>> yA u x I I v j Oh no, look! There isn't a free rY tape in this bit is there? Quick. ' run back to the newsagents and ask for the YS 84 tape with Light Corridor and Sergeant Seymour on it. It can't have gone far, it's got very short legs. inside ®s" - flr I^H—. Slimy slithers onto the Spe< Yee- Jj M ha! Seymour the lovable lardball heads for the hills in Wild West Seymour I The ones that got away! Atom Ant and Boulder Dash reviewed inside • Street- fighter 2 previewed! i Find out how to write a SAM game in SAM Centre Dizzy tips a-plenty in this month's Tip- shop Plus! Win a ghetto blaster and PDILf S DID bags of splendiferous Dizzy goodies! Vbur guarantee of value Page 50 might be able to help you MAIJl IN t l II l li- 40,648 Editor Linda Barker» Art Editor Andy I113. Ounsted * Staff Writer Jon Pillar V Editorial Contributors Craig Broadbent, Dave Gofder. Tim Kemp. Simon Cooke * ah-hey, Spec-chums! Greetings and Aft Contributor Nick Dawes V Cover welcome to another issue of the artwork Paul Kidby » Senior Sales Executive Jackie Garford » Sates fabbiest, funniest and most fruity V O l_J Ft Executive Audrey Smith* Production SpeWc mag in the universe. Co-ordinator Lisa Read * Production Yet again there are changes afoot in the Technicians Chris Stocker » Scanning SI Shed. We've been steaming and plotting and Simon Windsor, Jon Moore. Simon Chittenden » Publisher Colin Campbell * trying to come up with a few things that we Promotions Manager Michelle Hams * think make the mag look even better. In doing Promotions Assistant Tamara Ward V this, we've also taken into account a lot of Group Publisher Greg tngham » your comments. Circulation Director Sue Hartley » Your In order to give us more editorial space Sinclair. Future Publishing. 30 Monmouth Street. Bath. BAl 2BW. Tel we've chucked out the House Ads for Mega (0225) 442244. Fax (0225) 446019 * and Super Play. Both mags are now in the Managing Director Chris Anderson » shops and are well worth checking out if Printers Riverside Press. Gillingham. LIGHT CORRIDOR: COMPLETE GAME! you've got a Nintendo or a Megadrive. We've Kent v Subscriptions Future Publishing LW. Somerton Somerset. TA11 6TB, Tel used the extra space for our new programming (0458) 74011 V Future Publishing 1992 column. Month by month, Steve Anderson will No part of this magazine may be tell you how to write a game. reproduced without the Signed permission We've also got rid of Flip! I know some of of Richard and David Daring V ISSN you loved it but, on the whole, most of you BORED OF THE RINGS PART 0269 6983 V Your Sinclair wobbles but it ONE: COMPLETE GAME! doesn't tall down with Commodore didn't. We've kept the Killer Kolumn, you'll find Format, Amstrad Action. Amiga Format. it right at the back of the mag. Oh, and from SOUNDTRACKER PCW Plus. PC Answers. Mega. Super next month, Haylp! will be a section within the COMPILER, A THOROUGHLY Play. PC Plus. Sega Power. Amiga letters' pages. It's a fun page but we seem to > SQUIZZY PD DEMO AND A Power. Amiga Shopper, Classic CD. PD SAM GAME. C EST UN Needlecraft. Cycling Plus, Photo Plus. get the same letter over and over again. PLUS! COMPLETE SPANKER! Mountain Biking UK. PC Format. ST Hope you enjoy this issue, and we'll see you Format. Total' and Today s Vegetarian next month. Happy bonfire night! v Today's decoration - paper Goodbye SLAM THAT BALL carnations Fold some pmk toilet paper m half and cut along the folded edge Fold Lots of love, OVER TO PAGE the tissue backwards and forwards like a Linda 6 concertina. SWe a hairgrip into the middle ol the concertina. Fluff out the tissue above the hairgnp This is the carnation Honest » CRYSTAL KINGDOM *' 'Your guarantee of value' DIZZY REVIEW This magazne comes from Future Pubkshmg. a company founded just sw Catch up with the ovoid one's years ago. but which now seSs more computer magazines than any other latest adventure inside. All our publisher in Brttan. Me offer: old friends are there including Setter advice, (Xr titles are packed with tips, suggestions and explanatory features, the evil wizard Zaks and that big, witten by the best m the business. warty troll. Check out this month Stronger reviews, We have a cast»on car review for the lowdown. (ahem!) pokey of editorial independence. So don t try txtwig us! Clearer design, -ou need so*d nformabon last So ov designers highlight key elements by using charts, diagrams, summary bones, annotated