Statement of Accounts 2018/19 Swansea Council l Cyngor Abertawe Contents Introduction 4 Narrative Report 5 Chief Finance Officer's Certificate and Statement of Responsibilities 14 for the Statement of Accounts Auditor's Report to the City and County of Swansea 15 Expenditure and Funding Analysis 18 Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement 20 Group Income and Expenditure Statement 21 Movement in Reserves Statement 23 Group Movement in Reserves Statement 26 Balance Sheet 28 Group Balance Sheet 30 Cash Flow Statement 32 Group Cash Flow Statement 33 Notes to the Accounts: 1. Accounting Policies 34 2. Accounting standards that have been issued but have not yet been 56 adopted 3. Critical judgements in applying accounting policies 57 4. Assumptions made about the future and other sources of estimation 58 uncertainty 5. Material items of income and expense 61 6a) Note to the Expenditure and Funding Analysis 61 6b) Segmental Income 64 7. Expenditure and Income Analysed by Nature 65 8. Adjustments Between Accounting Basis and Funding Basis Under 65 Regulations 9. Events After the Balance Sheet Date 69 10. Movements In Earmarked Reserves 70 11. Other Operating Expenditure 71 12. Financing and Investment Income and Expenditure 71 13. Taxation and Non Specific Grant Income 71 14. Property, Plant and Equipment 72 15. Heritage Assets 85 16. Investment Properties 86 17. Financial Instruments 90 18. Short Term Debtors 95 19. Cash and Cash Equivalents 95 20. Short Term Creditors 95 21. Provisions 96 22. Unusable Reserves 97 23. Cash Flow Statement - Operating Activities 101 24. Reconciliation of Liabilities arising from Financing Activities 102 25. Trading Operations 102 26. Members' Allowances 103 2 Contents 27. Officers’ Remuneration 104 28. Grant Income 113 29. Related Parties 114 30. Group Accounts 120 31. Capital Expenditure and Capital Financing 122 32. Termination Benefits 123 33. Pension Schemes Accounted For As Defined Contribution 123 Schemes 34. Defined Benefit Pension Schemes 124 35. Contingent Liabilities 132 36. Council Tax 135 37. National Non-Domestic Rates (NNDR) 136 38. Nature and extent of risks arising from Finanical Instruments 136 Housing Revenue Account Income and Expenditure Statement 141 Movement on the HRA Balance 142 Notes to the Housing Revenue Account: 1. Housing Stock 143 2. Capital expenditure 143 3. Depreciation charges and impairment 143 Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 144 Glossary of Terms 170 3 Introduction Swansea Council is located on the South Wales Coast and is one of twenty two current unitary local authorities providing local government services in Wales. The area of the Council includes the Gower peninsula, designated as Britain’s first area of outstanding natural beauty. Approximately 245,500 people live within the boundaries of the Council of which: - 42,000 are aged under 16 - 54,800 are of pensionable age - 22,000 are aged 75 years and over The County has a mixed agricultural and industrial economy. The City sits at the mouth of the River Tawe, from which its Welsh name, Abertawe, derives. This Statement of Accounts is one of a number of publications, which include the revenue and capital budgets, produced to comply with the law and designed to provide information about the Council's financial affairs. Copies of these accounts can be obtained from: Chief Finance Officer Swansea Council Guildhall Swansea SA1 4PE 4 Narrative Report The main elements of this Statement of Accounts comprise:- * The Expenditure and Funding Analysis which shows how annual expenditure is used and funded from resources by the Authority in comparison with those resources consumed or earned by the Authority in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices. It also shows how this expenditure is allocated for decision making purposes between the Council's directorates. * The Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement, which shows the income from, and spending on, Authority services for the year. It also shows how much money we get from the Welsh Government, business ratepayers and Council taxpayers together with the net deficit/surplus for the year. * The Movement in Reserves Statement which shows the movement in the year on the different reserves held by the Authority, analysed into ‘usable reserves’ (i.e. those that can be applied to fund expenditure or reduce local taxation) and other reserves. * The Balance Sheet, showing a snapshot of the Authority’s financial position at the 31st March 2019. * The Cash Flow Statement, which shows transactions for the year on a cash basis rather than on an accruals basis. * The notes to the accounts, incorporating the main accounting policies which show the basis on which we have prepared the accounts and the accounting principles the Authority has adopted. The notes also offer further