THE NEW TIMES "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" Vol. 29, No. 14 19th July 1963 EDITORIAL. NATIONAL CHRISTIAN ACTION MOVEMENT LAUNCHED IN CANADA Mr. Ron Gostick, publisher of "The Canadian Intelligence Service", and one of the most competent op- ponents of International Communism on the North American Continent today, is at the moment working across Canada with Mr. Eric Butler. At Mr. Butler's first meeting in Canada, at Montreal on Sunday, June 16, Mr. Gostick reported on the progress of the development of one of the most significant movements in the British Commonwealth today, the Christian Action Movement. The following statement concerning this Movement was read to the meeting by Mr. Gostick: PREAMBLE We favour encouragement and support for all captive We believe that man's apostasy from God has resulted peoples in their struggle for independence, and for those in the disintegration of true community among men in who are defending freedom and resisting aggression. the progressive diminution of freedom, and in the emerg- We are implacably opposed to the support of any policy ence of the totalitarian state. We recognize the spiritual which will further the cause of Communism and other man- nature of the life-and-death struggle throughout the world centred ideologies. today. GOVERNMENT: Strong in our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ as God We acknowledge that all authority belongs to Almighty the Son, and King of all Life, we pledge ourselves to God and that this must be recognized in every aspect of fight under His banner for a Christ-centered Canada in national life by obedience to His Divine Law. which every phase of our national life will be responsive to We proclaim that the office of Government should be His Divine Law. recognized as a ministry responsible to Almighty God, and Conscious of our Christian responsibilities, and strength- should function to safeguard freedom, to maintain justice, ened by worship and prayer, we shall strive for the follow- and to protect the sovereign integrity of the nation. ing policy: We reject completely the heresies that Parliament is STATEMENT OF POLICY supreme and that either elections or majority votes can THE CROWN: determine principles, or should interfere with the God- We stand for the preservation of Canada as a con- given right and freedom of citizens. stitutional monarchy, and as a member of the British We maintain that the various spheres of national life Commonwealth of Nations; and we pledge our allegiance each has its distinctive function and should not impinge to our Sovereign, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Her upon each other. Heirs and Successors. Therefore, we proclaim our belief in the limitation of NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY: the powers of government, which should operate strictly We stand for the preservation of Canada's national within the confines of its legitimate sphere. Independence sovereignty as a sacred trust from Almighty God. We are from government should be assured to those spheres re- implacably opposed to the surrender of any part of our quired to function within their respective domains with national sovereignty to persons or institutions not subject responsibility to God. to the Crown. ECONOMICS — FINANCE: NATIONAL DEFENCE: We believe that Government and Industry, in accord- We believe it is the responsibility of the Federal Govern- ance with their respective natures, have their own par- ment to maintain defence forces adequate to discourage ticular roles to play in the economy of the nation. It or repel any would-be aggressor, and to ensure that such is the Government's function to create and maintain forces of the Crown are equipped with effective weapons general conditions, which encourage personal initiative and to discharge their obligations and to maintain peace with responsibility, and further the national well being, with justice. personal freedom. EXTERNAL AFFAIRS: Private enterprise, provided it is accompanied by a sense We declare that Canadian foreign policy must recog- of Christian responsibility, generally offers the best guaran- nize the menace of the ideology, objectives, policy, and tee to meet the needs of the nation. strategy of Communism in all its aspects, and of all other We welcome the responsible application of science and totalitarian doctrines. technology, and we maintain that the resulting abundance We advocate close co-operation with other members and the leisure rendered possible should be made available of our Commonwealth family and with other free nations for the benefit of all. for collective security. Continued Page 4 NEWS COMMENTARY Social Crediters at the last Federal Elections, does not SELWYN LLOYD URGES suggest that Mr. Manning's Government is assisting much "BOOST EMPIRE" PLAN in this direction. Readers will recall that they were recently urged in a It is an unfortunate truth that