Etn1960 Vol07 04

Etn1960 Vol07 04

\ "': . • RACK' !1 f\ NEWSLETTE\ I J.1., .- ); ::,·. :tf ·~·- l_ \ I ' 1 also K~wn as, • · 1R~tl{N\)tslET?ER _/ - ·- ~ (OFFICl,._LPUSLIC~ION OF iR~ "4\l't'SOf 1\-IE~Oln.t>, \lM1'4c.) ,___13_wi_~i....s~_e._~ ___~ __ i1_RA_O(_e._~"."'E_Lt>_t,t_e_w_s_. _90_801<__ a9_Ei_• _.\._os_~_~1bS __ ,_Cii_1_fo_rnia.;...•_~;;...;..._tnd __ ~;...•_·,_~_so...,."-=-'_'E_ct1_i\'o_~s----il ' Vol. 7, No. 4 Sept. 28, 1960 Semi -Monthly $6 per year by first class mail ~ Edited by Hal Bateman Page 25, 1 NEWS - MUNICH,. GERMANY, Sept. 17-18: Cullman _10.6; Steinbach 10. 6; Urbach 55.'2½"; I Blatt 3:47. 8; Pull 6'8f'; Molzberger 24'8¾"; Steinbach 24'6¾''; Klein 24'1"; Lauer 13. 7, 23•7"; Kaiser 47. 5; Rieder 246'2"; Salomon 230'11½"; ASV Cologne 40. _6. ' -~ __ COLOONE, GERMANY, Sept. 16: 100m, Hary 10, ',3; Seye (Francp) , 10. 5; Winder (US) 10. 5; Cullmann 10. 6; Mahlendorf 10. 6; G_arney (US) 10, 7. 200(half turn), Seye 20. 4; Carney "20. 8; Gerrrfa_r 20. 9; Wendelin 21. O; Winder 21. 2; 400, tie, 0~ Davis (US) and Kauf- _ mann 45. 7; Kinder 46. 2; Kaiser 46. 8; Waegli (Switzerland) 47.1. Race B: We.ngoboiiski 47 ..2. i}. 800, Schmidt 1:49. 8; Balke 1:49. 9; Stracke 1:50. 6~ 1500, Cunliffe (US) 3:48. O; Lehmann - 3:49. 7. 3000m, Truex (US) 8:03.6 (American recorc:l); Muller 8:18,4~ - llOHH, Lauer 13.8; Roudnitska (France) 14. 3, 400H, (US) 50, O; Jariz, 50. 4; Galliker (Switzerland) - 51. 9; Wagner 52.1. .fili_ Roberson (US) 25'9½"; Molzberg9r 21'3¾". PV, Bragg (US) 14'9"; Clark (US) 14'5¼". HT, Connolly (US) 208'2"; Hall (US) '201'3". JT, Sidlo (Poland) 256_'8"; Salomon 242'1", VJoinen's Events: 100m, Rudolph (US) 11. 6. 400R, U.S. national team 44. 8; German national team 45. 3. DT, 171 '2½''; Hausmann 16~'5"; Connolly (US) J.62'16", DORTMUND, GERMA~ Sept. 14: . l0Om, (Race A) Hary 10."3; Cu1lmcw1 lQ. 5';,Wen-,. delin 10. 6. (Race B) Winder (US) 10. 4; Schuttler 10. 5; Lauer 10. 5. 200, Winder 20. 9; Seye · - (F:rancet 21. 1; Wendelin 21. 2; Gern)ar 21. 2. 400, Kinder 46, 5; Kais 'er 47. 5; Ja~z 47. 8; Swa­ towski (Poland) ~17.8. 8QO, Adam , 1:49,3; Schmidt 1:49,3; Balke 1:50.4; Stracke 1:50.4; Lam- ~ t b rec ht (Belgium) 1: 50,6:-I500, -Missalla 3: 52. 6, 3000m, Mull~r 8: 17. 4;,-Flossbach 8: 17. 4. llOHH, Lauer 14. 2. 400R, German national team 39~ 9.1::!h Pull 6'6!". PV, Lehnertz 14~-1¼"; / ·' Clark (US) 14'1¼". JT, Sidlo (Poland) 262'11½"; Salomon 245'5", FRANKFURT ON MAIN, GERMANY, Sept. 13: 100m, .1 (Ra~e A) Lauer 10. 6; Wendelin - 10. ~6. (Race B) Hary 10. 6, HANOVER, GERMANY,'Sept. 18: 100m, (Race A) Hary 10,4; Gamper 10.6, \.(RaceB) Winder (US) 10, 5. 200, Winder 21, 4; Carney (US) 21. 6. ,400, , O. Davis (US) 47. 3, 800, Balke- 1:51. 9; Schmidt 1: 52, _0. 1000m, Waegli (Switzerland) 2:22. a (national record). 5000, Truex (US) 14: 06. 