analysis of items appearing in the main financial statements. * The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Income and Expenditure Statement, which shows income from, and spending on, Council housing for the year. This account is stated separately as required by statute although the overall results are incorporated into the Authority’s Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement. * The Group Accounts, which show the consolidated accounts of the Authority and its group companies. * The Certificate and Statement of Responsibilities of the Chief Finance Officer who is the responsible officer for the production of the statement. * The Annual Governance Statement, which gives an indication of the arrangements for and effectiveness of internal control procedures within the Authority. * The auditor’s opinion and certificate relating to the Statement of Accounts. 5 Narrative Report We incur two main types of expenditure – revenue expenditure and capital expenditure. Revenue expenditure covers spending on the day to day costs of our services such as staff salaries and wages, maintenance of buildings and general supplies and equipment. This expenditure is paid for by the income we receive from Council taxpayers, business ratepayers, the fees and charges made for certain services, and by the grants we receive from Government. Capital expenditure covers spending on assets such as roads, redevelopment and the major renovation of buildings. These assets will provide benefits to the community for several years and the expenditure is largely financed by borrowing, capital grants and the sale of fixed assets. Amounts borrowed for capital purposes are repaid in part each year as part of our revenue expenditure. Sources of borrowing utilised include the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) and capital markets. The PWLB is a Government agency which provides longer-term loans to local authorities. 6 Narrative Report Revenue spending in 2018/2019 £'m % Revenue support grant 239.9 30 Non domestic rates 79.1 10 Where our Council tax (including 115.9 15 money comes Reduction Scheme) from Other income (rents, fees 361.9 45 and charges, specific grants) 796.8 100 £'m % Employees 382.9 48 What we spend it Capital charges 35.7 4 on Running costs 347.2 44 Precepts/Levies 35.1 4 Reserve -4.1 0 transfers 796.8 100 £'m % Resources 148.8 19 People - Poverty & 20.4 3 Prevention People - Social Services 167.7 21 People - Education 236.3 30 Place 178.3 22 And the Housing Revenue Account 34.2 4 services it (HRA) provides Reserve transfers -4.1 0 Other 15.2 1 796.8 100 The reserve transfers of -£4.1m are the revenue reserve transfers in 2018/19 which include the General Fund, Housing Revenue Account and Earmarked Reserves. 7 Narrative Report Authority services The revenue outturn position of the Authority for 2018/19 resulted in an increase in expenditure on services of £2.267m compared to adjusted budget. In addition, the revenue outturn position reflects a further £3.511m of one off expenditure on an invest to save basis, that was partly met from the Authority's contingency and restructuring funds primarily to fund early retirement and voluntary redundancy costs as the Authority seeks to reduce its operating costs and adjust to reducing grant levels. The net overall overspend on Services reflects forecast and known pressures within both Social Services and Education budgets which have been partly reflected in 2019/20 budget proposals. Neither of these are sustainable in the longer term and ongoing review and action will follow. Other budget variations Other budget savings during the year arose from reductions in capital repayments and interest charges (£7.688m). The MRP (Minimum Revenue Provision) Policy was reviewed in year and Council approved a change in MRP Policy which helped lower Capital repayment charges in the short to medium-term. In line with the Council's agreed reserve policy, the whole capital financing underspend has been transferred to a Capital equalisation reserve. For all supported borrowing, including capital expenditure incurred before 1st April 2008, the charge to revenue will be over 40 years by the straight line method, which is commensurate with the average of existing asset useful economic lives. In essence this replaces the 4% reducing balance method with a 2.5% straight line method. This can be considered a more prudent approach than the current provision because it introduces a more certain period for eliminating the debt liability in full. Housing Revenue Account The Housing Revenue Account of the Authority is a ring fenced account dealing exclusively with income and expenditure arising from the Authority's housing stock. For 2018/19 there was a net decrease in HRA reserves at year end of £0.625m
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