LINtOI.N-ZliPHYR SEDAN" In the grncefiil sweep of its .^^7 modern streamline stylinj; ... its longer, lower, wider appear- ance and rich new interior appointments . , . Lincoln designers have given the '42 Lincoln-Zephyr Sedan an all-new type of auto- motive beauty, while retaining generous size and roominess. 0 /942. The Finest Lincolns Ever Built ! FOR 19 i2 Lincoln presents three magnificent new siveness in every phase of perlormance. And with autoinc}tive travel you've ever known! And for cars. m.issively streamlined and designed through- Lincoln Licpiamatit Drive incorporating Auto- greater satety, the rugged Lincoln b<xly-and-frame out with distinctive modern beauty — in all ways the matic Gearshift, optional at extra cost, you can unit, cushioned in rubber, protects you with a finest Lincolns ever built! drive all day without touching the gearshift lever welded-steel framework. or clutch pedal! And whether yt)u choose today's new Linct)ln- This is a good year to buy a better car. And in quality Zephyr. Lincoln-Continental or Lincoln-Clustom. Bici. rtM)my interiors are richly app*)inted . while ot material — in stronger, ctistlier steels and allt)ys— you are assured of mechanical excellence that is a deep windows and a one-piece panorama wind- in every detail of manuficture, Lincoln is liner than tradition with Lincoln. shield provide wide, sweeping vision, ^bu rel.ix on ever for 19 i2. Isn t it time you stepped up to l.iiu ohi soft, chair-high seats . cradled "amidships" between . the car that gives you more fun per gallon! Streamlined from the inside out, these completely longer, slow-motion springs and improved hvdraulic LINCOLN MOTOR CAB DIVISION. KOIIII MOTOR COMPANY modern cars now have an even more powerful shock absorbers ... to enjoy an all-new kind of ttuililm ,»y Utf^lH-jtrphfr i'- lU, Sedan. Coup*, Club Lmiftr. (.«iii^(»A/e Cititpt; V-type 12<ylinder engine, for Hashing new respon- quiet, gentle j^liJcr rkle. It's the sweetest, smoothest tii ufattnhle al rMni m.ti until iNu-ln are exhuiyttfil. Copyrighted materia they'd have kidded you if you told them what fine music over the radio did to you. So you kept it secret. You never let on that music made you hiugh and cry. You never told them that it made you think thoughts so big Thoughts that Tommy you could hardly keep them in . TODAY, thoughtful parents realize the importance of giving their children tiie spiritual richness of great music at its best. never told the gang That, perhaps, is why mothers and fathers are so keenly interested in the new Stromberg-Carlson. Here, for the first time, is a radio that really reproduces music as it was written to be heard. Here . virtually without static or interference ... are the high notes, the low notes, and tlie overtones that radio has never before been able to carry from the concert hall to your home. If you want your children to grow up with the inspiration of great music . reproduced with all the subtleties that gi\e it meaning . have them hear it through a Stromberg-Carlson. SAFEGUARD THE FUTURE OF YOUR NEW RADIO WITH FM . Naturally you want the Rnost radio for st;intlard broadcasts, short wave, and records. But today it is equally important to get a set that will also give full enjovment of the new and growing Frequency Modulation, with its virtual freedom from static, and its phenomenal tone range. A Stromherg-Carlson, with the widest range of natural lone, brings you FM as invented by Major Edwin H. Armstrong. The exclusive Acoustical Labyrinth ends "radio-set boom." The "full- floating," tone-true Speaker captures music usually lost. Hear the Igor Stravinsky "Autograph Model"* (left), a radio-phonograph combination, and vou'll know why 'Tlicrc is nothing finer than a Strowherg-Carhon!" STROMBERG-CARLSON THE IGOR STRAVINSKY "aUTOCRAPH MODEl"* . S360. A FINER RADIO FOR STANDARD PROGRAMS • THE ONIY RADIO FOR FM AT ITS BEST A conthination FAI-AAI radio-jihonograph . Hepplewhite MFC. cabinet. Also a range of models in authentic period designs. *LICCNSCO UnOCR ARMSTnonS FM PATEKTS. PBICE F.g.t. HOCHtSTEH, «. Y. SUIJECT TO CHANftE WITHOUT NOTICE. O 1 i41. ITROIHf «0 -CABLSOII TEL. CO. An /mporfani er in AJVD WHAT YOU iVS A CAR OWJVER AJVU .Ajnong the strategic raw materials so vital to SPEED WASTES RUBBER — AND GASOLINE national defense, rubber is one of the most Chan shows iodispensable. Airplanes, scout cars, tanks and excessive speed trucks as well as thousands of vehicles necessary is the greatest for transportation in defense industries require thief of tire tires, tubes, and hundreds of other products made mileage. An from rubber. And while no other nation in the increase in world has such vast natural resources as the speed of 50% United States, all of our rubber must be New Firestone synthetic