4. 4001-{, Janz 51, 0, PV, , Clark (US) 14' 3¼". - AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND, S~pt. 15: Kerr (BWI) 47. 7; O. Davi's (US) 47. 7n;) Robinson (Bahamas) 10, 5; Carney (US) 10. 5n; Cunliffe ,1 (US) 1: 5Q. l t May (US) 1~. 9; Gardner (BWI~ 14. 2n; Bragg {US) 14'8¾"; Koch 174'6½". Women's 100m, Rudolph (US) 11. 6. BRATISLAVA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Sept. 16: Nemee' 184'1½"; Skobla 59'3¾"; Nilsson (Sweden) 6'8i·". - ' HELSINKI, FINLAND, Sept. 16: Landstrom 14'9"; Salonen 3: 47. ,6; Dellinger _(US) 3:47. 6n; Vuorisalo 3:47. 9n; Kuisma 245'4"; Valkama 24'8"; Manninen 24'3¼"; ,Hoykinpuro \1 14:06,-4; Southern (US) 47.0; E. Young (US).47,·7n';-Thotnas (US) 7'½". · , STOCKHOLM, [;WEDEN, Sept. 16: 2QO,, G. Davis (lJS) 21.1. 400; Milkha Singh (In- ' dia) 46, 6. 800;' Kerr (B-WI)1:49, 4;, Knuts 1; 50. 2.' Mile, Waern 4: 03. 4; Hamarsland (Norway) I / -, •f 4: 04. 8. 11~ May (US) 14, 4; Gardner (BWI) 14. 6, 400H, G. Davis 51,_1; Trollsas 52. 4, · ,-, 3000SC, , Coleman (US) 8:43, O; Tjornebo 8:44. 2 (national record); tecte~by 8:44. 4, HJ, Bol­ shov (USSR) 6'8£"; Pettersson 6 1 6¾". HSJ, Goryayev (USSR) 52'2£"; I. Davis (US) 49'6'\ lL_ Rasmuss~m (Norway) 253''5_"; C_antcllo (US)' 248'3½"; F-redriksson 242'10½" ,' - - GOTEBORG, , SWEDEN, Sept. 18: 100m, Robinson (Bahamas) 10. 5, 2QO, G. Davis (US) 21, 2; Robinson 21. 3-, 400, Milkha Singh (India) 4G. 3; Kerr (B'WI)146. 6, 800,~ Kerr 1:49. O; - -- -'S< .• ·'. ·, - ,;; <,j, , r,'; ,, /" c~- \ '::":\ ' ·-+~.,·: ,,1/5•.\ ,· ''\,',, i.,-.• ___.; n ,C ,, I • '~-;._ t '- j J } r~ J {J ; ;_'._.·J ~. J.. I J I l I_ ( ,,7 ( · ·""' ~ i 1 1 . -~ • " ' z -Page 26 ' ,_,, , .// 'J, ' . 1 ··'(· Sept. 28, l.96,0· 11 Knuts 1:49~ a; Coleman (US) l:91. ,5. 1500, .Elliott (Aµst~alia) 3:3_8. 4; Waern ~.3: 38. 6 (national t~,. record); Thomas <AfstraliaY 3:50. 2. ll0HH, May (US) 13. 9; Gardner (BWI) 14. 1. 400H, G. ,, Davis i_(US) 50.1; Southern (US) 51 •.2; Trollsas 52,4, 3000SC, Tjorneb0 8:49.8; G. Y1oung (US) , "s:56, 0; Jones (US) 9: 08, o. ~ Pettersson 6'10¼". ].1_ Roberson (US) 25'7!''; Wahlander , 11 \ . , , _ .\ 24'4": · rsJ~I. Davis ' (US) 50 11¼ ; Tomlinson (Australia) ',19'8¾". ffi . Cantella (US) 254'7½fl: .· , Fred .ri sson 230'8½". • • - · , .' • , 1 1 , , WARSAW 127, LONDQN 71, ~Varsaw, · iSept. 17-18: 100m, ~adford (L) 10. 6; Roik ·~ " , (W) 10. ,6 200, Foik 20. 7; Radford 21, 3. 400, Kowalski (W) 46. 7; Wrighton (L); 47. o.~,800, , , Purkins (L) 1:52. 8; Makomaski (W) 1:52, 9. 1500, Haith (L) 3:46. 0;. Wiggs (L~ 3:46, 6; B8t_:can 1 "i.\ • ' (W) 3:~8. o. 5 7 000,, Jochman (YI) 14: ~o.8; Bogusiewicz (W) 14: 11. 4; Tullo4 (L) 14: 1~. 6. 400H, Krol , (W) 52. 7. 3000SC, Chromik (W) 8:•18,4; Shirley (L) 8:59. 8.