THE SOUTH AM BOY **++SAYRE VILLE Date: January 18,1993 Vol. 2 Issue 4 PASCUCCI HUMAN SELECTED RELATIONS PRESIDENT COMMITTEE Republican John Pascucci has been select- ed as President of the Borough Council. He SELECTED succeeds Ken Olchaskey. Democratic Coun- Sayreville Mayor John McCormack cilman James Zagata sought the presidency, appointed five people to the Human Rela- but after a closed session, the council tions Committee, which will attempt to backed Pascucci for the position. resolve racial, ethnic, or sexist conflicts in the Borough. Selected for 3-year terms were REICK CHOSEN Robert Cartegena. Sandra McCormack, Deborah Port. C. Moore, and Alfonso COUNCIL Peralta. PRESIDENT ILLEGAL At the City of South Amboy's reorganiza- SUPPLIERS tion meeting on New Year's Day, three Democrats were sworn in. Incumbents Rus- BEWARE! sell Stillwagon and James Reick, and new- South Amboy's Mayor John T. O'Leary comer Don Thomas. Reick was chosen has announced plans for a new task force Council President, and Fred Henry as vice- that will hopefully crack down on those who president. supply drugs and alcohol to minors. The special force will be headed by Det.Robert St. Mary's Slates McKeon. So. Amboy's Vince Poulsen (kneeling) delivers items to Long Branch Middle School, a drop point for the needy storm victims. Standing L-R Joe Ferraina-Asst. Supt- Alumni Dinner Long Branch Public Schools, Robert Celli-Principal-Long Branch Middle School, Bea Coleman, Tony Malave, Santos Vazauez, John Williams. Dance The St. Mary's High School Alumni Association will be holding a gala Dinner- NEXT around here (Highlands), he contacted us in Dance on Saturday, Feb. 6th from 8 p.m. ISSUE Mission Of a time of need, and asked what he could do. until midnight in the school cafeteria. All St. Mary's Alumni, their spouses, and all Mercy Vince did so much to help us during this friends of the St. Mary's family are cordial- February 8 critical time. He stood out in an unbeliev- ly invited to attend. By Tom Burkard able way. The magnitude of what he's done A delicious hot & cold buffet is planned, Eight days before Christmas, South for us deserves recognition," an appreciative and beer and soda will be available, or you Amboy's Vince Poulsen was watching the Hill concluded. may BYOB. The multi-talented Brian Channel 9 News, as he does every night. O'Connor of South Amboy, and his band Little did he realize that what he would see. While most people were scurrying around will provide the entertainment. Many great would make his Christmas of '92 his most trying to do last minute Christmas shopping. memories of the old days at the halls of DEADLINE satisfying ever. Poulsen was busy trying to secure aid for Blue and Gold will undoubtedly be rekin- the storm victims. "It was the true feeling of dled at this festive occasion. ADS- The News Reporter was interviewing peo- Christmas." he said. ple whose lives had been changed dramati- Tickets for the event are $25 each, and can EDITORIALS cally by the Great Nor-Easter at the Jersey The South Amboy native not only touched be purchased from the school office by call- Shore. A young boy was asked what he the lives of the people of the Highlands, but ing 721-0748: Phyllis Pohl at 727-5627; January 29 wanted for Christmas prior to the storm, and his help was greatly appreciated by Union Rosemary Bisset Roulleu at 727-8651; or lie said "a motorized car." Then he was Beach, Monmouth Beach, Sea Bright, and Tom Burkard at 727-0398. asked what he wanted now, and he respond- Long Branch. "I was very impressed with ed "the only thing I want now is a place to how many people came forward in a time of live." Poulsen was emotionally moved by real need." said Poulsen. People as far away St. Stan's Collected Stuffed Animals For Charity the young boy's revelation. "I was heart- as Our Lady of Mercy Church of South shattered. It really bothered me," Vince said. Bound Brook became committed to the C\ ' m Poulsen then saw a phone number in the cause by donating food from a drive they Asbury Park Press to call if you could help were having for the needy of their own par- with donations for the storm victims. His ish. Mr. Poulsen-would like to thank every- next step was to contact Tim Hill. Director one who helped and especially Tommy Kal- of Recreation of The Highlands. After find- man. drivers who helped deliver the items to ing out the needs of the community, Poulsen the different locations, all the churches, began his major disaster relief efforts. Not organizations in the area, and "all the won- an easy task, by any stretch of the imagina- derful people who came forward." tion. He