
~~~ ' I tilE HOME· OF ~ . .t USED CARS THE DAILY NEWS Nova Mo~ors Ltd. ~~~ ' th Vol. 65. No. 192 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1958 " lPrice 7 cents) Charles dutton ~ Sons I ty! j 'ER Of RS hern ser. of ~ew phes Influence Of Mao Tse.tung Defence Department _ firld 01 .• :; ~·ears. ,. allows OTTAWA-CP-The 60-membcr Commons estimate committee fU· !he n1~h terday tabled a l'eport containing l!tinging critciisms o[ the de£ence ant! \:,! Jlld defence production departments and Crown companies. i anywhert China·· It recommended more integration in the ancillary branches of the armed forces and said there is duplication in defence department ad. ministration. ,. SHING Some It suggested more careful as- --· --- sessment of quantity ~nd sp~ci~i- The report liKely 11 ill provide j fmal c1•si s of ;hips of the -:it· cations in defence buymg t() avo1d ammunition for a Common~ dP- 1 stroycr escort cla~f. orer • stocking, and a complete' fence debiitt scheduled for Fri- ; "I! was apparent from \ht evi . t ight study of the naval vessel procure- day. ! der.c.~ tha•. !ina I invoicE:s have not ment policy to determine whether The commiltet le\'ellcd its heav-~· yet been received-in some .:-a,;c.\ MacSWEES a more accurate assessment of iest fire at the f1ve Crown cor- three years after a ship's complf Prtn Staff Write~ unit costs could be obtained. poration~ tion. · of Red China in shap· The committee advised employ- It said that on l'Ompielion of a "It is therefore recommended rortisn polit)\' has be· ment of an independent business ' review of one or me-re ~orpora- that a complete study should ile -"*'""'''"of ,peculation coosultani to examlnq one or [ lions b~ an independent uusiness made• of the nal'al vessel procure · world. more of the Crow compaies. consultant the go~t·rni;;ct shol\ld ment policy to determine if a pilgrimage It said there are "certain weak· decide "whether a further exam- more accurate assessment can be . his sudden switch nesses in accounting and, proced· iation of the remaining Crown obtained of unit costs." 1 summit mccling­ ural methods" in Crown Assets companies is required." ;r.pi:rs that ~lao Tse­ Defence Construction L l mile d, It said Crowr. Assets Disposal l"werhll influence on Canadian Arsenals Limited, ?ly- Corporation "d()es not have any premier. mer Corporation and Canadian clearly defined method or policy the fiN time that Commercial Corporation. respecting the sale of land or pro- Royal .. 1' t• has abrupt!~· changed TOO I\IUCH AUTIIORITY perties to municipalities." 1:td ob>erl'ers have The committee added thai ~per· Because of the corporation·~ ac- •iat ailed hint ations of Crown Assets Disposal ~ounhn_g methods: the c~mmtltcc ~~lr. i: is m11ch eas· ' that )lao is the Corporation "seem to be poorly I. expenenced d_lfftcu.lty m s~cu~: Brushoff-? organized with too much author·j mg certam d_eSITed mformatton. 1 __ • t) ~:s conduct 1han that ·is a political scatter· ity being vested in the president.". The_ co~m1ttee noted that the i . The committee also questioned 1 CF-10> de1cl~~ment prog_ram wtilJ t.Oi\D0:-.1 tReutcrst-fhc Oa1ly snnm the wisdom of Canada ercr again I cost ab()ljt S1to.000.000 this year- i ~lirror says. a youn;: Monlr~al ~:oing it alone on a sin~le weapons )the total by next March 31_ will be i lawyer who danced with Princess . it ca~ be said that ;n program of the magnitude of the i ab,?u~ ~00.000,000-a~d satd: 1 ~.largaret in Vancom·cr and Ot· ; sumtnit conference IS supersonic CF·105 interceptor. \\ htle the. c?mm1ll~e c~ncur_s tawa has been ask_cd to ,tay JIIJW and has been for . with Khrushche\' 'The committee has a heal'y m the ~ecesstt) of thu; expendt· away from the remamdcr of ner majority of Progressire Conser- lure .. 11 does no_t f~el authomed Canadian t()l!r. i111tiatire a large part l'atirc members Its chairman is to comment at this ttme on future The newspaper says John Tur- PEIPING, Red China-Russian Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev (lert) and Red China's Premier . of words in let· 39-year·old Art 'sinith (PC-Cal. action with rcsp~ct to f_urther ~e- ner. 29. was requested not to see 1\lao Tse·TWlg (right) sign a joint communique after their {our-day meeting here, August 3rd. "an· South), first elected to the l'el()pment of th1s porlton o[ lne the princess after they had dane- te>tify to the ex· .. :~ ; among the heads Standing directly over Khrushchev's left shoulder is Marsl1al Chu Teh, (light jacket), of the Chinese Commons H months a"o. defence program. cd to;:ether until 3 a.m. last :iun- .. Khrushchev lt is understood that ~\lr. Smith CONCE_R:"l SIIOWN . day at the governor·gencral's ball ' ·: i .