~ Sobota (W) 6'6£'\ lllt_ Kropidlowski (W) 24'½". PV, Gronowski (W) g'l¼"; Krzenski (W) 14 1¼". ~SJ,Malcherczyk 1 , • '.1. ; . (]N) 52'8¼"; Jaskolski (W), 51 '8". SP Sosgorriik (W) 59'9¾''; Lindsay (L) 56 14 "; Kwi~tkows19- . · , ~ (W) 55''11¼". DT Begief '(W) 174 110½";! Piatkowskj, (W) 171~9½"; Lindsay 170'3". IT.z..Sidlo '- fvV)266'4"; Rr..ddiwono~vicz(W) 236'2½". HT, Rut (W) 217'1"; Cieply (W) 205'1". 400R, Warsaw \ I 1 J " 40. 3; ,London 40. 4. 1600R, ,Warsaw 3: 09. 8; London 3: l,0. 8. , 11' •. •·. TURKU, FINLAND,· Sept. 18: E. Young (US) 10, 7, 2·; Rekola 47. 7n; Salonen 1 4r. ,.: , 3:45.8; Vuorisalo 3:49.Sn; Dellinger (US) 8:04.4; Saloranta 8:07.Sn; Virtanen 8:49.2; Ka:r- 1 1 vonen 8:52,4n; Thofi1as (US) 6 10-f"; Lindroo.s ~75'3'._'; Alley ,(US) 236'10½"; Laine 236'2½". 1 k' ,J , 1 PRAGUE, CZECHOSL.OVAKU1: Skobla 59 8" (national record). 1 ~, , CARDIFF, WALES, Sept, 17: l0Oy, Antao (Kenya) 9. 4w. 220, Antao 21. 3; 'Gosper • 1 .) u (Australia) 21.8. 880, Elliott (Australia) 1:52.8; Blue (Australia) 1:52.9. Mile,Sullivan - , \, " (Rhodesia) 14: 06. 5. 3 Mile, Tabori (DP, Hungary) 13:49, o; El<;lon13:49, 6; Mayoro (Kenya) :i -,., .113: 53. 8. l~0HH, Chittick (AustrQ.lia) 14. 2; Okello (Uganda) .J4. 2. ' · . ' VIENNA, AUSTRIA, Sept. 17: Winder (US) 10, 6; Weber (Switzer'land) , 47. 7; Clark 1 0 (US) 14 5¼"; Lingnau (Germany) 55'9¼": Thun 214'11½ .. (national rec<i?rd); Hal~ (US) 206_'7½". ..... , ·, : ,-: · ODESSA, RUSSIA, Sept. 117: Brwncl 7'1¾" (exhibition). ' 1 0 1 WtJPPERTAL', GERtvIANY·, Sept, 20:' l00m~ (Race ,A) Winder (US) l(}..___4; Cullmann .• -~I 10. 5, (Race B) Lauer 10. 5. 200, Germar 21.1; O. Davis (US) 21. 2; C,arney (US) 21. 3. 400, l 1 Kaufmann 46.p; O. D~:v~s46 •.7. 800, .Adam 1:·51,0; Sc~m~dt 1:51,3, 1500,Cunliffe (US) 11 1 1 1 3:49. 4; 3:49. ,6. 5,,ooo, Trucx (US) 1•1:05. 12; Flbssbach '14: 09. o. 400Ht Janz 51. 0; , qushman (US} ~1.1. PV, Clark (US) 14'9½"; Lehnertz 14'8". 1!:.?_Salomon 237 ½".Women's , 1,; 1 Events: lO'0m, Rudolph (US) 11. 11. 400R, U. s. national team •16. 7• . SP, -B:r;own(US) 53 3f'. , MALMOE, SWEDEN, Sept. 20: 4;00, Y.'0dde;rburn (B\VI)46. Johnson (BWI) 47. 6; .. 1, ' - , - 1 9; - ,,,.. Pettersson 47.8, 800, Kerr (BWI) 1:49,2, Mile, Elliott .(Australia) 3:58.6; Waern 3:59.0; - ' ., Thomas (Australia) 4; 03, 4; Blue (A~stral~d) 4: 04. o. ll0HH, M4y (US) 14. 1. ·400H• G. Dayis 1 (US) 5p, 1iTrollsas 52. 4. 3000SC, Tjornebo 8;•18. 6. HJ, Pettersson 6'9¾"; Nilsson · 6'8¾". JT, Cantello (US) 245'9½"; Lag~rsson 240'6½". PV, Bragg (US) 14'9". , • : _ PRAGUE, CZECHOSLOVAK.IA, Sept. 20: 10,000, Roclants (Belgium)'1 29:19:~4;_Khuzin ,-r1 ,,',. (USSR) 29:3~. 8; _Suarez (Atgentinaf29:57.4. SP, Skobl9- ~8'7¾". · · . _ _ _ .· · ,,- FRANKF:URT, .GERMANY, Sept, .22: O. Davis ,(US) ·17.P;Roberson ,(US) 2,;1'4"; Kerr .

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