Xii. Pastoral Records

Xii. Pastoral Records

XII. PASTORAL RECORDS Record of Ministerial Service The basic format used for printing the record is: • Ed: (Degree) (School) (Year granted), (Repeat as necessary); Adm: PM (or OT or P as appropriate) (Year); FM (Year); Ord: D, if applicable (Year); App: (Conference - unnecessary if all service is in the Minnesota Conference) (Church or Special Appt.) (First year appt.), (Repeat as necessary). Necessary variations are made to fit differing circumstances. For example, churches served when the pastor’s appointment was “to attend school,” are listed in parentheses following “AS” and the year. Pastoral records contain official appointments by the bishop and do not include ministries or churches served on a supply basis. Post retirement appointments are not listed. • Abbreviations include: OT (on trial); P (provisional); PM (provisional member); FM (full member); D (deacon); FD (full deacon); E (elder); Ed (education); Adm (admitted); Comm (commissioned); Ord (ordained); AS (attending school); DS (district superintendent); Ct (circuit); Sup (supernumerary); SL (sabbatical leave); LOA (leave of absence); DL (disability leave); IncL (incapacity leave); FamL (family leave); PersL (personal leave); R (retired); RE (retired full elder); RS (retired supply); RM (retired minister); RL (retired local pastor); NA (not appointed); PE (provisional elder); HL (honorable location). Please report errors and omissions to the conference secretary. A. Elders in Full Connection AASTUEN, HOLLY WILLIAMS—Ed: BA St Olaf 1982; MDiv Iliff 1988; Adm: PM 1986; FM 1990; Ord: D 1986; E 1990; App: AS 1986; Lakeland (A) 1988; Northfield (A) 1989; Mpls Hobart 2001; St. Louis Park 2004; Wyoming 2015 ABDELLA, WAYNE J.—Ed: BA Macalester 1956; MDiv ETS 1960; Adm: P 1956; FM 1960; Ord: E 1960; App: South Haven 1960; South Haven-Annandale-Kimball 1966; Bloomington Normandale Hylands 1967; Maplewood Arlington Hills 1977; Crystal 1986; R 1996 ABDUL-HAQQ, AKBAR—Ed: BA U of Punjab 1944; MA Phil U of Punjab 1946; MA Oriental Lang U of Punjab 1948; PhD Northwestern 1952; Adm: OT; FM; Ord: D 1952; E 1959; App: DELHI 1952; MN Billy Graham Assn 1968; R 1991 ALBERS, GAY MORELAND—Ed: BA U of Missouri-Columbia 1988; M Div Vanderbilt 1993; Adm: PM 1993; FM 1995; Ord: D 1993; E 1995; App: Owatonna (A) 1993; AS 1996; LOA 2000; appt in Rocky Mt Conf 2001; FamL 2002; Bemidji 2011; PersL 4/2015 ALEXANDER, DENNIS JAMES—Ed: BS Findlay 1976; MDiv UTS Dayton 1980; Adm: PM 1979; FM 1983; Ord: D 1979; E 1983; App: AS 1979; Mpls Wesley 1980; St. Anthony Faith 1993; Director of Intercultural and Urban Ministries 2006; St. Paul Mounds Park 2012; St. Paul: Eastside Cluster Coordinator, St. Paul: Mounds Park 2013 ALEXANDER, GAIL M.B.—Ed: BA Augsburg 1976; MDiv & MA UTS Dayton 1980; Adm: PM 1979; FM 1983; Ord: D 1979; E 1983; App: AS 1979; Woodbury (A) 1980; Mpls Epworth 1987; West St. Paul: Faith 2009 ALEXANDER, JEANINE ELIZABETH—Ed: UMD 1988; MDiv Bethel 1993; Adm: PM 1992; FM 1995; Ord: D 1992; E 1995; App: AS 1992; Mpls Lake Harriet (A) 1993; Maple Grove Cross Winds 1999; Minnetonka 2012 218 ALMQUIST, DANIEL PAUL—Ed: BS St. Cloud 1973; MDiv UTS TC 1976; Adm: PM 1975; FM 1977; Ord: D 1975; E 1977; App: St. Francis-Cedar 1975; Wyoming 1977; Moose Lake-Barnum 1982; Moose Lake 1988; Jackson 1989; Lake City- Zumbro Falls 1991; Staples 1997; R 2001 AMARAL JOANNE C.