d e v o t e d t o t h e g r e a t e s t h o b b y o f t h e d a y — p h i l a t e l y . Yol. 1. BARRE, VERMONT, OCT., 1889. No. 1. Proinin ent Philatelists. D o n ’t Trust Them! No. i—GEO. H. YOUNG. BY A VICTIM. In the old Granite State, home of The following named “boys” are the White Mountains, near Wolfehoro rather lightfingered and I advise every Junction the subject of our sketch one not to give them too much rope was born Nov. 5th, 1871, and there­ as I have been bit by them and found fore is nearing the advanced ( ?) age them to warm for me and I now give of 18. George caught the stamp fever them a wide berth. In the summer of ’87, I sent W. E. Billings, of Marl­ when but 12 years of age, and the di­ boro, Ma»s., a bundle of amateur pa­ sease has clung to him ever since, at pers, for which I was to receive sever­ the time he was ‘’taken” he was at­ al hundred foreign stamps, but he was tending the Academy at Portsmouth, too busy (?) to send them, so I gave him a rest on dunning letters. The N. H., and he is still a resideut of the Royal Stamp Co., of Milligan, Neb., “old city by the sea.” After getting received of “yours truly” in April,’89, up a fine collection of 600 varieties he 50 fine philatelic papers for which sold it to a Boston dealer for a good they had agreed to give me 35c. cash. price, but he immediately began the But the letter I longed for never came, when they “pass in their checks” formation of a still finer one, today they will have to account for their his collection numbers over 1000 var. evil doings. In the Buckeye State the including many very rare stamps. next “snide” lives, at New Philadel­ Mr. Young collects for quality more phia, E. L. Schook by name. I sent than for quantity. Philatelic litera­ him an approval sheet of stamps at his request, about six months ago, and ture is one of his greatest hobbies, he am still waiting for returns. He must has oue of the most complete libraries feel proud of himself. I subscribed in the world. George still persists in to a Phil. News(paper), of Cambridge- remaining a batchelder but as he is a boro, Pa., over one year ago, and general favorite with young ladies we have received three number«. Guess expect in the near future to hear of one quarter makes a whole one out his becoming a benedict. In conclus­ there, Eh! Wil Bur? Among other ion I will say that the name of Geo. wolves in sheep’s clothing may be H. Young, is familar to every stamp mentioned A. Ii. Burkholder, Belle­ collector as he is a “sub” to nearly ville, O., C. O. Henbest, Marshall, 111., every philatelic paper published, R. T. James, Vernon TTill, Va., and &nd you may “travel the world o’r” several others. I think the last three and no more straight forward fellow have retired from active business life do business with can be found than and are living on the wealth they so G. H. Young. F. S. G. honestly (?) accumulated. THE YANKEE PHILATELIST. Pit ilatelic Observations. Exchange Departnient. Free to all subscribers. Limit 50 words. YE EDITORS. Rates to non-subscribers, 1 cent a line, The Tennessee Philatelist is an­ 5c. worth of stamps for every good nounced to appear soon from Persia, philatelic paper sent. Box 6, La Fay. Tenn., with Mr. G. J McLean, form­ ette, R. I. erly of Fry, Tenn., as editor. Put 150 good philatelic papers to ex­ your Vermont brother on your X list change for stamps or “ad.” space. The Bro. McLean. papers are worth $5. B. R. Giant, Hudson, Mass. The Philatelic Express, from Port­ All kinds of IT. S. stamus «'anted. land, Me., contains more common Good exchange given. Please send sense than a great many of our larger list. Thos. A. Leavitt, 447 Broad­ exchanges. Success to you Bro. Lyons. way, So. Boston, Mass. 1000 good U. S. stamps to exchange for best offer of philatelic literature. We learn that the Charlestown Phi­ F. S. Goldsbury, Barre, Vt. latelic Society has been revived. We We desire original articles on phila- have not learned the particulars ex­ ately and will give good exchange in cept that Mr. G- J. Luhn was una- adv. space in Y a n k e e P hilatelist mously elected President. for them. State amount of space you desire. Yankee Philatelist, Box 4, It is our opinion that the stride: ts Barre, Vt. of De Veaux College are a hard crowd. We advise dealers to