began making literally hundreds of phone calls, in his words, "networking with In an interview on WCTC radio. Vince everyone I know." and getting donations made this very profound statement. "We've such as canned foods, linens, towels, paper taken from the Jersey Shore for years, anci goods, clothing, toys, of which some were now its time we give something back." even beautifully wrapped for the Shore's Vince Poulsen certainly did give something grief-stricken. back, and than some. He helped to brighten the lives of the downtrodden, especially dur- Vince Poulsen, "modern day do-gooder, or ing the holidays when everyone should be knight in shining armor to those in distress, happy. He got involved. He made life a little just wanted to make Christmas a little better better for those in need. Vince Poulsen wa> St. Stan's Student Council collected over 200 for the less-fortunate, and he did just that. one shining star who rose above the rest, on stuffed animals which were donated to the Tim Hill says, "Although he's not from his Mission of Mercy during Christmas '92. Ozanam Shelter along with a 4ft. bear to serve as mascot. The animals will be given to child- ren when they arrive at the shelter. 2 January 18, 1993 South Amboy-Sayreville Times BOMBER BAND BREAKS RECORDS Old School Newspapers, TalkOfTheTowns The Sayreville War Memorial High School Yearbooks, Wanted Saint By Tom Burkard Marching Unit, better known as the Bomber Band, broke all previous school records in If you have any old high school newspa- Mary's GET WELL WISHES TO FATHER JOE 1992, by winning most of the competitions pers, yearbooks, or other memorabilia, we Sacred Heart's popular Pastor, Father that they entered. The young and talented at the Times would be interested in Scene Joseph Banach has recently been ill. Get musicians were under the guidance of Band researching it. It it would be agreeable with well quick, Father Joe, you're in our Director Pete Vala. The culmination of the you. we would only keep it tor a short time, thoughts and prayers! super-season was when they finished 2nd and return it in the condition we received it. By Teresa Mularz New pastor takes over at St. Stan's out of 45 bands at Giants Stadium. Congrat- II you have any Old Sayreville Echo- With the beginning of 1993 the newly Rev. Leon Aniszczyk has recently taken ulations, on a job well done! Lites, St. Mary's Crown's, or Hoffman Hi- elected Freshmen Senate members began over as Pastor of St. Stanislaus Kostka ST. MARY'S ROOF SUFFERS DAM- Lites, or yearbooks, please give us a call at their duties. The members are: Adrianna Church in Sayreville. Best of luck, Pastor, AGE FROM NOR-EASTER 727-0398. Thank You. Dowd. John Hernandez, Zenaida Cruz, and God Bless you! It seems like St. Mary's High School is suf- Is Your World Upside Down? Hether McGinely. and Alyssa Vona. Patrick fering from a prolonged case of hard luck. Students At St. Stan's Help Less Fortunate In our December issue, there was a busi- O'Conner was elected secretary and Jose The school's roof suffered severe damage St. Stan's students are also remembering those ness card ad that appeared to be inadvertent- Gamboa elected president of the Freshmen from the Tornado of '92, and repair work less fortunate this season. Grades K-8 partici- ly placed upside down. Countless readers Class. Congratulations and good luck to was finally begun a couple of months ago, pated in a Giving Tree donating gifts to be dis- brought it to our attention, and although them and their advisor Mrs. Helena Rosato. and progress was steady...Until the Nor- tributed at Christmas. The pre-school partici- everyone makes mistakes, this was a An annual event at St. Mary's is "Eagle Easter of "92 hit in December, and caused pated in a Baby Shower for Baby Jesus. All marketing strategy used by our advertiser. Spirit Week." This event is taking place the more damage, and delays. Many local peo- items received are wrapped and ready for He tells us that the response was tremen- week of February 23-26. The week consists ple were only too happy to see 1992 end. delivery. dous for this great business opportunity. Did of various activities including a quiz show, What a year! An earthquake, tornado, and you notice the ad. and think we goofed? and academic bowl. The week will end on The month of December also saw our 1st Nor-Eastcr. Pride on our Side Pep Rally. The children and Friday with "Spirit Day." Good luck to each faculty participated in a Volleyball game in CONGRATULATIONS TO NOBLE of the classes as they compete throughout which the faculty were victorious.
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