rubberfactory. may mean a imported across thousands of miles of ocean. With 50% increase are today, must fate world conditions as they we Fully aware of these serious conditions, Firestone in the cost of the growing possibility that this country may be cut has taken many steps to conserve and increase operating your off from its principal sources of rubber supply. America's supply of rubber. In cooperation with car. the government, Firestone is now building another factory for the manufacture of synthetic QUICK STARTS AND SUDDEN STOPS rubber. This will greatly increase present capacity. ARE COSTLY M In quick getaways, wheels spin against the pavement, wasting 'v^il'- rubber. A similar action " ^ takes place when sudden stops cause your wheels to slide. Save rubber by starting and stopping slowly. Map ihowing routes that rubber travels to the U, S. Realizing the dangers of a single source of supply, Harvey S. Firestone began years ago the As a further step in conserving rubber, Firestone WHEN YOU NEED NEW TIRES . development of a huge million-acre tract of land in scientists and engineers recently developed the IT'S ALWAYS GOOD JUDGMENT Liberia for growing rubber. Today, an ever- new wear-resisting Vitamic rubber compound, increasing amount of highest-quality rubber is which enables car owners to get much greater TO BUY THE BEST being shipped to Firestone from these plantations. mileage from their tires and thus save more rubber. One of the most eCfective ways to save rubber — and at the same time save money and save precious human lives is to equip your present EVERY CAR OWNER CAN HELP — HOW tires with Firestone Life Protectors, the new- CONSERVE RUBBER type tubes that out-wear three sets of ordinary 'X'oday's conditions stand as a challenge to the tubes. With Firestone Life Protectors on your loyalty and patriotism of American motorists. car you can drive your present tires safely Here are a few common-sense rules of tire care thousands of extra miles without fear of blow- which will save millions of pounds of rubber outs, because these tubes make a blowout as annually for your country and save money for you. harmless as a slow leak. Tapping rubber trees on the Firestone Plantations in Liberia. And after your present tires are worn out, UNDERINFLATED TIRES WASTE RUBBER replace them with the safest, longest-wearing Today, this country has on hand or in transit tires that money can buy — the new Sajti-Sured only enough crude rubber and finished products Firestone DeLuxe Champion Tires — the only to last 13 months at present rate of consumption. tires made that are safety-proved on the speedway for your protection on the highway. Comparison of rubber supply on hand and amount neededjor one year at present rate oj consumption. Every month part of the rubber imported is used by the government to build up a reserve. The remainder is allotted to the rubber companies who Look at this chart — if a tire with 30 lbs. of must first manufacture products needed for recommended air pressure is run at 2 5 lbs., defense. They then use the rest to make the 32% of the normal tread mileage is sacrificed! thousands of rubber products needed by auto- Save money and save rubber by having your tires BEST mobile and other manufacturers and by the public. checked every week. LIFK I.IFE is published weeklv by TIME Inc., 330 East 22nd Street. Chimito. III. Printed in U. R. A. Entered an necond-clans matter Noveniher Ifi, 19:1(1 at the PoBtoffico at Chi- Votume II Septeinbor 29. 1941 cago. IlL under iho act of March 3. 1879. Authoriieti by Post Office DeparltneiU, Ottawa. Cftuadft. oti »e<?viKl-cla;t» matter. .SubscripUuiu* ^4.50 a year in U. A.; Canada, •3.50. Number 13 S^fafemenf A/a/iiionai/De/e,ense V IiOYAIi AACEBICAJV CAJIT DO ABOUT IT HECK WHEEL ALIGNMENT AND HAVE INSPECT AND TEST BRAKES BALANCED REGULARLY Tire$tone YOUR BATTERY A wheel only 3^-inch out ONE - STOP You can save a lot of of line is dragged sideways SERVICE trouble if you make your 87 feet in every mile, Firestone Dealer or Store scraping off tread rubber. responsible for your Unbalanced brakes are equally SAVES YOUR TIRES . SAVES YOUR CAR battery's efficiency. They wasteful of tire mileage. SAVES YOUR MONEY! will gladly test the battery In every community there is a Firestone Dealer free upon request. And their efficient equipment or Firestone Home & Auto Supply Store with will tell the exact condition of each cell so that HANGE TIRES FROM WHEEL TO WHEEL experienced service men who will gladly help you you may avoid any annoying road delays. EVERY 5,000 MILES get more mileage out of your tires and keep your car running more economically without one cent TEST YOUR SPARK PLUGS The diagram at the of cost to you.
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