Special IN EVERYDAY PROJECT LIFE FOREWORD CONTENTS 7 19 23 2 FOREWORD 19 Construction of New Spree 26 A new life for a shipyard 32 Ship repair facility in India Dear readers, Secondary School harbour Planning and design work is pro- Technical implementation is 4 NEWS Two central models were develo- gressing well on the project near BIM off ers great potential for optimising planning, design and construction ped on the basis of multi-offi ce supported by a BIM-GIS integration the city of Cochin in southern India processes, but implementing it presents challenges for us as a company – for collaboration example, in developing the necessary IT skills and adapting personnel and 8 FOCUS 28 Port development projects in 35 IMPRINT responsibility structures. To ensure sustainable future-readiness, we have 21 Hadeln Canal Lock on the East Africa placed a strong focus in recent years on digitising our work processes. In 8 BIM in everyday project life Elbe-Weser-Waterway Inros Lackner is one of the region’s the past year, for instance, we successfully developed a program tool that Conversation with Gregor Gebert BIM also off ers interesting possi- most dependable suppliers of mariti- transforms CPIXML road design data into IFC-compatible data. But despite of the DEGES highway planning me engineering consultancy services all the euphoria about BIM, it is our technical experience and knowledge bilities and prospects in hydraulic that are most important in enabling us to achieve project goals – specialist and construction company construction engineeriing 30 Shipping routes in West Africa know-how, that thanks to BIM can be applied more effi ciently in the future. (Deutsche Einheit Fernstraßen- Engineering and consulting services In this edition of our customer magazine, we take a look at the status quo, planungs und -bau GmbH) 24 Container terminals in West Africa for the development of shipping presenting BIM design work and current international projects. Th is year, Evaluation of options for the ex- routes we successfully completed an important port construction project with the 10 In conversation with: tension of the Port of Luanda opening of Turkmenbashi’s International Seaport. In Africa we are playing Frank Bernhardt of the an important role on a wide variety of projects, and report on current port INROS LACKNER SE developments in East Africa and river development projects in Senegal and the Congo. In Germany, our specialist engineers faced particular challenges in the construction, in Berlin’s Europacity district, of the new 50Hertz head 11 Schwelmetal Bridge on the offi ce – a building that exemplifi es today’s building culture in Germany. Th e A1 autobahn overall project was awarded Gold certifi cations by both DGNB and LEED, This replacement structure is the leading sustainability certifi cation systems, and the building became the being planned and designed as a fi rst in the world to be awarded DGNB Diamond certifi cation. BIM pilot project We hope you enjoy your read, and would like to wish you already a happy and successful New Year! 14 INSIGHTS INTO PROJECTS 16 Harbour District on the Baltic Sea 3D models of this complex project are combined in a single overall Dr. Klaus Richter Torsten Retzlaff model Executive Director Executive Director 29 2 IL Special 2018 3 NEWS NEWS Topping-out ceremony for Bauhaus Museum Roofing ceremony for new shipbuilding hall The building shell of the new Bauhaus public presentation of the world‘s second Less than five months after ground was bro- In total, the shipyard company is investing Museum in Dessau has been erected. To largest Bauhaus collection in the new buil- ken for the construction of MV Werften’s over 80 million euro in the construction mark this milestone in August this year, the ding requires highly sophisticated technical new hall complex in the German port of project. More than 200 jobs will be created building’s owners, designers and construc- solutions. Key aspects of the energy concept Warnemünde, just north of Rostock – for in the new facility. At the time of the cere- tion workers celebrated with a traditional include a combination of thermal mass ac- which Inros Lackner is providing Gene- mony, approximately 17,000 m3 of concre- © orsted.de topping-out ceremony. The work on the tivation and air conditioning equipment to ral Planner services – a key milestone was te and 4000 tonnes of steel had been used ground and upper floors is almost complete, ensure climate stability, and natural ven- reached with the topping out ceremony in the construction of the new hall, which New building for and the first windows and building services tilation of the spacious foyer with a trans- in March 2018. Those present included has a length of 396 m and a width of 99 m. Ørsted are being installed. The internationally ac- parent façade. The world-famous Bauhaus, River transport in north- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern‘s finance mi- The heart of the new structure is a high- claimed museum will open next year. Inros the 20th century’s most important