photographs, etc. Greater relevance. At Futwe, editors operate i#ider two golden rules: • Understand you readers' needs • Satisfy them More reader interaction. We draw strongly on readers' contributions, resulbng it the liveliest letters pages and the best reader bps Buymg one ol our magazines is kke |ommg a nationwide user group Better value for money More pages, better auaMy magazines you can trust uiure ft YOUR SINCLAIR Dec 1992 2 / BLIMEY, ITS THE •VA'.W GAMES SECTION! REVIEWS •A 11 Atom Ant / 11 Boulder Dash 12 Crystal Kingdom Dizzy 14 Count Duckula 2 IT iliiU 14 War Machine PREVIEWS | I ff Ml 15 Steg Lm4> Brim- CAfor • Uuy ham DiecHwrt • 38 Streetfighter 2 V/bf> Ht-.-bm onfy chonxfr wlf/l try rati iTyt* 16 Superstar Seymour 41 World Rugby ft* oJw&y% W*n wy partial to hocp Mrriftjj. fcurtimut and a bif afyo hoM 41 International Basketball 41 Pipework 43 REPLAY FEATURING Super All Stars. Pictionary, Funschool 2 a A: ^ m w THE REGULARS M r 1 Dizzyriffic cover 4J 4 The Magnificent Seven Wf 8 Pssst Zdi •9 8 Charts r ^ ft. 9 Meet the Shed Crew 19 Letters 22 Input Output 23 Tipshop CodeMasters/YS Dizzy finty Ouvtaf Art md»or • Duty Wo T>yhn • 28 Adventures Why? It »wn» frvt at ftma i/«»«tf»r» an 30 Pitstop Compo dwap natvnq onxrd Pyfcmi tht arty cm Jh'i What with this being our Dizzy issue, - J bocA ^ty ma we had to give you the chance to win loads of Dizzy goodies. We've got a ghetto blaster, Dizzy clocks, Dizzy mugs and, erm pickled eggs. 32 Spec Tec Jr 34 Steve's Programming Launderette 36 Public House 37 Haylp! 42 YS/CodeMasters Compo Steve's Programming 46 SAM Centre Launderette 50 Crossword clues/Back Issues Month by month, Steve Anderson 51 The Killer Kolumn from Outer will tell you how to write a game in Space BASIC. We start with the character 51 Next Month sprite. Hurrah! 729 The Final Crystal Jon PttJor Sfffff Wi-Ifw • tkuy han ZaU • Why? hti th* cn'y ana n*ft> on eunc* a/ mwui unw Ha t tha anfy am can taadi ftW cvo*d «lghf«r wfief fer YOUR SINCLAIR Dec 1992 2 'TTLrulB J MAGNIFICENW UGHT [CORRIDOR Infogrames Load in 48K mode ow long is it since we had an extremely strange French game, nnuu < rQn^n UU1 ( ( ULUJ I Heh? Far too long. I'll be bound. So here's a np snortingly good one to sort ot Boris •fwngad painfully on in* •»' redress the balance. According to the tape showing through the camouflage f inlay. The Light Corridor is a journey through |u*t loo far ahesdi Mow Mamfca't < JHE UGHT lite, the universe and chromatic harmony in corridor. order to bnng light perception to the sensitivsnsitive simplest they're just whacking " » an ever So universe. According to Leonard Sasquatchlatch,. great slabs of cement tying French full Linda's milkman, it s 3D ping pong with loadloads inconveniently across ^ft 9ame, and it s of weird obstacles. We're inclined to believelieve parts of the corridor, but at Just over Lenny, mainly because he'll cancel LindTda s the most horribly complex there.' they're moving 1 arrangements of dastardly j blocks that leave you about six inches of space to squeeze through. The ball can't actually be harmed by thrumming into these obstacles (come to that, neither can you} but it the ball rebounds from one and paot'o"6 reaches the back of the screen, you II lose a is over on ' \ life Caramba. eh? page livel To help you. there are bonus icons dotted nncn'("inn around the place. The pattern on the icon O iC UUJUif U LUi givas you a good idea of what that particular Or collar ___J power pill does - for example, the one with villains with la mat bsU comlno or going? •oehars havv*s argue arguadd two lines on gives you another bat 10 control; And yaars and yaars SGT SEYMOUR Ma quMltofi tor yaws. And i «nd v—n the one shaped like an L gives you an extra on page five. and v»«. m b* bound life, and so on. (In other words, the BBKI 1 strawberry yoghurt il we instructions didn't list them so we don't annoy him. m Irwf Dash over to page *5x In The Light Corridor, you J^P mai. * five and relax Mah t* j play the pari ot a transparent P/A know either). But that s not the best of it! Jongg-style with bat. The idea is to thwack a I . v-.'.'v/: tf you find yourself criticising the your Coup6 and .3AE ball into a scrolling corridor, corridors as you blurt down them, SAM SHANGHAI. "00 knocking it over all the barners \ sneenng at the pitifully easy traps and Oo and nodding it into the goal at the end.
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