SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW Intervie ws: ft BOB SHA W 24 ft DAVID G. HARTWELL $1.50 ft ALOIS BUDRYS ON BEING A BIT OF A LEGEND By Algis Budrys FRITZ LEIBER - PHILIP K. DICK - HARLAN ELLISON - URSULA K. LE GUIN ities, and it is good, ppw, to ALIEN THOUGHTS let them in to certain schools and in to certain jobs because of race regardless of their qualifications and abilities. The rationale is that we must make up for past racism and dis­ crimination. But the students and workers discriminated against in the past are not now the ones who will bene­ fit from current racist "affirma­ ers who applauded my dropping the tive action" quotas. revised version of The Archives I The plea for equal opportunity tried in SFR #21, I still suffer and equal education has become a the green Guilties at not acknow­ plea for special privilege—based ledging all the books I don't re­ on the unspoken and shameful and view, so... humiliating assumption (for the So, I'll try a simple listing blacks, especially) that they are each day I receive books or small inherently inferior to whites and press items. Alright? *'salright* cannot compete on an equal-oppor­ I will, of course review a cer­ tunity competitive basis. tain percentage of these titles. And the thrust of government And the other SFR reviewers will and private action to right past also do their share, as usual. wrongs is now not to make sure ev­ eryone is judged and placed on in­ RECEIVED: FRANK KELLY FREAS: THE dividual merit, but to make sure a ART OF SCIENCE FICTION. $7.95, certain number of places are avail­ The Donning Co./Publishers. able (tokenism) in valued profes­ *A±***±±*AA*AAA*****A*****A***A*A sions . This leads me to wonder what IM 1-77 The copy for SFR #23 is in store for the publishing in­ went off to the printer this aft­ 10-13-77 The Hugoes arrived this dustry if this precedent of quotas ernoon preening its feathers and morning from Suncon; specifically and "affirmative action goals" is looking smug; it knows it has a from Don Lundry. allowed to stand by the Supreme heavy orange textured cover stock The spaceship this year re­ Court. coming to it and it is pleased as turns to the solid cast form of I wonder if there wouldn't be punch in expectations of Looking four or more years ago, and is far pressure on editors to "reserve" Good. more graceful and handsome than one article or story per issue for We shall see. I keep having the 'bomb-sitting-on-its-fins’ minority writers? Even if what bad moments as I dread a printer alluminum Hugo of recent years. was available from such writers screw-up, somehow. This year's Hugoes seem to have was of lower quality than what was been dipped in some kind of fin­ in-hand written by whites? # I've been exchanging letters ish coating: they gleam as if made Will publishers be "urged" by and calls with Dawn Witter of the of chrome. law suites to set aside a percent­ F.fjS.F. Book Co., Inc. in the mat­ Very nice. Very gratifying. age of their books for minority ter of having them take over the I LOVE THEM!!- More, More, I want writers? [And wouldn't the minor­ retail distribution of SFR, and MORE.... ities within the minority sue for today it is settled. I'll be sav­ I've got to control my greed! their "rightful" share of the ed the considerable labor of mak­ Again, thank you all for the quota? How many books should be ing up all those 80+ packages, all votes. published by women? By Chicanos? those invoices, taking them all to By Indians? By Chinese? By the post awful and waiting all # The current furor over the im­ Gays? By the physically handicapp­ that time as they are weighed and plications of the Alan Bakke case ed? By people over sixty-five?] stamped... —he says he was bunped from a Sure, it's ridiculous if con­ With this system the printer place in medical school so that a sidered in this light, but that sends 1400 copies directly to N.Y. quota of disadvantaged minority will come to pass unless this from the plant, by truck, and I students could be admitted—has country bends its enforcement ef­ can act like an executive instead provoked some thoughts. forts to creating and maintaining of a galley slave. a color-blind society—a merito­ Subscriptions are still my re­ Seems to me that what is going cracy . sponsibility, though. on now is a classic case of Orwel­ In publishing and editing to­ If there are any bookstore lian 'doublethink'. We are into day editorial racism is almost managers/owners out there who Good Racism, now, as opposed to non-existent; writing is judged on would like to sell SFR, send your the old Bad Racism. It was evil merit--i.e. the money-making po­ order or query to: in the old days to keep minority tential and the quality as writ­ F.8S.F. Book Co., Inc. students and workers out of cert­ ten, and not the race or sex or P.O. Box 415 ain schools and out of certain age or parentage of the writer. Staten Island, NY 10302 jobs because of race, regardless I would hate to have a govern­ of their qualifications and abil- ment agency tell me I must accept # In spite of all those read­ 2 say 15% of SFR material by self- COVER BY STEPHEN FABIAN From an idea by Richard Geis SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW Formerly THE ALIEN CRITIC 97211 February, 1978—Vol .7, No.l ALIEN THOUGHTS by the editor........ 