school nister, Harry Glawe, and representatives of productivity automated panel production A modern Operations and Maintenance Lackner is responsible for the planning and for design, architecture and art, celebra- eastern India Genting Hong Kong, MV Werften, Inros line, the installation of which commenced Centre has been built for the energy sup- design of the technical building systems. tes its 100th anniversary in 2019. To mark Lackner, Züblin and other project partners. in January. plier Ørsted on its property, of total area ap- The respective trades have begun their the occasion, Bauhaus museums are being Following an international tender pro- prox. 30,000 m², in the town of Norddeich work. The project is a particular success for newly built or rebuilt in Berlin, Dessau and cess, Inros Lackner was commissioned by on Germany’s North Sea coast. The building the technical building systems team. The Weimar. the Indian Water Transport and Shipping offers new storage and office space, which Authority of Assam to draw up a develop- is needed for current projects such as the ment plan for river transport, connecting Borkum Riffgrund 2 offshore wind farm. It with the region’s roads and railways. In also has a truck terminal, which facilitates particular, this includes the goal of optimi- the supply and removal of components and sing ferry traffic from the city of Guwahati equipment for this and other wind farms. in the northeast, on the south bank of the As General Planner, working in collabora- Brahmaputra river, to the border with Ban- tion with Danish architects, Inros Lackner gladesh in the west of the country, over a successfully planned and implemented the length of about 890 km. At eleven locations construction project. The company’s in- in the Barak and Brahmaputra valleys, pos- terdisciplinary team was responsible for sibilities are being evaluated for developing design and approvals planning, functional sustainable and efficient solutions for the tendering, site supervision and providing transport of people and goods on the wa- technical support. ter, and a variety of influencing factors and limiting conditions are being examined. Over a period of seven months, the Inros Lackner team will develop a complex and “Moving Rwanda” future-oriented transportation solution, on the basis of which the World Bank will pro- vide financial support. © MV WERFTEN City development project inTogo A large part of the population in the north-east of Lomé, the capital of Togo, is affected by flooding due to a lack of effective rainwater drainage. This has an impact on their health, their living conditions and their life situation. As part of the PAUT II urban © “Inga Kjer / Photothek” development project, the area’s urban infrastructure is being renovated and measures to improve rainwater drainage are being implemented. At the end of May 2018, creation At the end of February 2018, the German federal development Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). With “Moving of a fourth lake in the area was completed, to serve as a water retention basin during ministry, together with Volkswagen, Siemens, SAP, GIZ and Inros Rwanda”, Volkswagen’s soon-to-commence car production in Ki- heavy rainfall periods, thus achieving an important milestone in the infrastructure and Lackner, launched the mobility partnership “Moving Rwanda” for gali will be supplemented by modern integrated mobility services rainwater management development works. President Faure Gnassingbé, the EU Com- the Rwandan capital, Kigali, and surrounding region. Inros Lack- such as environmentally-friendly app-based car sharing models. missioner for International Cooperation and Development and the French Ambassador ner SE will contribute expertise in the development of infrastruc- Rwanda is one of Africa’s leaders in terms of economic growth, di- were present at the inauguration ceremony. Inros Lackner’s Bremen and Togo offices, ture and in logistics, being well placed to do this thanks to the gitalisation and urban development, and ambitious plans for smart working with other partners in a joint venture, provided the required planning/design company’s many years of project experience in Africa. The project mobility are being developed. In 2016, for instance, a bus system and construction supervision services. This urban development project is of great nati- “Moving Rwanda” was initiated as part of the “Strategic Partnership with on-board Wi-Fi was introduced, cycling was actively promo- onal importance and is expected to significantly improve the socio-economic and health Digital Africa” programme of the German Federal Ministry for ted and a focus was placed on footpath construction. conditions of the population of the affected urban areas. 4 IL Special 2018 5 NEWS NEWS Tobias Günzl Project Manager “Being the Project Manager for one of the world’s largest port development projects I feel honoured by our Client’s ex- OPENING OF TURKMENBASHI’S ceptional statement of faith and believe in our capabilities.
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