\lkcn·s molltburo.-(UPI Photo), was largely responsible for the re-1 ,"Havmg that pomt ... in Ottawa. .' . pu;,tblc. President Eisen· · m~de no~~- ., port. drafted after the comm1ttee eler._ and m 11ew of the hca.y II· ·Tu.rner had been inl'itcd to join i ' )linistcr ~lacmil· : had taken some 400,000 words o! nanclal burde~. the com!flltlee th v 1 t t II . "l "' ~ de Gaulle and other cl'idence Idocs express Its concern 1n the e ro •. a par Y . a ar_nno on 1 . -~ · g()l'crnment entering ito any :;ub- ~odge m the Galt~eau Htlls but . ! and Eisenhower. The committee did not recom-, sequent weapon program of this mstead went slratght from Ot­ l rteent exchange, were mend any reduction in the $1.ti86,· magnitude without first negoliat- lawa to lllontrcal, The DaJiy Mlr- ( 11 be talking abou~ the Eisenhower, If Necessary Will 000.000 1958 • 59 defence burlgct ing for some cost-sharing agree· ror adds. I; but they touched on which it studied. but said that if ment with either NATO member A close friend of Turner's told ·. l Ill the 11 orld' s con· its recommendations were carried countries or the United States The Daily .Mirror "palace offi- 1 out "actual savings and improve. • under the ":OHAD tNorth Ameri· cials wt-rc most perturbed. They ·.r CORPSF. ., mcnt in the efficiency and opera- I can air r!·''' --~~ agreement." felt any further meetings betwe~n · . eren launched into lion of the defence department I Fr.'<AL COSTS •:: the princess and John would South America. Head A Delegation TO The u·N. i will be effected." I ''PartiG:l"r concern was expres carry a hint o( a new royal ro- - post·Peiping­ DEBATE AMJI.IU~ITIOS 1sed Ol'cr the delay in obtaining mance." composilion of the Security Council In '.!·.. place of tht• lawful To ~-~ of the great Chi· Wolves ·. republic is occupied Real Royal Welcome For •' :+ i!prt:>entatil's of ·a po. Chian~ Kai-shek." Beware it appears not ··~ but hbtoric II llao a5 a decisive Princess In Montreal 't ol sum· fet board. and dancers who had lowed. ' hoped to waltz in royal company. The princess left the station The ball was not on her :;che· Wednesday morning under the dule. But it had been Hoped she sunny skies that marked her \'isit would feel rested enoqgh to at··· and drove past cheering throngs tend after two da~·s' relaxation at Iof flag-wal'ing children on Shcr· Harrington Lake Lodge near Ot· brooke Street on her way to the tawa. '1 park. There were also complaints that the prince~s set too brisk a pace. 1 LEAVES t"Rmi DORY At. seldom pausing for photograph· 1 The princess' ca1·alcade took ers and occasionally sweeping her back to Windsor Station, and past crowds avid for a glimpse 1the train took her to Dorval air· of her with only a fleeting, auto· port. matic wave of her hand. She boarded a waiting aircraft At one point her pace carried and took off lor Quebec City at her ahead of schedule and she ar- 12:58 p.m. rived back at her train at Wind·. Princess Margaret is to travel sor station, her home base in :1fon ! to Fredericton tonight and spend treal, 10 minutes before the Ithe remainder of her Canadian RC~IP guard expected her. A stay in the Maritimes. She leaves scramole of scarlet jackets iol-· Halifax for England Aug. 11. BIN I BE ., ., ' . JE "· 'I -V<eather mtis- relet.6ed, con· LONDON tReutersl - World President Eisenhower and Prime They said the Russians might --"""'"'""' from the leaders sought Wednesday to U· Minister Macmillan urging a Gen· also renew their demands for the at Torbay: Confederation requiring an in­ sess the moUvea behind Soviet eral Assembly HSSion to discllss Acraonim! of the North Atlantir vestil:ationof the province'a fJ. our records Premier Khrushehev'a call for a withdrawal of American and Brit· and Southeast Asia Treaty Organ­ Airport, July In nances within eight years of un­ special United Nations General. lab forces from Lebanon and Jor· Izations, the Baghdad Pact and ion area was a dull Assembly meetinr on the Middle dan. • the elimination of Western mili· Mean tempera. East. WANTS AGENDA OPEN tary bases on foreign soil. The 03 degrees be- A few aovernments followed the Macmillan was reported draft· tre,tles and bas~s have been the United States' almost·lmmedlate in& a reply to Khrushchev acc~pt· foundation ef western foreign pol· ' acceptance of the Soviet move. Ina his •propocal but reservin& the Icy in the Jut 10 years.
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