GOVERNMENT OF TRIPURA DISTRICT DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN 2021 - 22 SEPAHIJALA DISTRICT: BISHRAMGANJ. Contact Nos – 0381 – 286-7303/7373/7374 E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected] PREPARE FOR THE WORSE- HOPE FOR THE BEST 1 CONTENTS Page No. Chapter No. Sub-Heading Chapter 1 Introduction- Aims and Objectives of DDMP 01-05 Chapter 2 Hazard, Vulnerability, Capacity and Risk Assesment 06-37 Chapter 3 Instituional Arrangements for DDMA 38-56 Chapter 4 Prevention and Mitigation Measures 57-63 Chapter 5 Preparedness Measures 64-72 Chapter 6 Capacity Building and Training Measures 73-75 Chapter 7 QRT under Sepahijala District and Emergency Response and Relif Measures 76-108 Chapter 8 Covid-19 Pandemic 109-114 Chapter 9 SOP and Checklist for Southwest Monsoon Preparedness 115 Chapter 10 Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Recovery Measures 116-128 Chapter 11 Buget and Financial Allocations 129-130 Chapter 12 Procedure and Methodology for Monitoring, Evaluation, Updation and 131-133 Maintenance of DDMP Chapter 13 Standard Operating Procedures 134-144 Annexure- A 145-146 Annexure- B 147-154 2 3 4 SL. No. Abbreviations 1 ARMVs: Accident Relief Medical Vans 2 BIS: Bureau of India Standards 3 BMPTC: Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council 4 BDMC: Block Disaster Management Committee 5 CBOs: Community based Organisations 6 CBRN: Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear 7 CSR: Corporate Social responsibility 8 CRF: Calamity Relief Fund 9 CWC: Central Water Commission 10 DDMA: District Disaster Management Authority 11 DDMP: District Disasater Management Plan 12 DCMC: District Crisis Management Committee 1 DM: Disaster Management 3 DMC: Disaster Management Cell 14 EOC: Emergency Operation Centre 15 EQ: Earth Quake 16 ESF: Emergency Support Functions 17 GIS: Geogrphic Information System 18 GSI: Geological Survey of India 19 GOI: Govt. of India 20 GPS: Global Positioning System 21 HPC: High Powered Committee 22 IAY: Indira Awas Yojana 23 IAG: Inter Agency Co ordination 24 ICIMOD: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development 25 IRS: Incident Response sytem 26 IRT: Incident Response Team 27 ICT: Inforamtion and communication Technology 28 IDRN: Indian Disaster Resource Network 29 IDKN: Indian Disaster Knowledge Network 30 IMD: Indian Meteorological Department 31 ITK: Indegenious Technical Knowledge 32 KMPH: Kilometre Per Hour 33 L/W: Left width 34 MC: Municipal Corporation 35 MDR: Major District Road 36 MFA: Medical First Aid 37 MHA: Ministry of Home Affairs 38 MM: Milimeter 39 NCCFG: National Calamity Contigency Fund 40 NDEM: National Database for Emergency Management 41 NDMA: National Disaster Management Authortity 5 42 NDMF: National Mitigation Fund 43 NDRF: National Disaster Response Force 44 NEC: National Executive Committee 45 NGOs: Non-Govermnetal Organisations 46 NH: National Highways 47 NEOC: National Emergency Operation Centre 48 NIDM: National Institute of Disaster Management 49 NSDI: National Special Data Infrastructure 50 NYKS: Nehru Yuba Kendra Sangathan 51 ODR: Other District Roads 52 PPP: Public Private Partnership 53 PRIs: Panchayati Raj Institutions 54 QRT: Quick Response Teams 55 RH: Reproductive Health 56 R/F: Rainfall 57 R/W: Right Width 58 SAARC: South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation 59 SAR: Search and Rescue 60 SASE: Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment 61 SC: Schedule Caste 62 SCMC: State Crisis Management Committee 63 SDMA: State Disaster Management Authority 64 SDRF: State Disaster Response Force 65 SEC: State Executive Committee 66 SH: State Highways 67 SOI: Surveyor general of India 68 SOPs: Standard Operating Procedures 69 UN: United Nations 6 DISTRICT DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN(SEPAHIJALA DISTRICT) CHAPTER – 1 INTRODUCTION: The North East Region entirely falls under seismic Zone-v and the State of Tripura is no different. During recent past, the state has experienced shock of earthquake though no major loss of lives has taken place. Since the region falls in the seismic Zone-v, the disastrous picture of post 1897 earthquake refreshes the mindset of the citizen. Besides, the entire District is prone to cyclone and thunder storm. The vast areas of the Sonamura and Bishalgarh Sub-Division are equally prone to flood. The dearth of rainfall evolves draught like situation. The plan is aimed at (i) Collection of data relating to past disaster; (ii) Identification of manpower available in the District; (iii) Identification of important stake holderDepartments; (iv)Identification of resources available in the District; utilization of dependable communication system; (v) Identification of shelter houses,etc. A District Disaster Management committee has been constituted under the Chairmanship of the District Magistrate & Collector