A yyoungoung pparticipantarticipant iinn tthehe bbikeike pparadearade iiss ddeckedecked outout iinn red,red, wwhitehite aandnd bbluelue fforor tthehe IIndependencendependence DDayay ccelebrationelebration TTuesday.uesday. FForor mmore,ore, sseeee PagePage 44.. Wednesday, July 5, 2006 ((PhotoPhoto bbyy NNellell DDrumheller)rumheller) The Kwajalein Hourglass www.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.html COMMENTARY Shuttle flights shouldn’t be that risky I know American astronauts are supposed to be brave the crew. and have the ‘right stuff’ and all that. If I was one of The seven who went up in the shuttle today must have the those astronauts right stuff and a heck of a lot more in the brave department. they’d have to In case you don’t know, NASA launched the shuttle today drag me kicking despite two senior engineers quitting in protest over the and screaming to possibility that the foam on the fuel tanks may not have get in that thing. been repaired properly and then, lo and behold, the discov- I’d be looking ery that indeed, a piece of foam had broken off one of the through USAjobs. brackets right above the front of the shuttle wing. But then, I don’t NASA bigwigs held a meeting and decided that it was an have that ‘right stuff.’ ‘acceptable risk’ and the launch would go ahead. NASA executives amaze me. It always amazes me how I know they have a launch schedule that they’re under some people are very brave when it’s somebody else that’s immense pressure to keep to. But what good would it do to going to be doing the dangerous part. keep to schedule if another disaster occurs. That would no They wished the crew Godspeed and good luck when doubt shut down the shuttle program, if not for good, then they launched today. I concur with that. for a very long time. I hope this ‘caculated risk’ turns out better than the last Why risk the program and more importantly the lives of one. Due to the To the boy To the people snorkeling in who use the PBQ demolition, the Emon Beach picnic table by The Hourglass will not swimming area the rope swings on Friday. He at Coral Sands publish Saturday. pulled up several and do not The next paper pieces of trash off pick up after of the lagoon fl oor and threw it themselves. Be will be July 12. away in the trash can. responsible for your trash. USAKA Employee of the Week Cardale Tademy In his short six months on Kwa- youth sports program, fostering jalein, Cardale Tademy has made goodwill among Ebeye and Kwaj quite an impact on the youth youth. Tademy is an advocate for throughout the community. As the youth on Kwajalein and was Child and Youth Services Activi- recognized by the seniors at the ties Director, Tademy’s energetic 2006 graduation for his commit- personality has a Pied Piper ef- ted involvement in identifying fect, drawing in the youth to fun youth issues. Tademy is to be activities offered at the Namo Weto commended for his dedication to Youth Center. He inspires enthu- youth. He is often heard saying, siasm and confi dence through the “It’s all about the kids.” TThehe KwajaleinKwajalein HHourglassourglass The Kwajalein Hourglass is named for the Department of Defense, Department of the Army or Commanding Offi cer..........COL Beverly Stipe insignia of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, USAKA. It is published Wednesdays and Saturdays Public Affairs Offi cer.....................Sandy Miller which liberated the island from the forces of Im- in accordance with Army Regulation 360-1 and us- perial Japan on Feb. 4, 1944. ing a network printer by Kwajalein Range Services Editor.....................................Nell Drumheller The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized editorial staff. Graphics Designer.........................Dan Adler publication for military personnel, federal em- P.O. Box 23, APO AP 96555 Reporter...........................................J.J. Klein ployees, contractor workers and their families Phone: Defense Switching Network 254-3539; Distribution..................................C.J. Kemen assigned to U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll. Contents Local phone: 53539 of the Hourglass are not necessarily offi cial Printed circulation: 2,000 views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, E-mail: [email protected] The Kwajalein Hourglass 2 Wednesday, July 5 2006 COL Stipe talks about her time on Kwaj By Tamara Ward his questions right before Christ- area by the Contributor mas that I had to mention him in headquar- my remarks. And I recall very well ters. We In the U.S. Army Kwajalein com- the little Marshallese child from En- adjusted mand conference room there are a nibur, who, after a day’s worth of well to that. series of pictures showing the past activities, decided that my lap was For any- commanders of Kwajalein Atoll dat- the most comfortable and he was one else, ing from 1964. In just a few short just going to climb up and take a I have no weeks, another picture will reside short nap. He ended up helping me real advice on that wall; the one of COL Beverly light the Roi tree this year. Very spe- except to Stipe, the present commander. cial memories…and the kids, from bring your Stipe is set to pass command to the youngest to the oldest, made spouse if Col. Stevenson Reed on Tuesday. them extraordinary.” at all pos- Though Stipe will no longer be on sible.” COL Beverly Stipe island, evidence of her many con- Q. You spent your time as com- tributions to the Kwajalein mission mander without your spouse. Q. Any suggestions for improve- and community will remain. What advice would you give ment? the incoming commander as A. “If there is a way to eliminate Q.What did you enjoy the most well as any other individual liv- the need for the perception of a about your tour in Kwajalein? ing on Kwajalein without their confl ict of interest so that a com- A. “The missions are fantastic and spouse? mander’s spouse or any spouse for the extra-curricular activities also A. “Well, there was defi nitely a that matter would not infl uence the provided plenty to do, even when all void here for me. But as a Soldier, decision-making process, I haven’t I wanted to do was nothing. In 26 I have become used to family sepa- found a way to do it.” years, I have never been associated rations. Gary and I have suffered with such a diverse and eclectic through 13 years of separation over Q. What is the one thing you group of Soldiers, DA [Department my 26-year career. It is never easy, wished you could’ve done while of the Army] civilians and a contrac- and I fi nd that as I get closer to the you were here? tor workforce. One thing did affect point where Gary will let me retire, A. “What I really wanted is hap- me more than anything else … the it gets harder. For us, we busied pening right now. When you ride kids. Young kids, middle and high ourselves with raising three great up Ocean and you don’t see that school kids, and kids returning kids, and the separations were man- badly deteriorating PBQ, my mis- from college. Marshallese kids and aged. When they left home and it sion will be complete. Jerry Brown American kids alike. Kwajalein may was just the two of us, as empty- told me that several commanders be a national asset, and to some nesters we fi nally knew the feeling of have tried to secure funding for a national treasure, but the kids what true happiness really is…that renovation or demolition of this are our future. Many know that I last tuition payment. But as we poor, tired building, and every time kept track of the kids who found are older now, the separations are they thought they had the answer, themselves in a little trouble. I don’t harder. This is the time we should someone, somewhere would move regret my involvement in their lives be enriching our relationship with the funds for a higher priority. We because I found that with a little each other, and deciding what we are at war and while I understand attention and direction, I seemed want to do with the rest of our lives. that priority, I also understand the to make an impact. I built strong The perception on Kwajalein is that need to remove an eyesore. The PBQ relationships with plenty of the the spouse of the commander can- is coming down, and in its place will high school juniors and seniors this not work on Kwajalein because that reside a new headquarters building. year, and let me tell you, we have spouse might infl uence command So to answer the question, I guess I some amazingly smart kids here. decisions…and if the spouse works did everything I wanted to do, and And they challenged me. At gradu- for the contractor that could be a I left everything that I couldn’t do. ation, the seniors provide the com- major problem. Gary is an electrical There will be no shortage of proj- mander with a small token of their engineer. He would have been easily ects for Colonel Reed and the staff ‘appreciation’. Last year I received employed here, but with the percep- to wrestle with, but there won’t be 16 miniature bugle pins. You can tion of the confl ict of interest and the same fi nancial struggles that guess why.
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