—Ed: BS SUNY 2000; MDiv Luther 2006; Comm: PE 2007; Ord: E 2010; App: Wyoming 2007; Elk River 2011; Bloomington: Normandale Hylands 2013; FamL 2015 ANDERSON, ERNEST BYRON “RON”—Ed: BA Carthage 1978; MDiv Yale 1984; PhD Emory 1997; Adm: PM 1983; FM 1986; Ord: D 1983; E 1986; App: AS 1983; Mankato Centenary (A)-Multi-Church Center 1984; Rochester Homestead (A) 1987; AS 1993; Asst Prof Worship & Dir Community Worship, Christian Theo Sem, Indianapolis 1996; Assoc Prof of Worship, G-ETS 2003 ANDERSON, JENNIFER N. (HILL)—Ed: BS Eckerd 1998; MDiv G-ETS 2002; Lic: LP 2003; Comm: PE 2004; Ord: E 2007; App: Maple Grove (A) 2003; CPE Resident, St. Louis Park Methodist Hospital 9/2006; LOA 2007; Chaplain US Navy 2008 ANKENY, C. WENDELL—Ed: BA Mankato 1967; MDiv Garrett 1971; Adm: PM 1968; FM 1971; Ord: D 1968; E 1971; App: AS 1968 (Palmyra-Little Prairie, WI 1967-70); Champlin-Brooklyn Park Riverview 1970; SL 1979 (Belize, C.A.); Mounds View 1980; LOA 1984; Co-Director, Ocean Pk Camp, Ocean Pk, WA 1988; R 1996 ARVIDSON-HICKS, DANIEL—Ed: BA Bethel 1984, MDiv G-ETS 1991; Adm: PM 1991; FM 1993; Ord: D 1991; E 1993; App: Morristown-Blooming Grove 1991; AS 1994; LOA 1995 ASHLEY, VICTORIA LEE—Ed: BS Montana State 1969; MDiv UTS TC 1997; Adm: PM 1996; FM 2003; Ord: D 1996; E 2003; App: AS 1996; Princeton-Spencer Brook (A) 1996; Spencer Brook 1999; IncL 2000; Racine-Sumner Center 2001; Hopkins 2006; Winnebago First, Delavan 2009; IncL 2010; R 2013 ASHTON, KAREN—Ed: BS Crown 2000; MDiv Luther 2004; Lic: SLP 2002; LP 2004; Comm: PE 2006; Ord: E 2009; App: Norwood 2001; Shakopee 2004; Dexter, Grand Meadow 2006; Proctor: Forbes 2015 BAKER, JAMES A.—Ed: BA Hamline 1960; BD Yale 1963; Adm: OT 1963; FM 1968; Ord: D 1963; E 1968; App: Hill City- Swatara 1963; Hopkins (A) 1966; Mpls Lake Harriet (A) 1974; Austin Fellowship-Austin Faith 1978; Cottage Grove 1989; R 2001 BAKER, PAUL—Ed: BA Minot State; MDiv Boston; MN Hutchinson Bethlehem 2012 BARBOUR, PAMELA E.—Ed: BA MI State 1975; MS U of MI 1976; MDiv UTS TC 1987; Adm: PM 1988; FM 1990; Ord: D 1988; E 1990; App: Clearwater 1987; Mpls Walker 1989; LOA 1991; FamL 1993; Princeton (A)-Spencer Brook (A) 1994; Two Harbors 1996; FamL 2002; Moose Lake 2004; Ext. Min. Church Consulting 2007; Proctor Forbes 2008; R 2015 BARD, DAVID A.—Ed: BA UMD 1981; MDiv UTS TC 1984; PhD SMU 1994; Adm: PM 1984; FM 1986; Ord: D 1984; E 1986; App: Roseau 1984; AS 1987; Central Mesabi Parish 1994; NW DS 1998; Duluth First 2005 BARKER, JANET KAY—Ed: B BA U of M Duluth 1982; M Div Perkins 1994; Adm: PM 1993; FM 1996; Ord: D 1993 E 1996; App: Finlayson (Sandstone UCC) 1993; Central Mesabi Parish 1998; IncL 2003 219 BATESON, MARK—Ed: BA Concordia Coll 1979; MDiv Fuller 1982; ThM Bethel 1992; Adm: PM 2003; FM 2006; Ord: Free Methodist E 1994; App: MN Fergus Falls Peace 2002; Osakis-Villard 2004; Deer Creek, Henning, Ottertail 2009; Staples 2012; Wadena, Wrightstown, Deer Creek, Henning Parish (A) 2013 BEARD, JAMES—Ed: BBA U of WI Whitewater; MDiv UTS TC; Lic: LP 2000; Comm: PE 2003; Adm. FM 2006; Ord: E 2006; App: Delano 2000; Big Lake: New Day 2008; Big Lake: New Day, Elk River 2013 BECKSTROM, VINTON G.