University of Rhode Island DigitalCommons@URI URI Course Catalogs University Archives 1976 URI Graduate School Course Catalog 1976-1977 University of Rhode Island Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/course-catalogs Recommended Citation University of Rhode Island, "URI Graduate School Course Catalog 1976-1977" (1976). URI Course Catalogs. Book 12. https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/course-catalogs/12https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/course-catalogs/12 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@URI. It has been accepted for inclusion in URI Course Catalogs by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@URI. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Contents 1 The University 9 Degree Requirements 13 Admission and Registration 17 Fees and Financial Aid 20 Graduate Programs 45 Courses of Instruction 101 Personnel 122 Graduate School Calendar 126 Index Volum e 72, Number 4, October 1976 Bulletin of the University of Rhode Island. Published quarterly by the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island 02881. Second-class postage paid at Wakefield, Rhode Island 02880. The University of Rhode Island , a land-grant institution founded in 1892 , is located on 1200 TheUniversity acres in the village of Kingston, 30 miles south of Providence and six miles from the ocean. In 1971 it became one of the first four sea grant colleges in the United States . The full-time faculty numbers about 780, and there are about 2500 graduate and 8500 undergraduate students enrolled. Approximately 1,000 graduate students are in full-time residence . The University is made up of eight colleges and three schools : the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Engineering, Home Economics , Nursing, Pharmacy , and Resource Development, University College , the Graduate School, the Graduate Library School and the Graduate School of Oceanography. The Division of University Extension in Providence enrolls about 5000 students . The Master of Arts in English, the Master of Business Administration, and the Master of Public Ad­ ministration degrees may be earned in the Divi­ sion of University Extension as well as on the main campus. The 2300-acre W. Alton Jones Campus, where environmental education, research and con­ ference facilities are located, is 20 miles from Kingston in West Greenwich . The Graduate School of Oceanography is located on the 165-acre Naragansett Bay Cam­ pus, six miles from Kingston on the west shore of Narragansett Bay within easy reach of both bay and open ocean. Major buildings include the Charles J. Fish Laboratory, the Claiborne Pell Marine Science Library, the Francis H. Horn Research Laboratory , a research aquarium, and a number of smaller laboratory and research facilities . The campus also includes the state of Rhode Island 's nuclear reactor and federal laboratories devoted to the marine sciences. A marine experiment station is located on the salt­ marsh at Jerusalem, Rhode Island . The University of Rhode Island prohibits dis­ crimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, age, color, creed, national origin or handicap in the recruitment and admission of students, the recruitment and hiring of faculty and staff and the operation of its activities or programs, as specified by federal and state law. Inquiries con­ cerning compliance with anti-discrimination laws should be addressed to the Affirmative Ac­ tion Officer, University of Rhode Island . ACCREDITATION The accrediting agencies which have approved the quality of the course offerings of the Univer­ sity of Rhode Island include the American Association of Universities, the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business , the 2 The University American Chemical Society, the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education, the Engineers Council for Professional Develop­ ment , the National League for Nursing , the New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, and the State University of New York, The University is also an approved member in­ stitution of the American Association of Uni­ versity Women, the Council of Graduate Schools in the United States, the National Association of Schools of Music, the National Association of Summer Sessions, and the National University Extension Association . The Doctor of Philosophy programs in clinical _and school psy­ chology are accredited by the American Psy­ chological Association. GRADUATE STUDY Graduate study at the University was in­ augurated in 1907 with the Master of Science degrees in chemistry and in engineering. The French Master of Arts degree was first awarded in 1951 Geography and in 1960 the University awarded its first Doc­ History tor of Philosophy degree. Graduate work for Philosophy professional degrees was initiated in 1962 when Political Science the degree of Master of Public Administration International Relations was first awarded. Today, the master's degree is Sociology offered in over 60 areas of study and the doc­ Spanish torate in 24 areas. Speech Pathology and Audiology The Dean of the Graduate School has primary responsibility for administering the policies and Master of Science procedures relating to advanced study at the University of Rhode Island. Graduate School Accounting policy is made by the Graduate Faculty, acting Animal Pathology through its delegate body, the Graduate Council Animal Science which includes student members. Only the Dean Biochemistry or the Graduate Council may grant exceptions to Biophysics the regulations for graduate study, which are ex­ Botany plained in detail in the Gradua te School Manual. Business Education Chemical Engineering Chemistry Child Development and Family Relations GRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAMS Civil and Environmental Engineering Computer Science The University offers the programs of study Electrical Engineering listed below. Work in a combination of special Environmental Health Sciences areas is usually possible. Experimental Statistics Food and Nutritional Science Master of Arts Food and Resource Chemistry Economics Geology Education Home Economics Education Educational Research Industrial Engineering Elementary Education Mathematics Guidance and Counseling Mechanical Engineering and Applied Reading Education Mechanics Science Education Medicinal Chemistry Secondary Education Microbiology Youth and Adult Education Nuclear Engineering English Nursing Graduate Study / Research 3 Ocean Engineering Medicinal Chemistry Oceanography Pharmacognosy Pharmacognos y Pharmacology and Toxicology Pharmacology and Toxicology Pharmacy Pharmacy Physics Pharmacy Administration Psychology Physical Education (men and women) Physics Prof essionaJ Degrees Plant and Soil Science Plant Pathology-Entomology Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Psychology (school) Master of Community Planning (M.C.P.) Resource Economics Master of Library Science (M.L.S.) Speech Pathology and Audiology Master of Marine Affairs (M.M.A .) Textiles, Clothing and Related Art Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.) Zoology In addition, three graduate certificate programs are available to supplement specific Doctor of Philosophy master's degrees. The following graduate cer­ Biological Sciences tificates, which are not degrees, are awarded by Animal Pathology the Dean of the Graduate School to attest to a Biochemistry specific, supplemental competence: Commercial Biophysics Fisheries (see Marine Affairs, p. 33), Inter­ Botany national Development Studies (see International Food and Resource Chemistry Studies, p. 32). North Atlantic Regional Studies Microbiology (see International Studies, p. 32). Plant Pathology-Entomology Zoology RESEARCH Chemical Engineering Chemistry Active research programs are carried on Civil and Environmental Engineering throughout the University and are supported by Electrical Engineering foundations, commercial firms, the United Biomedical Engineering States government and the University. English Specialized research is carried on in the several Mathematics areas described below. Mechanical Engineering and Applied The Coordinator of Research signs, on behalf Mechanics of the University, applications for research Ocean Engineering grants, maintains files of funding agencies, Oceanography keeps a current facilities inventory, and in Pharmaceutical Sciences general acts as a liaison officer for the President, 4 The University the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Laboratories for academic deans, the Research Committee and the Scientific Criminal Investigation faculty in matters pertaining to the general These laboratories in the Department of Phar­ research policy. macology and Toxicology of the College of Phar­ macy provide instruction, research, and service Agricultural Experiment Station in the field of scientific criminal investigation . The laboratory staff works closely with the The station, within the College of Resource Rhode Island Attorney General's Office and also Development, was established in 1888 and is provides technical consultation for various law concerned with basic and applied investigation enforcement agencies, and special instruction in natural and human resources. This research and research in criminalistics, in which faculty aims to conserve and manage resources, improve members of various departments participate . the quality of environments, abate pollution and The program sponsors a special course for police recycle waste materials, enhance rural en­ and law enforcement agencies. vironments, develop more rewarding
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