2 RICHARD E. GEIS, editor & publisher whole number 24 AN INTERVIEW WITH BOB SHAW PUBLISHED QUARTERLY CONDUCTED BY IAN COVELL......... .. .8 FEB - MAY - AUG - NOV PHONE: (503) 282-0381 SINGLE COPY ---- $1.50 GEORGE LUCAS ON STAR WARS.............16 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ON P. 37 TT£ SELLING OF STAR WARS BY MARK MANSELL.................................... 17 REVIEWS---------------------- THE CONAN CAPERS :UPMTE BY MARK MANSELL.................................... 20 RESEARCH COPMJNICATIONS NETWORK MONSTER SEX TALES NEWSLETTER, #3.....................................5 HORROR SEX TALES WEIRD SEX TALES INTERVIEW WITH D. G. HARTWELL _ ROCKETSHIP..................................................6 LEGENDARY SEX TALES.......................... 34 BY DARRELL SCHWEITZER.......................22 FANTASTIC STORIES (DEC. 77)...........6 ACTS OF PERCY.........................................41 ALL MY SINS REPEPBERED....................... 7 GLIffSESIOF THE THIRD WORLD UP THE WALLS OF THE WORLD............. 41 F/WTASYCON DAMNATION ALLEY (MOVIE)..................... 7 LOGAN'S WORLD.............................. .....41 BY MARK MANSELL...............................36 THE CITY OUTSIDE THE WORLD...............7 THE FORBIDDEN TOWER........................... 43 TESSERACT #1.......................................12 THE ALTER-EGO VIEWPOINT THE DARK DESIGN....................................43 BY RICHARD GEIS & ALTER..................41 ROGUE GOLEM..............................................13 CHRYSALIS................................................. 44 THE FORCE #5...................................... 13 A SPELL FOR CHAPELEON.......................45 OTHER VOICES book reviews by THE CHAOS WEAPON.................................. 14 THE UFO CONTROVERSY IN APERICA..46 PAUL MCGUIRE III, BUZZ DIXON, LOCUS...........................................................14 MARK MANSELL, NEAL WILGUS, W. FLYING SAUCERS: AN ANALYSIS RITCHIE BENEDICT, DARRELL COSMIC TRIGGER.......................................14 OF THE AIR FORCE PROJECT BLUE SCHWEITZER, ELTON ELLIOTT, BOOK SPECIAL REPORT NUPBER 14,..46 DAVE SAMUELSON, & JEFFREY THRUST #9.............................................14 CLUSTER......................................................46 ELLIOT.......................... 43 TIME STORM................................................15 SOMEBODY ELSE IS ON THE MOON....47 ALWAYS COMES EVENING......................... 18 THE VIVISECTOR EYE AMONG THE BLIND........................... 48 BY DARRELL SCHWEITZER....................... 52 GALILEO.......................................................20 THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU................48 THE LAVALITE WORLD..............................29 LIPBO BLUES STARLOG......... ............................................ 48 THE LAND OF FROUD............................... 32 A POEM BY NEAL WILGUS....................... 58 MURGUNSTRUm...........................................49 THE BEST OF ROBERT BLOCH.................34 THE SPAYRIC QUEST OF BEROALDUS THE HUMAN HOTLINE COSMOPOLITA............................................. 49 S-F NEWS BY ELTON ELLIOTT.............. 59 MIDNIGHT AT THE WELL OF SOULS...49 INTERVIEW WITH ALGIS BUDRYS IN THE OCEAN OF NIGHT...................... 50 CONDUCTED BY ED GORMAN....................62 THE MARTIAN CHRONICLES (pLAY)...51 ISSN: 0036-8377 THE SIMARILLION....................................52 ON BEING A BIT OF A LEGEND BY ALGIS BUDRYS...................................69 REVIBVS CONTINUED NEXT PAGE--------- THE ALIEN CRITIC SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW Available in microform from: OXFORD MICROFORM PUBLICATIONS LTD Wheatsheaf Yard, Blue Boar Street Oxford OXI 4EY Science Fiction Review is published at 1525 NE Ainsworth, Portland, OR 97211 NO ADVERTISING WILL BE ACCEPTED Copyright 1978 by Richard Second Class Postage Paid E. Geis, /vll rights are hereby at Portland, OR 97208 assigned to the contributors. THE BOOK OF SAND.................................. 53 denton/thor. ............................................75 I------------------------------- DRAWING CLOSE TO THE GRAVE......54 I ED BLISS76 And Beyond.... A FINE AND PRIVATE PLACE................54 GEORGE HAY................................................76 THE YEAR'S BEST HORROR STORIES..54 J. OWEN HANNER................................ ...77 An
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