—Ed: BA Hamline 1960; BD Garrett 1966; Adm: OT 1965; FM 1968; Ord: D 1966; E 1968; App: AS 1965; Anoka (A) 1966; Jordan-Lydia 1967; Hector-Churchill 1969; Two Harbors 1971; Ortonville-Correll 1979; Duluth University 1983; Motley 1985; Dir Pastoral Care/Chap Lakeview Meth Health Care Cen 1987; Northland Larger Parish (Fosston, Erskine) 1994; R 1998 BELL, MONROE—Ed: BA Hamline 1953; STB Boston 1956; MFA U of MN 1965; Adm: OT 1953; FM 1956; Ord: D 1954; E 1957; App: AS 1953; Willmar (A) 1956; Mpls Hennepin Ave (A) 1957; Mpls Prospect Pk 1960; Dir Choral Activities Stephens Coll 1963; AS 1970; Mpls Minnehaha (A) 1971; Admin MN Council of Churches 1978; R 1982 BENGTSON, MARK ALLEN—Adm: PM 1990; FM 1997; Ord: E (Covenant Church); App: Jeffers-Red Rock-Amo 1990; Richfield Church of Peace 1995; Deerwood Cascade 2003; Caledonia-South Ridge-Hokah 2006 BENJAMIN, AUDREY D.—Ed: BA Macalester 1981; MDiv UTS TC 1984; Adm: PM 1984; FM 1986; Ord: D 1984; E 1986; App: Bloomington Normandale Hylands (A) 1984; Dodge Center 1990; South St. Paul 1995; R 2001 BENJAMIN, JOANN ALMA HAAG—Ed. BA U of M (Morris) 1970; MDiv Candler 1990; Adm: PM 1989; FM 1997; Ord: D 1989; E 1997; App: AS 1989; Browns Valley-Beardsley 1990; LOA 1992; Roseville (A) 1995; LOA 2000; R 2001 BENJAMIN, WALTER W.—Ed: BA Hamline 1950; MDiv Garrett 1953; PhD Duke 1957; Adm: OT 1951; FM 1953; Ord: D 1952; E 1953; App: MN AS 1951; Prof Morningside 1957; N IA Prof Morningside 1958; Prof Hamline 1966; MN Chr Rel Dept Hamline 1968; R 1991 BENSON, MARILEE A.—Ed: BA Bethel 1971; MDiv Bethel 1978; Adm: PM 1981; FM 1984; Ord: Amer Bap 1980; App: Ruthon-Verdi 1980; Madison-Bellingham 1983; Lamberton-Germantown-Sanborn 1989; Lamberton-Sanborn 1993; West St. Paul 1996; Annandale 2003; Austin First 2011; R 2015 BIATEK, THOMAS GEORGE—Ed: BA U of CA Davis 1984; MDiv San Francisco 1988; Lic: LP 1988 Adm: PM 1989; FM 1991; Ord: D 1989; E 1991; App: IA Clarence 1988; Fayette 1993; appt in MN Conf 1998 (Mpls Hennepin Ave (A) 1998- 99); LOA 1999; appt in MN Conf 2000 (Excelsior 2000-02); MN Excelsior (A) 2002; Chanhassen: Discovery 2005; Albert Lea 2010; Maplewood Arlington Hills 2015 BIEDERMAN, HAROLD R.—Ed: BA Westmar 1959; MDiv UTS Dayton 1963; DMin No Amer Baptist Sem 1983; Adm: P 1958; FM 1963; Ord: E 1963; App: ROCKY MT Luverne-Steen, MN 1958; Waterhouse-Hillgrove, OH 1960; Greenbush, OH 1961; MN Grey Eagle-Long Prairie UCC 1963; Hendricks 1966; Fairmont-Welcome Emmanuel 1968; Renville-Echo 1970; Tracy 1977; Worthington First 1984; Worthington First-Worthington Emmanuel 1985; Mpls Grace (Lowry) 1988; Hutchinson Bethlehem 1990; St. Paul Epworth 1994; R 2000 BINNIE, CARRIE L.—Ed: BA Luther 2004; MDiv G-ETS 2007; Comm PE 2007; Ord E 2010; App: Plymouth: Messiah (A) 2007; Chanhassen: Discovery 2010; Monticello Community 2015 220 BIRD, DONALD RAY LEE—Ed: BA Evangel 1974; M Div Bethel 1990; Adm: PM 1988 FM 1992; Ord: D 1988; E 1992; App: Winnebago-Basey 1984; Lake Crystal-Madelia 1990; Park Rapids 2000; R 2010 BISSINGER, LELAND ARTHUR—Ed: BMus Eau Claire 1981; MDiv G-ETS 1985; Adm: PM 1983; FM 1988; Ord: D 1983; E 1988; App: AS 1983; Red Wing (A) 1985; Worthington First-Worthington Emmanuel (A) 1986; Owatonna (A) 1988; AS 1993; Austin First (A) 2002; LOA 2004; IncL 2005 BOCHE, LAURIE ANN—Ed: BS & BA Southern Meth 1983; MDiv UTS-TC 2009; Lic: SLP 2005; Comm: PE 2011; Ord: E 2014; App: Beauford 2005; Duluth Hope 2009 BOEHLKE, PETER—Ed: BA Bethel 1987; Adm: PM 1990; FM 1999; Ord: D 1990; E 1999; App: AS 1990; Mpls Hennepin Ave (A) 1991; LOA 1995; St.

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