U/S- 5 of the Disaster Management Act,2005 and the committee meets frequently to evaluate outcome of any eventuality and measure warrants on sustainable basis. The plan is evaluated annually and innovative methodology is followed to upgrade the plan. The responsibilities of the stakeholders are well informed and arealso serious to overcome any sort of eventuality. The District Disaster Management plan has been shared with the stakeholders of different departments for its better appreciation and to use it at the real time of disaster. District Disaster Management plan is one component within the framework of a holistic approach to reduce the impact of disasters. Planing in a pre-disaster phase helps us to be prepared for a post- disaster situation where in resources can be adequately deployed and thus loses can be minimized. Aims and Objectives of the District Management Plan: The main aims and objectives of the District Disaster Management Plan of Sepahijala District are to protect all its residents and every kind of wealth from all sorts of untoward incidents. The objectives of disaster Management plan are as follows: 1. Institutionalization of disaster management in district administration. 2. Encouraging a culture of disaster preparedness in the District. 3. Maintaining cohesiveness & uniformity in the formulation of a strategy taking a wide range of heterogeneous factors posed by a Disaster and climate change factors. 4. Creation of the best Govt. mechanism to handle any unprecedented events. 5. Quick response & effective decision making in disasters. 6. Coordination of relief and rehabilitation aftermath of a disaster. 7. Coordination of all line departments in disaster management. 8. Encouraging and empowering the local community to own Disater Management activities. 9. Regular update of resources available in and around the district. 10. Vulnerability reduction and disaster mitigation through planning process. 7 Authority for the DDMP: Disaster Management ACT-2005: As per section 25 (1) of the DM Act, 2005, there shall be a plan for Disaster Management for every District of the State. The District Authority shal prepare the District Plan and the District Disaster Management Authority -shall review and update the District Plan annually after consulatation with the local authorities and having regard to the National Plan and the State Plan, to be approved by the state authority. 1. DM & Collector, Sepahijala Chaiperson, DDMA 2. Sepahijala Zilla Sabhadipati Co-Chairperson 3. Addl. DM & Collector Chief Executive Officer 4. SP Sepahijala Member 5. CMO Sepahijala Member 6. Executive Engineer, PWD(R&B) Member 7.Divisional Fire Officer Member This DDMP has been prepared as per the provision under section 31 of the Disaster Management Act 2005. Need of Planning for Sepahijala District: District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), headed by the District Magistrate is the Apex Body for Disaster Management in Sepahijala District. The setting up of the DDMA and the creation of an enabling environment for institutional mechanisms at the State and District levels is mandated by the Disaster Management Act, 2005. Sepahijala District is an integral part of the state of Tripura and so the vulnerabilities and risks at stake are not very different. The latest seismic map of the county, Tripura falls under Zone-V, which means it is very highly vulnerable to multi hazards, especially Earthquake. Some of the common disasters in Sepahijala District could be listed as regular and increased number of flood, Cyclone, Earthquake, forest fire, explosion of LPG cylinders causing multi injury, death, and loss of property and epidemic. We cannot rebuild our environment and our structures no matter how unsafe they are, we still have a long way to go to achieve these goals but what we can do write now is improve our sklill to fight better any calamity that strikes us and stand tall in wake of a disaster. The Sepahijala District disaster management plan (DDMP) formulated with a view to creat an effective and realistic strong communication, authentic and accurate data base, full proof documentation and rehearsal in the community in the shortest possible time with minimum simple orders and procedures so that the people will get maximum benefit. With no gaps or overlaps, to mean for ensuring quickest approach for rescue, rehabilitation and to avert further miseries of the calamity stricken people. The DDMP would Act like true friend, which will guide the entire administrative machinery, provide courage to the community to face the eventuality bravely and boldly. Sepahijala District is vulnerable to many hazards both natural and human induced. The need of an hour is better and flexible planning for reducing the maximum losses. The present study i.e. District Disaster Management Plan
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