Alberta has become confidential memorandum to support with letters Mr. to many Social Crediters around the world, what Soviet Selwyn Lloyd, former British Chancellor of the Ex- Russia is to the dupes of Communism. Loose reference chequer, who has been advocating a revived British Com- is made to "debt-free Alberta" without any mention of monwealth. The following report, which appeared in the the debt structure of municipal government. The Aus- Daily Express London, of July 1, under the heading, tralian Federal Government is doing basically what the "LLOYD HAS 'BOOST EMPIRE' PLAN" may be of significance. Albertan Government has done: using current financial revenue gained from taxation to finance capital works. "Mr. Selwyn Lloyd urged the Government at the week- Substantial oil revenues have enabled the Albertan Gov- end to show 'a new initiative' in its attitude to Common- ernment to do much of which it mentions in its pub- wealth trading. He wants a Commonwealth export coun- cil set up on the lines of similar organisations formed to licity. We are not denying that the Government has improve trade with North America and Europe. And handled the development of oil and the revenues gained he told his audience at a garden fete at Heswall Ches- from oil, in a most competent manner. It has established shire . that he had already put the idea up to 'that Mr. Manning in the eyes of Conservative businessmen very great Commonwealth statesman, Sir Robert as a sound administrator, and there may be some truth Menzies . He said he would warmly welcome it and in the rumour in Canada that Mr. Manning could be give it every support within his power', said the former invited to take over the leadership of the Progressive Chancellor." Conservatives of Ottawa. But good administration in Alberta is not Social Credit, and those who use Alberta THE REALISTIC VIEW as an argument for Social Credit in other parts of the The following comment is taken from the Melbourne world, are deluding both themselves and other people. Communist Guardian. Fascinating to observe the hot and cold flushes of the We have before us one of the main pieces of recent pre- daily press over the differences in the world communist election propaganda material put out in Alberta by the movement. Canadian Social Crediter. It is a first-class public Flushes all hot when it thinks it sees the "end" of relations effort, but it can be read from beginning to world communist unity. Then has damp and clammy end without learning anything about Social Credit. The moments when it remembers that the differences between tremendous material development of Alberta from the communists are only over imperialism's funeral arrange- hungry thirties to the present day is brilliantly outlined. ments after all. But every country in the world can boast the same type INDIVIDUAL INITIATIVE of developments over the same period. Alberta has shared Mr. R. Fulton of Toronto, N.S.W., passed through Mel- in the tremendous expansion of credit, which started bourne recently on his way to the Anti Fluoridation Con- during the war, when previously unheard-of industrial ference held at Hobart. He is the sole producer and achievements were realised, and has been continued in editor of Aqua Pura, a very well presented journal ex- the post-war industrial revolution. We repeat: the Man- posing the fluoridation racket. Interested readers can ning Government has taken advantage of the general post- obtain particulars from him at 17 Thornes St., Toronto, war economic expansion, the result of a general credit N.S.W. policy which it no longer directly concerns itself about, and in particular the development of an excellent oil in- THE ALBERTAN FABLE dustry reasonably close to markets requiring it. The recent re-election of the Manning Government in Alberta for yet another term, with yet another over- It is possible to give the Albertan Government full whelming Parliamentary majority, (the majority of total marks for many of its achievements without fostering votes cast is not nearly so substantial), will no doubt, the fable that these achievements are the results of Social provide a new stimulus to those money reformers who Credit policies. The last time that the Manning Govern- believe that Social Credit or what they think is Social ment took even a small step towards implementing a Credit, can only be advanced through the support of Social Credit principle was when a small dividend was party politics. There is little doubt that the people of the declared against royalties from oil. But even this was province of Alberta enjoy what is termed "good govern- soon discontinued, no doubt because of pressure. The ment." The Premier, Mr. Ernest Manning, is a first Manning Government finds it much more comfortable to class political manager with an excellent sense of good continue with a reputation for sound administration than public relations.
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