give the collec­ Philatelic Directory. tors at De Veaux College, Suspension Bridge, N. Y., a cold shoulder if they All namesof "subs.” inserted 1 month free. do not want to get swindled. Non-"subs" 5c. per month, 4 months for 1« Publishers please send copies of your papers to the persons named below, as they are W e wish to say to all philatelists all live collectors. that the Y askek Philatelist ap­ Erastus Cornell, Bex 409, Marshall­ pears before you this month on a town, Iowa. small scale, i. e. a trial dose. If our C. W. Sharer, Tioga above 22nd St\ medicine has a good effect we shall Phila., Pa. give you a medium sized doze in the Roger Winthrop, 219 Fifth Ave., N. 1 near future, and before the hot winds Jesse M. Choppelle, Jr., Fearn’s of summer again appear shall give Springs, Miss. you a large dose each month. We W. P. & F. M. Arnold, LaFayette. R-I- call your attention to our special offer Thoa. A. Leavitt, 447 Broadway, So. to advertisers and subs, on 3rd page. Boston, Mass. Earnest L. Thurston, 1515 R St., N­ W., Washington, D. C. W e intend to make our exchange column a special feature so send in 100 different stamps, 9 cents. 24c., purple, your X's, at the same time subscribe, 1872, 22 cents. Agents Wanted. Llstfr«4- and give us a trial ad. Act now as E. L. THURSTON, _ our present low rates will not last long. 1515 R St., N. W., Washington, D- c THE YANKEE PHILATELIST. Special offer good until Dec. 1, only file Oitni\ee philatelist, 1st. To all that will subscribe at once we will send the Yankee Philatelist one year on re­ Published each month. ceipt of only 5c. Offer No. 2. We will insert Devoted E ntirely to the Greatets H obby a l inch adv. 3 months for only 45c. Offer of th e D ay—P hilately. No. 3, We will send you the Y, P. 3 months, insert a 1 inch adv. 3 months, 30 word ex­ B. R. GRANT, change each month and name in directory for Editors. F. S. GOLDSBURY, only 50c, Snap these offers up at once. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: C. J. Manning, U. S. and Canada, - - Io cents. 241 PROSPECT AVE., BUFFALO, N. Y. Foreign Countries, - - - 20 cents. Dealers in Postage Stamps, ADVERTISING RATES: Sheets of postage stamps sent to persons de­ One inch, $ .20 Three inches, $ .50 siring to buy at 30 p. c. discount. Must have Two inches, ,35 One column, 1.00 references unless member A. P. A. or C. P. A. One page, $1.50 pE N M A N SITIP, a complete combination Discount on standing advertisements of 3 of Business, Indies and Ornamental pen­ months or more. Terms, Cash in advance. manship. I will exchange this self teaching combination for $1 worth of Foreign stamps Original articles on philately always in de­ issued before 1867, or U. S. revenue, match mand. or medicine not in my collection. Send sheets Exchange with alL Send one copy to each to select from. T. C. Keyes, Newbury, Vt. editor’s address. Address all subscriptions to I will insert an inch adv. in 6 issues of the B. R. GRANT, Hudson, Mass. Tenn. Philatelist, for anyone, for only $1.00. All other communications to May be different in each issue. Guaranteed circulation 1000. Sub. rates, 6c. Address, F. S. GOI.DSBURY, Box 4, Barre, Vermont. G. J. McLAIN, Persia, Tenn. EDITORIAL. The Stamp Advertiser, a monthly journal in the interest of stamp collecting; 10c. per year; Adv. rates, 25c. per inch; Sample copy Clang! The bell rings and the cur­ free, if you mention Y. P. H. G. PARKS, tain rises to admit another new one. Rock Bottom, Mass. Yes,theYANKEK Philatelist appears for the first time this month. We g A R G A IN S — 'W ar Dep’t, 11 var. 90c.; American Rapid Telegraph, 16 var. 45c. come unheralded and unknown, but B. & O. Telegraph, 7 var. 10c.; 'Postage Due we hope to get acquainted with all 3 var.. 10c. Postage extra, * unused. the stamp collectors at an early date, H. G. PARKS, Rock Bottom, Mass, and we earnestly hope to receive a share of your patronage. We are the W. P. & F, M, ARNOLD, oniy philatelic paper published in the Dealers in Indian Relics, Coins, Cur­ old Green Mt. State, and to the best of our knowledge, only one philatelic iosities, and Philatelic Supplies, paper has appeared from the Green LA FAYETTE, R. I. Mt. State, and that was the Postage Send : for : free : catalogue.
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