing Adopted By RENEE DENBY force on (he concert scene. cal activities continue with sum- now being enforced. He also challenges thai can result in Teddy Wilson's Concert Jazz mer appearances at leading B. Linnevold, and closed with feelings of satisfaction. Fraternity rushing and pledg- until his second semester sub- The musical public at the remarked that it was only a a healed deba(e, resulling in the ject to the scholastic rulings plays an Important role In un- festivals such as the Newport verbal agreement between (he On (he college level, Dr. Lin- ing has been scheduled for the University of Connecticut will passage of a statement concern- nevold feels the students should for upperclassmen. No first folding this story. Jazz Festival and (he Stratford fraternities and administration first semester .a reversal of last be audience to a concert pro- ing Ihe recent actions of Gover- prepare themselves for their year's program, in the Rush -semester freshman can be TEDDY WILSONS career (Ontario I Festival, and now, previous to 1954. pledged before formal tapping. gram of jazz on October 12, to nor Faubus of Arkansas. later cillzenship parlicipalion by Rules adopted by the Interfra- has won him recognition as one the first (our of Teddy Wilson's The annual count of each joining and working In college The change in the basis for be performed by an all-star In s|ieaking on "The Role of ternlty Council at Its meeting of the "Giants of Jazz' among Concert Jazz. fraternity's active membership clubs. Even on (he college Monday night. receiving bids for first semester company of well known musi- Students in Politics", Dr. Linne- level, Ihe student Is able to in- students does not change the pianists and he is so designa(ed Miss Joya Sherrlll, who will be laken (his fall, and The basis for (he tapping cere- cians. Ihese figures will be on (he vold said that today's college fluence the legislation of the standing necessary for initia- in Leonard Feather's Encyclo- brings to the program a fem- Students are more interested In money will be a minimum of 18 Teddy Wilson, originator of basis for (he Division of Stu- day. He endorsed a suggestion qpr's at mid-semester for fresh- tion. The rules state: "All stu- pedia of Jazz. Spiralling upward inine touch and some jazz vo- dent Personnel's placing a fra- parlicipalion in politics than offered by Ihe organization's dents must have an 18 qpr in a piano style that was very in- men.
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